Spiritual individuals.(no
matter what 'faith' they may be of),
are supposed.to
be a light in all things to the world.(those
still in the ego realm):.Matthew
5:14-16. Come out of the world, as
mentioned earlier, so you can be a light to it. Coming out of 'the
world' is not allowing yourself to be programmed by what the world is.
The world is expressions at the ego
level of existence.
No one knows if an individual
would be happy if he had all the money he wanted. There just isn't that
much money! Ha ha!
But no, he or she wouldn't
be happy, as shown in the lives of these wealthy persons on page
3, at The Edgewater Beach Hotel, just after the book's Forward and
The concern here is how
does one get what he wants if it's good
for him or her and others? Ask for it:.Matthew
you want is yours."
Gröning group.
involves thinking of yesterday with no regrets
and tomorrow with no fear,
a decent job to provide necessities of life! And, having psychological
needs met.
Contentment expresses from
abundance, not abundance of material goods, but spiritual abundance; this
way there is always much
to give. Physical abundance comes with spiritual abundance:.Matthew
What's really important is
freedom. One is not free if he or she is hitched to a path of acquiring
luxuries and a grander lifestyle just for the sake of getting it for the
self. That's just a form of slavery:.Matthew
16:26; Proverbs 1:32.
Having a roof over your head,
food, something to cook on, something to sit on, a bed to sleep on, something
to learn from.(books,
Internet, educated friends), somewhere
or someone to wash clothes, a toilet, running water to sponge bath or shower,
someone you love and who loves you, these are all things all people should
have for the physical base of sustenance
which will provide the contentment
necessary while you pursue the real matter of living, the inward spiritual
consciousness ways:.1Timothy
6:8; Philippians 4:11-13.
Become content being in
the level of higher consciousness, for without contentment, lots of
money itself won't bring it. What
is guaranteed to when you learn, think and do its proper use?
13:5 "Let your conversation.(old
English for 'conduct').be
without covetousness and be content.(1Timothy
such things as you have, for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake
why you can be content right where you are. From your base of contentment
you can ask for those
things that enable you to live a
life of greater spiritual and physical opportunity. In other words,
to grow, fulfilling the reason why we are all
Through a decision to be
have free choice).one
can rise above the rank
and file low consciousness selfish and controlling living of those
that think of you as lower than
Come out of the thinking
of the so-called
'elite', the despicable
corrupt cabal
that has from their
the world through evil efforts.(John
the world down the death road.
Look for opportunities
to implement decisions
that provide good for self and others.
One is parenting. Here one
changes from self-centeredness
to Creator centeredness, from selfish concern to
concern for others:.Matthew
Spending time in meditation
is the starting point
toward the things
of a higher consciousness:.John
15:19 "If you were of the world, the world would love his own, but
because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world,
therefore the world hates you." John
17:14 ...they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.".1John
John 15:19.
Many are conditioned to place
their faith in the wisdom of men as they map out their lives for personal
comfort and security:.1Corinthians
2:5. You have a part in helping others make their lives worthwhile
as this contributes to your reward.
Due to selfishness, some
bypass the opportunities all around them to get for themselves a great
2:12 with Titus 1:16. Do not you
be one of those who are saying to God by how you live life: "Ex...cuuuussse
me Lord, while I set myself up in and with comfort upon comfort and look
after all the things of my concern on Earth here":.Luke
especially verse 26, where it says "and his own life also", talking of
hating {original for hate is 'loving less by comparison'; not realizing
that we are all one underneath
it all} our lives in comparison to what Christ is offering us).
Emmanuel goes on in verses
28-33 telling us to plan things, according to our ability, doing what
you can to get your reward. And on in verses
have a zest for the things He wants you to do to get the highest reward.in
the kingdom for yourself. After all, to put it mildly, you are going
to live there a lot longer than
you are going to live here:.Luke
1John 2:17.
I know people who have done
what is mentioned above and they are no more physically blessed yet in
this life for it than anyone else! again,.1Thessalonians
4:6. But they are laying up treasures in heaven.(Matthew
take seriously Revelation 9:20.
They live life with vigor.
This life at its best is
a poor carbon copy of the real living that occurs at the level
of high consciousness:.1Corinthians
13:12. See 'Rewarded'. Do not let yourself
be seduced
by selfishness: 1Timothy
1John 3:10,11,14.
The difference between the
of God.(John
duped by
dark side is, the people of God live their love for others.(meditation,
acts of kindness, etc.),
show their love for both Christians and non Christians: John
This is
light of the world:.John
If another is praying for
you, you'll experience a feeling of hope, lightness and you will sense
an encouraging, fresh hope. This is the connection with the
Soul, often called 'your soul', because of your
spirit's connection to your part of it and its opening of its treasures
to you.
Ever wonder why the 'blues'
just evaporate at times. Either that or God's grace has been directed toward
and non Christian alike), no doubt
from the angels
reporting back on what's been going on in your life of late.
Those motivated by the law
of love, Christians and whomever practices
love and helpfulness to others, are a light to the world that is immersed
with a veil of darkness
of mind. Doing good causes massive shifts toward good in the mostly,
still covered with darkness, mass
6:10. How important is it to Christ that we follow His words?.John
Some are content with just
believing. They are not on fire for God,
not on fire to help to do good:.Revelation
3:16-18; Hosea 6:4; 10:1.
Even a devil can be a believer:.James
2:19. But unlike the devils, Emmanuel went about doing good:.Acts
7:21-23 "Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the kingdom of heaven, but he that does
the will of my Father which
is in heaven.(which
is love). Many
will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
in your name? And in your name have cast out devils? And in your name
many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never
you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity.".Original
Greek for 'iniquity' is 'lawlessness'. What lawlessness? What laws are
we then breaking?.1John
4:21; 2John 1:5,6.
People do all kinds of works.
Some do them building a name for themselves, a better reputation. Those
today living from their ego promptings are no different that those of old
at the Tower of Babel. They
build churches, go
on TV, the radio, send out missionaries, visit each other.(Luke
the clique, spend money on travel
to support some church figure or see their church's beautiful main chapel
in some other city, etc., ad
nauseum. But if your works, the works of churches, governments and
corporations do not directly help those in need in
this world that
come across.(John
3:16,17), including your brothers
and sisters in Christ.(comprehend
Christ is)....., like hello, anybody
home in that heart?