in the end; finally; eventually
of the greatest significance;
ultimate truth); maximum (Nirvana
is a human being's highest goal); being last in a series, process or progression
not softening or yielding in determination; hard;
stern (an unrelenting leader; the principal was too stern with the students);
not letting up or weakening in vigor
or pace; constant (the unrelenting struggle)
usurp, usurped,
transitive verb senses.to
and hold the power or rights of another or exercise authority or possession
wrongfully; to act as your own authority; appropriate;
take over or occupy without right to do so (usurp a neighbor's land)
verb senses.to seize and hold as office,
place or powers in possession by force or without right (usurp a throne);
to take or make use of without right (usurped the rights to his life story);
to take the place of by or as if by force; supplant
(must not let stock responses based on inherited prejudice
usurp careful judgment); to
and alter
for purposes beyond original intent, such as what comprosed the 1776
American Constitution.vis-à-vis
the satanic cabal's.concocted
1871 American corporate constitution, put in under
the name Organic Act in 1878, where the United States was hijacked,
being taken over by them, other examples being the
of Darwin's theory, as well as the
Australian shocker and so for people of many nations on Earth, including
the United States for America, the We
the People true government now in 2025
may be called The New Republic For (or 'Of') America or maybe just 'America',
the previous one
replaced by the cabal for their
created 1871
corporation which
they owned as shareholders who lived not in the area of the United States,
foreignly, beyond its shores,
naming it UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals,
it being a corporation, a foreign corporation at
that, a money making corporation, making money for the cabal and with
this theft from We the People
they carried on with their con
right up to today, including Canada being made.subservient
to them, all hidden of course from We
the People.
the act of usurping, especially the seizure.by
royals as in the case of the estimated 500,000 children that just disappeared
and of 50,000 of them who were murdered
by the cabal in Canada; also sovereignty
as even from royals in
the case of Queen Elizabeth I of England, 1508 to March 23, 1603; a
usurpation is a wrongful seizure or exercise of authority or privilege
belonging to another; an
our own day, gross
usurpations upon the liberty
of private life"....John
Stuart Mill), such as the cabal's hijacking the American people with
their 1871 so-called constitution and overiding
of the original 1776 United States For America Constitution based on
the laws of God. American revolutionary
Patrick Henry said."The
liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions
of their rulers may be concealed from them."
More info: https://www.archives.gov/
The Act of 1871 turned US
into a corporation. Type into a search engine.
Anyone who digs through American
history can find the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, when the
Crown/Vatican/Swiss Banking Cabal set up to rob everyone of their rights
to land, thanks to the Crown Temple B.A.R. Broker/Attorners who made sure
to set it all up for their Jesuit Rothschild Lord and Master. All we have
known is war, bankruptcy and constant struggles with these stinking Banksters
and their Lawyers. A brief account of the history of the end of what
we thought was freedom. It's still possible to have freedom, but it’s a
constant conflict with the loathsome courts. The two
consitutions of the US.
UNITED STATES Incorporated
in England in 1871
UNITED STATES Incorporated
in England in 1871 was governed entirely by private corporate law, dictated
by the banks as creditors.
The U.S. is a Crown Colony.
The U.S. has always been and remains a Crown (Roman Catholic Pope) colony.
King James I, is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King
James Version”, but for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606
— which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize
America. The charter guaranteed future German Roman Catholic Kings/Queens
of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized
land in America.
After America declared independence
from the Crown, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783 was signed.
That treaty identifies the German Roman Catholic King of England as prince
of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain,
France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick (Germany’s
Brunswick) and Lunebourg (Germany’s Lunebourg), arch- treasurer and prince
elector of the Holy Roman Empire (Roman Catholic Church) etc., and of the
United States of America“– completely contradicting premise that America
won The War of Independence.
Article 5 of that treaty
gave all British estates, rights and properties back to the Crown – Catholic
Church Pope.
With no constitutional authority
to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District
of Columbia.The people of the 50 Union states together maintain foreign
sovereign immunity. First, an important point needs to be made clear
here. IN LAW, a fictitious entity can only deal with another fictitious
entity, because only parties of equal standing can communicate in law.
Read that again!
to send forth with the voice; to articulate.(words);
or speak
utter, utterable.adjectives
complete; absolute; entire (utter nonsense;
what we think to be the utter end of the multiverse); utter darkness
entirely, completely, absolutely
the act of uttering; vocal
expression; the power of speaking; speech (as long as I have utterance);
something uttered or expressed; a statement
the greatest amount or degree possible; the utmost;
the uttermost end or extremity
utmost; outermost
the most possible; the extreme limit; the highest
attainable point or degree (the uttermost in reliability);
the highest, greatest or best of one's abilities, powers and resources
(will do our utmost to help)
as an.adjective-situated
at the farthest or most distant point; extreme (the utmost point of the
Earth); of the greatest or highest degree, quantity, number or amount (a
matter of utmost concern)
not obtrusive
not blatant, arresting or aggressive;inconspicuous
words ending in 'ess'
usually without pluralization - adding an 'es'
making '...esses'
can make the word be clumsy)
hard to deal with; stubborn;
lean minded, that is, close-minded
unravel, unraveled,
transitive verb use.to
make clear of confusion
or involvement;
to undo or ravel (ravel and unravel
mean the same thing) the knitted fabric of; to separate (entangled
threads); to separate and clarify the elements of (something mysterious
or baffling); solve
intransitive verb use to become unraveled
unfetter, unfettered,
free from restraint
in that which is good for self and others (Romans
13:10); liberate
to set free or keep free from restrictions
which harness something
on money, ok to do in some cases, such as:.Luke
19:23; but compounding the interest on money, such as what happens
normally today, is akin to slavery;
the lending of money, which can
be created out of thin air
by banks allowed to do so and that created also with the load factor of
an interest charge on this 'thin air' money, different than the investment
of money earned and used to advance service to humanity;
was forbidden throughout ancient history; why? Proverbs
11:15 "He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it and he that
hates suretyship is sure."
practicing usury;
of or constituting usury
(usurious interest rates; loaning at over 10% interest was a crime until
banks increased lending rates)
one who is under the orders of another; subordinate;
not tenable;
that cannot be defended; incapable of being tenanted or occupied; being
such that maintenance or defense is impossible (an untenable document);
being such that occupation or habitation is impossible (untenable quarters
{the place being so messy, no one would live there})
to put to use; get profit or benefit from by using
a pyrimidine-(colorless,
crystalline organic-compound)-derivative,
which is a major component of
acids and nucleotides;
like purine is an organic nitrogenous
base soluble in water
having a frequency above the human ear's audibility
limit of about 20,000 Hertz,
used of waves and vibrations
going beyond what is usual or ordinary; on the
far side of; beyond; ultra is added to adjectives to form other adjectives
that emphasize
that something or someone has
a quality
to an extreme
degree (that skateboard move was ultra cool); going beyond others or beyond
due limit; of, relating to or espousing
extreme devotion,
as to a cause (ancient Pharisees
in the time of Emmanuel on Earth
were ultrareligious); immoderately.adhering
to a belief, fashion or course of action; extreme;
beyond the range, scope or limit of (ultrasonic; ultraviolet; a wide range
of ultra-modern equipment; an ultra-modern building; these servicemen were
ultra-cautious when it came to aircraft maintenance); above and beyond
something in a range; (an ultra-light jacket; an ultra-ambitious executive)
ultra vires.adverb.or.adjective
beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or
authority; beyond the legal authority of an individual or corporation,
as opposed to intra vires; beyond an entity's legal power or authority
the whole body of things and phenomena
observed or postulated;
the entire celestial cosmos;
our home universe being the Milky
unified field.proper
a recent
discovery, the unified field describes nature at all energies;
what happens if the energies can be adjusted to equivalent GeV,
say 10 to the 16th or 18th power?; the experience of the unified field
which is pure consciousness constitutes
a fourth major state of human consciousness, physiologically
and subjectively.distinct
from waking, dreaming and deep sleep; this experience is marked by the
global (all over the brain area) EEG (Electroencephalogram)
increased alpha power, indicating
maximum orderliness of brain functioning
and utilization of the total brain
Einstein spent
30 years of his life searching for a unifying theory
to reconcile that which he was
aware of regarding the functioning of the multiverse. He never found it.
John Hagelin has found it
The unified field is silent yet from its enormous
potential comes everything. One experiences the unified field in
meditation. No, lights don't go off. No, you hear nothing. No, you
feel nothing. That's just it. It's a field of 'nothingness', that is, nothingness
compared to what we comprehend
about the physical world we are in. It's just a field of silence. It seems
but it's not, as it's from here that things well up to your conscious mind's
attention. It's from here one can make
a difference. Meditation allows the conscious mind to identify itself
with the unified field in the stillness
of pure consciousness.
Life on Earth is very sensitive to the values of
tiniest change in any of these.(or
these).would result in changes
so drastic that life as we know
it would not, could not, exist. It's the Universal Intelligent Energy/Spirit
that continues sustaining the universe and our world as we know it.
From ICID (International Center for Invincible
Defense, invincibledefense.org) brochure:."The
unified field uses Gauge supersymmetry
which is the scientific principle through which the Unified Field dynamically
upholds its unity. Its perfectly
balanced supersymmetric union of diametrically opposed tendencies,
is known as Bose and Fermi
fields. If this perfect, supersymmetric balance were to be challenged by
potentially disruptive permutations
among its bosonic and fermionic
components, then specialized components of the Unified Field called gauge
respond with a countervailing
force, preserving the perfect symmetry of the system. All these fundamental
principles of invincibility—the principle of indomitable
strength, the principle of impenetrable.coherence.(the
Meissner Effect).and
the principle of infinite adaptability.(gauge
supersymmetry)—become fully functional
in the nation when the qualities of the Unified Field are enlivened in
national consciousness through large groups of coherence-creating experts
practicing the Invincible Defense Technology. These cutting-edge scientific
principles of invincibility from physics explain how, in modern scientific
terms, by enlivening total Natural Law.(how?)—the
Unified Field—and its invincible qualities in the collective consciousness
of society, the Invincible Defense Technology creates indomitable strength
and national invincibility—as confirmed by extensive
published research."
When in this amazing field, the laws of the physical
don't apply, for example, the QFS is anchored
in this field while it functions also in our 3d world. We don't think we
can live beyond a few days without water and certainly not beyond 2 months
without food. How about going 11 years without food and only a cup of buttermilk
about once a year and no water? This is what the engineer Hira
Ratan Manak did and does..He
says one gets all the nutrition he needs from the Sun and that vegetables,
etc. are simply different tasting captured Sun's energy..See
the movie.in which he explains
how he does it. And then there's the boy who has mostly continually meditated
for over a year now and is going for another 5 years. Type 'boy meditates
for five years' into YouTube.
one and only; different from all others; having
no like or equal; unusual; rare
words ending in 'ess'
usually without pluralization - adding an 'es'
making '...esses'
is clumsy)
not lessened or eased; not mitigated
a bag like organ containing the mammary glands,
of certain female mammals, such as cows, sheep and goats
without bias
unbiased information, opinions, advice etc is fair because the person giving
it is not influenced by their own or other people's opinions (gave an unbiased
account of ways to solve the problems)
not modified
by conditions or reservations; absolute.(an
unqualified success); lacking the proper or required qualifications (unqualified
for the job; not qualified yet)
not based on fact
or sound.evidence
leading to proof positive; groundless; baseless;
not established
words ending in 'ess'
usually without pluralization - adding an 'es'
making '...esses'
is clumsy)
to weaken by wearing away a base or foundation
(water has undermined the stone foundations); to weaken, injure or impair,
often by degrees or imperceptibly; sap
(late hours can undermine one's health); to dig a mine or tunnel beneath
committing no mistakes; not erring;
consistently accurate