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a country of northwest Europe
on the North Sea. Inhabited by Germanic.tribes
during Roman times, the region
passed to the Franks
(4th-8th century), the Holy Roman
Empire (10th century), the dukes of Burgundy (14th-15th century) and
then to the house of Hapsburg. The northern part of the region formed the
Union of Utrecht in 1579 and achieved its independence as the United Provinces
in 1648 after the Thirty Years' War. In the 17th century the country enjoyed
great commercial prosperity and expanded its territories in the East and
West Indies and elsewhere, although it lost this supremacy to Great Britain
and France in the 18th century. The kingdom of the Netherlands, proclaimed
at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), included Belgium until 1830. Amsterdam
is the constitutional capital and the largest city; The Hague is the seat
of government. Population, 14,394,600. Netherlandish.adjective
neigh .noun,.plural.neighs
the long, high-pitched
sound made by a horse
to utter
the characteristic sound
of a horse; whinny
Johnny Von Neumann,
Hungarian-born American
mathematician noted for his contributions to game
theory and quantum
of the external openings of the nose; from Middle
English 'nostrille' and from Old
English 'nosthyrl', 'nosu' meaning 'nose'
the part of the human face
or the forward part of the head of other vertebrates that contains the
and organs of smell and forms the
beginning of the respiratory
your nose to the grindstone.idiom
also called noradrenalin;
a substance, chemical name C8H11NO3,
that is both a hormone and neurotransmitter,
by the adrenal medulla
and the nerve endings of the sympathetic
nervous system to cause vasoconstriction
and increases in heart rate, blood pressure and the sugar level of the
the back of the neck
a disorder.characterized
by sudden and uncontrollable,
of deep sleep
a loose garment
worn in bed by women and girls; also called nightdress
to gently push against in
order to get the attention of someone close to you; to come close to;
near (the temperature in the Fall, slowly nudges downward)
a gentle push
not literal;
using figures of speech;
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov,
born April 22, 1899, St. Petersburg, Russia. Died July 2, 1977, Montreux,
He was a Russian born American
novelist and critic and wrote in both Russian and English. He had great
affection for his father. His autobiography Speak, Memory has a
revised version, 1967. He wrote many novels and plays. A
quote of his.
Both fluoridation and/or chlorination added to your water violate the
Nuremberg Code, as do all vaccines
and these because there are safe and healthy alternatives to these gross
and vile practices of poisoning
Nuremberg Code.from
All major countries on Earth
are signatories to the Nuremberg
Code, having been so shocked by the atrocities
done by factions such as the Nazi
SS group. Others were also set up by the 'hidden' evil corporations who
had individuals and groups attach to the Nazi party as they were out to
it in order to pursue the agenda of those far behind them who remained
out of sight, which were the 13 families of the bloodlines
of ancient Cain, all residing in Venice, Italy and all now taken
down by the US and Alliance militaries thanks to Trump, Putin and others.
(which is the corporation.created
by the cabal back then called the
UNITED STATES INC.) is and has been corrupt, owned and controlled
by private foreign interests for
a very long time. The United States was hijacked
by the corrupt bankers even before the good 1776 We
the People constitution, but it got through
anyway. The Nazis, now in Ukraine
and Zionists
in Israel, the controlling cruel ones
called Zionists, were of Satan since their beginning. They promoted their
own agenda of world hurt and domination
for their satanic satisfaction of control toward
elimination of humanity.
They were the ones influencing
the Nazi parties, which use various names (such
as...) in creating wars of all kinds, such as information wars, pharma/medical
wars and involving people using lies, etc., in order to fulfil their
aims and to do that, a complicit
paid off controlled media was set
up worldwide that has carried on to today, that is, up until now. Some
of these evil ones were the Alpha
Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg medical trial
ran from October 25, 1946 to August 20, 1947. Twenty three German physicians
and scientists were accused of inflicting a range of vile
and lethal procedures on
populations and inmates of concentration camps between 1933 and 1945.
Witnesses from hospitals and camps throughout Germany and eastern Europe
were brought to Nuremberg or deposed
at other sites. The accused were given both German and American lawyers.
The media at the time such as the news sources, newspapers and radio news
were found to be complicit with the propaganda arm of the Nazi dictatorship
as they are today. They too were hung at Nuremberg. They too will be hung
today for what they have done, being complicit with evil.
Permissible Medical Experiments:
The great weight of the
evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments
on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform
to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists
of the practice of human experimentation justify
their views on the basis that such experiments yield results
for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means
of study. They lied! And that's the
lies they use today with the covid con.
All agree, however, that
basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral,
and legal.concepts,
but demons don't follow anything good, because they are unbelievably evil
at heart, appearing as doing good by using lies because they know you can't
suck people in, you can't con them, unless they think you are going to
do something good for them:.2Corinthians
11:13-15. You'll know them by their fruits:.Matthew
The Nuremberg Trials and
the constitutions of many countries show that compulsory
medicine is illegal.
1. The voluntary
consent of the human subject is absolutely
essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity
to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free
power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud,
deceit, duress, over-reaching or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion;
and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements
of the subject matter involved, as to
him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative
decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him
the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment; the method and means
by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably
to be expected and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly
come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility
for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual
who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty
and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
2. The experiment
should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable
by other methods or means of study and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment
should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation
and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem
under study, that the anticipated results will justify the performance
of the experiment.
4. The experiment
should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary
physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No
experiment should be conducted, where there is an a
priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur;
except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians
also serve as subjects.
6. The degree
of risk to be taken should never exceed
that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved
by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations
should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect
the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability
or death.
8. The experiment
should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest
degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment
of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the
course of the experiment, the human subject
should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end,
if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the
experiment seemed to him to be impossible.
10. During the course
of the experiment, the scientist in charge
must be prepared to terminate the experiment
at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the
good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a
of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability or death
to the experimental subject.
All these points have not
been adhered to in the covid
con. The same Satan behind it all, uses the same tactics again and
again, marching toward the agenda of eliminating humanity. Why?
today, there is to be a 'Nuremberg 2.0' to again deal with the criminally
minded who flaunt the best interests
of people, using what they think is their authority with force. Any true
authority is always verifiable
by good effects, such as with those adhering to the Hippocratic
But coercive
controllers have absolutely no authority,
being criminally minded and thus having to use lies and deceptive methods
in furtherance of their harmful
and hidden agenda. Good thing the
good hearted militaries were awake and watching, because and as usual,
the people did nothing to even sound an alarm, which means, they were tacitly
in approval of such
wanting to remain that way by not even looking into and monitoring what
the politicians and medical/pharmaceutical/chemical and other evil concerns
were doing. So, we have people who live in fear, standing back from standing
up for others being hurt, until it's too late also for them. They are not
at all brothers and sisters of humanity, instead, being selfish, in
effect they were against them:.Matthew
25:45; Luke 7:31,32; Ephesians
5:5; Psalms 9:17; 1Corinthians
someone put in a position
of control without going through the elective
process and who may or may not be out to do good for people within the
in which he was placed (a bureaucrat)
filled by appointment
rather than by election, such as a nonappointive position (he was elected
supervisor when the majority of his peers.vouched
for his competency)
'na mas tay')
the word spoken as a respectful
and said along with doing a namaskar; from Hindi Sanskrit 'namas' meaning
'bowing' and 'te' meaning 'to you'; means you recognize that they too are
in God and that you respect that
they are
a traditional
East Indian gesture of greeting,
made by bringing the palms together before the face or chest and bowing;
from Hindi.Sanskrit
word 'namaskara' from 'namas' part of that word and meaning 'bowing' and
'kara' meaning 'action'
the essential.substance.or.details
of a matter; the crux
(let's get right down to the nitty-gritty of why we're here in this meeting);
the nitty-gritties of the plan
neo = new and plasm = mold;
growth of tissue in animals or
plants that is beyond normal; a