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From the Atoll jellyfish that pulses and flashes to the Angler fish with its luminous lures to attract prey, the way light is used by these creatures runs the whole gamut of imagination. Some fish and squid provide counter illumination, that is, a predator looking up at the shadows of its prey in the light above, would normally see the shadows of its prey, but with counter illumination, such as squid and other marine animals use, they can make themselves invisible by matching the light intensity from photophores along their bellies. ...'Lair of the Dragon',.Ocean Realm Magazine, Winter 99/2000. 

Fish only illuminate light when something happens necessitating this response, such as major disturbances in the water like fish crashing into each other or attack, etc. 

Most deep sea fish have large eyes to draw in as much light as possible, thanks to their well equipped retina. Unlike the human retina which has two types of photoreceptor cells, cones for day and rods for night, deep sea fish have only the rods, with some being 3 to 4 sections of rods deep. In addition, their rods are up to five times as long as a humans. Maybe Creator-God knew they couldn't develop the electric light and that man could and once man knew that, would. Each rod is densely packed with light absorbing pigment molecules, sensitive to a very narrow range of wavelengths. Who could have made these pigment molecules possible and made them to be sensitive as they are? Must have been the intelligent Creator we call God; had to be!

A fish's own retinal absorbs in the ultraviolet region, but when attached to a protein, it is 'retuned' to absorb light of a different frequency.."By changing the amino acid sequence of the protein, you can shift the sensitivity of a visual pigment virtually anywhere from UV to far red."....Julian Partridge, biologist at the University of Bristol.

All that remains of sunlight in deep water is a narrow band, the rest having been filtered out by particles in the water and chemicals dissolved in the water. This narrow band is between 470 and 480 nanometers and fish are tuned from 468 to 494 nanometers, which allows also for the bioluminescent light created by other sea creatures. A great intelligence designed it to be this way.

But there is still much to understand, such as, why many fish have yellow lenses filtering out 80% of the blue light that does reach them.."These filters remove photons when you would think the animals would try to capture as many as possible. And there are more than 10 different yellow 'lenses' with completely unrelated biochemistry."....Ron Douglas at the Applied Vision Research Centre, City University in London. Who could have designed it to be this way?

This enables the bioluminescence of the other fish to be more easily seen. Yellow lenses are not found in fish that live deeper than 1000 meters.."This supports the idea that their eyes are designed to pick out bioluminescence", says Douglas.

Mussels:.Mussels which are overpopulating some waters are held in check by sponges which grow on the mussels, encapsulating them, preventing them from opening their shells to feed or breathe..Environmental Science and Technology, 33, 1999, as reported in.Ocean Realm Magazine, Winter, 99/2000.

Lebanese Desert:."Fish rarely die of old age and even when they do die, they rarely sink to seabed, fall over sideways and become completely preserved by a covering of sediment. And yet, this is exactly the unlikely scenario that seems to have preserved the Lebanese fossil fish."
   Dr. Peter Forey is studying to determine the cause of this occurrence, which many believe to be the great flood.

"Normally fish are eaten by a variety of carnivores.(flesh eaters), or their bodies are degraded and broken up by scavengers.(garbage eaters; nature cleans up after its self, in the blood, in the forest; teach your children the same).on the seabed, especially by crustaceans such as shrimp. What little remains of the fish skeletons are then moved around and separated by water currents. The surviving bones and teeth are eventually scattered and buried in the sediment. So what happened to preserve intact such a diversity of fish bodies and skeletons of all ages?"....'A Fish Caught In Time',.Focus Magazine, April, 2000. Further information nhm.ac.uk; palass.org; amnh.org; ucmp.berkeley.edu

Many and various fossil fish have been found in the Lebanese desert, fully intact. The fossilized Parrot Fish looks the same as they do today. Likewise the turtles, etc.

Plant roots:.To get our food, we go to the store or preferably, to the garden. We had to be taught this. The roots of plants have an inborn intelligence that 'tells them' to go down for food, not up toward the Sun, like the rest of the plant grows. 

How does the plant know where to send its roots to get water and nourishment? This onboard programming directs plant growth in different ways such as rapidity of growth, structure, completed size, coloring, adaptability to such things as environment including resistance to wind, etc. One part of the plant reaches for the Sun and the other reaches into the ground. Incredible intelligence programmed this design of life on Earth.
