"The next time you
visit your doctor,
your doctor is done telling you how safe vaccines are, ask him this question
with the 9 magic words.(from
vactruth.com): "If this vaccine injures
my child, who is responsible?"
doctor will likely blush, get angry with you or avoid the question altogether.
What the doctor will avoid telling you is that vaccines are unavoidably
unsafe! This means that even if vaccines are handled and given properly,
some children will die or will be hurt.
"The reality—and the answer
to the question—is this:.You
responsible if your child is injured!
Vaccines dictate to you what goes on in your body. That's totalitarianism
and takes us back to the criminals Mussolini
and Hitler. Dictating 'what goes into your body' violates all things freedom
means and violates the highest law there is. That's Common
Law based on God's principles as also reflected in the Nuremberg
"The National Child Vaccine
Injury Act of 1986
the manufacturer from liability for
that is, if one has been convinced that vaccines are safe, which they
are not and allows the poisons in them to be injected into the body).adverse
side effects as long as the vaccine is properly prepared and accompanied
by the proper directions and warnings..(14)"
they properly prepared? No. Have they ever been properly tested? No.
Do you know what proper testing is? If not, why would you risk your child's
life in agreeing to being injected with any
vaccine? Why would vaccine manufacturers be concerned when they are
scott free of any unhealthy repercussions for using their products?
"The Vaccine Injury Compensation
your doctor from any liability if a vaccine injures your
They are putting at risk,
whoever they can vax.
"Conclusion: If you decide
to vaccinate your child, you do so at your own risk..Don't
be a lazy intellectual
loafer by going carelessly
ahead with something proven highly risky.
"Your doctor can tell you
vaccines are perfectly safe and
your child will be 'protected', but the ones who are really protected
are the doctors and the vaccine companies:.Job
13:4 "But you are forgers of lies, you are all physicians of no value."
Ask if the vaccine contains
any M2C5 a dangerous ingredient; look it up. Ask if the PCR test contains
sodium azite, a strong poison. Ask why they don't ask you to spit in a
vial, they could use that. Don't allow them to ram the stick up your nose.
It can reach the brain base rupturing its delicate film and placing poison
into the brain. Realize, they know this. That's why it's done. Duh!
Truly, they are out to hurt, maim and kill you.
Ask if there's a guarantee
that no iatrogenic
reaction will occur. Remind the doctor of his hypocratic
oath, if he or she even cares.
See the vaccine
ingredients. And look at the vaccine schedule.(type
into a search engine).and
how much is going to be injected into your child.
You wouldn't mix mercury,
aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate and formaldehyde.(and
depending on the vaccination, there are many
other dangerous and hidden ingredients added that will shock you).with
what they say are viruses.(by
what they tell you, it shows they don't know what the hell a virus
is or perhaps they do and hide this from you, leading you down the road
of belief that a virus could infect you, which it cannot, so what
has science shown is actually a virus?).and
then get a syringe and inject it into your child. That's child endangerment
and abuse. Some people, obviously not the bright ones, allow their doctors
to do it.
By dismissing the reasonable
concerns of parents the trust of those who are being asked to take the
More questions to ask your
-I'm struggling to make intelligent
and informed decisions to protect my child's health, so I have some questions.
When I have all the facts from both sides I can then make an intelligent
decision. I will proceed on the basis of consent based upon full disclosure
of pertinent
...What is the incidence
of all these diseases my child is being vaccinated against? Could I see
the reports please?
...What nanoparticles
are in vaccines and why are they there?
...Doctor, how are vaccines
safe and effective when they do not protect against all strains of a so-called.virus,
thus allowing for the creation of new more virulent and heretofore unknown
health anomalies due to the fact of non-targeted virus strains?
...What tests have you available
for me to see that have proved efficacy?
...What do the vaccine monographs
which are included with every vaccine, say about the ingredients in vaccines
and which ones are the most dangerous?
...Doctor, do you have a
list of the ingredients added, which are in such minute amounts that
they are not required to be listed?
...What vaccine or vaccines
are you wanting my child to have and what are the ingredients in each and
me see the research on effects of combining vaccines and/or ingredients?
...Doctor, does the vaccine
in question contain any animal cells, detergents, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde,
gelatin, mercury and any more problematic adjuvants
such as aluminum, AS03, MF59 and squalene and if the serious problem with
latex and rubber stoppers used in the vials has been addressed and how?
For example,
DTP, a common vaccine given to most newborns, is produced using formaldehyde,
aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, polysorbate 80 and gelatin. In
some cases, thimerosal.(mercury
in the form of sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate).still
is used, as in the flu shot.
Aluminum is eliminated from
the body primarily through the kidneys. Infant kidney function.(glomerular
filtration rate).is
low at birth and does not reach full capacity until one to two years of
age. ...Simmer, K. Aluminium in Infancy. In: Zatta PF, Alfrey AC. (Eds)
Aluminium Toxicity in Infants' Health and Disease. 1997, World Scientific
...Doctor, do vaccines override
the normal immune system and why is this necessary to do before one's immune
system is fully formed and if after that, if they child has been healthy,
why not let the stronger natural immune system handle the health of a male
or female as has been done for thousands of years?
...Doctor, why are vaccinations
given to those with strong and developing immune systems? Doctor, where
are the test results showing the immune system is not compromised
when a vaccine is administered?
...Doctor, do you have vaccine
test results for me to see that were done both by the manufacturers and
also by independent reputable laboratories, both getting completely
safe results? Vaccine effectiveness is one thing, safety of them
however, is the main concern. What doctor is effectiveness if it
causes harm? A blow torch is effective in ridding the skin of bacteria
that may be harmful, but it destroys the skin.
Vaccines vary
in efficacy and many who have been vaccinated still contract the disease;
therefore, vaccines do not necessarily protect against disability and death
from disease. In addition, vaccines have been documented to cause certain
disabilities, even death. Doctor, do you think it is worth risking this
on my child whom I will have to look after, perhaps for a lifetime, if
he is seriously affected?
There are no
true double-blind, placebo
controlled studies used in vaccine research. Why doctor, would these have
been avoided? New vaccines are compared against another vaccine with a
'known side effect profile'. Therefore 'control group' is given a 'placebo'
that is really another vaccine and not a saline, sterile water or
no vaccine at all. Not at all honest and these comparisons are done
by those manufacturing the vaccines! Why do they care so little for
the health of people to have done this dishonesty?
...Doctor, if vaccines are
preventative for some diseases, why are those vaccinated getting the diseases
they were vaccinated to prevent.(type
into an Internet search engine 'vaccinated and getting the disease').
Doctor, do you think vaccines are working? Doctor, I've seen charts that
contradict vaccine manufacturers where they say 'smallpox has been eradicated
due to vaccines being administrated', but history shows what
really eradicated smallpox and other diseases and it wasn't vaccines,
but sanitation.
...Doctor, are you aware
that most of the common childhood diseases were declining in terms of morbidity.(complications).and
to the introduction of vaccinations, according to information obtained
directly from government sources. Have you read that information?
...Doctor, can you guarantee
in writing the success and safety of vaccinations, so that I can sue if
something goes wrong? If not why should I as a parent accept the risk?
Exactly what accountability exists if something does go wrong?
...Doctor, the purpose of
a vaccine is to prevent the disease, is it not? Why then should it be a
matter of concern to those who chose to have the shot whether or not I
choose to have mine?
...Doctor, how do you know
how many infections have been prevented by vaccines and how many infections
have been prevented by other means such as natural immunity? Doctor, where
are the studies comparing the non vaccinated with the vaccinated?
I'd like to examine them.
..Doctor, do you have papers
for me to see on the long-term consequences of vaccines on the immune systems
of children under two years of age? If not, where have you seen
these studies and what have they shown?
..Doctor, do you have studies
to show me on the autoimmune risks? and if
there are no risks, where are the papers showing it to be so?
...Doctor, what is the cumulative
effect of toxins in vaccines including heavy metals, as most vaccines these
days are given in combination?
Dr. H.H. Fudenberg,
world-renowned immunologist with hundreds of publications to his credit,
made the following comments."One
vaccine decreases cell-mediated immunity by 50%, two vaccines by 70%...all
triple vaccines.(MMR,
DTaP, etc.).markedly
impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections.".Doctor,
why are we injecting up to 56 vaccines from pre-birth to age six?
...Doctor, do you have full
information about the vaccine's side effects.(injuries).and
if so, what is the information?
...Doctor, if I decide to
go ahead with vaccination, do you retain and provide to parents the vaccine
manufacturer's name and lot number for each vaccine a child may receive?
...Doctor, what vaccines
that you know of contain GMOs.(genetically
modified ingredients)?
...Doctor, at what point
does an immune system become overloaded? What long term tracking studies
have you seen regarding this important point and just how do they vary
from person to person?
...Doctor, what about the
measles vaccine's potential to cause vaccine-induced SSPE? a degenerative
neurological condition, which affects a person's behavior, memory and coordination,
leading to fits, blindness and eventually death. The Disabled World
News 2010 says that the symptoms a person with SSPE experiences are
They usually include symptoms such as changes in behavior and mild mental
deterioration such as memory loss. Why is it that you would risk my child
to such things?
...Doctor, what are the effects
upon cell damage each vaccine causes and especially brain cells?
...Doctor, is vaccination
a cost effective way of disease prevention? The wholesale price for vaccines
used in the U.S. pediatric schedule is more than $170 per child. Given
that there are more than 77,000 live births per week in the U.S., that
equals more than $13 million each week aimed at preventing a few childhood
infections that build natural immunity. And, the estimated lifetime cost
of caring for one autistic.(usually
is more than $4.5 million.
...Doctor, why are vaccine
promotions focused on mass populations, rather than nutrition strengthening
foods being aimed at one's immune system? Why are effective methods for
building immune systems, used for centuries, avoided in favor of toxic
Comprised from the International
Medical Council on Vaccination.(VaccinationCouncil.org).a
report which covers:
A list of the many MDs, PhDs,
NDs and other medical professionals who are signing onto this document
Why vaccines have NEVER
been proven safe or effective.
A list of some of the serious
health side effects caused by vaccines.
Why autism is conclusively
associated with vaccines.
The profit and hidden world
depopulation motivation behind the pharmaceutical industry's big vaccine
A list of which institutions
and organizations profit from your sickness.
The shocking truth about
what's IN vaccines.(aborted
fetal tissue, 59 different chemicals, DNA from diseased animals and
An overview of some of the
most dangerous vaccine ingredients.
The truth about conflicts
of interest in the vaccine community and why doctors profit from vaccination
Why vaccinated children have
far worse health outcomes than unvaccinated children.
How to opt out of 'mandatory'
vaccines. Why would they make poisoning mandatory?
Important advice for parents
about how to protect the health of your children while saying NO to vaccines.
Online resources for learning
more about the dangers of vaccines.
A list of recommended reading
materials for further education.
-A Cancer-Causing Monkey
Virus Contaminated Vaccines? An article by Jeffry John Aufderheide February
10th, 2013 on vactruth.com
The polio vaccine is produced
using three types of polio virus and can contain formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol.(antifreeze),
sugar), neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin
B and VERO cells.(a
continuous line of monkey kidney cells).
"In the 1950s and 1960s,
the polio vaccine was manufactured using monkey kidneys to grow the viruses.
"Bernice Eddy, who at the
time was a scientist at the Division of Biologics Standards.(DBS),
discovered a major problem. Page 500 of the Executive Reorganization
and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations United
States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session. April 20, 21; and
May 3, 4, 1972, states:
"The next and only serious
vaccine crisis that has occurred since the polio episode was the realization
in mid-1961 that a monkey virus later shown to cause tumors in hamsters
was contaminating both polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus, known
as SV40.(look
up SV40, type in an Internet search engine for videos on it),
was entering the vaccines and, just as in the polio case was surviving
the formalin.(a
form of formaldehyde).treatment.
"There were several states
by which the full extent of the SV40 problem became known. First was the
discovery in 1959-1960 by a DBS.(Division
of Biologics Standards).scientist,
once again Bernice Eddy, that an unknown agent in the monkey kidney cells
used to produce polio and adenovirus vaccines would cause tumors when the
cells were injected into hamsters.".(6)
"Page 505 of the same congressional
document declares,
"...even when the contaminating
virus was found to be oncogenic.(cancer
hamsters, the DBS.(Division
of Biologics Standards, National Institute of Health {NIH}).and
its expert advisory committee decided to leave existing stocks on the
market rather than risk eroding public confidence by a recall...There has
been a tendency on the part of certain higher government circles to play
down any open discussion of problems associated with vaccines."
"Even to this day, the Centers
for Disease Control plays damage control and minimizes any problems associated
with the cancer-causing monkey virus that contaminated the polio vaccine..(7)
"Phages Contaminate Vaccines?
"In February, 1975 Gina Bari
Kolata wrote an article entitled Phage in Live Virus Vaccines: Are They
Harmful to People? Gina Bari Kolata wrote:
"Almost 2 years ago, scientists
at the Bureau of Biologics of the Food and Drug Administration.(FDA).reported
that all live virus vaccines are grossly contaminated with phage.
This finding presented a problem since federal regulations forbade extraneous
material in vaccines and no one knew whether phage are harmful to human
beings or whether they could be removed from vaccines. The temporary solution
was to amend the regulations so as to permit phage in vaccines.".(8)
"Where did the bacteriophage
come from?
"According to the article,
the phages, which are viruses that infect bacteria, contaminate the 'fetal
bovine serum' collected at the slaughterhouse that subsequently is used
as vaccine growth medium. The filthy process of bovine 'fetus management'
was encapsulated in this manner:
"The room is dirty and, according
to one spokesman "one minute you have nothing to do and the next minute
you are literally knee deep in fetuses.".(8)
"Kolata noted that one unintended
consequence from the contamination was the phage's ability to trigger a
different disease. She explained that a person who was given the polio
vaccine contaminated with diphtheria phage could actually contract diphtheria!
"FDA's tolerance of vaccine
contaminants manifested years later. For example, a court case decided
in 1987 revealed "Each seed virus used in manufacture shall be demonstrated
to be free of extraneous microbial agents except for unavoidable bacteriophage.".(9)
"This isn't a problem that
magically went away.
"Bovine serum is frequently
used as a growth medium as a part of the vaccine manufacturing process.
It has been the major source of contamination in vaccines..(10)
"The most prevailing bovine
contaminants are:
• bovine viral diarrhoea
• parainfluenza virus type
• bovine herpesvirus 1
• bovine enterovirus type
• bovine orbivirus.(bluetongue)
• bovine polyomavirus
• bovine parvoviruses.(10,
"One paper suggests that
vaccines contaminated with the bluetongue virus caused abortions in pregnant
"There are also patents to
detect new pathogens that are likely contaminating other cell cultures
to make flu vaccines..(13)
"And to bring this full circle
to the beginning of the article . . .
"Contaminated Vaccines 1952–Today:
The scientific literature has an abundance of evidence that vaccines are
contaminated. The FDA and CDC have access to the very same information
contained in this article—and much more. Vaccines are kept on the shelves
even if they are contaminated because, if recalled, your confidence in
vaccine safety and effectiveness would be eroded.
"Result: Product Stays on
the Shelf."
no longer works: fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/postmarketdrugsafety...)
no longer works: fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/CORENetwork/ucm320413.htm)
6. Executive
Reorganization and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations
United States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session, April 20,
21; and May 3, 4, 1972.
no longer works: cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/updates/archive/polio_and_cancer.htm)
9. Wade
Baker and Rita Baker, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. United States of America,
Defendant-Appellee. No. 86-5578. Submitted Dec. 4, 1986.
-From an article reproduced
"This is from Bronwyn Hancock
on the AVN list in Australia, commenting to someone else on the list who
hasn't read one iota about vaccine dangers. I thought it was excellent
and wanted to share with others and Bronwyn gave permission.
"Bronwyn Hancock.(vaccination.inoz.com),
Vaccination Information Service.
"LOGIC dictates that you
research a subject before you comment on it.
"LOGIC dictates that you
don't assume a claim is true when it is supporting one of the biggest and
most powerful industries in the world.
"LOGIC dictates that no matter
how often a claim is repeated, it does not make it true, though as Hitler
knew, if you repeat it often enough, the masses will believe it and ardently
"When you do some research
and discover that vaccines contain some of the most poisonous compounds
and elements known to man and foreign organic material that is also
toxic when injected into anything, i.e.
formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum
compounds, phenol.(carbolic
acid), borax.(ant
killer; but, unlike the other poisons, in very tiny amounts can do the
body good), methanol,
dye, acetone.(solvent,
polish remover), disinfectant, glycerine,
antifreeze, MSG and several other poisons, plus also toxic when injected,
animal organ tissue and blood.(e.g.
monkey, cow, chicken, pig, sheep, dog, etc),
contaminant animal viruses.(e.g.
SV40, which causes cancer in humans),
aborted human fetus cells, large foreign proteins, mutated.(more
viruses in high doses, bacterial endotoxins, antibiotics, bacteria, genetically
modified yeast, latex and animal, bacterial and viral DNA, which, when
injected, can be incorporated into the recipient's DNA, then LOGIC dictates
that you question whether violent poisons, which by definition are very
harmful, are really going to be good for any living creature's immune system,
alone your tiny infant with its very immature immune and neurological
"LOGIC also dictates that
man was not created with an immune system designed not to be able to work
until the twentieth century when it only could do so by man's intervention,
particularly when the intervention was to poison it.
"Some people will have enough
LOGIC to stop there, but if you want to go further or have missed discovering
the above and delve into medical research, then LOGIC dictates that you
study the pro-vaccination articles properly and not rely on unsupported
conclusions of authors paid by vaccine manufacturers.
"LOGIC dictates that if a
vaccine was introduced AFTER a decline in the disease, then it was not
responsible for that decline.
"LOGIC dictates that because
outbreaks occur amongst fully vaccinated populations, often with those
not vaccinated not even contracting the disease, vaccines are not protecting
people against disease.
"LOGIC dictates that if you
have 'no previous vaccination' history as a guideline in disease diagnosis,
supported with teaching doctors that, vaccinated people just don't get
the disease, then you are likely to get low reported figures of disease
cases in vaccinated people, no matter how ineffective, or rather counterproductive,
vaccination actually is.
"LOGIC dictates that since
the documented effect of vaccines is to 'SENSITIZE' the immune system and
means anaphylaxis,
which is the opposite of prophylaxis, which means prevention, then vaccines
do the opposite of prevention.
"LOGIC dictates that since
sensitization is such a big problem in highly vaccinated populations where
the problem is confined to these, by the way; asthma alone killing 800
people in this country every year, then without doing any more research,
one would already be able to guess that vaccines are quite likely killing
a large number of people.
"LOGIC dictates that since
only the vaccinated can get the new, more dangerous, atypical
forms of diseases.(e.g. atypical measles), then vaccination
is not terribly protective!
"LOGIC and indeed medical
policy dictates that if you administer any vaccine or other procedure to
a healthy person and a serious event immediately occurs, you have to consider
that procedure as the cause of the event, particularly when it is biologically
extremely plausible, based on the contents of what is administered; not
to mention the invasive mechanism of injection,
which, unlike normal skin grazes and cuts, bypasses important defense levels
in the body.
"LOGIC dictates that since
doctors are refusing to report cases of adverse events, then we cannot
rely on government figures telling us how "rare" these events are supposed
to be.
"LOGIC dictates that if senior
pharmaceutical executives themselves candidly tell us that 'natural enthusiasm'
in the marketing department causes the companies to exaggerate.(i.e.
informing doctors and others about threat and occurrence of disease.(British
Medical Jouurnal April 13, 2002),
then it is probably true.
"LOGIC dictates that since
whenever doctors go on strike the death rate drops, you can't really rely
on anything they do or tell you about how to save lives!"
"What about smallpox? Smallpox
vaccine doesn't even have smallpox in it. It has cowpox which has not been
proven to prevent smallpox. Smallpox was just about eradicated about the
time the vaccine was pushed onto the market."
"Mercola.com reports Confirmed!
Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness.(search
there for the article)
Hey! Great information above,
but what about herd immunity the vaccine pushers talk about?
Half of the people just are
too dumb to comprehend that for an unvaccinated to be a threat to the vaccinated
means the vaccination does not work. Why
aren't this half of people intelligent?
Real hard science has been
displaced by the common low consciousness negativities of hysteria and
intolerance and information that's confusing.
Herd immunity is like saying
that eating a healthy diet can really keep you healthy...but only if everyone
else is eating the same diet, too. The logic used by the vaccine pushers
is flawed on purpose to sell more vaccines, while killing you slowly or
quickly in the process. Slowly or quickly depends on how and what poisons
are in which vaccines, coupled with the other assaults upon our health
most have not thought about and dismissed with the satanic propaganda of
'conspiracy theorist'.
People think that unvaxxed
kids seem to be constantly contagious. Apparently they don't comprehend
you can be vaccinated and contagious. You can't spread the disease unless
you've been exposed to it.
People are not thinking straight.
Many people believe that because a child is vaccinated, they should encounter
no threat from the unvaccinated. People need to do research. If we truly
have freeness
in our country why can we not have a choice of what we want to do with
our bodies. Freeness only works if everyone gets to use it. Why, 75 years
after the Nazis, are we back into the same flawed thinking as they lived
by? Satan knows it worked then, so why not use the same nonsense on stupid
people today?
Just what Is The Herd Immunity
The herd immunity theory
was originally coined in 1933 by a researcher named A.W. Hedrich. Hedrich
was studying measles patterns in the US between 1900-1931, years before
most vaccines were invented to kill people and beginning with the so-called
Spanish Flu in 1918. He observed that epidemics of the measles only occurred
when less than 68% of children had developed a 'natural immunity' to it.
This was based upon the principle that children build their own immunity
after suffering with or being exposed to the disease. So the herd immunity
theory was, in fact,.about
natural disease processes and nothing to do with vaccination. If 68%
of the population were allowed to build their own natural defenses, there
would be no raging epidemic. Vaccines were invented by evil satan worshippers
people to curb natural immunity.
Later on, vaccinologists
adopted the phrase 'herd immunity' and increased the figure from 68% to
95% with no scientific justification as to why and then stated that there
had to be 95% vaccine coverage to achieve immunity. Essentially,
they took Hedrich's study and manipulated it to promote their vaccination
Journal of Epidemiology,
May 1933 – Oxford University Press). Full Text (PDF) available.
Herd immunity doesn't
exist and never has. A.W. Hedrich measles
observation, was not a study or a research paper and.had
nothing to do with VACCINES. His observation was in 1930 and the killed
measles vaccine.(the
first measles vaccine).wasn't
developed until 1963. By 1963, the death rate from measles in the United
States had already dropped by approximately 98% according to Vital Statistics
of the United States 1937, 1938, 1943, 1944, 1949, 1960, 1967, 1976, 1987,
1992; Historical Statistics of the United States.
Colonial Times to 1970 Part
1; Health, United States, 2004, US Department of Health and Human Services;
Vital Records and Health Data Development Section, Michigan Department
of Community Health; US Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United
States: 2003; Reported Cases and Deaths from Vaccine Preventable Diseases,
United States, 1950–2008.
Live measles vaccine was
distributed in 1966-67. Just on that basis alone antibody production could
not be detected.
Herd Immunity has no basis
in vaccine induced antibody production, it is not a scientifically validated
concept, it is not an immunologic idea, but rather an epidemiological
construct and cannot be applied to vaccinated communities because VACCINES
were not part of the OBSERVATION.
Despite outbreaks of Pertussis,
Mumps and Measles occurring in highly vaccinated populations, some
as high as 100%, the CDC and their legion
of paid celebrities acting as 'doctors' continue to laud
the fake theory of herd immunity. Also take this into consideration: Today
millions of adults exist without having had any vaccines in decades.(Baby
millions of teenagers who have not had boosters. That is more than half
of the country's population. There have not been ANY EPIDEMICS in the
USA as a result of more than half of the population being unvaccinated.
It's all nonsense to earn money while you are being poisoned to death,
slowly or quickly.
I simply don't comprehend
why anyone would be concerned with non vaccinated children if they believe
vaccines work and their child/children are vaccinated.
Your medical information is private and confidential. It is unlawful
for Employer(s) to request this information from the Employee or Job Applicant
or attach it as precondition to Employment.
Employer asking you to take
the jab or you might lose your job?
Print out the information
below and hand your employer this letter to fill out. Remember it's not
his body, it's yours! And you have your family to protect.
Consider this
info too from an excellent Canadian constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati.
It's pretty well made up for you to use and is first-rate.
If anyone in any job or business
tries to force a Vaccine, hereis another letter to consicer using Get it
to him or her and ask kindly that it be filled out.
I write with regard
to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed
and apprised of ALL facts before going ahead with any vaccine including
one that is in experimental status.
I'd be most grateful if you
could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory
legal requirements.
1. Can you please advise
me of the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?
2. Can you please provide
details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and
rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of
those tests?
3. Can you please advise
of the full list of contents of the vaccine you are asking to introduce
into my body and if there is any toxicity to the body and if any of the
ingredients are derived from aborted fetal tissues?
4. Can you please fully advise
of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it's introduction?
5. Can you please confirm
that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT an 'experimental mRNA gene altering
'therapy' or device containing the highly toxic graphene oxide?
6. Can you please confirm
that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in
compliance with the Nuremberg
7. Can you please advise
me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract
Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery and why the recovery rate without
the jab is markedly higher than after taking the jab?
Once I have received the
above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to
my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment,
but with certain conditions - namely that:
1. You confirm in writing
that I will suffer no harm from what you are recommending.
2. Prerequisite to acceptance
of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will
take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring
to myself and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding
these procedures.
3. In the event that I should
have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not
compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination
as a result?
I would also advise that
my unalienable
rights are reserved.