Some people's trusting
and serving their Creator is so they can anticipate
a quick physical reward here and now. Some people feed on "Boy, God is
sure with that individual. Look at all he has going for him":.1Timothy
to give if you don't have a dime. If
you care, share!
thought differently:.Philippians
3:14. We too should be trusting our Creator not for what we want to
will look after that in His own way and time:.Matthew
6:24-34; 2Corinthians 3:5;
4:19), but rather for what we are
to give to lift others up and that from a
giving heart:.Matthew
23:11; Luke 22:24-27; Galatians
6:2,8-10. Some give only after qualifying
the individual first.
Avoid being carefree, but
do be caring. Enjoy those carefree days when there is little if anything
to be concerned about. Be thankful for them.
We have things available
to know.(Colossians
if we don't listen we won't hear them. Test: Stop from your hurried life,
close your eyes for 5 seconds. While standing there to go out the door,
having lightly in mind what you were going out to do and see if your
Soul connection brings anything to your attention.
"Step out of your ego and
learn to 'see' with your heart. Caring
is the first and most important requirement to change."....Laura
Aboli, on Telegram.
Some people listen kindly
to a story of need. Then go on their way offering little effective help
or nothing at all.(James
2:16), when it is obvious they
have much ability to be of assistance and/or relief. "If
I really cared I wouldn't climb over your walls; I'd hang around until
you let me in the gate. I wouldn't unlock your secrets; I'd wait till you
handed me the key. If I really cared, I'd look you in the eyes when you
talk to me; I'd think about what you are saying, rather than what I'm going
to say next; I'd hear your feelings as well as your words."....unknown.(from
a paper that came to the door)
effect many are walking.(living).by
own commandments, their own standards.(Titus
not caring about loving others:.1John
Hebrews 2:1-3; Jude
1:18-21. It was the same in ancient times:.Isaiah
They are in fact living by
their ego, which is susceptible
to influence
by the collective consciousness. People
think it's them thinking, but in reality its the collective consciousness
playing its theme through them according to what thoughts an individual
may have had which triggered amplification
of them toward action.
It can be a destructive theme
in some way if one's thoughts are bent at the time toward that direction
and sooner or later, even though what is being considered may
appear as light and appear as something desirable,
it can end in despair.
In effect they maybe devouring
the poor and needy because of their
blindness. Their blindness covers their heart from the reality of the
effect the invisible world has upon them and others. Their blindness enables
them to feel secure in what they are thinking and this is their own righteousness
and is away from the true
righteousness. In effect they are
antiChrist and are asleep to that fact!
Many obviously feel comfortable
with their 'spirituality':.Psalms
36:2; Proverbs 12:15; 14:12;
this; see also 'Pride');
6:13 "You which rejoice in a thing of nought, which say Have we not
taken to us horns by our own strength?"
Have things really changed
since the Tower of Babel?
Along with everything else,
the facilities
for getting into trouble have been improved!
The Great
Infinite One tells us to come out from the way of the
4:4; 2Corinthians 6:14-18;
12:2; Ephesians 2:2; 5:11;
4:4; 1John 2:15; 5:19;
18:4), that we have been in mostly
by default, not dancing, drinking, smoking, partying and the like;
not, having a good time, not failing to enjoy nature and all
the creation that is good which is available for humanity; not, appreciating
the wondrous multiverse,
not hating your body that allows you to experience the world through the
+ 1 senses we are made with.(how
often when looking in your mirror, do you have a big smile for yourself
and tell yourself that you love you?),
but rather, getting away from the world
of low consciousness, if
one is willing. How?
And why? Would God bless you in the world God says to come out of? No.
Well, how then?
Also, if one is willing,
he or she will have the help to do so in choosing a
better parallel reality for themselves which also envelops all those
they love.
was sent by God.(Exodus
bring the ancient Israelites out of Egypt where they were under terrible
bondage for 430 years:.Genesis
15:13,14. And the help we have today to do so in our lives is because
of a gift God gave each of us. What
is that?
With that gift, that is spiritual,
you'll have to realize, that with others who are in varying degrees, of
a lower consciousness, that you just won't fit in well with them, unless
they are being awakened. They are on a different pathway at this time,
than those who are on an eternal pathway. They may sense no defect in your
character or they may just think you are weird:.1Peter
And so, how it was in the
time of Moses is much like today. Moses led the people out of Egyptian
bondage and following Christ today leads us out of this evil world's
ways of slavery:.Galatians
1:4 "Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us
from this present evil world..."
It's the world of the ordinary
consciousness of humanity, which has built the negatives we see afflicting.all
of humanity where we find hate,
guile, which
is deceit, where
we see the selfish calculating and manipulating.idiotic
and immature.ways
of the ego, the ways of those who are not connected to the
Soul through their spirit.(James
3:15), the ways that submerge the
real you, the spirit of you,
the ways of those who may think that you are a bit strange if you don't
fit in to what they expected you would be like:.2Corinthians
4:2; 1Peter 4:3,4.
Coming out of the world is
not losing feelings for it:.John
3:16,17; 11:35; Ezekiel
9:4; Luke 19:41-44; Matthew
23:37; John 18:36,37.
is the world so negative most times?
Coming out of the world is
coming away from ego consciousness,
which is a low consciousness
of varying degrees depending on each person's upbringing and thinking,
which has produced their present life to be at whatever level they are
good in an individual has to dispel
the bad."....Bruno
is Groening).
The only way to comprehend
those in a higher consciousness realm
is to be there yourself and get out of the world where 'important' things
in life include ego things:.2Corinthians
Because of meditation,
soon the ego realm,
to as Babylon
in the book of Revelation will be markedly.diminished,
until then completely gone. And this is happening
18th chapter. Be sure it happens in your own life. Time to move on
and away to a better life. We make our lives by our thoughts. Select good
These are the things that
world, the things that pervade
the vast majority of people steeped
within the mass mind
who know nothing else but their ego.(and
the Creator allowed it to be that way for awhile; why?).and
by it contributing their part
into the dark side of collective consciousness, reflected back
to us as the sad happenings of life. It's all for a lesson for us,
a lesson about our choices, be they good or bad or beyond bad and into
4:2. The inviolate
law of the multiverse is that all
have free choice. God wants none to be with Him, unless in their heart
they want to:.Jeremiah
We all have been on the side
of bad, but then came back to the good side.(*).
We had some sanity
about us.
learned things.
But some have been so enticed
by the bad side and dabbled
so many times, they have stepped further along the dark road and end up
into evil. And
then this sort of thing begins to consume them. They don't see that it's
a satanic trick to 'take them out', as
has for these.prominent
people today. Most of those taken out are not
even of humanity and you can tell this by what they do:.Matthew
7:16-20. Be alert, especially
for what authorities want you to do. The satanic ones are out to destroy
you as they have others.
The world is a likeness
of what is
of us on it. Each thought we have circulates in this so-called
collective consciousness, this mass mind or collective mind or collective
soul, etc. It's the same for all people including those
of humanity.
world is either in them or they are attracted to it, because if it
to an individual, it would be left alone by them:.2Corinthians
11:14. What is the world
in them? Once able to see the contrast.(*),
one is able to move away from any paths toward evil:.Revelation
mind of all humanity makes the world as it is that we function within
and you and I and everyone daily contributes into it and draws from it,
simply by being the way we are, which comes from our thoughts. We need
to learn to make choices that are in line with the golden rule.(Matthew
if we are ever going to progress spiritually into the golden age of the
of God.
7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves
by praying to
become like me by turning from their wicked ways, then will
I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin heal their land."
Harmful influences upon societies
are now being permanently
halted but it's up to each of us to ensure we learn from what is in our
minds that have allowed such harmful influences. Regarding this, it appears
to be our 'let the other guy look after it' attitude which has allowed
corruption to affect us all. And so we have had contaminated
politicians, lawyers, bankers, pharmaceutical / chemical assaults upon
society. Each of us just must get involved in those matters that affect
us all.
Trump, Putin and the Earth and non
terrestrial Alliances are cleaning out the cabal,
whose crimes are many, various and cruel, covering all aspects of society;
of them. But why for centuries did God not do something about it? It's
because a few in history did something about it that brought us to where
we are today with the cleanup of evil. God
never forces and never
overrides anyone. No askey. No getty.
So how many of us wrote down a complaint about the evil affecting us all
and then laid it at the throne of God by reading it to God with concern
that there be no more of it? Well, no wonder God did nothing. An individual's
non doing is tacit.compliance
with evil. God will not override the thinking of His creation as shown
by the mass consciousness.
The great Common
Law will be the law of the land. Learn about it and you'll see how
you can play a part, if not only by being a juror when called upon. Goodbye
TV. Hello life!
So be on
the qui vive with your thoughts, because negative
ones attract more of the same. How? Negative thoughts we have
a door for the dark side to further influence us, contributing to making
the world more evil than it already is by adding more of this into the
mass consciousness, wherein which is also whatever good man has thought.
So, a choice is always there on which way to go. That's why thinking good
brings other good thoughts and vice
versa. And this is very powerful. How
powerful is it?
This mass mind is what influences
us slanting us toward the bad, unless we take definite
direction otherwise.
Like a radio station you may be listening to, if you don't like what you
are hearing you can change the station. If you like what you are listening
to, you'll no doubt expose yourself more to it. Always be monitoring
yourself to ensure that you are on the creative path of higher consciousness.
"The world is in reality
organized as a
structure of manifested consciousness, the consciousness of the
supreme being, the Creator of the structure for consciousness that
is being filled with the mass consciousness. This is why it's so important
to change that consciousness through the
disciplines mentioned earlier, one of which was meditation."....Grigori
Humanity has made the collective
mind be what it is today by thoughts and ways. Look at the
world we have, a mishmash
of good and evil. How
evil is it? Look at what comes into daily life. How do you like it so far?
Some areas of the world have
more anger and violence and others do not to the same extent or not at
all. We allow or disallow thoughts to play through
our experience,
the good or the evil that characterizes
us in the area where we might live:.Matthew
There is nothing outside
of the collective mind of all humanity within which our individual expressions,
actions and words all play into and out of:.Matthew
There is nothing encountered
in the world 'out there' but what is in the collective mind, also
called mass mind,
into which we all input and from which we receive its output.(how?).
This is why things never
seem to really change in many persons lives, that is until they discover
higher reality.
People fail to see that nothing
is secondary to the consciousness of the Creator and when one is in this
the mass mind influence on him or her diminishes
in accordance with one's growth in higher consciousness thinking.
Their lives just continue
on reflecting what the majority of information in this mass mind database
out. The mass mind distributes all it can to whomever it can. It just depends
on what 'radio station' one may be tuned into - 'radio greed' and the
like, or 'radio service' and 'radio love' of the high
consciousness realm.
If most thoughts you have
cause you displeasure and resentment in some way, you know you have the
wrong radio station tuned in.
High consciousness 'radio'
is a two way street where one is on
the qui vive. Low consciousness 'radio' is a one way street where a
person is not as much on guard because he lacks knowledge of what to be
on guard for, therefore the frequencies that come in from the radio station
on the one way street may make him think he is in control of his
thoughts and thus his life, but really, they are just playing their tunes
through him as he day by day becomes what
thoughts are in this multiversal collective of all information, often
called the collective
consciousness and mass mind of humanity, the sum of all thoughts, all
information that ever there was. It's always broadcasting, so what do you
want to know?
Learn the higher
consciousness things and the world
changes. This is your part: Do good. The more responsibility you take
for what is wrong in your life and
the entire world, the more
power you have to fix it.
Either the world is a changeable
physics has proved; how does
this work?).and
the Infinite One exists or the world is real and the Infinite One doesn't
circumstances in the world become changeable? How
is it an illusion?
The mass
mind is that of the illusory world we have been thinking all along
is so real. That's because we are affected by the
pain and sufferings of living. That's because when we touch a table
we think it is 'real', we think it is solid. Using the frequency sensors
we came with makes the unreal world we experience daily come alive. This
is how this low level of learning is
up to appear., so we would have the experiences we can have on Earth,
that make life interesting. But the reality is not so. Everything is energy
in fluctuation,
of light beneath what we perceive
as 'real', blinking
on and off at thousands of times a second. It's that way so humans
would have things to aspireto
and in that aspirational
journey we would hopefully learn things of eternal importance.
The way out of illusion
is to move from belief in a separate
self, realizing instead that underneath it all, where true
reality exists, we are all one,
all members of one body of intelligent energy. The sooner we realize
this, the sooner we move from the idea of separateness which leads
to problems. A key
to get you there quickly.."The
world is his who can see through its pretensions.
See it to be a lie and you have already dealt it its mortal blow."....Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
illusions are ice, snow and steam. If we don't look deeper we see that
there is only ice, snow and steam. In many other ways we are oblivious
to true reality by physical illusion. We look at ourselves not seeing the
soul that animates
us, having by default.(allowing
our variable egos to automatically assign sensory perceptions to what is
which remain in effect unless canceled or overridden by the person reaching
into a higher consciousness; in other words, we're in the dark till we
see the light).lived
this way all our lives without question; never questioning why
it is that we have negatives
in our lives.
Emmanuel came for many
reasons, but one was to show there is a
better way to living than the
ego way of low consciousness which clouds daily living by seeing and
reacting to only the surface
physical things in front of us at the time.
Such things are those evils
focusing attention upon the self and not on the cares and concerns of others;
the desires and temptations we all come across to lead us deeper into the
realms of selfishness:.James
1:13. It's easier for one to be deceived if
he himself has willingly perpetrated
So how
to come out of this 'world'?
We all have experienced both
good and evil in our lives. It is so important to focus only on the good
when it comes to what is allowed to remain in the mind. This is because
the attitude
of mind programs the cells of the entire body. What
can you do?
No one wants evil to be
so entrenched within their cells, that they are literally overcome with
it. And many are. Brainwashed
to believe it's ok in war to harm the innocent, ok to make them victims
of your crimes, ok yeah, ok, for
There are also the self-brainwashed
in society who vibrate in ways that give one control opportunities over
others - pedophiles, sexual and physical abusers, greed opportunities in
finances, government, corporate, etc., all these and more, excite the senses
when one has not been taught how to reign in emotions that do harm, emotions
that will eventually lead them to this...
How many spiritual individuals
even know what the word guile means? When have you ever heard a preacher
talk about guile or even deceit for that matter? To
overcome guile, one must come to see just how it is working negatives
in one's life.
The Bible has much
to say about guile and deceit:.1Peter
14:5; 1Peter 3:10; 1Thessalonians
Psalms 32:2.
Emmanuel appreciated people
who were not crafty and deceitful, those wanting to hide their lives from
you by presenting an erroneous
39:6 "Surely every man walks in a vain show. Surely they are disquieted
in vain. He heaps up riches and knows not who will gather them." James
1:9-11 "Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted.
But the rich, in that he is made low, because as the flower of the grass
he shall pass away. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat,
but it withers the grass and the flower thereof falls and the grace of
the fashion of it perishes, so also shall the rich man fade away in his
ways. Proverbs 27:24 "For riches are not for
ever and does the crown endure to every generation?" Psalms
10:6 "He has said in his heart, I shall not be moved, for I shall never
be in adversity."
Sure prosperity comes
this way.
Some individuals prefer
living behind a veil of deceit, those who hesitate when it comes to being
open, those who prefer an air of mystery to openness, being transparent
and honest:.John
1:47-51. I mean, do you really want
to be around anyone who seems fearful of trusting you and hesitates
to be of open heart, seemingly content in a wayward
unloving selfish lifestyle and perhaps
making a God of the attainment of many sense desires.(Exodus
32:1), when.your.focus
is to serve others and get an eternal reward
for good actions? If they are not of open heart, do you think they could
be positively
affected by you in some way? Best to have an instant silent prayer for
them and move on:.Matthew
greed motivated individuals in corporate or government positions who
have acquired.surreptitious
ways to manipulate
rip offs, are proving that morally,
we are no different than the wicked, way back when:.Isaiah
1:1-7; Genesis 19:4,5.
They have little
idea of the high standard of honesty
and they care not for that way at all:.Jeremiah
17:11 "As the partridge sits on eggs and hatches them not, so he that
gets riches and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days
and at his end shall be a
I have personally known 'spiritual'
persons that carefully withhold the truth of their possessions in
money and lifestyle. Disguising
their ability to assist less fortunate persons with excuses for unresponsiveness
and clouding their heart with selfish
will make them a fool in the end:.Jeremiah
17:11; Proverbs 26:19; 2Timothy
They, in effect, are confessing
by their own code of inaction toward help, coupled with their
own comfortable and selfish brand of 'spirituality' for living their
lives, that they indeed are unbelievers, antiChrist
and of the chief of deceivers:.2John
1:7; Acts 13:10; Matthew
Some need to ask themselves
if they are really allowing the Infinite One's high standards to
work through them:.Philippians
2:13. Some treat others as if these others do not matter very much.
They see only light for themselves and not much hope for others:.John
you are relying on your preacher to wake you up.
breeds division. Insipid
spirituality involves the ways of cunning deceit. Such individuals have
yet to live in the reality of forgiveness received. By their actons they
attempt to
mingle a cursory
spiritual interest with opposites of His
holiness. They have never moved from an attitude apart from being selfish,
unkind, unmerciful, and unforgiving:
18:3-5. It is no wonder some end up as they do, always in the dark
to the real truth of spiritual living:.2Peter
2:17 "These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a
to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.(or,
more accurately from the original:."
whom the mist of darkness.{regarding
spiritual understanding} takes up residence
for as long as their selfish attitude is prevalent")."
3:17 "But the wisdom
that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be
it easy for others to come to you and to be around you),
room for selfish
ego games).of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.".Galatians
We are a nation of hypocrites,
constantly being lied to by those presenting themselves as 'all for our
best', when their heart is really a mixed up blend of care and greed, the
care part being focused on themselves. The 'strangers' in the land who
are not of the attitude of love, though they present themselves as so,
have gained authority over the somewhat better hearted people of nations
and hurt them; but who is responsible
for all that?
Why has this been allowed
by the Creator to occur?.Isaiah
10:5-7. What can be done about it now?.Acts
16:31. And after you do that, do
this, and learn love.
Try not to.(just
decide not to).be
like ancient
this scripture called 'house of Jacob' why?).or
like the ancient Pharisees in Christ's time:.Matthew
23:1-4,13-32; Isaiah 58:1-3.
Accepting Christ does get
one saved. Some, however, hold there in fear of making errors, effectively
placing themselves again into the
prison they just came out of.
a good place for sincere
people to be together and learn. It is also a havenfor
the frozen chosen,
the 'spiritually' constipated.(Matthew
the lukewarm:.Revelation
3:16. As a body all together, we need to reach
others, providing hope in all ways.
Emmanuel said:.Matthew
7:21-23; Luke 11:23. If you have
time read it from verse 12 to the
end of the chapter. 2Timothy 2:12
Matthew 25:44,45.
All people will give account
of their works of love toward others:.Matthew
Read more about this important subject:.Philippians
2:21; Philippians 1:29;