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a homogeneous mixture or solid solution of two or more metals, the atoms of one replacing or occupying interstitial positions between the atoms of the other (brass is an alloy of copper and zinc); a mixture; an amalgam; the relative.degree of mixture with a base metal; fineness; something added that lowers value or purity
alloy, alloyed, alloying, alloys.transitive verbs
to combine metals to form an alloy; to combine; mix (enthusiasm that was alloyed with social skills is a winning combination)

self-confident.assurance; poise; confidence

any of several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, resembling and closely related to the horses but having a smaller build and longer ears and including the domesticated.donkey; a vain, self-important, silly or aggressively.stupid person; buttocks; anus

the opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste (poop) is eliminated from the body

affright, affrighted, affrighting, affrights.transitive verbs
to arouse fear in; terrify
great fear; terror; a cause of terror

administer, administered, administering, administers.verbs
transitive verbs use.to manage by organizing and/or supervising; to provide or organize something as part of your job; dispense
intransitive verbs use.to manage as an administrator
administrate, administrated, administrating, administrates.transitive verbs
management (during the last 10 years the administration by the government has changed many times; she manages her house and children so well, one would think that she took a management course)
one who administers; an executive; one appointed to administer an estate

having an aroma; fragrant or sweet-smelling (aromatic herbs)
an aromatic plant or substance
aromatic quality or character
a quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense (the aroma of garlic and onions sensed by the nose); smell; a pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice or food (the aroma of roses); fragrance
aromatize, aromatized, aromatizing, aromatizes.transitive verbs to make aromatic or fragrant (swirled the wine to aromatize it); in chemistry, to subject to a reaction that converts a substance into an aromatic compound
the use of selected.fragrant.substances in lotions and inhalants in an effort to affect.mood and promote health, such as essential oils

capable of soothing or eliminating pain; relaxing (anodyne novels about country life); watered-down; insipid
a natural herb or concocted chemical medicine that relieves pain; a source of soothing comfort

aurochs.noun, singular and.plural.
an ox; a urus; wisent; ox

the process of wearing down or rubbing away by means of friction; a scraped or worn area; a scraped area on the skin resulting from injury or irritation (running fast to kick the ball, he slipped, scraping the skin on his knee, causing the abrasion)
causing abrasion; harsh and rough in manner
a substance that abrades (sand is one abrasive used to sandblast buildings, giving them a fresh new look)
abrade, abraded, abrading, abrades.transitive verbs
to wear down or rub away by friction; erode; chafe (scraped his elbow on the tree branches); to make weary through constant.irritation

appoint, appointed, appointing, appoints.transitive verbs
to fix or set by mutual agreement (will appoint a date for holidays); to select or designate to fill an office or position (appointed her to look after all the mail received); to equip (a house that is comfortably appointed having appropriate or elegant furnishings or equipment; a beautifully appointed room)
intransitive verb use.to exercise a power of appointment
one who is appointed to an office or position
the act of appointing someone or designating for an office or position, often without approval of the people to be affected (during the Covid con, unelected bureaucrats in collusion with corrupt politicians had police enforce policies inimical to the heart of the people, similar to the totalitarian.despotsMussolini,Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, CPC/CCP, etc {remember Tinananmen Square}); an arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place; engagement; appointments can be furnishings, fittings or equipment (complimentary appointments you have in your foyer)
appointed time.adjective
if something happens at the appointed time, it happens at the time that was decided.in advance

stands for 'anno Domini', a Latin phrase meaning 'in the year of our Lord', such as began the Christian.era; traces down to 'birth' an example of a specified year in this new era is the year 2025; written 2025 A.D. or by the obfuscation, 2025 CE (Common Era). A.D. has to do with after the birth of Emmanuel who is the Christ and whose coming some 2025 years ago was the pivotal point of all history.(why such a pivotal point in history?.Isaiah 7:14); from Medieval Latin 'ann' meaning 'in the year' plus 'Domini', genitive of 'Dominus' meaning 'Lord'.

ad lib.adverb
in an unrestrained.manner; spontaneously; short for ad libitum

a group of enzymes that are present in saliva, pancreatic juice, and parts of plants and help convert starch to sugar

bustle; fuss; trouble; bother; if you do something without further ado or without more ado, you do it at once and do not discuss or delay it any longer (and now, without further ado, let me introduce our main concert.for tonight)

arise, arose, arisen, arising, arises.intransitive verbs
to get up, as from a sitting or prone position; rise; to move upward; ascend; to come into being; originate (hoped that a new spirit of freedom was arising); to result, issue or proceed (mistakes that arise from a basic misunderstanding); stem

in biology, the stage of mitosis and meiosis in which the chromosomes move to opposite ends of the nuclear.spindle; see cells

consisting of, relating to or being in water (an aquatic environment); living or growing in, on or near the water (aquatic animals and plants); taking place in or on the water (an aquatic sport)
an organism that lives in, on or near the water

the word 'aqua' refers to water; an aqueous solution; the color of aqua is a light bluish green to light greenish blue
relating to, similar to, containing or dissolved in water; watery
Geology:.formed from matter deposited by water, as certain sedimentary rocks
an underground bed or layer of Earth, gravel or porous stone that yields water; many underground rivers are much larger than rivers on the surface

having close resemblance; similar (the twins are as alike as two peas in a pod; friends are generally alike in background and tastes)
in the same manner or to the same degree (the two girls dress and walk alike)

recurring, done or performed every year; yearly (time for the periodic trip away from winter); an annual trip to the Sun; of, relating to or determined by a year (Thanksgiving Day is an annual occasion); in botany, living or growing for only one year or season (flowers lasting only one year are called annuals and those lasting from year to year are perennials)
a periodical published yearly; a yearbook; in botant, a plant that completes its entire life cycle in a single growing season
valid for one year

the act or process of agglutinating; adhesion of distinct parts; a clumped.mass of material formed by agglutination; also called agglutinate; the clumping together of red blood cells or bacteria, usually in response to a particular.antibody
agglutinate, agglutinated, agglutinating, agglutinates.verbs
transitive verbs use.to cause to adhere, as with glue; inphysiology, to cause red blood cells or bacteria to clump together; in linguistics, to form words by combining words or words and word elements 
intransitive verbs use.to join together into a group or mass; in physiology, to clump together; undergo agglutination; in linguistics, to form words by agglutination
tending toward, concerning or characteristic of agglutination
in physiology, a substance, such as an antibody, that is capable of causing agglutination of a particular antigen, especially red blood cells or bacteria
in physiology, an antigen that stimulates the production of a particular agglutinin, such as an antibody