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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  N o t e s  p a g e  2 b

The monumental task now underway to categorize.the human genome will cover only 3%.(less 10%).of available DNA..(good thing they're not tackling the salamander's DNA)

Most of the DNA we have.(some 97%).is incapable of formatting information to enable protein manufacture after analysis. No one but Creator-God knew what it's for till now, but we do know that it doesn't code for genes as the other 3% does and for sure, it was engineered into the system for some reason. Although it doesn't do the work, it supervises it: Emile Zuckerkandl, Institute of Molecular Sciences in Palo Alto, California believes this 97%.'junk' DNA serves a function, although it doesn't encode.RNA or proteins and says."Those who believe that there is a great deal of junk in genomes have perhaps not considered that nature is a super Picasso"..Isaiah 44:24;.45:5,6.

DNA codes in the first instance, are instructions for making proteins. Evolution fails in showing how proteins were put into the right places to begin with. Evolution fails in every tenet of it that is examined, unless of course, one is talking about evolution of man made objects such as evolution of the buckboard to a bicycle and on to a motorcycle, etc.

Evolution misses so much it is obscene for it to be categorized as a theory. For example, evolution, because it concentrates on the physical, lacks accounting for such things of the spirit, the attitude, such things as love and the lack of it we call hate.

Information theory explains how codes basically work. Encoded messages in cells are independent of the physical medium used to store and transmit them. And so it is with DNA. We don't know where the DNA.('junk' (the 97% of it they don't overstand and the 3% they are categorizing).gets its programming from, if we leave the Creator out of the picture.

Man is programmed to be man. How does this programming of humans know exactly the right time to turn on or off things regarding human development? There is nothing physical to account for it. We do know when things are occurring, but what sets off the initiation and regulates what then happens?
    Hmmm 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)!
