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said or done on purpose; deliberate; voluntary; obstinately;.bent on having one's own way; unruly

one's will is what he wants; it is the mental.process by which one deliberately.chooses or decides upon a course of action; volition; exercising one's will; determination; self-control; self-discipline (lacked the will to do his homework; lacked the will to make himself do those things that he didn't want to do, but knew they should be done); bearing or attitude toward others; disposition (full of good will); a declaration of how a person wishes his or her possessions to be disposed of after death (he took a couple of hours to think and write out a will); a legal document containing this declaration

will, willed, willing, wills.verbs
transitive verb use.to decide on; choose; to yearn for; desire; determine; to grant in a document called a will; bequeath
intransitive verb use.to exercise the will in making a choice; to choose
won't is a contraction of 'will not', meaning the short form of 'will not'
free will.noun,.plural.free wills
the ability or discretion to choose; free choice (chose to remain in the country, rather than live in a city; God gave us free choice); free will is that people have a choice in what they do and that their actions have not been decided in advance by someone having laid down.policies to abide by, which are inimical to the best interests of all to be affected thereby, as would be the case in a totalitarian.society where self-determination is suppressed; if you do something of your own free will, you do it by your own choice and not because you are forced to do it; the power to make free choices that are devoid of constrainments by external.circumstances and within God given guidelines, such as.Romans 13:10.and.Matthew 22:36-40 (the golden rule)
at will.idiom
just as or when one wishes (the party goes from noon to 6 pm, so just come at will)

of or relating to exercise of the will; volitional; disposed or inclined; prepared (I am willing to put effort into getting well educated); acting or ready to act gladly; eagerly.compliant ("...The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak"....Matthew 26:41); done, given, accepted or borne voluntarily or ungrudgingly
willingness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

will.auxiliary verb
past tense of would, used to indicate futurity likelihood, certainty and willingness (they will appear later; they will regret this; will you help me with this package?); used to indicate intention (I'll go too if I'm done here in time); used to indicate customary or habitual action (people will talk); used to indicate capacity or ability (this metal will not crack under heavy pressure); used to indicate probability or expectation (that will be the messenger ringing); see also word shall
transitive and intransitive use.to wish; desire (sit here if you will); shall

will, wills
a will is a document in which you declare what you want to happen to your money and property when you die
to grant in a will; bequeath

would.auxiliary verb
past tense of will
used after a statement of desire, request or advice (I wish you would stay; used to make a polite request (would you go with me?); used to indicate uncertainty (it would seem to be getting warmer)

withered; wizen
wizen, wizened, wizening, wizens.verbs
intransitive verb use.to dry up; wither or shrivel
transitive verb use.to cause to wither, shrivel or dry up
shriveled or dried up; withered (when the wet season is over in many countries, rivers become wizened as the Sun heats up)

if you call someone a wannabe, you are saying in an unkind way that they are trying very hard to be like someone else or some group of people (impressionable children wannabe like movie stars they see)

to be in want of something is to lack that thing; the condition or quality of lacking something usual or necessary (stayed home when it rained for want of anything better to go out to do); pressing need; destitution (lives in want)
want, wanted, wanting, wants.verbs
transitive verb use.to desire greatly; wish for (they want to leave); to be without; lack (we found them wanting of character; the animals were wanting of food; children and their families in many place are in dire want); to be in need of; require; to request the presence or assistance of (the nurse was wanted in the emergency area); to seek with intent to capture (the fugitive is wanted by the police); to have a desire for; to have an inclination toward; like (say what you want, but be tactful)
intransitive verb use.to have need (wants for nothing); to be destitute or needy; to be disposed; wish (call me daily if you want)
want in.phrasal verb
to desire greatly to enter (the dog wants in); to wish to join a project, business or other undertaking
want out.phrasal verb
to desire greatly to leave (the cat wants out); to wish to leave a project, a business or other undertaking
wanter, wantlessness.nouns
Usage note: When 'want' is followed immediately by an infinitive construction, it does not take 'for' (I want you to go {not, 'I want for you'). When 'want' and the infinitive are separated in the sentence, however, 'for' is used (What I want is for you to go. I want very much for you to go) See Usage Note at wish. See more Usage notes.

in addition; besides; despite that; nevertheless; therewith

attentive to details of appearance; meticulously neat; carefully tended or curried (a well-groomed horse); trim and tidy (a well-groomed lawn)

method or manner of doing things in a way that brings no offense to the doer or the receiver:.Romans 13:10; concerning; way; attending to (for conscience wise, we should be honest; although she was poor, character wise she had great class; in.no wise.was he going anywhere in life with an attitude.such as that; in any wise she made the grade, in all probability because she learns fast; it's wise to ask some questions before going for a vaccination and research anything having to do with your body)
wise, wiser, wisest.adjectives
having wisdom or discernment for what is true, right or lasting; sagacious (a wise mother); exhibiting.commonsense; prudent (a wise decision)
wiseness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)
wise up.phrasal verb
to make or become aware, informed or sophisticated
if you have wisdom you see what results are possible due to one's thoughts and/or actions; if you talk about the wisdom of a particular.decision or action, you are talking about how sensible it is (it wasn't wise for the newbie to risk losing her job by correcting those who knew better because of their long time experience)

a strip, as of leather or other material, stitched into a shoe between the sole and the upper; a tape or covered cord sewn into a seam as reinforcement or trimming; welting; a ridge or bump on the skin caused by a lash or blow or sometimes by an allergic reaction; a lash or blow producing such a mark
welt, welted, welting, welts.transitive verbs
to reinforce or trim with a welt or welting; to beat severely; flog; to raise welts or a welt on

withstand, withstood, withstanding, withstands.verbs
transitive verb use.to oppose with force or resolution; to be successful in resisting; oppose
intransitive verb use.to resist or endure successfully

wail, wailed, wailing, wails.verbs
intransitive verb use.to grieve or protest loudly and bitterly; lament; cry; to make a prolonged, high-pitched sound suggestive of a cry (the wind wailed through the trees; the wail of a coyote in the forest)
transitive verb use.to lament over; bewail
a long, loud, high-pitched cry, as of grief or pain; a long, loud, high-pitched sound (the wail of a siren); a howl

wield, wielded, wielding, wields.transitive verbs
to handle a weapon or tool, for example with skill and ease; to exercise authority or influence, for example, effectively; handle

the least bit; an iota; you say 'not a whit' or 'not one whit' to emphasize that something is not the case at all (he wasn't a whit sorry for what he'd done; put some mustard on the sandwiches, but just a whit); least bit, little bit, speck, dab, drop, dash, pinch, smidgen

a facing or paneling, usually of wood, applied to the walls of a room; the lower part of an interior wall when finished in a material different from that of the upper part
wainscot, wainscoted, wainscoting, wainscots.transitive verbs
to line or panel a room or wall with wainscoting

used as a function word to indicate accompanying detail or condition (they went shopping with each other; please cut the celery with this knife)

in or into the inner part; inside; inside the mind, heart or soul; inwardly
in the inner part or parts of; inside the limits or extent of in time or distance (arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home; lived within her income)
an inner position, place or area

on the outside (she built a sturdy structure within and without); with something absent or lacking (built it without nails, instead using screws)
not having; lacking (a family without a car); not accompanied by; in the absence of (volunteered without hesitation; spoke without thinking); at, on, to.or.toward the outside or exterior of (standing without the door); if something is without charge, you don't have to pay for it; you use the word 'without' to indicate that someone or something does not have or use the thing mentioned (I go without a beard because I want others to see my face; she wore a yellow shirt pressed without a wrinkle); from Middle English 'withoute' and from Old English 'withutan' meaning 'from without'
without questioning.adverb
in every detail (Samson believed her story hook, line and sinker:.Judges 14:17
without reasoning.adverb
in an irrational.manner

shedding.tears; tearful; dropping rain (weeping clouds); having slender, drooping branches (a Weeping Willow tree)
weep, wept, weeping, weeps.verbs
intransitive verb use.to shed.tears as an expression of emotion (weep tears over the loss of her pet); to express grief.or anguish for; lament (wept over the sad state of poverty in the world)
transitive verb use.to express emotion, such as grief or sadness, by shedding tears; cry; to mourn or grieve; to emit or run with drops of liquid (a sore that weeps)