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license.noun,.plural.licenses (variant of and also spelled 'licence')
a license or licence is a waver of prosecution, an official or legal permission to do or use a specified thing, as though you were a slave and required consent and payment before you could act (*); it's permission with a fee that often recurs (your vehicle renewal license fee; see registration); limited 'freedom' granted by some so-called authority for a charge; akin to the protection racket of hoodlums; authorize; also means deviation from normal rules, practices or methods in order to achieve a certain end or effect (poetic license)
license, licensed, licensing, licenses.transitive verbs
to grant a license to or for with a charge of money; authorize

being the second of two persons or things mentioned (between captain and major, the latter is the higher rank; see word former; near or nearer to the end (the latter part of the book)

of, relating.to.or.situated at or on the side
a lateral part or projection
Football:.lateral pass
lateral, lateraled, lateraling, laterals.verbs
intransitive verb use.to execute a lateral pass
transitive verb use.to pass the ball sideways or backward

the state of being probable; probability; something probable; chance

one of the segments of a compound leaf; a small leaf or leaflike part; a printed, usually folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution
leaflet, leafleted, leafleting, leaflets.verbs
intransitive verb use.to hand out leaflets
transitive verb use.to hand out leaflets to or in (leafleted the morning commuters; leaflet a neighborhood)

lop, lopped, lopping, lops.transitive verbs
to cut off a part from; trim (lopped her long curls); to cut off from a tree or shrub (lopped dead branches); to eliminate or excise as superfluous (lopped him from the payroll)
lop, lopped, lopping, lops.intransitive and transitive verbs
to hang or let hang loosely; droop

levy, levied, levying, levies.verbs
transitive verb use.to impose or collect a tax
intransitive verb use.to confiscate property
the act or process of levying money, property

freedom from unjust or undue governmental control; the right and power to be (a human being) and act in ways in harmony with underlying principles.causing no harm.in any manner:.Romans 13:10; to believe or express oneself as a free mind in formation and maturation, which is a continually growing and changing human being; the condition of being physically and free from confinement, servitude or forced labor, etc.; freeness; the condition of being free from restriction or control (*); a right and power to engage in actions without control or interference as long as they do no harm; free

liberate, liberated, liberating, liberates.transitive verbs
to set free, as from oppression and hardship
the act of liberating or the state of being liberated; the acts of achieving and maintaining.freedom by ensuring the majority will of men and women in a nation is followed by those elected by them to govern

lax, laxer, laxest.adjectives
lacking in rigor, strictness or firmness; negligent; not taut, firm, or compact; slack; loose
the state or quality of being lax

loll, lolled, lolling, lolls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move, stand or recline in an indolent or relaxed.manner; to hang or droop.laxly.(a pennant lolling from the mast on a ship at sea)
transitive verb use.to permit to hang or droop laxly (lolled his head on the armrest)
an act or attitude of lolling

lollygag, lollygagged, lollygagging, lollygags.intransitive verbs
to waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle

lounge, lounged, lounging, lounges.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll.(lounging on the sofa; lounged around in pajamas); to pass time idly (lounged in a warm climate for awile)
transitive verb use.to pass time in a lazy, relaxed or idle way (lounged the day away)
a public waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal, often having smoking or lavatory facilities; an establishment or a room in an establishment, as in a hotel or restaurant, where cocktails are served; a living room; a lobby; a long couch, especially one having no back and a headrest at one end

an unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly.believed to be historical, like the flood; an extremely famous or notorious individual, such as Derek Sanderson, whose speed and agility on the hockey rink were legend; a screen legend, such as George C. Scott in the award winning movie about the amazing WWII General,.Patton; a collection of such stories; an inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin; an explanatory.table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart
of, constituting, based on or of the nature of a legend; celebrated in legend; extremely well known; famous or renowned (Neil Young and Gordon Lightfoot are both legendary for their music; the legend of the finger writing on the wall)

lambaste, lambasted, lambasting, lambastes.transitive verbs
to scold sharply; berate; to give a thrashing to; beat

of.or.relating.to the Roman Catholic Church, ancient Rome, the beginning of Latin people or its culture from around 4 B.C.E.; of or relating to Latium, an ancient country of west-central Italy (Rome), its people or its culture; the Creator's original language was not Latin, nor Spanish, Aramic or Hebrew; what it was we don't now know as according to gene Decode, who should know, it was quadrillions of years ago; Latin developed from the Etruscan alphabet at some time before 600 B.C.E.; it can be traced through Etruscan, Greek and Phoenician scripts to the North Semitic alphabet used in Syria and Palestine about 1100 BCE; languages developed from Latin, such as Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese or to the peoples that speak them; Latin also relates to the peoples, countries or cultures of Latin America; small groups of people living along the lower Tiber River spread with the increase of Roman political power, taking their language with them, first throughout Italy and then throughout most of western and southern Europe and the central and western Mediterranean coastal regions of Africa. Accounts of the Latin period have come down overlaid with such a mass of myth and legend that few can be verified...leaders would call the common people to war along with their armies and leaders would tell people they, the leaders, were instituted by divine.fiat, implying.populace.subordination...they also used proscription as a means of people control ...comprised with information fromMicrosoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. And from information from Encyclopedia Britannica.
the Indo-European language of the ancient Latins and Romans; Latin, the most important member of the Italic branch of Indo-European, is divided into several historical periods and social dialects and was the cultural language of western Europe until the end of the 17th century; a member of a Latin people, especially a native or inhabitant of Latin America; a native or resident of ancient Latium; the limiting language of Latin restricted progress, as since the 17th century the world has exploded technologically and in informational ways; the Latin language and literature was especially extant from the end of the third century B.C.E. to the end of the second century A.D.
a Latin American; an individual of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent
Late Latin.proper noun
the Latin language as used from the third to the seventh century A.D.

Medieval Latin.proper noun
the Latin language as used from about 700 to about 1500 A.D.

New Latin.and.Modern Latin.proper noun
Latin since 1500 A.D., used especially in scientific terminology

Vulgar Latin.proper noun
the common speech of the ancient Romans, which is distinguished from standard literary Latin and is the ancestor of the Romance languages

insanity; great or wild foolishness; a wildly foolish act

suffering from lunacy; insane; wildly or giddily foolish (a lunatic decision); characterized by lunacy or eccentricity

means relating to the moon; lunar is a system of dating based on a year consisting of synodic months, meaning complete cycles of phases of the Moon. In every solar year (aka year of the seasons), there are about 12.37 synodic months. Therefore, if a lunar year calendar is to be kept in step with the seasonal year, a periodic intercalation (meaning an addition) of days is necessary.
   The Sumerians were probably the first to develop a calendar based entirely on the recurrence of lunar phases. Each Sumero-Babylonian month began on the first day of visibility of the new Moon. Although an intercalary month was used periodically, intercalations were haphazard, inserted when the royal astrologers realized that the calendar had fallen severely out of step with the seasons. Starting about 380 BC (means Before Christ, changed by cabal to B.C.E. meaning 'Before the Common Era'; the demons just had to get the words 'Christ' and 'Christian' out of there if they can, just like those of the Khazarian mafia who also hate anything good; fixed rules regarding intercalations were established, providing for the distribution of seven intercalary months at designated intervals over 19-year periods. Greek astronomers also devised rules for intercalations to coordinate the lunar and solar years. It is likely that the Roman republican calendar was based on the lunar calendar of the Greeks.
   Lunar calendars remain in use among certain religious groups today. The Jewish calendar, which supposedly dates from 3,760 years and three months before the Christian Era (BCE) is one example. The Jewish religious year begins in autumn and consists of 12 months alternating between 30 and 29 days. It allows for a periodic leap year and an intercalary month. Another lunar calendar, the Muslim, dates from the Hegira—July 15, 622 AD, the day on which the prophet Muhammad began his migration from Mecca to Medina.....comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica.

confined or restricted within certain limits (has only limited experience); not attaining the highest goals or achievement (a limited approach to a problem makes one think they didn't want to really solve it); having only mediocre.talent or range of ability (a popular but limited actor; a limited monarchy)
a limited train or bus
the point, edge or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed; the boundary surrounding a specific area; bounds (within the city limits); a confining or restricting object, agent or influence; the greatest or least amount, number or extent allowed or possible (a withdrawal limit of $200; no minimum age limit); one that approaches or exceeds certain limits, as of credibility, forbearance or acceptability (his clothes show there is a limit to his responsibleness)
limit, limited, limiting, limits.transitive verbs
to confine or restrict within a boundary or bounds
acting as a limit
the.act.of limiting or the state of being limited; a restriction; character.qualities that hold one back from becoming a better self; a shortcoming or defect
Law:.a specified.period.during.which, by statute, an action may be brought

having no limit or limits; unrestricted (the limitless reaches of outer space)

lovely, lovelier, loveliest.adjectives
full of love; loving; inspiringlove or affection; having.beauty that appeals to the emotions.as well as to the eye; beautiful; enjoyable; delightful
a beautiful woman; a lovely object (the flowers she received looked just lovely)

love is many things, just not all at once; the Greeks have three words for love; love is.basically a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person one cares about, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive.qualities or a sense of underlying.oneness; a feeling of desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to pair with another; the emotion of sex and romance; sexual.passion; sexual intercourse; a love affair; an emotional.attachment, as for a pet or treasured object; if you love someone or something you have an affinity for it; an individual who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved, often used as a term of endearment; an expression.of one's affection (send him my love); an object of such enthusiasm (her children and the outdoors are her greatest loves since her man passed on); a strong predilection or enthusiasm (a love of words)
love, loved, loving, loves.transitive verbs
to have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person (we love our parents, sisters, brothers, relatives, pets and friends); to have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person; to have an emotional attachment to (loves his house); to embrace or caress; to like or desire enthusiastically (loves swimming); to thrive on; need (the cactus loves hot, dry air)
intransitive verb use.to experience deep affection or intense desire for another
feeling love; affectionate; indicative of or exhibiting love
with fondness; with love (she spoke to her children fondly)
having characteristics that attract love or affection
for love.idiom
out of compassion; with no thought for a reward (she volunteers at the hospital for love)
for love or money.or.for love nor money.idiom
under any circumstances; usually used in negative sentences, negative that is, in something one would not do, but yet, positive in effect (I would not do that for love nor money)
for the love of.idiom
for the sake of; in consideration for (did it all for the love of children and seniors)
no love lost.idiom
no affection; animosity (there's no love lost between them)

so deeply affected by love as to be unable to act normally; exhibiting a lover's yearning
lovesickness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
