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courageously.noble in mind and heart; generous in forgiving; eschewing.resentment or revenge; unselfish (the magnanimous professor cared for truth in spite of the criticism of his superiors)
the quality of being magnanimous

Mendeleyev, Dmitri Ivanovich; also spelt.Mendeleev 1834-1907
Russian chemist who first published the Periodic Table of the Elements in 1869 as he saw it in a dream. It was an inspiration. He first received the knowledge, then tried to figure out its integration. He looked for the designed patterns to find connection of the elements and comprised these into a system. Note his genius in looking for patterns of created things and compare this with the idiocy of tinkerers today

an object that is surrounded by a magnetic field and that has the property, either natural or induced of attracting iron or steel; an electromagnet; an individual, a place, an object or a situation that exerts.attraction
bar magnet.noun,.plural.bar magnets
a magnet in the form of a bar having magnetic poles at each end
of.or.relating.to magnetism or magnets; having the properties of a magnet; capable of being magnetized or attracted by a magnet; operating.by means of magnetism (a magnetic hard drive in a computer); relating to the magnetic poles of the Earth (a magnetic compass); having an ability to attract (a magnetic personality)
magnetize, magnetized, magnetizing, magnetizes.transitive verbs
to make magnetic; to attract, charm or influence (her speech magnetized the listeners)

the class of phenomena exhibited by a magnetic field; the study of magnets and their effects (how a magnetic disk works); the force exerted by a magnetic field

mull, mulled, mulling, mulls.verbs
transitive verb use.to go over extensively in the mind; to question oneself about things of concern one might have and then see what comes to mind that's helpful; ponder; also, to heat and spice wine
intransitive verb use.to ruminate; ponder.(mull over a plan)

a means or manner of procedure, especially a regular and systematic way of accomplishing something (a simple method for making a pie crust; mediation as a method of solving disputes; a psychiatric manual contains many methods)
having knowledge of a way to do something; a set of working methods (the methodology of genetic studies; a body of practices, procedures and rules.used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an inquiry; an opinion poll marred by faulty methodology); the study or theoretical.analysis of such working methods
arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order; characterized by ordered and systematic habits or behavior; orderly

an organic.compound in which the hydrogen of the hydroxyl group of methyl alcohol is replaced by a metal
methylate, methylated, methylating, methylates.transitive verbs
to mix or combine with methyl alcohol; to combine with the methyl radical

Physics:.a measure of the motion of a body equal to the product of its mass and velocity; also called linear momentum; impetus of a physical object in motion

inflammation of the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord, most often caused by a bacterial or viral infection and characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache and stiff neck

a deep red colored protein which is the form of, similar to, hemoglobin found in muscle fibers, having a higher affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin of the blood; myoglobin's role in the breathing of a cell

having great variety; diverse; versatile

of, relating.to.or.caused by disease; pathological or diseased; characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome thoughts or feelings (read the account of the murder with a morbid interest); gruesome; grisly
the quality of being morbid; morbidness; the rate of incidence of a disease

very small; tiny

meld, melded, melding, melds.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to merge
intransitive verb use.to become merged (matter comes from frequencies combining); if two things meld or if you meld them, they combine into one thing (he melded country music with blues to create rock and roll; the raindrops melded into a sheet of water; she repaired her child's toy by melding the cracked plastic)
a blend or merger (countries are often a meld of ethnic backgrounds)

mention, mentioned, mentioning, mentions.transitive verbs
if you mention something, you say something about it, usually briefly; to refer to incidentally
the act of referring to something briefly or casually; an incidental reference or allusion

a penalty such as a fine
mulct, mulcted, mulcting, mulcts.transitive verbs
to acquire by trickery or deception; to defraud or swindle; to penalize by fining or demanding.forfeiture

murky, murkier, murkiest.adjectives
dark, dim or gloomy, dismal (a murky slough; heavy and thick with smoke, mist or fog; hazy; darkened or clouded with sediment (murky waters); lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure; a murky place or time of day is dark and unpleasant because there is not enough light; murky water or fog is so dark and dirty that you cannot see through it; if you describe an activity or situation as murky, you suspect that it is dishonest or morally wrong (there has been a murky conspiracy to keep people unaware of truth)

capable.of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure (a malleable metal); easily controlled or influenced; tractable; able to adjust to changing circumstances; adaptable (the malleable mind of the pragmatist)
malleability or malleableness.nouns
synonyms.ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant
antonyms.unmalleable, unbending

the act or process or an instance of coming together; an encounter; an assembly or a gathering of people, as for a business, social or spiritual purpose
meeting of minds.idiom
agreement; concord
meet, met, meeting, meets.verbs
transitive verb use.to come upon by chance or arrangement; to be present at the arrival of (met the train to pick up Julie); to be introduced to (nice to meet you); to come into conjunction with; join (where the sea meets the sky); to come to the notice of the senses (there is more here than meets the eye); to deal with (we have met the enemy and it was us, our bad natures; meeting and not avoiding those things we can learn from allows us to function more intelligently); fulfil (meeting the cleaning requirements of the house, we finished in time to greet the visitors); satisfy (was enough.effort to complete the work on time)
intransitive verb use.to come together (let's meet for lunch); to come into conjunction; be joined; to become introduced; to assemble (we're meeting at the park for a barbeque)
a meeting (we had two meets today)
meet someone halfway.idiom
to make a compromise with

mute, muter, mutest.adjectives
refraining from producing speech or vocal sound; unable to speak; dumb; silent, as the 'e' in the word house
one who is incapable of speech
mute, muted, muting, mutes.transitive verbs
to soften or muffle the sound of; to soften the tone, color, shade or hue of

Magna Carta-(means "Great Charter")
a document sealed by King John of England on June 15, 1215, in which he made a series of promises to his subjects that he would govern England and deal with his vassals according to the customs of feudal law (see an encyclopedia). Over the course of centuries, these promises have required governments in England (and in countries influenced by English tradition) to follow the law in dealing with their citizens, including the need, stated in the Magna Carta (1215), for taxes to have the consent of the taxed.

The Magna Carta was adopted into a Canadian document called the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and also into a document purported to be a constitution for Canada.and of course even the invalid one that was concocted has not been followed by Canada's corporate governments since. And of course keeping all this from We the People of Canada

King John of England had spent the years since the loss of Normandy and Anjou in preparation for a large scale military campaign to recover lands from Philip II. To raise money for the campaign, John demanded more taxes and services from his subjects than ever before, because he and those with him were too stupid and/or duped to know that a country can create its own currency and enough of it so that all the people prosper. But alas, he too was a lackey, subject to the controlling satanic cabal; yes, even way back then and thousands of years before too.

In addition, he ruled them very harshly because he feared disloyalty from the English barons. But his campaign to recover his lands in France failed disastrously. When John returned to England to collect even more money, many of the English barons revolted. The rebel lords captured London but did not defeat John's forces decisively. By the spring of 1215, a stalemate approached and the two sides began to negotiate. The Magna Carta was the result of these discussions and John agreed to it in 1215 at Runnymede, a meadow near Windsor.

The Magna Carta of 1215 contains 63 clauses. The first restates the charter that John issued in 1214, which had granted liberties to the Church. In many clauses John promises to be less harsh in enforcing his feudal rights on the barons and another clause states that the barons must grant to their tenants all the feudal concessions that the king has made to them. Many clauses concern the legal system; in these John promises to provide good and fair justice in various ways.

The last few clauses concern enforcement of the document. 
   The two most important clauses of Magna Carta are among the legal clauses. Clause 40 promises, "To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay right or justice." This clause establishes the principle of equal access to the courts for all citizens without exorbitant fees. In clause 39, the king promises, "No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or disseized or outlawed or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land."

This clause establishes that the king would follow legal procedure before he punished someone. Historians have debated at length the meaning in 1215 of "by lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land," and who exactly was covered by the term "free man?" By the later 14th century, however, statutes interpreting the Magna Carta equated "judgment of peers" with trial by jury, such as in Common Law today and which did not exist in criminal cases under Admiralty/Maritime/Civil law at that time. 

Other statutes rephrased "by the law of the land" as "by due process of law." These later statutes also substituted "no one" or "no man of any sort or condition" for "no free man," which extended the protections of the clause to all the king's subjects. These protections were cited in many founding documents of the American colonies and were incorporated into the Constitution of the United States.

Forces That Shaped The Constitution: In 1774 the Parliament of Great Britain capped a series of abuses against the American colonies by imposing a tax on tea imports to the colonies. The colonies quickly agreed to convene a Continental Congress, which in 1776 appointed two committees, one to draft the Declaration of Independence and the other to prepare a "form of confederation" among the colonies. In 1778 this second committee produced the Articles of Confederation. They took effect in 1781 when Maryland, the last holdout state, ratified them.

The Articles of Confederation established a league of friendship among the states, but not a political union. Each state remained separate and sovereign (under self-rule). The central government consisted of a one chamber Congress, in which each state had a single vote. Congress had few powers, lacking even the authority to impose taxes. Any congressional action required the approval of 9 of the 13 states. The government had no president and no central court.

After numerous votes settled the details, a committee on style and revision was assigned in to put the final results in language to submit to the people for ratification. Two political theorists had great influence on the creation of the Constitution. John Locke, an important British political philosopher, had a large impact through his Second Treatise of Government (1690). Locke argued that sovereignty resides in individuals, not rulers. A political state, he theorized, emerged from a social contract among the people, who consent to government in order to preserve their lives, liberties, and property. In the words of the Declaration of Independence, which also drew heavily on Locke, governments derive "their just powers from the consent of the governed."

The framers of the U.S. Constitution sought put the Constitution above legislative power, indeed, above all governmental powers. The Constitution, particularly the Supremacy Clause of Article VI, establishes the "rule of law", the idea that the government itself, including the president and Congress, must abide by the law. The complete United States Constitution.

The Constitution had to be ratified by nine states before it could take effect.

The Constitution spells out in six articles (sections) the powers of the federal government and the states (the Constitution does not include the term separation of powers) The first three articles establish the separation mechanism and mark out areas of responsibility for each branch of government.

Later amendments expanded some of these powers and limited others. The Constitution prevents tyrannical abuses of authority through the separation of powers: each branch of government has its own responsibilities and cannot take action in areas assigned to the other branches.

No member of Congress may serve simultaneously as a member of the executive branch. This separation differs strikingly from the British practice, in which the prime minister and other executive officials are also members of Parliament..comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved...
