Depression often
is a signal to slow down. Other signals include things
going wrong like 'stubbing your foot'.(Matthew
Luke 4:10,11; Psalms
91:9-12), accidentally cutting
yourself, minor accidents and the like.
If these things are on an
increase, you had better
listen. It is then time to downshift.(;
time to take a step back and off in another direction for a while:.Proverbs
When too much
is in your life your emotions become
your direction becomes confused and you alienate
yourself from others. To be balanced, learn to meditate
and pray.
Governments in arrogance.(forgetting
that they are to serve and carry out exactly the will of the people {if
it is later proved wrong after much education and consultation to determine
the correct way, then it can be reversed}).do
this all the time, seldom attempting to find out what the consensus
of citizens interested enough to participate is.
But man pursues headstrong
into whatever areas seem possible, threatening transgression of even the
laws of nature, which stubborn man has done with his
78:8. Time for reflection and/or change. Even a movie that moves you
and brings forth good emotions is refreshing. A time in the wilderness
is good. Even a walk alone helps. The Creator may want you to have a look
at something else out there. His angels do strange
things to get messages to us:.Psalms
91:11,12 "For he gives his angels charge
over you, to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their
hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone."
See 'God Always Warns'. But God never
gives up on man in bringing him to a better place in life, even though
man may have to go through some tough times to awaken him to that better
Consider also what other
things that may particularly
strike your mind as different. Not so much as warnings, but as guidance
toward change of thinking and life.
The Creator, thankfully,
often 'shows up' when we 'reach the bottom', as Elijah did:.1Kings
19:4-10. What depressed him? An evil
a position of power:.verses
And he felt that he was alone in it all:.verse
Listen to the still small voice
inside you. Christ is
in you.if
you believe He is because believing is the frequency of existence that
makes it so.
If you never saw the Sun
and only heavy clouds, you wouldn't believe that it was there if someone
told you. It's belief that opens the door.(Revelation
you only see what you subconsciously
want to see. Once you believe the Sun is there, you are then interested
in it.
Ever start considering a
certain car? You begin to see them everywhere. Where were they before?
Still there, still driving around, but hidden from your view because they
were not in your consciousness. They were in, shall we say, a parallel
universe. Start looking for a chic
yellow sweater and black skirt and you'll notice many women wearing them
that you never previously did.
But if depression is chronic,
you need to take control to break the cycle. Be alert enough not to get
down on yourself. As soon as a depressing thought comes that may get
you despondent
or even discouraged,
replace it with 'Christ is in me and I'm in Him' and then go and do
something; go about your business.
Ancient David wrote this
Psalm when he felt persecution was around all sides of him:.the
Emotion follows thought.
Watching your thoughts guards your heart:.Proverbs
4:23 "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out
of it are the issues of life.".If
you begin to accept as true all the concepts out there that are negative
and produce cancer, accidents, etc., you're inviting trouble. Good to know
from which source thoughts that come to mind are from:.1John
change life. Change
your own multiverse. Build your life with God's
guidance, not on opinions
of others who say the opinions of yet others who don't really care if their
opinions are correct or not, because they are out to subjugate
you, such as with the covid con and health
and knowledge of how money.(about
into being, etc. You can always tell this, when they present only one idea
that seems to fill
the bill, rejecting truths based on research that is commonsensible.
People accept what is rolling
around out there, such as, 'I guess we'll all end up with cancer and diabetes',
'I haven't had an accident in a while. I guess my number's coming up'.
Such garbage thoughts as
these take you onto the path of doom,
especially if you have an emotion over a thought which cements the thought
in the subconscious from where thoughts become things. So, it's not in
your best interest to harbor a sense of impending
doom. Thank the Creator that they never
come back exactly as we thought of them. And He knows
how to help you here.
Obviously if it works one
way, it works the other way. What we see, we sort
of become. If you see a bunch of negatives true for your friends and
are not presently minded to deal with them, you'll be accepting them as
true and what you accept as true becomes also true for you sometime as
you roll along the pathway of life.
One has a mind and can learn
to use it for his or her benefit or curse. You are the
choicemaker and can choose thoughts you want to be good for you and
your life. Choose them!
emotion is a conscious
feeling, a feeling that is in your mind
at the present because of thoughts that evoked
that feeling.
Emotions arise from thoughts
important to you, whether
good or bad, that is, whether or not the thoughts will produce good or
negative things in your life and in lives of others. When you think of
when you were a little kid being outside playing in the garden with the
brother or sister that you love, making memories of closeness with each
other, these thoughts bring up the good emotion of a deep love that you
can feel in your stomach.
Likewise with emotions that
arise when you think of a bad dispute
you had with someone. Feelings are evoked
which direct attention to the state of mind you may presently be in; something
for you to deal with. How?
And Dr. Murphy's advice
helps here.
You just have to decide
exert effort,
to be vigilant,
to be on the qui
vive, guarding your heart
and the hearts of your children at all times, for out of the heart comes
the issues of life:.Proverbs
4:23. Feeling sorry for self is accepting discouragement
by allowing thoughts against the self. Such deficiencies
upset and prevent
a balanced outlook on life:.2Peter
tells us:.Philippians
4:8; 1Corinthians 9:24-27.
And from the Old Testament:.Proverbs
25:28. Guard hearts precious
to you by watching your thoughts and those
of your children.
Watch emotions.
Do not allow emotions to take you out
of a good job, relationship, etc., by getting upset or despondent.
this person, it's difficult to make a decision for the better when
you may not be at your best. If you are not finding joy
in your job, find another. God moves us on in different ways. Use Ask Suby
to help you.
Keep your life in perspective;
a job is just so that you can provide physical
necessities so you can progress spiritually into the real world:.1Timothy
Realize a criterion
for hiring today has been a product of an inept
educational system.(*).where
a person is often hired based on what they may know, instead of what can
they do, what their potential may be and how
can they acquire
and apply knowledge yet to be learnt.
Many employers realize this idiocy
and are paying less and less attention to what someone has been able to
remember in order to pass an exam and get some sort of a certificate.
Getting the job:
One of the most important things in getting a job as reported by human
resource people in a ten year study was, they looked for applicant ability
to converse intelligently
on a wide range of subjects. This would show that they have good people
skills, can engage in various subjects of conversation and would easily
be able to get along with different personalities.
Stay in the present in your
mind. Forget about what they may think of you. Forget about what you
may think of you, especially your past rejections and fears of the
future. Remember the Creator only can do for you what He can do through
you. Why?
Most losing out on interactions
of life lack people skills, so they slink
into obscurity. Parents perhaps never taught interactions with others by
example. They perhaps didn't take the kids with them when the parents were
interacting with adults.
To guard emotions one must
learn to guard thoughts because
emotion follows thought and thought gains its
of wholeness, its undividedness, from feelings.
All is one, just different
frequency functioning. The body, the mind, emotions, feelings, spirit,
soul; all is of one underlying intelligent energy that is amenable
to modification by attitude. Be
sure your attitude is one of positivity because a
negative one will eat you out of life.
Feelings are the impressions
one gets from his emotions when
he is alert to what is going on. Where
do feelings come from?
When out to get a job, consider
the people, before accepting what they may be offering, if you want to
work with them at
all at this time. Consider those you meet who don't smile from their
heart. That doesn't portend
well for your future with them.
When one is alert to what
is happening, he has overstanding, that is, is able to look as if from
above, what is going on. Overstanding provides information. Understanding
implies inability to handle, or a being under what is affecting you. It's
a word obviously designed by minds 'a few bricks short of a full load'
or by dupers.."Look
at the World, what should be done in it, look at your everyday affairs,
see your feelings, look at them. Look, how your feelings are connected
with the events. Why are you looking forward, why do you feel, why do your
affairs go in such a way but not another? Why can the words 'another way'
not be present in the World, since the World is single and it is various
in its singularity? Why does the word 'single' mean variety? Feel the entire
nature of phenomena
in your specific case. Look at this case from all sides. Look at your organism
and restore it with one mental moment. Look at your consciousness and make
it able to solve all your issues. Look at your soul and see that everything
has been available there for a long time."....Grigori
Information modifies according
to whether it is accepted.(belief).or
Modification is change. Change in the Bible is called repentance.
One may want prosperity.
That is the thought. But how does he make it happen? How does he bring
the thought into formation? The thought is in the invisible. It's in his
mind. He may think from all he may know at this time that has been put
there by ego level thinking and
so he may think that he should get a better job, or worse, go out and steal
what he wants. But once he knows he has the option of higher
consciousness ways, he understands how thoughts
become things that cause no ill to anyone:.Romans
"Every time you have an
emotion or thought neuro-peptides.(neuro
is 'nerve').are
made in the brain, these chemical changes become attached to cells throughout
the body. The processs can't be found, yet all we say and do comes out
of it." ...Deepak Chopra.
Point is, where your thought
goes, a molecule goes. Your thoughts
create molecules that influence your body.
If the question is "How
can it be done?" realize the Creator is in you to the extent you allow
His spiritual influence to act through you. What
is then impossible? Act from this and do what you do in life the best
you can and you will be brought to greater opportunities. "Men
are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve
themselves. They therefore remain bound."....James
Allen, essayist.(1864-1912).
Mentally refer to your vision
occasionally during the day. You do not go into anyplace in life unless
the emotion associated with it is part of you. You are where you are today
because of the emotions you have agreed with as being true for you. Choose
work that helps you grow younger, where time flies. Choose you passion.
soul will lead you then to it.
Satisfaction comes from doing
what you want to do. Do you know what you want to do in life? What do you
have strong desires about? What are you good at? That is a starting point.
The Infinite Mind knows all and will easily guide you if you ask for guidance.
Use the ASK SUBY link at the bottom.
In all you do keep your vision
firmly in mind. If you feel it, others will feel it too! And this encourages
them without a spoken word about you knowing your heading in life. Possess
the quiet assurance that you are wealthy in all areas of life. This conveys
to all whom you may meet that you are advancing. This makes you a magnet
because all progressively
minded people desire wealth in some area of their lives. In some way provide
increase to others. People are attracted to that which provides increase
to them, that which increases the value they perceive
in some way.
Make your own decisions
in life, but doing it without running your ideas past others who.may
have good advice for you is completely foolish:.Proverbs
11:14 " the multitude of counselors there is safety.".This
is one of the things
to keep you from more trouble in life. Some people unable to learn from
the experiences of others have to find out themselves:.Hebrews
5:14. This can waste much time and usually comes with its share of
heartaches, such as it did for NHL legend Derk
and for a king of ancient Israel:.1Kings
But you do have to take anyone's
advice into careful consideration:.2Chronicles
22:3,4 "...his mother was his
counsellor to do wickedly. Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the Lord
like the house of Ahab, for they were his counsellors after the death of
his father to his destruction."
Smart employers know that
a willing attitude to learn, coupled with people skills, are far more valuable
than brilliant technical knowledge in the head of a jerk,
because without people
skills the atmosphere of a group can be wrecked.
Make a decision to love a
a decision to develop fervent passion
for it. Learn all you can about it. Consider an attitude such as David
Balam has.
This may require a decision
to change and become different from our normal self-centered and perhaps,
and unforgiving selves:.Ephesians
4:24 "And that you put on the new man, which after.('in
line with').God
is created in righteousness and true holiness.(or,
holiness of truth)."
Young's Literal Translation.has
it:."And to put
on the new man, which, according to God was created in righteousness and
kindness of the truth.(the
truth is of kindness, love).".This
new man can only be created
in righteousness.
Before taking a contract,
changing jobs or moving, get away alone and think. Consider what this Ph.D..candidate
came up with:."If
I didn't find a job in my chosen field and ultimately became a postman,
then this would be perfectly fine because I would do that work with a loving
and joyful heart. That is what counts for me and not the money and fame
from any other activity I would do without love. Having this short conversation
with myself allowed all the stress and pressure for success to fall away
and pulled me back to my centre again."....Melbourne,
Also write down the pros
and cons.(what's
good about where you are, what isn't and likewise where you are thinking
of moving on to).on
a piece of paper. Make decisions upon what you know, not upon what you
temporarily may be feeling, however a persistent feeling should not be
ignored. If entering into a contract, changing employers,
etc., allows you to better serve others, like providing for the family
better, serving others more effectively, etc., then it's a good bet:.Matthew
23:11; Luke 22:26. Check AskSuby
for more insight.
If it just adds more to
the self, such as money, glory, position, etc., better leave it. Ask yourself
you want this opportunity.
Every job has problems and
every person if not what you may have hoped for, so choose a career or
a mate with what type of problems you enjoy solving.
If a job, find out what the
problems of the job are, to see if you really are willing to tackle them.
But if you keep hitting a brick wall every way you turn, then there are
many coincidences and the Creator is directing you somewhere for your
Trust Him!
Many things can become traps
to the negative:.Proverbs
17:24 "Wisdom is before him that has understanding, but the eyes of
a fool are in the ends of the Earth.(or,
"the grass always seems greener on the other side"; always looking beyond
that is often a trick!
Sometimes it is better to
improve, becoming better qualified within what job you may now have. There
is a key to improving...
By serving others, you will
see what areas they may be weak in that require help. Get yourself right
with God in order to effectively serve in helping others. How
get right with God?
"You've got to serve somebody."....Bob
Most of what matters in life
is that in all you do be
sure it helps in some way physical and/or spiritual and causes no disadvantage,
no pain, no suffering, no
negative in any way to another and/or others; even
to your enemies:.Proverbs
16:7. Learn the golden rule.
Then the best help.(prayer
and/or physical assistance).can
be tailored once you have knowledge of their weaknesses. And, as an added
benefit; you cannot be deceived by anyone towards whom you have their
best interests at heart. Love gives you spiritual
insight and guidance from the Creator.
4:8 "Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest.(the
word 'honest' in the original Greek),
just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue and praise,.think.on
these things."
One must be alert: Paul says
Colossians 1:21 that the 'painful
Greek for 'wicked
works', as it is translated in the
KJV of the Holy Bible).of
mind alienates one from God. No, the Creator is always
right there with you. It is just that you always need to be right there
with Him. How?