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M a c r o b i o t i c s  a n d  H e a l t h  N o t e s

What Will Save Us from the Plagues of the 21st Century? by the editors of the Journal of Preventative and Alternative Medicine

"In the dark years of the Cold War, Soviet intelligence made an unsettling discovery in Czechoslovakia, which at the time was under communist occupation. They came across a domestic disinfectant that was capable of neutralizing not only their existing biological weapons, but also those under development. The Soviets quickly dismantled the factory producing this product and moved the equipment, documentation and even the staff to the Soviet Union. Following this, no one heard of the disinfectant again. The authors of the book The Secret War Against the Jews describe the events in the following way:."There is little defense against this kind of.(biological).attack and what few antidotes exist are withheld from the public as military secrets."

"One of the best examples of this is what is called Movidyn, a substance that the Soviets discovered in their satellite state of Czechoslovakia way back in the 1950s. Movidyn is a form of colloidal silver. One part per billion of powdered Movidyn in water has a germicidal effect. In a study of infected wells, it completely destroyed typhus, malaria, cholera and amoebic dysentery. To the astonishment of the Soviet military Movidyn also disinfected every germ warfare bacteria in the Soviet arsenal, even their newest designer poisons. In other words, Movidyn was too good. The Czech factory was disassembled and carted back to the Soviet Union. To this day, the Movidyn formula seems to have been suppressed from the world....John Loftus and Mark Aarons.The Secret War Against The Jews, St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0312156480.

"Researchers and promoters claim that it is effective against bacteria, viruses.(what really is a virus?), fungi and other microbes. There's a considerable amount of information and disinformation available about colloidal silver today. This is why the Journal of Preventative and Alternative Medicine felt it was time to further research the subject and present the findings in a detailed report. The healing and disinfectant properties of silver have been known for a long time. There is historical evidence indicating that ancient Greeks used silver vessels for water and other liquids to keep the contents fresh. Silver utensils first became popular in the Roman Empire for health reasons. Physicians of the time advised their wealthy patients to use only silver if they wanted to stay healthy. But the healing properties of silver were never more apparent than during the bubonic plague pandemic of the middle ages.

"The bubonic plague, also known as Black Death, broke out in China in 1333. During the 15 years that followed, little by little, merchants traveling to the Far East carried the disease back to Europe, which swept across the continent in 1348-49. Starting in Florence, then moving through France and England. The epidemic later reached Poland and from there it stormed Russia. Millions were left dead in its wake. The population of England was between 3.5 and 5 million before the Black Death and by 1377 it was reduced to an estimated 2 million. 

"The plague attacked all living souls indiscriminately. Millions died a cruel and painful death not being able to fight such a deadly force. At the same time, the horrible pandemic seemed to have left one segment of the population virtually untouched, the blue-blooded ruling class. There were hardly any deaths from the plague among the nobility. There is a simple, but much overlooked explanation for this. The aristocracy's eating utensils, plates, trays and cups were all made of silver. As they used these utensils, silver particles were absorbed into their systems in trace amounts with each meal. During the dying years of the Black Death, the 'Blue Bloods' gave their children silver spoons to suck on to forestall the plague. That's how the expression "Born with a silver spoon in his mouth" started.

"Pioneers trekking across the Wild West often put silver dollars in drinking water and milk to keep them fresh and deter spoilage. Silver is considered unique and effective in boosting the human immune system that we shouldn't ignore its benefits. Especially since it's not inconceivable that this may become our best weapon in fighting the 'super-bugs', mutant viruses, bioterrorist killer microbes and other deadly plagues of the 21st century.

"The bulk of scientific research on different silver compounds was conducted at the beginning of the 20th century, during the peak of silver's popularity, from about 1900-1945. At the time, a great deal was written about it in books and medical journals. Today, most of the updated information can be found in a handful of publications. One of these, entitled Colloidal Silver; A Literature Review: Medical Uses, Toxicology and Manufacture, was written by Dr. John W. Hill."

"Silver was used as a medicine in the late 1800s and early 1900s" writes Dr. Hill. "Silver, along with other metals, was discovered to possess germicidal properties. Silver alone showed both strong germicidal properties and low or no toxicity to humans.".There are various compounds of silver. One easily can make his own for 'next to nothing' in cost; type 'making silver colloidal' into Brighteon.com for more information. But look at the videos; there is lots of disinformation out there, so have a discerning mind to see what resonates with you, what sort of hits you, moves you. Remember anything to strenghten one's health is given a bad rap by the cabal, who always have been out to harm humanity in any way they can, such as with our modern medicine system based on criminal Rockefeller's plans.

"Medicinal silver compounds were developed in the late 1800s. And there was widespread use of silver compounds and colloids prior to 1930. By 1940 there were approximately four dozen different silver compounds on the market being used to treat every known infectious disease.

"Cryptosporidium parvum is an obligate intracellular parasite. It can occur on any food touched by a contaminated food handler. To date, there is no known effective drug for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis, the disease caused by this organism. Large outbreaks are associated with contaminated water supplies. Child day care centers frequently report outbreaks.

"Certain preparations, like silver nitrates, contained such a high concentration and large particles of silver that in some people they caused a condition called argyria. This was not the colloidal silver of today, which contain only nanoparticles of silver.

"Argyria is a cosmetic condition where the skin turns bluish-grey. Another factor was that silver colloids were manufactured by grinding up pieces of the metal. But no one was able to break the silver down into small enough particles to make it easily absorbable, so it had to be injected by needle. This method made the procedure inconvenient and costly. According to the book Amazing Medicines The Drug Companies Don't Want You to Discover, back then, colloidal silver cost about $400 per treatment.(in today's dollars).making it very expensive..."

"By the 1980s, following decades of indiscriminate.antibiotic use, serious problems began to emerge. One of the most recognized holistic physicians and author of several best selling books, Dr. Zoltan Rona. M.D. explains in more detail:

"Nothing in conventional medical practice is as revered as the antibiotic prescription. Penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, sulfa drugs and dozens of other antibiotics are so commonly prescribed by doctors that most of us hardly give it a second thought. 

"Antibiotics have no impact whatsoever on viral infections. They are misused and abused when they are prescribed without diagnostic cultures or other lab tests and when they are taken for the flu, the common cold and other self-timing viral infections. They are also abused when prescribed for 'prevention' of real or imagined infectious diseases and chronic conditions like acne. Not all antibiotics are prescribed by doctors. Many over the counter lotions, creams and drops contain generous amounts of broad spectrum antibiotics and are available, no questions asked, from any pharmacy.

"As one of the major sacraments of the Church of Modern Medicine, the use of antibiotics is seldom questioned or criticized. Even when studies show that antibiotics for middle ear infection in children have no advantage over a placebo, such as a sugar pill, family doctors and pediatricians continue to dole them out. Antibiotics are somewhat still firm dogma, the 'magic bullets' of orthodoxy. The word 'antibiotics' means 'anti' 'biotic', meaning 'anti life', 'against life'. 

"Farmers and food processors eagerly feed antibiotics to commercial animals as if these chemicals were essential vitamins. Subsequently, they appear in milk, dairy products, beef, chicken, pork and other animal products. It is time to rethink our penicillin mentality. Antibiotic use may cause antibiotic resistant bacteria, immune suppression and chronic fatigue syndrome, food allergies or intolerance, yeast colonization and super infection, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, return of tuberculosis, nutritional deficiencies, liver damage.

"The overuse of antibiotics has lead not only to weakened immune systems and more frequent illnesses, but also contributed to the emergence of the so called 'superbugs'.(bacteria resistant to antibiotics). All these complications have renewed the interest in 'natural antibiotics', such as colloidal silver.(also the Sun is a strong blood cleanser and immune system booster; how to use it; also herbs such as oregano, tumeric, echinacea, quercetin, raw honey as in its comb, wormwood (kills parasites) etc. all do their job well; type 'natural antiobitics' into naturalnews.com, mercola.com and/or greenmed.info.com). As well, advances in technology in the 1970s brought colloidal silver back from obscurity. Instead of grinding up the silver into hard-to-absorb large particles, scientists found they could use electricity to break down the particles to as small as 0.001 micron. The electricity gave the tiny particles identical electric charges (+), which made them stay in suspension in distilled water. This new, highly safe form of silver is called Electrically Generated Colloidal Silver (EGCS). EGCS can now be taken orally or sprayed on a wound, burn or rash and no shots are necessary. Also, the dosage costs dropped from $400 to as little as 25 cents. Scientists found that using a tiny bit of EGCS worked better than the large amounts given in the early part of the century.

"However, this new interest in colloidal silver has developed mainly as a grassroots movement, aside from a few scientists taking notice. 

"Glen Roundtree, a 32 year old man, was clearing brush and trees in his parents yard when the gasoline left on his hands from filling the chain saw ignited as he was feeding the bushes into the fire. He burned for over 30 seconds as he tried to get the fire out. Glen suffered third degree burns on his hands and face. His mother's friend brought him some colloidal silver. He drank it and sprayed it on his face often. He was able to stop taking morphine immediately. Within three and a half weeks his recovery was so advanced that his hospital attendant did not believe he was the same burn patient. In less than three months his face was completely healed with absolutely no scarring. The planned reconstructive surgery for his melted nose and ear were cancelled. This is just one of the many astonishing healing powers of colloidal silver.

"Importance and versatility
In the company of people regularly using colloidal silver, one can hear some really astonishing stories of its versatility and conduciveness. The Utah-based Silver Education Coalition believes colloidal silver is important for everyone: "Many of the world leaders, presidents, prime ministers, their families, their advisors and their families use colloidal silver daily. They know that they are exposed to extremely contagious disease on an almost daily basis because they are in the business of traveling and meeting many people. By taking colloidal silver daily, they can prevent the otherwise certain eventuality of contracting infectious disease.

"There is another group of people who are also 'Blue Bloods'. These are people who may not have their pictures in newspapers for making global decisions, but they have learned that sufficient daily colloidal silver will make anyone a true 'Blue Blood' in about a week, preventing infection thereafter and vastly increasing the chances of surviving a severe burn injury or an outbreak of biotoxins and also enjoying an increased rate of healing and better digestion. They can find no other way so simple, so quick, certain or so inexpensive.

"There are hundreds of testimonials available on the Internet as well, ranging from treatments of serious illnesses like cancer, AIDS or Lyme disease to heartwarming stories of silver saving the lives of animals. Dr. Hill tells us the story of his daughter's cat:."My daughter has a cat that was very ill. Her cat was acting delirious, was unable to stand and she was concerned that the animal was dying. She gave it a small quantity of colloidal silver and within 24 hours, it was acting normally, eating and playing like a kitten. I know a family who raises exotic breeds of cats. They give their animals very small amounts of colloidal silver in their drinking water and use it topically when they get ill and tell glowing stories of cures of eye, oral and respiratory infections."

Many pets have been healed 'from the other side' by Bruno Groening, who passed on in 1959. This story comprised from Camelia Zgurä, Bucharest, Romania. "...My son had a three month old favorite puppy who got sick. His fur looked lifeless, He did not want to play and breathed heavily, but had no fever or cough, no diarrhea, nor were his eyes overly watery. A neighbor told my son that the puppy would not survive. My son then brought the puppy inside, worried about it. I told him that we must not accept our neighbor's opinion and that our friend from the other side, who passed on in 1959, Bruno Groening, would help. I put a picture on the puppy and wrapped him up in a towel. The picture was on a flyer we had of Bruno Groening. Both my 11 year old son and I did what Bruno called Einstellen, which is a tuning in through meditation to absorb the divine force. In about half an hour, the dog had unwrapped himself and was lying with his head on the flyer for about two hours. Then he started moving around and wagging his tail and was eating and we noticed that the puppy was constantly licking Bruno Groening's picture. My son replaced Bruno's photo with a random picture. The puppy retreated and stopped licking. We took away the random picture and replaced it with the one he was licking earlier. He started licking it again. He was recognizing the energy that healed him and was showing his gratitude..."

"Dr. James F. Baich's well known book.Prescription for Nutritional Healing, used by many today as a modern 'bible of nutrition', recommends colloidal silver for a variety of conditions. Here are some of them:
. Acne: an important 'natural antibiotic and disinfectant'.(page 89)
. AIDS: as a very important broad-spectrum antiseptic that subdues inflammation and promotes healing of skin lesions.(p. 100)
. Athlete's Foot: essential "natural antibiotic and disinfectant destroys fungi, viruses and bacteria".(p. 147)
. Bacterial infections as a "mineral compound with antibacterial and immune stimulating properties that can be used topically or internally for a wide variety of infections".(11)  (p. 106)
. Bladder infection. Very important supplement.(p. 157)
. Bronchitis. Essential supplement; "For infections involving the respiratory tract, we often recommend colloidal silver...".(p. 113, 167)
. Burns: Very important.(p. 173)
. Common colds.(p. 397)
. Cold sores; fever blisters as very important.(p. 208)
. Cuts and abrasions.(p. 397)
. Deodorant
. Flu.(p. 397)
. Fungal infections.(p. 191)
. Leg ulcers; helpful.(p. 366)
. Pneumonia; as an essential supplement that "reduces inflammation and promotes healing of lesions in lung tissue".(p. 429)
. Sexually Transmitted Disease.(STD); important for.(p.473)
. Skin, disinfecting.(p. 330)
. Sore throat.(p. 265)
. Sunburn; as important.(p.500)
. Tonsillitis; as helpful.(p. 265, 506)."Tea tree oil and colloidal silver have antiseptic properties and assist in fighting a broad range of infectious agents, such as viruses and is recommended for many conditions, including sore throat and tonsillitis."
. Tuberculosis; as very important.(p. 509)
. Urinary tract infections.(p. 397)
. Vaginitis; as a helpful supplement.(p.517). Another popular source of information, the Alternative Medicine Guide
Supplement Shopper; also recommends colloidal silver for various ailments:

"Colloidal silver has also been used for numerous other conditions not mentioned above. Dr. Peter L. Reynolds, Ph.D. has studied scientific papers and articles regarding colloidal silver. He writes in Golden Health News: "Since colloidal silver has hardly been considered for the last 50 years, some of the best scientific research was conducted before 1938. 

"A wide range of pathogens and conditions were addressed using colloidal silver. The following is a collection of pathogens and conditions I have found documented before 1938 where patients were being successfully treated using colloidal silver."

Dr. Reynolds lists 97 different pathogens and conditions from which we chose a few to highlight here. In brackets you'll find Dr. Reynolds' references)
. Anthrax Bacilli [Bechhold, H. (1919). Col-bids in Biology and Medicine]
. Inflammatory Rheumatism [Ibid.]
. Typhoid [Ibid.]
. Colitis [Searle, A. B., 1919. The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease. Quoting from the British Medical Journal, May 12, 1917].
. Diarrhea [Ibid.]
. Tuberculosis [Ibid.]
. Dysentery [Ibid.]
. Shingles [Ibid.]
. Staphylococcus Pyogenea [Ibid.]
. Streptococci [Ibid.]
. Warts [Ibid.]
. Pustular Eczema of scalp [Ibid., quoting C.E. A. MacLeod in Lancet, Feb. 3, 1912]

"More recent articles, writes Dr. Reynolds, have described silver also being used to treat the following.(shortened list):
. Salmonella [Thurman, R. B. and Gerba, C. P., 1989. The Molecular Mechanisms of Copper and Silver Ion Disinfection of Bacteria and Viruses]
. Spore-forming Bacteria [Ibid.]
. Bovine Rotavirus [Ibid.].(causes gastroenteritis, especially in infants and newborn animals)
. Candida albicans [Simonetti, N.; Simonetti, G; Bougnol, E and Scalzo, M., 1992. Electrochemical Ag+ for Preservative Use. Article found in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, American Society for Microbiology]" Candidiasis or yeast syndrome, caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans, has become a major health concern in modern day society. It often gets misdiagnosed or masked under symptoms such as chronic fatigue." This syndrome explained in The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine as being "characterized by patients saying they 'feel sick all over.' Fatigue, allergies, immune system malfunction, depression, chemical sensitivities and digestive disturbances are just some of the symptoms patients with the yeast syndrome may experience."
   "The typical patient with the yeast syndrome is female; women are eight times more likely to experience the yeast syndrome than men, due to the effects of estrogen, birth control pills and the higher number of prescriptions for antibiotics.

"Colloidal silver is only water and silver. Both have been around since the beginning of time. Synthetic antibiotics, on the other hand, are only effective against certain bacteria and have barely been in use for 50 years and already strains of bacteria are resistant to them, not to mention viruses which have always been resistant.(it's because not comprehending what a viruse actually is).

"We are just beginning to get the true picture of this potentially deadly situation, which is deteriorating as we speak. Here are a few quotes from the latest news reports: "Superbugs That Resist All Current Drugs Are Coming" (Reuters Health 12/16/98). "From 1980 to 1992, the death rate from infectious diseases rose nearly 60%. Our arsenal of drugs seems to be failing us and it's often a race to beat the clock to find the appropriate drug to treat a raging infection."....Senator Bill Frist, himself a surgeon.

"Super-Resistant Staph Aureus Found Outside Hospitals Now" ...BBC News, 10/04/99. A bacterium resistant to most antibiotics has been found outside hospitals, raising fears that so-called superbugs may be leaving their usual breeding grounds and affecting the population at large. The most frightening aspect of superbugs is the reemergence of tuberculosis.(TB).which is now much more widespread than any of us realize. "Tuberculosis Rampage One Third of World's Population Infected" ...Reuters 08/17/99. Nearly a third of the world's population is infected with the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, according to a report published on Tuesday, with 7.96 million new cases of the disease reported in 1997. The study, by the World Health Organization, blamed poor control strategies for the situation. The study said people are sometimes not aware they have tuberculosis because their bodies respond so effectively that infected areas heal. However, the disease can become active again when the immune system weakens or when the victim becomes malnourished.

"Multi-Drug Resistant TB Racing Around The Globe; A Deadly Harvest" ...Foxnews.com 10/28/99.
Six years after health officials declared tuberculosis a global crisis, deadly strains that are resistant to various drugs are spreading faster than anticipated, Harvard Medical School researchers said Thursday. In a report released in New York entitled, The Global Impact of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, doctors said the phenomenon was a "manmade problem" unknown five decades ago. They said "multi drug resistant tuberculosis" has been reported in 104 countries "mostly in the developing world but threatening to spread to Western Europe and North America. "Someone with active pulmonary tuberculosis on an airplane can readily infect other passengers" the report's primary author, Dr. Paul Farmer, said at a news conference. The disease infects about 8 million people worldwide a year and kills up to 2 million.

"The rapid rise of multi drug resistant tuberculosis is a public health catastrophe of the first order" Farmer said.

"How Colloidal Silver Works
Most promotional literature states "colloidal silver kills invading microbes by dissolving an enzyme that metabolizes oxygen of primitive organisms. The cell can't breathe, then suffocates and dies." It's a bit more complex than that. Dr. Hill explains it this way: "It appears that colloidal silver does not remain in the bloodstream for more than a few minutes once it is administered. The silver is deposited in the cells of the reticuloendothelial (being or related to the widely diffused bodily system constituting all phagocytic cells except certain white blood cells) system, particularly in the liver and spleen and to some extent in the lymph nodes. The reticuloendothelial cells are part of the immune system. They are scavengers that consume foreign matter, cellular debris, invading germs, etc. It seems that these cells regard colloidal silver particles to be foreign material and consume them. Being inert, the silver is then deposited in the cells. Since the same cells also ingest and absorb the invading germs, the invading germs and silver particles are brought into intimate contact. Once this occurs, the germicidal properties of the silver particles take their toll on bad bacteria."

"Quality Is Everything
The critical factors that ensure a good quality colloidal silver product are particle size, purity and concentration, with particle size being the most important. The only way to authoritatively determine these is by laboratory analysis using a Transmission Electron Microscope. Fortunately, we have at our disposal the results of a series of experiments recently performed by one of the leading authorities of the subject, Dr. Ronald J. Gibbs. Professor Gibbs has been the director of the Center for Colloidal Science at the University of Delaware since 1981. He has published over 85 reviewed journal articles and five technical reports, edited 14 books and presented 61 talks at national and international meetings. Dr. Gibbs' interest in colloidal silver arises from observing an abundance of incorrect and misleading opinions in advertising and related literature, coupled with the lack of availability of correct and useful information. In his latest book. Silver Colloids, Do They Work?, published in 1999, he made public the findings of his research on 15 different colloidal silver samples.

"This is what Professor Gibbs said about the ideal colloidal silver: "The ideal colloidal silver product would be made up of particles less than 0.1 micron. There should be no solids other than the silver particles, including neither gelatin stabilizers nor other extraneous material, present by accident or design."

"Dr. Gibbs drew the following conclusion: "The highest quality colloidal silver products tested were all colorless with no additives such as gelatin."

Everyday Uses for Colloidal Silver
After thoroughly researching colloidal silver, Dr. Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. compiled a very helpful list of its many uses. This is just a short summary of his extensive findings. "Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or camping. Use topically on cuts, wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn, razor nicks and bandages

"Mist kitchen sponges, towels and cutting boards to eliminate E.Coli and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning, gastrointestinal inflammation and genital tract infections

"Use like peroxide on pimples and acne. In milk, spoiling is delayed. Spray in shoes, between toes, between legs to stop most skin itch, athlete's foot, fungi, jock itch. Diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc. Cuts downtime dramatically with colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections and rhinoviruses.(causes disorders of the respiratory tract, such as the common cold). Good for relieving skin itch, eye and ear infections. Some moles and warts vanish when colloid is sprayed on body after bathing. Use with Q-tip on fingernail, toenail and ear fungi. Neutralize tooth decay and bad breath. "Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut-flower vases. Spray air conditioner filters after cleaning. Swab air ducts and vents to prevent breeding sites for bad bacteria. Eliminate unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and hydroponics systems. Spray plant foliage to stop fungi, molds, rot and most plant diseases. "Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, baths, dishwashers. Rinse fruit and vegetables before storing or using. Excellent for diapers and diaper rash."

There are literally thousands of everyday uses. You'll find that a spray or dropper bottle of colloidal silver may be one of the most useful tools in your environment.

Safe, Nontoxic, Effective, Recommended Concentrations
Even though there are mixed opinions about recommended concentrations for taking colloidal silver, most experts agree that 5-12 ppm is adequate in strength and completely safe. There have been no adverse effects documented when using colloidal silver at these potencies..(determining amount by weight of user and parts per million of the colloidal)

Dr. Marijah McCain, N.D., director of the Herbal Healer Academy in Arizona has extensive experience with the safety and effectiveness of colloidal silver. "I have used this product", she writes in one of her articles, "to save hundreds of lives of not only humans but animals as well!

"Colloidal Silver has been tested, written up in medical journals and found completely safe and nontoxic and effective in treating hundreds of organisms. I have had thousands of people use it and find it very effective as a safe, natural antibiotic. I have personally tested Colloidal Silver on dogs, cats, horses, goats and ferrets and found it effective every time! Thousands of our members have taken it with no side effects ever reported of any kind and no one ever got gray skin."

Regarding colloidal silver dosage, the Silver Education Coalition recommends the following: "In the event an individual begins taking Colloidal Silver while having a cold or flu or for any other virus, bacteria or fungus, the daily amount should begin with one teaspoon three times a day for three days, then for adults, one teaspoon per day. Use half the amount for young children. After taking one teaspoon of Colloidal Silver daily for four days, adults may cut back to one-half teaspoon daily and proportionally, by body weight, for children.".(determining amount by weight of user and parts per million of the colloidal)

Reader's Digest March 1936:
"...The effect of colloids is explainable in part by electric action. Sick and dead and broken down cells are attracted to the colloids by electromagnetic force, as iron filings are attracted to a magnet. The colloids carry those decayed or poisonous substances into the blood stream and they are eliminated, the system meanwhile adapting what it needs of the colloids."

(1) John Loftus and Mark Aarons, The Secret War Against The Jews, St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0312156480
(2) The Encartan 2000 New World Timeline
(3) John W. Hill, Colloidal Silver, A Literature Review: Medical Uses, Toxicology and Manufacture, Clear Springs Press, P0 Box 1068, Rainer, WA
(4) Hans Kugler, Ph.D. and Chase Revel, Amazing Medicines, The Drug Companies Don't Want You to Discover, Berkley Books, ISBN 042516943
(5) Zoltan Rona, M.D., Return to the Joy of Health, Alive Books, ISBN 0920470629
(6) See Ref. (4)
(7) Silver Education Coalition, The Colloidal Silver Hand Book
(8) See Ref. (3)
(9) James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Baich, C.N.C., Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Second Edition, Avery Publishing Group, ISBN: 0895297272
(10) Written by Nancy Grundy www.celestia.com/SRPIDJ96/Html/ColloidalSilver.html
(11) The Supplement Shopper, Alternative Medicine Guide, Future Medicine Publishing, Inc., ISBN 1887299173
(12) M. Murrey, N.D. and J. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Rev. 2nd Ed., Prima, ISBN 0 76 15 1157 1
(13) See Ref. (3)
(14) Dr. Robert C. Beck, D.Sc., A Few Unique Plus Traditional Uses for Silver Colloid
(15) Ronald J. Gibbs, Silver Colloids, Do They Work?
(16) You can subscribe to Prof. Gibbs' newsletter by sending $14.95 to: Prof. Gibbs, 14 Amherst Drive, Newark, DE 19711. (The Journal of  Preventative and Alternative Medicine has no ties with Prof. Gibbs.)
(17) See Ref. (7)

...Marshall Smith, Editor, Bro. Jonathan Gazette.

-change how you poop:.A key factor in getting better and maintenance of health: From the website.naturesplatform.com

"For 150 years, the people of the Western World have been the unwitting subjects of an experiment. By an accident of Fate, they were forced to adopt sitting toilets, while the other two-thirds of the world.(the "control group").continued to use the natural squatting position.

"The results of this experiment have been clear and unequivocal. The experimental group has suffered dramatically higher rates of intestinal and urological disorders. The following diseases are almost exclusively confined to the Western World: appendicitis, colon cancer, prostate disorders, diverticulosis, bladder incontinence, hemorrhoids and inflammatory bowel disease.

"But the results have been misinterpreted by researchers who were unaware that the experiment was even taking place. Western doctors have tried to blame these diseases on the "highly refined" western diet. Their attempts have consistently failed to show that diet is a significant factor. Conventional medical websites all tell the same story: This is a disease of the Western World. We don't know what causes it or why the developing world seems so strangely immune. 

"Medical researchers have been working diligently to solve these deadly mysteries, but they have made little progress. Due to their habit of studying diseases in isolation, they failed to notice a remarkable coincidence: Many different bowel, bladder and pelvic diseases, previously rare or unknown, suddenly became commonplace in the last half of the 19th century.

"This simple observation would have alerted them to the presence of a common underlying factor. It would have prompted the obvious question: What suddenly changed in the daily habits of the population?

"The obvious answer: They abandoned the squatting posture for bodily functions, including childbirth. For each disease, the anatomical relevance of this change has been explained above. The relevance is confirmed by the absence of these disorders among squatting populations.

"In conclusion, the porcelain throne has caused enormous amounts of needless suffering, and the annual waste of billions of dollars in health care costs. Clearly, the time has come to reacquaint Western Man with his natural habits and put this unfortunate experiment to an end."

Buy their contraption.(naturesplatform.com).to do it right or make your own.

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"The truth is never anti-anything."....Clint Richardson
