3:8 says that he who commits sin is of the devil. I have Christ's nature.(love).in
me, but I still sin; like everyone else. How can I then be."of
the devil"?
John is saying that if you
are into sin, you are into law.(not
4. That is because sin is breaking the law and there is no more law
to break unless one is still blinded to the truth in Christ by his belief
that there still is a law extant
necessary to measure one's performance that God would notice and he is
saying that if you are into a law allowing it to regulate your performance,
you will miss the mark.(original
meaning for 'sin'), you cannot see
the purpose of it all, as you will not see past this performance law and
grace until you believe in Emmanuel the Christ:.2Corinthians
The law
of Moses was the performance law, now
done away. The law of love is the law of the multiverse and always
will be.
He is saying that if you
feel that you are sinning, you obviously believe that there is some standard
that you must be transgressing;
3:5 is saying that Christ came to take away sin.(no
in the original).and
that in Him is no sin; only in the law:.Romans
3:20. It is a knowledge thing.(what
you know in your mind).and
have accepted as true, because sin is not imputed
where there is no law.(Romans
Mosaic Law was abolished.
Unfortunately, some churches
still mix the Old Testament abolished laws with New Testament grace, producing
an admixture
creating confusion.
You have all things that
pertain unto Godliness through the knowledge of Him.(that
is in you):.2Peter
1:3. How can you be less than perfect if
you actively.(that
is, are allowing spiritual things to affect you for good).believe
in Him?
that commits sin".in
3:8 is a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; tense
and mood
is participle.
The phrase."of
the devil".refers
to who is behind the deceiving of all humanity, mostly
with the pumping of your negative thinking to take you a step further
down and the influencing of the
mass consciousness of humanity.
1:9 says to abide in the doctrine of Christ, yet in Hebrews
6:1 it says to move from it. Duh?
Hebrews 6:1 is talking of
leaving the beginnings.of
your birth in Christ as a babe. Always
consider the context
when a questionable scripture is encountered.
There are levels of those
in Christ as John shows here, where in his epistle.(means
'letter'), he addresses
'little children', 'young men' and 'fathers':.1John
2:12-14. 1Corinthians
13:11 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child,
I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things."
Once the basics of spiritual
growth has produced its fruit and a person has matured spiritually, he
or she moves down the spiritual road further and so we have the 'little
children', the 'young men' and the 'fathers'. For example, it would be
to tell a little child, spiritually speaking, to go into a trance.
The far more spiritually advanced apostle Paul
did. How does one
become 'more spiritually advanced?
Little children, both physically
and/or spiritually, can have a lighter, but just as effective for them,
form of meditation, such as a five minute walking meditation.
The original Greek word for."doctrine".here
means 'teachings'. So, what did He teach? What He taught is all throughout
the New Testament, for example, He taught about two great commandments:.Matthew
John is
saying in 2John 1:9 that we need to be studying and learning about
Christ and that if someone is going the other way from that, away from
the spiritual growth path and not interested or no longer interested in
the higher consciousness things of spiritual growth, then he's not on the
spiritual road of love and when this is the case, then he's just not of
God at this time and who knows, maybe
for all time.
The Creator
is love and those not of love are not of the Creator's high consciousness
pathway. John is showing what to look for in relationships with others:.1John
4:6 "We are of God. He that knows God hears us. He that is not of God
hears not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.".1John
in the Book of Hebrews
in Hebrews 6:1, is saying to move
into a deeper study and to move on from the things you once heard about,
even the good things that brought you to where you now are. They were useful
in your spiritual growth to bring you to where you now are, but now, move
on to what will take you further:.Ephesians
4:13 "Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge
of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature
of the fulness of Christ."
1:10,11 Am I comprehending
this correctly when these verses say not to be friendly to those who bring
a message alternate
from true spirituality as I think it is?
True, some flog
a message unfounded
by the true gospel, the true message
of the Creator, the knowledge of love. Though
their message may be presented as concern for your welfare, often an ulterior.motive.lurks,
that of money.
-What does having both the
Father and the Son mean in this scripture and what about the Holy Spirit?
Did the true God need a Son?
No. Did He want a son? Yes. How many?.Hebrews
2:10. When you have both the Father and the Son you have completeness;
the Father being the intelligent energy,
Silence, the Son being the creator, the
Word and
of all:.Ephesians
3:9 "...God, who created all things by
Emmanuel the Christ.(the
one called the Word became Emmanuel,
whom after his resurrection was the Christ).".2Corinthians
5:18 "And all things are of God, who has reconciled
us to himself by Emmanuel the Christ...".Why?
Hebrews 2:10 again.
And what
about the Holy Spirit?
6:2 Were these sons of God angels?
It was after this
wickedness became rampant
upon the Earth:.Genesis
6:5. And we all know who's behind all wickedness, the devil
and the demons.
of God".(where
did these dudes
come from?).as
described in the Old Testament means angels.(Job
of which, the devil is also
one. The Creator-Father instructs angels to act as
if it were He. In the New Testament."sons
of God".mostly
refers to those
to God.
Some think that angels are
sexless, but they are able to appear as humans with bones, covered with
19:1,2,5,8,10,11; Hebrews 13:2.
Sex organs too. These male
forms of angels.(Genesis
impregnate and cohabit for awhile.(Mark
women. One can see why this would have been wicked; no relationship to
care for each other and to have and nurture.(nourish,
upbringing; promote the development of).children,
only a long enough 'relationship' to produce progeny.
And these angels were some
of the Gods, high ranking beings, some of love and some of selfishness.
Without a relationship, there
is greater chance of a child becoming wayward, growing up to be one of
the slaves in the system, one of the 'worker bees'. This is not then a
relationship built upon love. Is that why the wickedness rose to such heights
back then? The evil angels, the 'Elohim'.(Genesis
1:1 notes).took
to themselves as it states in Genesis 6:2, that which the righteous
never would.
Why would
the Creator deprive His angelic realm of that which was good? The evil
angels, which are devils, aka.demons,
used it wrongly, but the good angels would not and neither would humans
higher consciousness thinking.
6:4 What were the."giants".on
the Earth back then?