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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  9 3

Evolution avoids answering questions about fundamental processes:."True high technology functions on the simplest imaginable principles, often copied from nature, but which could only be unraveled by scientific research...The real power of high technology emerges when it is aimed not at producing devices, but at understanding fundamental processes...the understanding of those processes can in turn be harnessed to yield useful results and products..."....Hans Christian Von Bayer, chancellor professor of physics at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. His book:.Warmth Disperses And Time Passes: The History of Heat, 1999. 

From mussels we get surgical glue. From catnip, a member of the mint family, we get compounds that repel cockroaches.

Look at and consider the clouds and other amazing details in patterns of nature; such surprising design when you look close. Consider too, the rhythms of nature, how the magnetic fields of the universe affect all on the Earth. Consider too, the giant engine that the multiverse is. Consider the power of plants.

For one example, peppermint oil is effective in warding off malaria, dengue fever and West Nile virus, in that it kills larvae and repels adult mosquitoes, with an 85% success rate, according to Musharrah Ansari of the Malaria Research Centre, Delhi, India, in.Biosource Technology, volume 71, page 267, as reported in New Scientist Magazine.(newscientist.com), November 20, 1999. Why are the properties of things in nature are as they are? They elicit.complexity in design and programming way beyond the simplistic.idiocy evolution postulates.

From the bloodroot.(Sanguinaria canadensis).we get an anti plaque, anti gingivitis substance called sanguinarine, a key ingredient in high quality toothpastes like Vicco™ and Viadent™, available at organic food markets (in Calgary, Community Natural Foods is one, Planet Organic is another and there are others). This spring wildflower has reddish juice in its roots, thus the name.

High tech robotics able to dodge approaching objects are mimicking the locust's neural.(nerves).network program. Man reflects nature. Despite poor vision and a 'basic brain', the locust has the ability to effectively dodge objects in rapid flight. Where did this ability come from? Evolution has no account. The logic.precludes and eludes any current evolutionary explanation.

Locusts have a large neuron behind each of their compound eyes, that, according to neurobiologist Claire Rind at the University of Newcastle, is responsible for triggering the insects' escape jumps and steering responses during flight and copying the behavior of this neuron.(called LMGD for lobula giant movement detector).could create fast and efficient avoidance systems for cars and planes, etc.."The advantage of using this neuron is that it can discriminate between objects that are on a collision course and ones that aren't.".says Rind. Traditional avoidance mechanisms such as infrared or laser rangefinders and ultrasonic reflections are too easily confused by spurious signals. Rind is now monitoring the locusts' response to natural stimuli, working out how the speed of approaching objects affects behavior. ...New Scientist.(newscientist.com), April 1, 2000.

And even the butterfly contributes: Because the eye can't distinguish light while its being reflected.(in the process of movement).until it hits a solid object to enable it being seen, the extreme high technology of this butterfly is being examined in order to use it to reduce credit card fraud.

Patterns repeat certain forms and have an affinity for like kind.
   The graceful spiral of the linh and the nautilus shell is echoed in the heart of a daisy. A drop of dew, a cat that's curled up to sleep and the planet Earth are all more or less spherical, the shape that provides the most volume for the least surface area.

Spirals are evidenced everywhere. And by learning about them man has developed wonderful products like the helical thread, the spiral formed by going around a cylinder while simultaneously climbing it. This innerstanding has helped man in the form of producing the famous water raising machine and the use of this form in drill bits, bolts and screws. In so many ways like the eye, gaining a comprehension of the mind of the Infinite One proves beneficial to man, enabling him to move onward and upward. Soap bubbles provide an interesting story.

The structures of things under a microscope reveals incredible formations with precise mathematical design. It's the cosmic.invisible energy with its invisible created patterns that continually manifests, sustaining the world we see and know of. Within these invisible structures also resides memory.
Pics of patterns in nature:.(see also the fern)

A slide show of these nature patterns pics by William Neill has been produced by autistic German Patrick Notley.
And, see the video on amazing crop circles.
Type the name into an Internet search engine to find it. Some of what they look like
are here and here.

Similar to the brain's neuronic activity is this pic of icecracking on a lake in Siberia.
More amazing patterns in nature: the Papuan Bird of Paradise and the rare Albino Peacock.

The snowflake.always.has a structure with six sided symmetry, but every one is different.(see its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/ and chemistry.about.com/od/snowsnowflakes/ig/Snowflake-Photo-Gallery/Snow-Images.htm)
because the conditions producing them change from instant to instant. Just why do the spherical particles comprising a snowflake pack together? We know.how.they do. Just like you could take 7 coins of equal size and pack six of them around a center one.

Everywhere we examine, we find structure, even below the ground and under the ocean.

Everyones' face is on the front of their head and everyones' fingerprints are on the fingers at the end of their arms, yet they too, are all different

We see the same features.(everybody has a nose).on faces, but with different presentations, varying displays. Look at 100 people and each is different, but they are all people with faces, legs, etc. The same occurs in RNA and DNA and in species.(the sand dollar being one).and what they make, an example being spiders' webs

There is symmetrical orderliness contemporary with variation. In all this.(symmetry with {and in} diversity).we see such brilliance of mind. Is there anything of helpful purpose man has made that hasn't come from first attaining an understanding of Creator-God's mind by examining this marvelous creation? 

Graphite sulfate exhibits a most exacting 'honeycomb' orderliness. A tobacco virus exhibits mathematically precise identical protein helical design surrounding an RNA coil.

Ian Stewart, Ph.D., Royal Society of England's Michael Faraday Medal winner for outstanding contributions to the public understanding of science, mathematics writer for Scientific American.(sciam.com).in the column 'Mathematical Recreations' and mathematics consultant to New Scientist Magazine.(newscientist.com), author of.Does God Play Dice?,.Fearful Symmetry,.Collapse of Chaos,.Nature's Numbers.and.Life's Other Secret, explains in.Life's Other Secret, 1998, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, that the Fibonacci number sequence seems to rule the number of petals, stamens and other parts of most plant life.

Patterns are produced in water by sound and on the ground by what...?
