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exhilarate, exhilarated, exhilarating.transitive verbs
to be and make cheerful; enliven; excite; refresh; stimulate (ancient David was exhilarated over something, but others disdained him for it:.2Samuel 6:14-23)
the state of being stimulated, refreshed or elated

Genetics: a nucleotide-sequence in DNA that carries the code for the final messenger RNA-molecule and thus defines the amino acid-sequence during protein-synthesis

expiate, expiated, expiating, expiates.verbs
to extinguish the guilt.incurred; to make amends for (permission to expiate their offences) 
intransitive verb senses.to make expiation
one who expiates
the act of expiating; atonement; a means of expiating or atoning expiatory.adjective

fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication or ambiguity; leaving no question as to meaning or intent (explicit instructions); clearly defined; fully developed or formulated (an explicit plan) (an explicit notion of our objective); unambiguous in expression (was very explicit on how we are to behave); open in the depiction of nudity or sexuality (explicit books and films)
explicit implies such verbal plainness and distinctness that there is no need for inference and no room for difficulty in understanding (explicit instructions) compare-implicit
synonyms.definite, express, specific
definite stresses precise, clear statement or arrangement that leaves no doubt or indecision (the law is definite in such cases) 
express implies both explicitness and direct and positive utterance (her express wishes) 
specific mean perfectly clear in meaning; applies to what is precisely and fully treated in detail or particular (two specific criticisms)

exploit, exploited, exploiting, exploits.transitive verb
to make unethical use of for one's own advantage or profit; to turn something selfishly or unfairly to one's own account
an individual who exploits; to exploit
exploit also means an act remarkable for brilliance or daring; bold deed; an act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one; a feat; to employ to the greatest possible advantage (exploit one's talents); to make use of selfishly or unethically (a country that exploited peasant labor); manipulate; to advertise; promote
exploitable, exploitive.adjectives

exponent, exponential.adjectives
a mathematical rule for a step-by-step procedure (an algorithm) showing how many times a figure is to be multiplied by itself and applied recursively, e.g. b3 = b x b x b; 10 to the power of 3 is 1000, that is, 10x10x10=1000, written (103)
one that expounds or interprets; one that speaks for, represents, or advocates (no longer an exponent of free trade); in mathematics, a number or symbol, as 3 in (x + y)3, placed to the right of and above another number, symbol or expression, denoting the power to which that number, symbol or expression is to be raised; in this sense, also called power
expository; explanatory

exposit.transitive verb
to state; set forth one's reasons; expound; add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning
a setting forth of meaning or intent; a statement or rhetorical.discourse.intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material; to expound
a person that sets forth or explains
expositive, expository.adjectives

discuss, examine
intransitive verb senses.to reason earnestly with a person for purposes of dissuasion or remonstrance
an act or an instance of expostulating; see postulate

expurgate, expurgated, expurgating, expurgates.transitive verbs
to cleanse; to remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material from (a book, for example) 
expurgation, expurgator.nouns

carefully done or elaborately made; very beautiful or lovely, especially in a delicate or carefully wrought way
one who is excessively.fastidious in dress, manners or taste

to be in existence; standing out or above; to stand out; currently or actually existing; not destroyed or lost; if something is extant, it is still in existence, in spite of being very old (two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant)

extenuate, extenuates, extenuating, extenuated.transitive verbs
to lessen the seriousness of by providing partial excuses; palliate
extenuation, extenuator.nouns

exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness (exorbitant taxation; exorbitant cost of licences); excessive
excessiveness, as of price or amount; behavior or an action that exceeds what is right or proper.according to the general.opinion of people

extort, extorted, extorting, extorts.transitive verbs
to obtain from another by coercion or intimidation
synonyms.educe; force

the act or an instance of extorting; illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds or patronage; an excessive or exorbitant charge; something extorted

entice, enticed, enticing, entices.transitive verbs
to attract by arousing.curiosity, interest, hope or desire; lure.(the promise of higher pay enticed me into the new job; the devil has his tricks, one being enticements to evil, which suck people in unless they have been taught early in life how to avoid being captured and led to evil)

the study of how to hijack the human genome for evil purposes of the cabal, while putting forth the lie of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding and by genetic modification (those in the Nazi party, using it to advance their agenda of a master race, which was a satanic trick on them toward eventual elimination of all humanity; no one and nothing at all can improve on the perfection the everliving true God built into the things created by Him)
an advocate of or a specialist in eugenics

not forming an essential or inherent part of a thing; extraneous; originating from the outside; external

a distinguishing.mark such as a banner or sign such as a flag flown on a ship to show what country the ship belongs to; a national flag displayed on ships and aircraft, often with a special insignia; an ensign is also a junior officer in the United States Navy; a badge of office or authority, as heraldicarms; a sign, token.or.emblem (the dove is an ensign of peace)

directed away from a central organ or section; carrying impulses from the central nervous system to an effector; compare afferent
an efferent organ or body part, such as a blood vessel

a muscle, a gland or an organ capable of responding to a stimulus, especially a nerve impulse; a nerve ending that carries impulses to a muscle, a gland or an organ and activates muscle contraction or glandular secretion

evaporate, evaporated, evaporating, evaporates.verb
transitive verb use.to convert or change into a vapor (water evaporates into the vapor that forms the clouds); to draw moisture from, as by heating, leaving only the dry solid portion
intransitive verb use.to change into vapor; to produce vapor; to disappear; vanish (our fears at last evaporated when we saw our beloved cat in the distance)
evaporation, evaporativity, evaporator.nouns

entitle, entitled, entitling, entitles.transitive verbs
to give a name or title to; to furnish with a right or claim to something (the coupon entitles the bearer to a 25 percent savings); every man, woman and child is entitled to equal protection under the law

envisage, envisaged, envisaging, envisages.transitive verbs
to conceive an image or a picture of, especially as a future possibility (envisaged a world at peace); to consider or regard in a certain way

something that is episodic occurs at irregular and infrequent.intervals (episodic headaches; episodic injuries, also called chronic); something that is episodic happens from time to time and then stops for a while, rather than happening all the time; relating to or resembling an episode; composed of a series of episodes (an episodic novel requiring 3 books to tell the full story); limited to the duration of an episode; temporary
an incident or event that is part of a progression or a larger sequence; one of a series of related events in the course of a continuous account; an occurrence; a portion of a narrative that relates an event or a series of connected events and forms a coherent story in itself; an incident (an episode in the life of all of us is when we have children); from 1678 A.D..Greek 'epeisodion' and from neuter of 'epeisodios' meaning 'a coming in besides', from 'epi-' + 'eisodios' meaning 'a coming in' and from 'eis' meaning 'into' which is akin to Greek 'en' meaning 'in' + 'hodos' meaning 'road' and 'journey'