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sensitive mental or esthetic.perception; a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense; tact implies delicate and considerate perception of what is appropriate
possessing or exhibiting tact; considerate and discreet
synonym.savoir faire
skill and grace in dealing with others
lacking or exhibiting a lack of tact; bluntly.inconsiderate or indiscreet; indelicate

a distinguishing.quality or point of note.as of personal character (the highlight of her character was not just that she was smiling but the genuine happiness that accompanied it); trait is a single, clearly delineated.characteristic, as of a person or group of people; one trait of Scottish people is they usually have oatmeal every morning); a peculiarity; an acquired.(learned).characteristic; a genetically.determined (born with) characteristic or condition

the tenets of a theory or belief are the main principles on which it is based (non-violence and patience are the central tenets of beliefs based upon love; she tenaciously.adheres to the tenets of higher consciousness; the Pharisees of Emmanuel's time rigorously.adhered to the tenets of the ancient.Mosaic Law as they had modified them {*}); a principle, opinion, belief or doctrine.generally held to be substantive and true

to pass at death from one body or being to another 

a temporary dwelling place; one's home; words tabernacle and temple are synonymous; the word is used often in the Bible

a state of profound.abstraction or absorption (the apostle Paul often went into what's called trances); a meditative state; a somnolent state
trance like.adjective
detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation, daydreaming or meditating; a semiconscious.state, as between sleeping and waking; a daze
trance, tranced, trancing, trances.transitive verbs
to put into a trance; to entrance

keen, sharp; vigorously effective and articulate; sharply perceptive; caustic

the drift of something spoken or written; the tenor of something is the general meaning or mood that it expresses; purport; a continuous, unwavering.course (your itinerary has the tenor of a grueling trip, what with so many overnight stops in different cities); tendency; the course of thought or argument running through something written or spoken; the general sense; a continuance in a course, movement or activity; habitual.condition; character
Music:.the highest natural adult male voice

thus, thusly.adverbs-(either is correct, but 'thus' is regarded as being language proper; 'thusly' regarded as little more than slang); in this or that manner or way; to this degree or extent; because of this or that; hence; consequently; as an example

an amount obtained by addition; a sum; a whole.quantity; an entirety
of, relating.to.or.constituting the whole; entire; complete; utter; absolute (total concentration on her new research; a total effort; he totaled his vehicle and his life by his unrestrained lifestyle 1, 2)
total, totaled.or.totalled, totaling.or.totalling, totals.verbs
transitive verb use.to determine the total of; add up
intransitive verb use.to add up; amount (it totals to three dollars)
the quality or state of being total (appalled by the totality of the destruction done by man since his beginning); an aggregate amount; a sum
entirely; wholly; completely

a practitioner or supporter of such a government
   An arrogant 'me right', 'listen to me or else' dictatorial approach used to maintain subjugation of others to the will of a few; of, relating.to, being or imposing a form of government akin to those having created communism and Nazism, etc. in which corrupt political authorities, such as in history many have been and others exist widely throughout governments today and who exercise by control in the form of harsh policies enforced by creating fear (wars, vaccines, threats) and by poisonings, aiming for absolute and centralized control (no rights, only privileges for the few which can be taken away at whim) over virtually all aspects of lives of men, women, boys and girls, where in this political climate, individuals have little or no effective input regarding policies regulating them negatively to their health, economic and/or financial hurt and, society is formed by the low consciousness self-serving ideals of those few individuals maintaining power through oppression and designing society with advantage for the designers; the word 'totalitarian' did not exist before the 20th century, the older word for the worst possible form of government being 'tyranny', a word Aristotle defined as, the rule of one individual or of a small group of people, called the cabal, in their own interests and according to their will. Today we know they are satanic.
   Totalitarianism was unknown to Aristotle, because it is a form of government that only became possible after the emergence of modern science and technology.
   The old word 'science' comes from a Latin word meaning 'to know'. The new word 'technology' comes from a Greek word meaning 'to make'.
   Totalitarianism is a form of government that reaches farther than tyranny and attempts to control the totality of things; 'It's all our' say the criminals who regard We the People as lower than insects.
   The outcrop of totalitarianisn today is a social score. If you don't act or think in their 'politically correct' way, things happen to you, such as, you lose the ability to travel, for instance or you lose your job, income, etc. Welcome to the covid con.
   Totalitarian principles by these unprincipled would-be world controllers, is all with no thanks to the esoteric thinking of crackpot David Friedrich Strauss 1808-1874, perpetuated today by the psychopaths and sociopaths including Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, et al.
   In this process subversive government actions are aimed at subordinating a populace to the effect where opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed.
   "A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul."....Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
   Marxism, Leninism, Communism, Democrat, Liberal, all different labels for satanism in its alterative form as supplied by shadow (hidden somewhat behind the scenes) capitalistic governments and nefarious.associations are, nonetheless totalitarian.
   "Communism, Marxism, Leninism is the revolutionary materialistic ideology used by its adherents to justify their efforts by any and all means for the forcible establishment of a worldwide totalitarian social order."....J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director 48 years.

Examples in history of some satanic totalitarian rulers include, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mussolini and Stalin, the 13 bloodlines of Cain.aka the Phoenician families, then the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, et al:.Luke 13:2-4.

Picture here is a memorial remembering the estimated 10 million Ukrainians who died in 2 years due to a genocide of forced starvation by the satanic despot Stalin. There are so many others, even today, such as those controlling the mainstream media, medical systems, pharmaceutical drugs, chemical and others, to keep truth from you. Yeah! It's that big! But never big enough to not be removed.
   There is only 1 way.to permanently and peacefully change the tyranny of totalitarianism.

tamper, tampered, tampering, tampers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to interfere in a harmful.manner (tried to tamper with the will of the decedent; tampering with the timing mechanism of the safe); to tinker with rashly or foolishly (don't tamper with my feelings); to engage in improper or secret.dealings, as in an effort to influence (tamper with a jury)
transitive verb use.to alter improperly
tamperer noun,.plural.tamperers

tinker, tinkered, tinkering, tinkers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to fiddle (tinkered with the genetic encoding in hopes of making improvements; tinkered with the engine, hoping to discover the trouble); if you tinker with something, you make some small changes to it in an attempt to improve it (if it ain't broke, don't fix it), repair it or turn it into something else you may want (tampered with the economy by trying various fiscal.policies
transitive verb use.to mend as a tinker; to manipulate.unskillfully or experimentally; to work as a tinker; to make unskilled or experimental efforts at repair ot alteration
traveling mender of metal household utensils; one who enjoys experimenting with and repairing machine parts; a clumsy repairer or worker; a meddler
an unskilled person who tries to fix or mend; a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts

a special ability in an endeavor (a talent for art, mechanics, learning, etc.) 
synonyms.gift, aptitude, faculty, knack
'gift' suggests a special ability bestowed upon one and not acquired through effort 
'aptitude' implies a natural inclination for a particular work
'faculty' implies an ability that is either inherent or acquired, as well as a ready ease in its exercise 
'knack' implies an acquired faculty for doing something cleverly and skillfully 
talented, talentless.adjectives

to amount to as much; having equal force, value effect, etc.; equivalent 

to hinder, obstruct, frustrate or defeat one's person, plans or wishes; to foil
thwart, thwarted, thwarting, thwarts.transitive verbs
to prevent the occurrence, realization or attainment of (plans for a totalitarian country have thankfully been thwarted); to oppose and defeat the efforts, plans or ambitions of; frustrate
Nautical:.a seat across a boat on which a rower may sit
thwart, thwartly.adverbs

free from commotion or disturbance; free from anxiety, tension or restlessness; composed; steady; even (a tranquil flame)
the quality or state of being tranquil; serenity; the state of being free from emotional disturbance or agitation; calm, serene, placid; even; steady
tranquilize, tranquilized, tranquilizing, tranquilizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to make tranquil; pacify; to sedate or relieve of anxiety or tension by the administration of a drug (doctors sometimes prescribe drugs for conditions that could be alleviated by safer herbal remedies)
intransitive verb use.to become tranquil; relax; to have a calming or soothing effect

unacknowledged acceptance; silent acquiescence; tacit approval is 'given' to something or approving of something without actually saying so or even knowing that you have done so, example, you grow up tacitly accepting what society hands you and what would some of these things be?; in other words, if you don't do anything against evil, it's the same as if you were as bad as those who do evil:.Ecclesiastes 8:11; tacit is that which is carried on without words or speech; not expressed or declared openly, but implied; tacit is to be silent, not asking pertinent questions about what's in front of you; a doing nothing which provides acceptance by silent acquiescence (example); if you refer to 'tacit agreement' it means 'with approval' (one with a slave mentality approves of negatives others inflict on him by not questioning and by not doing anything to stop it, example of the children stolen for trafficking and those who knew about it didn't even pray about it or use the power of envisioning to change it, did you? Neither did I; never knew about this stuff until I became awakened to what's really gone on)

almost always silent; not liking to talk; reticent

tergiversate, tergiversated, tergiversating, tergiversates.intransitive verbs
to use evasions or ambiguities; to equivocate; to change sides (politicians are cunning at making you think they are in agreement with you:.Proverbs 23:7); apostatize

timid, timider, timidest.adjectives
lacking self confidence; shy; fearful and hesitant.(problems that call for bold, not timid, responses)

full of apprehensiveness; timid

used to refer to the one designated, implied, mentioned or understood (what kind of soup is that?); used to refer to the one, thing or type specified as follows (the relics found were those of an earlier time); used to refer to the event, action or time just mentioned (after that, he became a happier person); used to emphasize the idea of a previously expressed word or phrase (he was fed up and that to a great degree); the one, kind or thing; something (she followed the calling of that she loved)
those.used to indicate an unspecified number of people (these are those who wanted to join); used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause, especially a restrictive clause (the car that has the flat tire); in, on, by or with which (each summer that the concerts are performed); according to what; insofar as (He never knew her, that I know of)
that, plural.those.adjective
being the one singled out, implied or understood (that place; those mountains); being the one further removed or less obvious (yhat route is shorter than this one)
to such an extent or degree (is your problem that complicated?); to a high degree; very (didn't take what he said that seriously)
used to introduce a noun clause that is usually the subject or object of a verb or a predicate.nominative (that a smile warms hearts is undeniable); used to introduce a subordinate clause stating a result, wish, purpose, reason or cause (she hoped that he would arrive on time; he was saddened that she felt so little for him); used to introduce an anticipated subordinate clause following the expletive.'it' occurring as subject of the verb ('it' is true that dental work is expensive); used to introduce a subordinate clause modifying an adverb or adverbial expression (will go anywhere that they are welcome); used to introduce a subordinate clause that is joined to an adjective or noun as a complement (was sure 'that' she was right; the belief 'that' rates will soon remain steady); used to introduce an elliptical exclamation of desire (oh, that I were rich!)
Usage Note: When is it correct to use 'that' and when should you use 'which'? The general rule is that, when introducing clauses that define or identify something (these being known as restrictive relative clauses), it is acceptable to use either 'that' or 'which' (example, a book which aims to simplify scientific language or a book that aims to simplify scientific language. However, 'which', but never 'that', should be used to introduce clauses giving additional information and these are called non-restrictive relative clauses (example, the book 'which' costs 15 dollars has sold a million copies, not, the book 'that' costs 15 dollars has sold a million copies. ...from Random House Webster's Dictionary
at that.idiom
in addition; besides (lived in one room and a small room at that); regardless of what has been said or implied (a long shot, but she just might win at that)
that is.idiom
to explain more clearly; in other words (on the first floor, that is, the floor at street level)
Usage note: The standard rule is that 'that' should be used only to introduce a restrictive (or 'defining') relative clause, which serves to identify the entity being talked about; in this use it should never be preceded by a comma. Thus, we say 'The house that Jack built has been torn down', where the clause 'that Jack built' tells which house was torn down or 'I am looking for a book that is easy to read', where 'that is easy to read' tells what kind of book is desired. Only 'which' is to be used with nonrestrictive (or 'nondefining') clauses, which give additional information about an entity that has already been identified in the context; in this use 'which' is always preceded by a comma. Thus, we say 'The students in Chemistry 10 have been complaining about the textbook, which (not 'that') is hard to follow'. The clause 'which is hard to follow' does not indicate which text is being complained about; even if it were omitted, we would know that the phrase 'the textbook' refers to the text in Chemistry 10. The use of that in nonrestrictive clauses like this, though once common in writing and still frequent in speech, is best avoided in formal style.
   Some grammarians have argued that symmetry requires that 'which' should be used only in nonrestrictive clauses, as 'that' is to be used only in restrictive clauses. Thus, they suggest that we should avoid sentences such as 'I need a book which will tell me all about city gardening', where the clause 'which will tell me all about city gardening' indicates which sort of book is needed. Such use of 'which' is useful where two or more relative clauses are joined by 'and' or 'or', as in 'It is a philosophy in which the common man may find solace and which many have found reason to praise'. Which is also preferred to introduce a restrictive relative clause when the preceding phrase itself contains a 'that', as in 'I can only give you that which I don't need' (not 'that I don't need') or 'We want to assign only that book which will be most helpful' (preferred to 'that book that will be most helpful').
   That may be omitted in a relative clause when the subject of the clause is different from the referent of the phrase preceding the clause. Thus, we may say either 'the book that I was reading' or 'the book I was reading', where the subject of the clause 'I' is not the referent of the phrase the book. Omission of 'that' in these cases has sometimes been described as incorrect, but the practice is extremely common and has ample precedent in reputable writing. There have also been occasional objections to the omission of 'that' in its use to introduce a subordinate clause, as in 'I think we should try again'. But this usage is entirely idiomatic and is in fact favored with some of the verb phrases that can introduce such clauses. See more Usage notes.

Treaty of Washington
an agreement signed in Washington, D.C. on May 8, 1871 by the United States and Great Britain that provided for both countries to submit their disputes to arbitration (Tribunal of Arbitration), stipulated that Britain would pay $37,500,000 as direct indemnity (compensation for damage), pay for shipping sunk as decided by an Admiralty Court in New York City, grant to the United States perpetual rights to navigate the the St. Lawrence River through Quebec and provided for boundary agreements re the Lake of the Woods and Point Roberts, B.C.

If Canada was really a confederation and became a nation in 1867, Britain couldn't have then agreed to this, as it would have been out of her realm. Canada's myth of confederation in 1867 is still taught by those ignorant of the facts and Canada still celebrates its 'birthday' every July 1st, erroneously calculating its age dating back to 1867. Ha! She's not even born yet!

Canada, not having any say of her own in affairs affecting her, could say little of any impact as the US and Britain put any concerns by Canadians on the back burner by means of this Treaty of Washington, allowing equal navigation of the St. Lawrence River where it traverses the Province of Quebec; relinquishing the territories of the Lake of the Woods, Point Roberts and the San Juan Islands.(northwestern Washington, at the entrance to Puget Sound. The islands lie to the east of Vancouver Island, B.C.).and granting equal rights for ten years to the fisheries. This could not have happened had Canada been a country on her own, as she would not have been responsible for the things that occurred that the US was demanding reparation from Britain for..(this occurred 4 years after Canada'a supposed confederation on July 1, 1867; the belief that Canada has confederated is contrary to fact, proving some past to present government administrations in Canada continue to feed us fiction)

One major point at issue was an American demand that Britain pay reparations for Union ships destroyed during the American Civil War by Confederate raiders built and equipped in England (see Alabama Claims in an encyclopedia). Also at issue was the San Juan Boundary Dispute involving rival claims by the two nations to the San Juan islands at the north end of Puget Sound. The islands could have belonged to either country because of faulty wording in the treaty that settled the Northwest Boundary Dispute in 1846. Both points were eventually settled in favor of the U.S. The treaty also provided for a commission to settle the North Atlantic fishing dispute; as a result both countries exchanged various fishing, navigational and customs privileges in North America..Comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
