wanted people to comprehend this mystery of being equal
with the Creator:.Ephesians
3:9 "And to make all men see what is the fellowship.(original
also means 'partner in').of
the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God,
who created all things by Emmanuel
He became one of humanity)."
Paul understood that this
is where the power is for an unbelievably blessed life:.Ephesians
6:10 " strong in the Lord and in the power of his might." 2Corinthians
13:4 "..... we live with him by the power of
God." 1Corinthians 2:5
"That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power
of God.".The
amount of God's intelligence in us unfolds according
to our belief in God. The more you learn about God, the more
belief increases.
do you get your faith to be effective with the power of this Infinite One,
this Being who is omnipresent,
and is that invisible intelligent energy.(Revelation
which all things come from?.Ephesians
3:9, "...God, who created all things by Emmanuel Christ."
God created it all. He owns
14:19 "...the most high God, possessor of heaven and Earth.".Exodus
19:5; 31:17.
15:13 "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.(the
power of the holy nature of God, which is love, which Emmanuel came
to reveal, because there wasn't love of the deep spiritual kind before,
called the 'agape' type of
love)." Luke
22:69 "Hereafter the Son of man sits on the right hand of the power
of God."
In the original.2Corinthians
4:15,16 "For everything through or by reason of or on account of those
your superabundances, regarding those things which bring joy and pleasure,
are made to abound or come about and come into your life through being
thankful for this great abundance resulting from thinking like God."
11:3 "Through faith.(one
of the things of invisibility; we know it is for sure because.we
it produces).we
understand that the worlds were framed by the
word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which
do appear."
Such things are made out
of the invisible energy of the multiverse available to all who know the
secret of its use so they can produce the good things they want as
they grow to that point of control.
You are the boundary between
the realms of
the visible and the invisible. Most people only see in their imagination
what they took in with their sensory vision. The belief in the invisible
is clouded by one's belief that what he sees, he deals with. The
unknown is not seen into by many.(but
not considered by even fewer, such as those steeped
within ordinary consciousness.
1:16 "For by him were all things created.(and
you can use this too),
that are in heaven and that are in Earth, visible and invisible, whether
they be thrones or dominions or principalities.(original
for 'principalities' is 'that by which anything begins to be').or
is 'power of laws', meaning the universal laws that have the
power of producing according to our belief {what's this mean?}; that
is, according to what we believe {what thoughts you have regarding circumstances
both past and encountered as you live each day}).
All things were created by him.(or,
as the original elicits,
'through this automatic working').and
for him.(or,
original, 'into this automatic working', that is, 'one's intent goes into
this Infinite Energy and produces on the physical plane of existence in
like manner to the intent).".So
it's important to comprehend all
that 'Christ' means.
Although we are different
from the Creator, as Creator is completely high consciousness spirit of
4:8,16), we have a portion
of that spirit, depending upon where we are in our spiritual learning
and growth:.1Corinthians
12:11; 2Peter 3:18.
Perhaps, if entrenched
at the ego level, then maybe
we're just not aware of any at all of it, yet..We
each are equal in potential,
until we grow on the spiritual level, when we become
aware of our spirit component's
connection with the Soul. From here we grow into the fullness, some
faster than others:.Ephesians
4:13 "Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge
of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature
of the fulness of Christ."
On the spiritual pathway
is growth; growth toward becoming fully as the Creator is:.2Corinthians
3:18 "But we all...are changed into the same image from glory
to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.".The
image of the Creator is one of high consciousness, for all that is
done by Creator-God is of
high consciousness. High consciousness is love with all its attributes.
So, how can we become as is He if we fail to learn
God's attributes?
How can you even get to
growing in truth without doing the following things? How then can an individual
even begin to convince.himself
or herself after God has opened
these 4 things below. If you're engaged in
doing these things, your mind will be in the present and off past negatives
and worries over the future.
even 5 minutes is beneficial; 20 twice a day recommended or however it
seems to work best for you. How
critically important is meditation in changing the world?
The disciples were instructed
to go into all the world.(Mark
the message they had from Christ about reaching every one. This
was only possible to do in meditation.
That's how to go into all the world and that's because it's all connected
and it's only in meditation where everyone
is connected and could be reached from inside them, without upsetting
them. This would be a much more efficient and effective way.
But the disciples probably
did not know much if anything about
meditation at that time. They no doubt knew well about praise/prayer
as they had been with Emmanuel over these few years before His
crucifixion. So, no doubt they praised God before they headed out to
get the great message of koy and hope to others.
Apart from Paul
who was brought up with in depth knowledge of Old Testament ways, the
others were mostly fisherman. And the Old Testament ways were now
gone. Paul also had good knowledge of New Testament ways, as he was
by the resurrected Christ.
Upsetting others they were
attempting to get the good news to often happened because of what some
of the disciples said in their zeal
to convert
them to this wonderful new belief. But the way the
gospel was presented had
disastrous results for the disciples, even though many who heard what
they had to say were positively affected by their words:.Mark
16:20; Acts 12:24.
The meditation way affects
even the obstinate
who may hate you for what you may tell them if you were personally speaking
to them. The meditation way
is a way of peace and works from inside others.(how
bring them along spiritually by gently bringing parts of the message of
the gospel into them in accordance to where their psyche
may open to things at the time, even if it be sometime much later in their
life on Earth.
That's where we should be
placing efforts to reach other hearts for their good:.Acts
10:36; Romans 15:33. The way
of meditation is highly
effective in reaching the hearts of others and doesn't require one
to physically 'go into the whole world'.
Praise and prayer.(about
such as desiring more and expecting more of the
supply of spiritual energy from the Creator, so more good can come
to you and to others because of you. Your faith can be as little as you.want
to have. What's that
mean? Praise and prayer can be an instant thought of concern..So
far, we have 5 minutes of meditation and prayer for one's 'God time'; perhaps
about half of it with praise/prayer.
The Creator is the One who
is also known as the Silence.
Praying for others
is bringing forth the help they need. One
example. A thought for another's concern is a prayer; maybe 5 seconds,
maybe 30 seconds, maybe longer depending on what you feel. What you feel
about doing good for others is your
Daily study.(about
even as little as taking one scripture.(some
to consider using), one spiritual
thought, such as 'trusting in God is not letting negative circumstances
dictate your feelings' or have one or two spiritual words in mind, such
as 'soul', 'resurrection', 'eternal life', 'love', etc. and writing the
of it and your thoughts on it on a piece of paper that you can look at
during the day or just use one spiritual phrase you can remember as you
go through your day, such as 'wholeness is the oneness of the Creator'
or a phrase in the beattitudes.(Matthew
perhaps some phrase in the first verses in the book of John:.John
1:1-4. Or, just take a few moments and read one verse that may hit
your attention if you open the.Bible.randomly
or a short passage.(a
passage is the essence of meaning of a few scriptures together).of
scriptures, such as some of these
here. If your memory isn't normally drowned out by hard days you may
be having, you can simply carry the essence
in your mind of what you read. One thought about it will do.
Whatever works.for
you. Words/thoughts are powerful
and keep you on track, so you avoid, by not even considering, what those
on the dark side perpetrate. So, we have 5
minutes of meditation with praise/prayer, 2 minutes of study time to look
up something to carry with you during the day, in your head and/or on paper.
scriptures you can use.
The Creator is fully aware.(?).of
what you are reading and learning. When you read the scriptures they wash.(1Corinthians
6:11; Ephesians 5:26).the
mind of lower consciousness attitudes and open the door wider to the thinking
of the Creator-Father. And so you grow spiritually. This is connection.
Later in the day or upon laying in bed in the morning, relaxing at night
at going to sleep time and/or meditation time.(Bruno
Groening called this receptive
time for the power of God, einstellen
{a German word}), the Creator 'talks'
to you; thoughts well up to your mind's
attention, once your mind is off daily things and worries, which we all
have to deal with in this physical existence. By this we keep our
connection with God activated.
"Little knowledge moves
one away from the Creator and big
knowledge brings one back to Him again."....Grigori
Grabovoi. We can define
little knowledge as information such as what the great apostle Paul
talked about:.Hebrews
5:13,14 and Hebrews 6:1,2;
3:18 "But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and
Saviour Emmanuel Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen."
And sometimes you need help
in using big knowledge, so
time, even a moment to think again about what you have learned or are learning
on your spiritual journey and to not make the mistake that ancient
Cain made that led to him becoming a hateful, resentful, uncaring,
selfish murderer:.Genesis
Use your contemplation time
also for.envisioning.(about
which is to see
the world good for you and others too.
So, we have 5 minutes of
meditation and praise/prayer,
2 minutes to look up something.(suggestions).to
carry with you during the day in your head and/or on paper and the 3 minutes
for reflecting on and/or envisioning what was important to you during this
10 minute time of spiritual disciplines, disciplines to raise you up higher
spiritually. There's your 10 minutes a day.
These 4 things can easily
be done daily in about.10
minutes. They alter the heart from selfishness
to serving and helping others, as well as opening up your life to blessings:.Luke
Results of these.4
you the feeling of sureness of being close with the Creator.(how
close can we be?), the Silent
One and also ensures that inspiration you gain daily, increases daily,
ensures that the Creator is personified
in your particular
personality when you enthrone
such things as these of higher consciousness in your thoughts.
So, bottom line minimum is
say,.5 minutes.meditation
with praise/prayer about something or for someone, including yourself,.2
minutes study,.3
on what you may have gained in meditation, study or what you praise/pray
So then, at least 10
minutes will get you and keep you on a daily
path of spiritual growth and blessings. Try it! See if you like it! See
if indeed your
life begins to go better, as this will prove to you that something
invisible is really behind it all.
Choosing to govern yourself
consciousness thoughts is so much better that living from a haphazard.destructive
ego level:.1Peter
2:5 "You also, as lively stones, are being a built up spiritual house,
an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices.(one
is and others
are; note it says spiritual sacrifices, not those things based upon
a lot of physical religious do's & don'ts as was the case in Old
Testament times with the Mosaic Law),
making one acceptable in becoming as God is, through.(or
'by' or by means
of, as the original can also mean).Emmanuel
the Christ.(*)."
2:7 "Rooted and built up in him and stablished in the faith, as you
have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."
One's intent is important. If you've decided to grow spiritually?.1Peter
3:11; Matthew 6:33; Jeremiah
29:13; 1Thessalonians 4:1.
And if you've decided to grow spiritually don't forget helping others to
as well. How?
by our own deceitful egos, we
allow our lazy natures
to be dictated
to by the influence of the mass mind.(4
paragraphs below):.Romans
7:6 "But now we are delivered from the law.(what
law? see Romans 8:2, second paragraph below; some were bewitched
into it again), that being dead
wherein we were held.(no
way out for us when under the mass mind thinking, the result of the thoughts
produced by the egos each of us must
live with until we become of
higher consciousness; that is why Christ {what
is 'Christ'?} came to set us free:.Galatians
we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter."
He came to show us the way.(*).of
to higher
consciousness and how bad the egos of all people are:.Romans
3:10. That's why prayer, meditation
and contemplation
are so important to reach into the higher consciousness realm:.Ephesians
Delivered from what law?
The law of the default
thinking of the mass mind of humanity:.Romans
8:2 "For the law of the Spirit of life.(the
multiversal laws of higher consciousness and creativity).in
Christ Emmanuel has made me free.(free
of the ego realm with all its problems and limitations).from
the law of sin and death.(the
low consciousness ego ways of always having something to deal with:.1Corinthians
One of the reasons the Great
Infinite One sent Christ to Earth was to set us free from the bondage in
the prison.(Isaiah
49:9; 42:7; John
the mass mind:.Ephesians
4:8 "Wherefore he says, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity
us out of being a captive to our ego ways and into His ways of higher consciousness).and
gave gifts unto men." Galatians 1:4
"Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present
evil world.(the
mass mind thinking of the majority of humanity, which is primarily negative),
according to the will of God and our Father."
Mass mind thinking is the
most of humanity has always been programmed into by the ancient and unfortunately
still with us cabal.(for
6:11), now being taken out.
The mass mind began with
the first humans to contribute
into it:.Genesis
4:8,9. This is what is known as the
collective consciousness and this includes the negative
ways of thinking that bring us and others the things we do not want,
because they are negative and this because man has been mostly selfish,
negative since he's been here. Why
is that so? How
can this be changed in our lives? Think good and good comes, think evil
and evil is returned. You reap
what you've sown.
Our worldview defaults
to what is coming out of the collective consciousness, the part of it that
records all the good or the part of it that contains all the bad and evil
that's gone into it. It's also called the mass mind.."The
reality perceived by us is actually the product of collective consciousness
which is the averaged consciousness. Each
consciousness has its own ideas. The received average idea becomes
the stable norm,
thus the importance of changing the collective consciousness. Change of
thought forms, changes reality."....pages
241,242 in Grigori Grabovoi's
book. How can we change
our reality if we don't like the experiences we've been having?
To know your future just
look at the world how it is, because the next step the mass consciousness
takes becomes the future; either better or worse. But you can
change it for the better. What's
required to do this?
This way of the mass consciousness
has many influences with it to get an individual off
track. Look at ways evident today and ask Where did these come from
and what I would change to produce a better result for all?
None of us ever realized
that we were in this mass mind
thinking toward our destruction. Our egos
have bewitched us.
The Creator became a man
in the form of the One called Emmanuel to bring us the truth, the truth
that man is a personification
of the Creator who is in everything, is everything.
And so it was that humanity
became sheep, just followers of those setting the popular opinions. Not
wanting to appear different, those of the mass mind simply go along devoid
of any critical
thinking. They did the same in the time Emmanuel was on the Earth:.Matthew
One of the reasons the Infinite
One sent the Holy Spirit that became Emmanuel
in human form through his mother Mary, was to show us
way out of all this, but religion
has been used to further encapsulate
people into even greater negativity.
Do not have a rapport
with this mass mind now that you know how to get into a
new life of joy. If what you are now getting in life is not to your
satisfaction, choose to get away away from the old and familiar negative
lifestyle thinking that has brought you to where you are today and instead,
choose the way of the spirit:.1John
2:15 "Love not the
world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the
world, the love of the Father is not in him." Hebrews
9:8 "The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest
of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet
standing." Romans 3:17 "And the
way of peace have they not known."
Why we do this website:.Acts
18:26 "...when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took.(original
'to take as a companion').them
and expounded unto them the way of God more perfectly."
5:5 "...the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the
Holy Ghost which is given unto us.".The
Infinite's love is in our hearts, but many do not know how to use this
love, God provided. It's a special
gift to help. When we think as God does, kindness, caring, compassion,
helpfulness, appreciating things of God's
design and beauty, wanting the best for others.(Philippians
are as He is:.1John
4:17; John 1:16; Ephesians
3:19: 4:13.
We are
to the Infinite, not separate, but actually an
expression of God's Intelligent Invisible Presence.(*),
an expression of
the intelligent Silence
which we are in and from which we use this gift:.1Corinthians
15:28; Leviticus
11:44 "
are holy, for I am holy..." 1John 4:17
"Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day
of judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world."
4:17 "...God calls those things which be not as though they were."
33:9; John 14:12.
It's not so much that we
may want to be 'in God'. It's that God wants to express what he is through
each of our unique
personalities. This way it's our choice,
not God's, as without free choice how could we unique, how could we be
truly open to God? We would then only be some sort of conduit.
And that would be just another limitation, just different from the limitations
we have been in all our lives, but still a limitation, just with a
different 'wrapper'.
"It is the spirit that forms
everything. It is the base
of all that exists both visible and invisible. Changes are always taking
place at the level of quarks, atoms, molecules and cells. The world is
Each of us are then of Creator-Father
to the extent
of as
much as He can express as you, so learn to think big and use
the gift which will bring it about:.1John
3:1,2; John 1:12; Romans
8:14; Ephesians 3:19 "
filled with.all
the fulness.of
God." 1Corinthians 6:19 "What?
know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in
you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?" Luke
20:38 "For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living, for all
live because of him." Colossians
3:3 "For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God." 1Corinthians
15:45-49 "And so it is written...the last Adam was made a quickening
spirit...first which is natural and afterward.(original
is 'then').that
which is we have borne the image.(original
'image', 'likeness').of
the Earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.(original
'image', 'likeness').".1Corinthians
2:16; Galatians
2:20; Colossians
2:5,6. "Let
mind be in
you, which was also in Christ Emmanuel,
who, being in the form of God.(and
just what is God's
form?), thought it not robbery.(did
not think He was appropriating
something that He had no right to).to
be equal with God." 2Peter
1:4 "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises.(the
promises refer to those things that enable us to be in the family of
high consciousness beings that is the
God family); that by these you
of the divine nature.(which
is a creative, constructive nature; you too can create),
having escaped.(how
does one escape?).the
corruption that is in the world.(what
on the self above all else; following selfish purposes, the
ego's ways; a 'me first, me only' mindset which is the mindset of the
mass mind of humanity)." 1Corinthians
3:9 " are God's building.(*)."
When in higher consciousness
you are then equal with your Creator, for all Creator-God is and uses is
When you are that way too, how can you not be as God is? How can you not
be then precious to God? God tells
us in the 23rd Psalm that our heads are anointed with oil, as it were,
showing us what God really thinks of us. We need to see ourselves as God
thinks of us and use the gift God has provided:.Luke
We are just not always in
higher consciousness, slipping too easily away at times due to lack of
2:1,3,5 "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things
which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip...How shall
we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...For unto the angels has he
not put in subjection the world to come..."
Everything is God because
He has made all things visible and invisible; that is, the Creator's intelligent
energy is the entire multiverse, designed
by His brilliance,
a brilliance we can embrace
by choosing a better path. How?
and, what
is this thing that we are in after choosing? And why is the plan this
way for us?.1Corinthians
12:6; Ephesians 1:23.
God is the
singularity in every atom.
We are developing as Gods,
now Gods in embryo,
developing to be fully born. God is expressing
as us, when our direction
is good. We are not yet fully God, but that's God's purpose for humanity:.1Corinthians
13:12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.".1Corinthians
If one aspires
to be as the Creator is, then he too will be a creator and be creating
his own universe using the gift God has for us. Emmanuel knew why humanity
was here:.John
10:34,35 "Emmanuel answered them, Is it not written in your law, I
said, You are Gods.(*)?
If he called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came and the scripture
cannot be broken." 1Corinthians 3:9
"For we are labourers together with God. You are God's husbandry,
you are God's building.".You
are in the God family inasmuch
as you align your mind to
express as the Creator. You do that by using
the gift of the subconscious mind in a high consciousness way.
Wayne Dyer on 'you are God'.(type
into a search engine)
We were created in
the image of God, created to be in
His 'house' and God is spirit:.John
4:23. You are God expressed as you:.1Corinthians
2:16 "...we have the mind of Christ."
This is why it can say God
creates evil and causes
grief and calamities
and God corrects
those He loves and He loves all.
2:8 "You have put all things in subjection under his feet.(who's
the 'his' here?.Hebrews
2:5-11). For in that he put all
in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But
now we see not yet all things put under him."
So, just how are we Gods
and just what is spirit? As Deepak
Chopra has said."Which
is more important, the gold ring, the gold necklace, the gold watch or
the gold faceplate on a grandfather clock?".They
are all different expressions of gold. And so is the
Spirit. We are
expressions of the Infinite One and are molding ourselves daily, whether
or not we may be aware of this. What we are is a result of what we have
accepted as being true for us and those thoughts held as thoughts we agree
and have agreed with also influence the
mass mind.
Like the gold, we too may
be increasingly
but all have separate purposes. They are all made of the same substance,
gold. So it is with us.1Corinthians
12:4-11. We are all made of spirit.
Spirit is spirit, nothing else and spirit is intelligent
energy. Intelligent how?
And, spirit is what makes possible our minds to function as
they do. Spirit is the connection between the
non local invisible world within and what the mind of humans is capable
of being aware of.
is spirit. The Intelligent Infinite One is all
there is:.Deuteronomy
4:39 "Know therefore this day and consider it in your heart,
that the Lord is God in heaven above and upon the Earth beneath. There
is none else.".There
nothing else!.Revelation
We all
are in this 'sea of mind' this cosmic
soup this cosmic consciousness,
this sea of designed specific
frequencies, frequencies which are altered by attitude, yet we are
individual expressions of the
underlying reality.
So, we have good and we have
evil, depending upon
many of us are of which side, because what we are is what we have chosen
to live and this contributes
to the invisible realm of the
collective consciousness.accordingly.
If you
then too are a creator, have you learned to
create? All physical things come out of this invisible sea of mind
and for you too.(why?),
if you know what to put in. Learn the
Everything vibrates at its
own respective frequency. Spirit, mind, brain, soul, attitude, emotions,
feelings, intuition, rocks, cars, plants, dust, bananas, cherries, stars,
etc., are all just different
behaviors of the same underlying intelligent energy. Intelligent because
out of one comes many functions and many things:.John
11:33; Acts 19:21; Matthew
5:3. That's how the new replicators
But what about the questions,
like if God is good whydid
he let my little brother die?
You are spiritual when you
stop believing that God is beyond you somewhere. This belief
in duality is what keeps us
the low consciousness ego level.
Key to getting an answer
from God, is to know where God is in relation to you. And where
is that? And once you know that, then you can ask. How
to ask?
Everything to do with the
Earth is a form of water.(Genesis
1:6), even spiritual concerns:.Ephesians
5:26. There is no fundamental
difference between water's forms; be it liquid, ice and snow or vapor.
on water from the amazing work of Masuru Emoto.
Water is important in health.
Sick cells are essentially
a problem of cellular water. Today water has microplastics, prozac, birth
control pills, chlorine, fluoride, perfumes, nail polishes, solvents, petroleum
residues, you name it, today's recycled and chemicalized toilet water has
it. It's been cleaned of dangerous microorganisms
that could cause immediate illness, using mostly more chemicals but still
retains 'acceptable amounts' of a lot of other junk that's no good for
you and is filtered through you.
saunas are good, sleep is important and helping the less fortunate too.
These are important to keep the poisons eliminating from your body.
More on water, such as info
in how MRI's measure the relaxation phase of water, at about 58 minutes
into this video by Dr. Thomas Cowan.
Out of this sea of mind pulses
all we see and know of. We
are all, and so is everything else we see and know of, unique pulsating.frequencies
within this sea.
Each item within this sea
has a designed pattern. In this pattern is built in sustainability maintaining
throughout its life what
it is and how it should function.
So we have plants, specs
of dirt, water molecules, atoms of hydrogen, etc., essentially, building
blocks of all man learns from and puts together to make
other things.
Once something.(for
example, a baby).comes
into physical reality out of the invisible oneness, we can easily comprehend
that indeed an underlying structure made it possible.
And so enters man's mind
this process, if man so desires:.Jeremiah
29:13 "And you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for
me with all your heart.".All
is spirit in different form, even the
John 11:13.
45:3."And I will give you.the
treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places that you may
know that I the Lord which call you by your name am the God of Israel.(who
8:6 "But to us there is but one
God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord
Emmanuel the Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." John
8:19 "Then said they unto him, Where is your Father? Emmanuel answered,
You neither know me, nor my Father. If you had known me, you should have
known my Father also.".(because
they are one; how?
one in consciousness - the same love thinking, the same mind:.John
6:46; 10:30; 14:9;
12:16 "Be of the same mind one toward another..." 1Corinthians
1:10 " perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same
judgment." Philippians 4:2 "
of the same mind in the Lord." 1Peter
4:1 "...arm yourselves likewise with the same mind...")
The Kingdom of our Creator
within us and it is by us that it will be like the mustard seed, the
smallest of all seeds, yet grows into a beautiful spreading plant:.Matthew
25:34 "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come you
blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation
of the world."
13:31,32 "Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom
of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed
in his field; Which indeed is the least of all seeds but when it is grown,
it is the greatest among herbs and becometsa tree so that the birds of
the air come and lodge in the branches thereof."
1:9 "God is faithful, by whom you were called unto the fellowship of
his Son Emmanuel the Christ our Lord.".A
captain of a ship, in this a 'fellowship', and the crew on it work with
the same purpose toward achieving what is aimed for, what their desire
Realize that you are indeed
with God and have all His powers of creation. Become different by thinking
from that standpoint:.Ephesians
4:23,24 "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that you put
on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness.(righteousness
is using the universal laws correctly).and
true holiness.(holiness
is knowing that these laws never vary)."
Then it becomes
not so much an understanding of 'God flows into me', as 'the energy of
the All Good is me'.
1:2 "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper.(original
is ...).and
be in health, even as your soul prospers.('even
as your soul prospers' original means ...)."
3:20 "Now unto him that is able to do.exceeding
all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us."
1:16 "...the gospel of the power of God unto salvation
to every one that believes..."
It is thorough knowledge
of how to use these multiiversal laws that we see results in life:.Ephesians
the original)."And
to know the love.(original
is 'rapport').of
which enables a person to cast their knowledge.(knowledge
is what a person holds in their mind to be true).into
the universal energy that you might be filled with all the fulness of God."Ephesians
the original)."Now
to have power of a state of mind that does exceeding abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us."
the original)."The
Infinite One will give you, according to the riches of his glory.(you
can only receive in your life that which you have accepted as being true),
great strength through his
Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith;
that you, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend
with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height."
Many Bible verses
take on their true meaning once the original of each is understood in the
light of Intelligent Energy's.(God).intent
for humanity, an intent Bible translators and those of ancient times
saw as through a dark glass:.1Corinthians
13:12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.(or,
clearly); now I know in part; but then.(at
the time of the physical manifestation of that which I held earlier in
mind as being true for me).shall
I know.(original
also means 'recognize').even
as also.('even
as also' is 'according to', 'in proportion to the degree that').I
am known.(original,
'I new throughly, was well acquainted with, and knew accurately'; that
is, it occurred in accordance to what he felt as being true for him; it
occurred according to the exact mental images he before held of what he
wanted to happen in his life)."
We are now one with the Infinite,
one with God, equal with Him; equal means to have the same massively powerful
creative powers he has:.Colossians
1:16 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that
are in Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions,
or principalities, or powers. All things were created by him and for him."
And this also means us:.Hebrews
2:11 "For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all
'out of').one.(the
Great Intelligent Infinite Creative Energy);
for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren."
And these 'brethern', or
brothers are all equal with the Father - God the Father of all, the Great
Infinite Intelligence of the multiverse, sharing all that He is with us:.John
17:11 "And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world,
and I come to you. Holy Father keep through your own name those whom you
have given me, that they may be one, as we are.('as
we are' in original is 'just as we', and 'just as we' is with all the powers
they possess).".Isn't
that something, or, as they say, "don't that beat all!' Amazing, huh?
2:22 "He.(this
Great Infinite Intelligent Energy).reveals
the deep and secret things.He
knows what is in the darkness and the light.(original
'fruitful light').dwells
with him."
And these secret things are
so valuable to us, for with them we can construct a new and so much better
life for us and for those we care about:.Proverbs
4:20-23 "My son attend to my words, incline your ear unto my sayings.
Let them not depart from your eyes, keep them in the midst of your heart.
For they are life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh.
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."
The laws of the multiverse
are irrespective
of whom they may be used by:.Acts
10:34 "Then Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceive
that God is no
respecter of individuals." Romans
2:5,6; Ephesians
3:24,25; James 1:17; 2:1-4;
19:15; 24:22;
1:17; 16:19; 2Chronicles
He forgives us all:.Mark
11:25,26. Numbers
15:15,16 "One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation and
also for the stranger that sojourns with you..."
God favors all according
to their attitude.
Each human has the same potential in God's eyes.
Does choice negate.preference?
God chose the descendants
of the man Israel to be a special
people other nations could see as an example to follow.(Deuteronomy
would allow them too, to
be blessed. But the ancient nation of Israel failed
and continuously.(*).were
no example for any other nation to follow at all.
Because you choose something
or someone.(as
in say, selection of a mate), it doesn't
mean you have rejected others. You don't know all others or ever could.
It just means you have responded to an attitude and appearance that was
attractive to you and made a decision based on the information you had.
Remember, the Creator is
energy, intelligent high consciousness energy. We are
too! But we are on Earth to move from our expressing the energy of
low consciousness, the energy of the
madness afflicting all on Earth.
The multiverse must balance
what is in one's mind with results in his or her life. How else do we really
learn the way of good and repudiate
the way of evil? How else can we move
from lower consciousness to a higher consciousness if we didn't reap
what we have sown?.1Peter
2:11 "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain
from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.".The
reap/sow program for humanity is instrumental
in getting man to think about his ways. From here humanity has impetus
to awaken to the many prompts
coming daily to his mind.
Those of the ego level are
under the laws of that level which dictates life for those
at that level. At this ego level we do not know there is a
better way and won't find any better way until we desire to be in a
better consciousness. The reap/sow program for humanity brings many to
having to make a decision to be different, like
it did for NHL legend Derek Sanderson.
And so the trials
and sufferings.typical
of life at the low consciousness ego level happen
to all there. These trials and sufferings are alerts that 'something
has got to be better than this'. We have the tools to use to make a better
way. What are they?
Emmanuel likened this realm
of the Infinite One called the kingdom of God to a large house with
many fine rooms:.John
of the Old Testament comprehended it:.Psalms
82:6 "I have said, You are Gods and all of you are children of the
most High.".Not
at the ego level you are not, but, God has a better pathway for
4:17 "...God, who quickens the dead and calls those things which be
not as though they were." 1Corinthians
2:9 "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither
has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for
them that love him."
The good things of life
are freely available to us. They are freely available for you:.Romans
8:32 "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all.(John
3:17), how shall he not with him.(that
is, God with Christ {and what
mean?}, which is the entire Multiversal Intelligent Energy).also.freely
give' in the original adds 'that which affords joy, pleasure, delight,
sweetness, charm, loveliness').us
all things?" 1Corinthians
2:12 "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world.(the
mass mind of negativity), but
the spirit.(the
nature of the Infinite One).which
is of God.(the
spirit {the tools of the Great Multiversal Intelligence and how to use
them to produce from the energy} to enable you to comprehend that you are
an intelligent individual expression of this multiversal energy, a unique
intelligent energy pattern within the Intelligent Multiversal Energy; that's
why God is called our Father); that
we might know.(original
is 'be able to do something as a result of a state of mind).the
things that are.freely
given to us.of
use of this power to bring into our lives the good we want)."
5:14,15 "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we
ask any thing according to his will.(and
you should know His will for you by now),
he hears us. And if we know that he hear us,whatsoever we ask, we know
that we have the petitions.('petitions'
original is 'desires asked for').that
we desired.('desired'
original is 'asked').of
him." Philippians 4:19 "But
my God supplies all your need.(original
is 'all you can use'; so you have to decide what it is you want).according
to his.(that
His riches; God's riches, the riches of the Great Intelligent
Creative Energy; not according to how goody goody or how baddy baddy you
are, as Christ for all time did away with
sin, when He in the individual of Emmanuel, died
on the cross).riches
in glory by Christ Emmanuel."
They come by means of multiversal
law, which works for all no matter who they may be:.James
1:25 "But who so looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues
therein, he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this man
is blessed in his what he makes.(including
what he imagines that he wants that is good for him and others)."
So how come you may ask,
I don't have these things I desire? What it is that you desire comes by
what it is that you give or want to give, if you can't actually give anything.
You must first have them to get them. So, what
do you have that you can give when you don't have a dime?
What really can we give God,
God who has everything, except our response? Response to
what? What is it we are on this Earth
for? What is it that pleases God?
What can you give to help
others? You can meditate with prayer for them
with what comes into your mind regarding them and their lives and do this
again if and when they again come into your mind.
9:4 " that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be
done in the midst thereof."
To get what you want
you must have in your character what
you are in your
soul and then give it. You can't give what you don't have. So, how
to get what you need. First, you need a friend. And a friend you have,
a friend on the other side who connects you to God. Who's
You don't have because you
lack what you want. You lack what you want because you don't possess it
in mind to be able to give it to others.(how?).
When you give it to others it manifests in their lives at some time that
is in line with their overall spiritual growth.
You can always give
happiness. You can always give prosperity to others in your imagination?
You can always give a smile and a hello. You create things in mind; things
of benefit to others whom you may be concerned about, create an energy
positive in you.
You complete the flow by
going in your mind to their negative lack and an invisible circuit
of good is established.(what
is this thing called good?). When
you think of others, think about praying for those things you think that
are needed by them. And don't be worried about the things you may need
in your life and in the lives of those close to you. Your friend in the
invisible helps you there:.Matthew
others lack and need are the negative part of the polarity.
Your imagination uses the oneness that
brings it together. Your sincere concern is that which generates energy
flow and accomplishes that which the created energy is to do. In benefiting
others we benefit ourselves. Remember the
golden rule?
"One can only grasp hidden
treasures of his spirit's past when love appreciates.all,
none, knows the truth that we
are everyone."....Unknown.
If you are of the ego
level, you are left with means available at that level to use for what
you want. But, there is a higher level where things work differently and
13:12; 25:29; Luke
6:38; 11:9.
3:1 "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that
we should be called the sons of God. Therefore the world knows us not,
because it knew him not."
John is saying that many
will not comprehend these things as you now do, even after being exposed
to them. They will seem odd, as they are still in the negative mass mind
of humanity and cannot see how they make any sense at all for where they
are in their daily life:.Matthew
13:15,16 "For this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are
dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should
see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with
their heart...But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for
they hear." Matthew 11:15 "He
that has ears to hear let him hear." Isaiah
3:2 "Beloved, now are we.(original
for 'are we' is 'to be', to make exist').the
sons of God.('the
sons of God' is you with the ideas you hold in your mind, understanding
that your mind is now one with the Great Intelligent Energy {God}), and
from this sea of energy you will receive payment for services rendered
{those services being what you are thinking into this energy; also means
'as a result of an action such as, for example, a punishment would be').and
it does not yet appear.(original
'has not as yet been made manifest', or 'become clearly apparent' or 'openly
seen'; that is, has not yet come onto the physical plane what was priorly
mentally conceived).what
we shall be.('what
we shall be' in the original is 'what shall be in your future'),
but we know that, when.('when'
in original is more correctly with the
meaning 'whatsoever').he
shall appear.(correct
original is 'comes to pass by coming to the point of being seen in the
physical', 'manifested'; word 'he' not in original),
we shall be.(same
as the other 'we shall be' just above).like
him; for we shall see him.(original
'behold the appearance of it, the same').as
he is."
3:14-20 "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord
Emmanuel the Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and Earth is named,
that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened
with might by his.(the
in the inner man.(soul
or your particular subconscious,
and how do you connect.with
the 'spirit in the inner man'?); that
is your savior {but, what
does 'Christ' mean in depth?).may
dwell in your hearts by faith.(what
is faith?); that you, being rooted
and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is
the breadth and length and depth and height; And to know the love of Christ,
which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fulness of
God. Now unto him that is
do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the
power that works in us."
Once your feelings agree
with what it is that you have constructed in your mind.(the
good things you want), then they come to pass in your Earth's experience:.Amos
3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"
The Creator deals on a spiritual
family level only with those He
considers equals. And from here the spiritual becomes practicable.
The Creator loves us all
so much, that He made it possible for us to have a relationship with Him
spite of the fact we may still have sin in our lives. The Creator,
the Father 'beat Emmanuel', so
would not have to be hurt! Again,.Romans
8:32 "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us
all, how shall he not with him also.freely
give us.all
things?" 2Timothy 1:9 "Who has
for word 'saved' is here).us
and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according
to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Emmanuel.before
the world began."
If you are hurting, it is
because of your state of mind:.Proverbs
23:7."For as he thinks in his heart, so is he ...".(the
Hebrew here is."For
what his heart is open to, that he becomes.").
You have not known.The
Secret. The Creator is concerned about this and wants to take you
out of all the hurt now!
God's presence is exemplified
'nearer than breathing and closer
than hands or feet' but only if you know that's true for you. You know
you're breathing and each time you do, you are breathing in the energy
of God in that form and with the knowledge in your mind that it is of God,
the energy then takes on a different tone, affecting your body spiritually.
is frequencies. It's what's in the mind of man that increases or decreases
the good they do. One's choices
in life determine this. Know your imagination of God's presence with you
is more important to be aware of than anything else.
"What this power is I cannot
say. All I know is that it
Graham Bell, 1847-1922, inventor of the telephone and other things.
What becomes true for you
is because of this thing we call belief:.Jeremiah
23:23,24; Psalms 16:8. God is
'beyond' the existing physical world.(John
4:24), but wants
us to be close to Him.(*).
To experience the incredible
power from the spiritual realm
you need to know the
secret and gain knowledge.
Then it'll take you somewhere:.1Corinthians
2:9-14 "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither
has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for
them that love.(original
'have a rapport
But God has revealed them unto us by his Spiritm, for the Spirit searches.(a
way of saying that the Spirit picks up those things you believe to be true).all
things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a
man, save the spirit of man which
is in him? even so the things of God know no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now we have received.(original
for word 'received' is 'to take in' and how may we have taken in if not
by our thoughts?), not the spirit of
the world.(the
spirit of the basically negative mass mind of humanity),
but the spirit which is of God.(the
spirit that is of contrast to our normal mindset; how
to deal with this to your advantage),
that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which
things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but
which the Holy Ghost.(called
a 'ghost' because God's energy {below the
atom} is invisible; this is the nature of this Great Intelligent Being
and the energy comprising Him suffused
throughout the multiverse).teaches;
comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives
not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him,
neither can he know them, because they are spiritually.discerned."
So how come with all these
promises, you may not yet have what you want? I mean, are your desires
that bad? No!
And so, if God has this fruitful
if we are equal to Him, which we are, then we too have it, as we have been
to Christ).equal
to God the Father. But all this is useless to you unless you know
the thoughts to use in awakening you and keeping you in an awakened
So, where
is the fruit in your life that this light can impart?
And, just what
is this light?
And how does one then use
this to establish a world of abundance, health, etc., a world God took
great care in planning that you be a
part of it, a world He wants you to have?
The faith of Christ in you
is surely a part.2Corinthians
1:24 ".....for by faith you stand.(but
how can you be sure what faith you can stand in?.Romans
faith you have access:.Luke
17:21"...the kingdom of God is within you." Romans
12:3 "For I say...God has dealt to every man the measure
of faith." Romans 12:6 "Having
then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us...according
to the proportion
of faith."
By your faith you make life
work for you:.Matthew
9:29 "...According
to your faith be it unto you." Mark
9:23 "Emmanuel said unto
him If you can believe all things are possible to him that believes.".According
to your faith doesn't mean according to the abundance of or how
much faith you have been given from Christ: Luke
11:9; 19:26. It's not talking
about quantity, but rather
use, use of what you do have:.Luke
2:18 "Yea, a man may say, You have faith and I have works; show me
your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works."
It means that physical
manifestations will occur according to those good things you have used
your mind to imagine
and accept. And of course, as with all things spiritual, they don't
work for at all if there is a hint of use for other than higher consciousness
purposes. As is your mental image so is the result..(?)
It's Christ's
faith that produces effects in one's life.
Important it is to have a
of what spiritual things, spiritual things meaning the things
of higher consciousness, that one wants to practice. Instead,
people latch
of 'imaging'
and apply that to getting a bigger house, more wealth to secure themselves,
a perfect partner, etc.:.Matthew
It is the invisible images
of your mind acting upon this Intelligent Energy.(made
possible because God shares what it is that He is):.Ephesians
3:9-11 "And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery,
which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God, who created
all things by Emmanuel the Christ. To the intent that now unto the principalities
and powers in heavenly places might be known by the
church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose
which he purposed in Christ Emmanuel our Lord."
The 'Lord' is the Multiversal
Mind, or Multiversal Intelligent Energy. It refers to all that is this
Great Intelligence and from this creative energy is produced those things
for us we have in our mind.
You are now placed into the
God energy, the Intelligent Universal Creative Energy, and you can now
use it for your benefit by using your mind:.Acts
20:32 "And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of his
grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance
among all them which are sanctified.(made
see 2Timothy 1:9 just above to notice again the words "not according to
your works")."
The Kingdom of God really
means a spiritual kingdom of creators, which each of us can enter today,
because it is within.(Luke
17:21 just above).
Up to now, the vast majority
of humanity have less of life because they have been pumped with lies from
the dark side, so that they fear they may not be able to handle what more
of life would come with. Such are the faithless:.2John
the original)."Look
to yourself, that those things which you have worked upon are not lost,
and that you receive in full that which you expected."
11:23 "...he will have whatsoever he says."
11:1 "
the substance.(substance
is that you have it. One possessing something,.he
is positive,.absolutely
sure, that he has something as yet to be physically manifested).of
things hoped for.(or
'expected', as the original connotes),
things not seen."
11:6."But without faith it is impossible to please.(original
is 'to be well off and prosper').him.(word
'him', not in the original text); for
he that comes.(original
'to have motion to the advantage of', 'motion with regard to'; that is,
uses what God has set up for prosperity, health, etc.,.the
good things).to
Intelligent Energy).must
believe that he is.(original
is 'to exist, to happen, to be present' or, that it is real, it is an absolute
truth, that it indeed does exist and that it is set by the laws of the
multiverse by this great being and that it is so sure, it is as if it is
present with you now {thanks to He who set it all in motion:.Ephesians
3:9 "...the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid
in God, who created all things by Emmanuel the Christ"}).and
that he is.(original
here for "he is" is that 'it is to come into existence in order to receive',
or, so it can be received by you).a
'to pay or give in exchange for, as a worker receives pay for his efforts',
or, 'a reward for your efforts').of
them that diligently seek.(original
for 'of them that diligently seek' is 'enquire into', seek
to know).him."
So, to
Hebrews 11:6 from the original:.'Without
faith it is impossible to be well off and prosper, for he that uses what
God has set up for prosperity, health, etc..and
all the good things, must believe that it is a reality, that it is an absolute
truth, that it indeed does exist, that it's as good as done and that it
is set by the laws of the multiverse to always work this definite way in
order for it to come into existence in.your.Earth's
experience as a reward, an automatic payment as it were for your efforts
in producing what you want, because you found out that, or came into the
knowledge of, a way to make these automatic laws work for yourself.'
The movie.What
If? The Movie.shows
how to get what you want and its sequel.The
Grand Self.shows
how to release the limitations that hold us all back?