The incredible
body system continues: The bladder stores for subsequent
discharge. Our temperature is maintained at 98.6 degrees fahrenheit,
unless of course
the body has to
fight infection, in which case it creates
This temperature system with
its heating and cooling, is perfectly maintained day in and day out throughout
the hot summers and colder winters.
When sick, we feel like being
still and lie down. This way all the body's resources can be more effectively
mobilized to return us to health. They're not used up in fueling the body
as we walk and work.
We have a built in balance
system. All this superior functioning is done in a comparatively small
When cut, the body has a
built in repair system. The repair system replaces tissues, skin, organs
and bones. Most repairs occur when we sleep. During the day the body is
busy providing for our activities.
coagulation is a paradigm.(a
pattern, example or model).of
staggering complexity that underlies even apparently simple bodily
processes, such as: 1,
The blood is filtered, cleaned
and added to by body processes, removing wastes and carrying fresh food
to all the cells, every 33 seconds.
Blood is also
filtered and cleaned by the kidneys and liver. Blood clots as needed and
stops before all the blood in us is clotted. Clots must form at the right
place at the right time or circulation would be cut off. Clotting is confined
to the site of injury. When a clot forms it is fragile. If bumped the wound
can bleed, however the intelligence buried in us, that
us strengthens a clot once it has been formed.
fibrin is 'tied together' by an activated protein called FSF.(fibrin
stabilizing factor).which
forms chemical cross links between fibrin molecules. Many more chemical
functions occur here, such as the protein which acts as scissors to remove
the clot after wound healing has progressed. This is explained in detail
in the book, Darwin's Black Box, by Professor of Biochemistry at
Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, Michael J. Behe, on pages 79 to 97.
Evolution is hard pressed
here to explain why it is that you can't start with one chemical function
needing another to perform a task, when the other function has not yet
been developed. The whole system had to be put together at once.
No one on Earth has the vaguest
idea how the coagulation.cascade
came to be. At some point this complicated
system had to come into existence and it could not have been done in step
by step fashion. The idea of Darwinian
selection is it can only choose systems that are already working in
order for natural selection to have anything to act on.
Few comprehend in workable
ways that the body is an energy converter, where all even genes and germs
are energy. Underneath the
atom all there is, is energy. You interact in this world, this physical
dimension, through your body. It's important to always do the best one
can; why?
Doing your best means acting from higher
consciousness in everything you do and it's more fun this way.
necessary for the body's defense are internally made by a marvelously.complex.mechanism.
Our remarkable digestive
system secretes hydrochloric
acid into the stomach, yet the stomach walls' mucus
lining isn't dangerously eroded. The lining is always in a state of continual
replacement, a total replacement of which occurs every two weeks. Why two
weeks? Why not 3 weeks? 4 weeks or 5 months? It has a built in program
that says 2 weeks.
What drives the energy systems
in the body if not the digestive system. It's more important than even
the quality of the food because if you can't digest it properly you won't
get the necessary energy out of it your body needs. Most people simply
do not know how to eat. It has
been shown that those with digestive issues, when taken off genetically
modified food, recovered within 10 days.
are important for digestion. Digestive enzymes and other juices are secreted
by the stomach's partner, the pancreas and as needed from a storage tank,
the gall bladder. An amazing design which includes a back up.
Overcooking foods can kill
enzymes you need. When cooking vegetables keep the water temperature below
115 degrees fahrenheit.
These days a good enzyme supplement can augment
nutritional requirements. Check out, and
A computer can store information,
information and with overriding intelligence can manipulate
information. A computer has a built in operating system but needs instructions
to utilize its
many functions.
Until then and like us, which are mind,
the computer is only potential.
An individual becomes known by what he or she does. What he or she does
their character.
The human body, like
the multiverse, stores and retrieves
information using its brain, the
receiver and processor of its mind,
The heart brain, the brain with well balanced emotions, is capable of love
while the head brain concerns itself with ego
and survival. These 'brains', which are different functioning of the one
brain because of the frequencies of life we have aligned with, use the
Record to store our beliefs and retrieve them as thoughts.
The heart brain is where
come through from the
soul, our soul and if aligned with the higher consciousness thoughts
of God, then they are mingled
with those higher
quality frequencies.
We call this 'a gut feeling'
and often say 'follow your heart'. And there is good reason for this. The
heart brain has 40,000 neurons
and this proves it's not just a pump. It has its own brain. Cognitive
dissonance is when our thoughts don't align with the beliefs in our
hearts. Harmony is when they do.
"You are not your mind, you
are awareness. You are aware
that you are doing something,
watching something, eating, singing and talking. You use your mind for
Baba. You are the you that works through you, the real
self that uses its physical body in expression here on Earth.
is thinking?
Most people of lower consciousness
make decisions from thoughts in their minds, many of which are out their
by others, such as 'I think that's a nice color for the car', rather than
simply following their heart's feelings. If the thoughts in their minds
are in sync
with the feelings in the heart, one should proceed. The thoughts in the
mind alone cannot be relied
14:12 "There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the
end thereof are the ways of death."
The mind contains whatever
thoughts may currently be prevalent.
The mind is a container for thought. It is part of one's incredibly
designed body, where the aggregate
of information from a human's senses receives information of memories from
what is called the Akashic
field and this according to interest.
The brain, if it's not fragmented
from emotions harmful to self and others, is able to process information
the mind has in it, which comes from circumstances of daily life and the
Akashic Record. What
does a non fragmented and fragmented brain
look like?
But, before acting on your
thoughts, consider what your heart is telling you. Not sure? Use Ask Suby
or take time for meditation so the
things of the spirit which come into your heart can be heard. How
can they be heard?
Listen to Tom
Bearden on the conscious, subconscious and
slow motion, as the motion appears to be in advanced martial arts.
(click on the picture)
What one's interest is on
produces information that comes from
this invisible field. Like a computer when we search for a word, the
works the same. We input an image, say your sister. Information then comes
that can be selected for more. Say, the choices are sister when a kid,
sister when she moved to Canada, sister when she got her first something
or other. Then we select according to interest in whatever selection we
made and we have information on it for consideration.
We're all so focused on where
we're going, we don't yet realize we are already there. We're not human
becomings; we're human beings. When you quiet
your mind, your heart will speak and you'll know that what you are
now in your good heart is what you have always been. Why?.2Timothy
The mind is the bridge between
the head brain and the heart brain.."The
mind therefore is the state of the
soul. At any given time its level of awareness causes information alertness.
What was your mind after hearing the inspiring singer? One's mind reflects
the state of his or her soul. The mind is a way to react to information,
that is, to the external influence."
128 Grigori Grabovoi's book.
"The brain doesn't think.
think in images.(an
image is a likeness of something).
Think of your vehicle and you have an image in your mind. Think of your
finances. Think of your pet. What images come to mind when you think of
things? Learn to write down things. Writing causes thinking
and thinking creates images.
Images control feelings and feelings
cause actions and actions create results. Successful living requires learning
just like learning to ride a bicycle or drive a vehicle. Mind
is movement and body is the manifestation
of that movement. 'If you want to be free, you gotta be me.'.(that
is, just be your self, your best self, in life).Build
a winners image by "I am so happy that I am."....Bob
Proctor. One starts first building a positive winner's image by belief.
Because we think in images
and impressions, we can gather or use information gathered. For example,
the impression of loudness. We hear an annoying noise and know its annoyance
by its volume of loudness.
All information we regain
is from memory stored in the
invisible 'place'. Also from here guidance comes to
person's soul. This is the invisible spiritual field
of energy and information. Spirit is intelligent
twenty-first century will be the age of the mind."....former
commandant, U.S. Army War College.
The brain registers what
individual is. It processes information received from the five
senses and from
the invisible, wherein is your memory and the memory of all, again,
being the information in what is called the Akashic
Record. From these things it can use an ability humanity has that animals
don't, that of imagination.
The brain processes what
you know and what you decide. Decision is a spirit.(spirit
is energy and information).function
of the invisible.(*).
You can't see or feel from where it is that you decide from. It's just
there, somewhere beyond the 5 senses in the invisible realm.
You pull it to you by your intention.
You are the
observer of what your brain is processing. Someone asks you a question
and you reply with what you know to be the best answer, because it was
your intention that your
soul activate the part of your brain that tells your mouth and vocal
cords to respond in a certain way with specific
information drawn from the invisible. Just like a computer. It too
responds with what it knows and it only knows what has been put into it.
If one puts garbage in, the computer doesn't respond as expected, or doesn't
respond at all and crashes. Same as you body. If you feed this perfect
machine garbage, you'll get sick sooner or later.
Beneath the surface, beneath
what we see and in this invisibleness is what you really are,
'where' you really are. You are not really 'here', that is, the soul.(the
real you).is
aware of your physical body being in this time and space. You occupy space
and observe circumstances
of your life happening sequentially.
At the soul level there is no physical, there is no time, there is no matter.
All matter comes out of it. It's intelligent energy at a higher level of
we have at the human level.
The amazing brain! Think
of 2 words, say, lava and Lexus or action and Jackson. You have just put
into place a massive radical
shift in neurons.transpiring
to switch from one to the other in thought. All this complicated rearrangement
of electrical activity is done for
you. All you had was the intention to understand both.
In this, your awareness of
the meaning of each word uses the
Challenge your brain cells
to make new connections. It's easier with gold. Get a good collodial.
what you are interested in if you want a new leap of creativity. In this
way you make opportunities where you can
what the universe is, energy and information, into
something new.
You create energy by a thought.
The body is all energy; nothing else but energy. Thoughts
create energy good or bad. When
you act from your thoughts of good toward all humanity you act from an
awareness of love and
this aligns
you with the Great Everliving One with whom you are now
equal in this regard.
is very powerful).energy
running up and down your spine and it will renew and restore you.
Words and thoughts affect
energy but only when you are aware of the meaning; otherwise they are gibberish.
Words affect the brain. The words kindness or tasty connotes
meaning only if the listener understands the words, otherwise it is confusion.
Words that are understood open awareness.(the
attention is on something).and
add to one's interest. People in all their activities want greater meaning.
a good conversationalist can provide increased meaning to others.
Ever try to get to sleep
but the energy generated from thoughts keeps you from sleeping? Learn
to control your thought processes and not let them control you. The
first step here is to decide to.
Associated energies.(energy
in line with your thinking).are
attracted like a magnet from the invisible, giving you additional information.
Be aware of the energy in
your body. Your brain is in tune with all going on in the body. You can
become aware of it all by using your attention to focus on yourself from
head to toes. Scan your body
from time to time. If you find something you don't like, let your attention
move to what needs to be done about it.
Attention focuses energy. Attitude determines if the energy will do good
or bad for you. Avoid getting angry,
being cruel,
of cheating heart or depressed
or conniving.
Body and mind are just means
of communication for the spirit, the presence, the presence you experience
in your meditation times. Mind
is the subjective
expression of consciousness.
It's not that you, that is,
your brain is thinking, as the brain can be likened to a CPU, a central
processing chip in a computer.
The mind is a field where
the result of thinking is displayed; a display mechanism. Mind is the result
of the brain processing information of interest; interest being something
one desires knowledge on for some purpose. The mind therefore reflects
the state of the soul at any given time that its level of awareness causes
information alertness. You could ask yourself what was your mind after
hearing the inspiring singer.
"The non local mind.(the
pure consciousness, pure stillness." ...Deepak
The mind is turbulent
but can be transcended
in meditation.
We can't comprehend life
with the mind being at the common consciousness level, but have to step
outside all the information that the mind constantly
deals with and into the stillness.
Herein we see a lock on the treasures of silence.
Your mind field is in the
of the soul, where thinking takes place; more of a sensing from your brain.(like
a computer processor), that something
is coming in to be processed, like numbers in a book are not the thinking
of themselves. The processor, the brain, processes the numbers, but what
the numbers mean is derived
from the thinking of each individual.."The
mind is a way to react to information. The mind unifies.(like
a spell
at the lakeshore cottage unifies the water, the Sun, the Earth and the
air, in a feeling you take with you forever).the
soul, the spirit, consciousness and the body.(so
that it can be ready for action and/or additional thinking)."....Grigori
Grabovoi. The brain processes information which becomes mind and which
can be acted on, like, should I go or should I stay?
The mind reflects the decison
making ability of the soul. The mind reproduces whatever the soul is concerned
with at the moment and this takes about
6 seconds to dawn in your mind.
You are concerned that your
kids do the best they can in life. You are concerned that your car makes
it throughout the winter ok. You are concerned that the foods you eat are
not the corrupted GMO kind.
Mind is mental
things, the processed information the brain received either by the
through one's connection to the
called your higher self, as the things of it are of the
highest consciousness and for the greatest good).
The mind is a field of intelligent
spirit/energy frequencies we have entry to by means of the Soul. How
are they intelligent?
The brain adapts to your
intention. Examples.
Our real
nature is outside of time and space, is non
local, is vibration and the means
by which the universal intelligence expresses itself as you when you are
with it:.John
aligns you with the 'all mind', the
Soul, the Multiversal Intelligence, the Invisible Intelligent Energy,
the Source, out of which came even the
Elohim, an original
Hebrew word in the Old
Testament describing the word God.
"Vibration interacts with
Chopra, the key here being, moving energy from the unmanifest.(the
non local).to
the manifest and.into
the physical world where we experience our lives on a day to day basis.
Here others and the world are affected by how
What it is that you are
to the collective consciousness
of humanity, making it better or worse for all? Why
wanting to make it better for all is a wise choice. Why
making it worse is not the best.
Thinking can be of acceptance
or rejection of what the thinker thought. The process of thinking is not
the thought. Thoughts come from this process. From the state of thinking,
vibrations flow through
soul. Then they are processed
by the brain and then what has been prepared comes into the physical
world as your particular
experience. This is why it is important to
think only what is of love, only that which
is good:.Philippians
The mind determines, by what's
in it, what a particular
expression may be, all depending on what frame of mind you may be in at
any moment. Mostly for ordinary consciousness people, resultant
expressions are initially
formed from the reservoir
of the ego level early in one's life and also from what
has been learned from experiences and also from what higher consciousness
spirituality one may have gained along the way. You are the thinker and
the thinker
is not in the body.
Thoughts are from the soul,
from the silence, from a level beyond the physical where 'the thinker'
is. The thinker is the real you. It
has to be silent otherwise it's the thought. Thoughts
well up from the silent thinker. Our
true reality exists in an unconditioned realm.beyond
the physical. Here, in our realm on Earth, our true reality, our spirits,
are locked into conditions longing for
freedom we sense is real, the freedom beyond time and space. The movies.What
If The Movie.and
the new one.The
Grand Self.have
much more good stuff on this and both will help you leave behind any limitations
in life you may be experiencing.
Thoughts are movements
of invisible information and are only accepted by us according to our
established structure of beliefs that we have built into ourselves during
our responses to life experiences and to information. If I told you that
people everywhere are throwing off serious
diseases, you would not look into that statement unless your beliefs
allow it. You may think 'it's crap' and discount it, immediately deeming
the whole subject unworthy of investing any time toward it. You may be
on many things that would be of benefit to you. The ancient
in Greece were like that:.Acts
Thoughts are energy. That's
why you have difficulty sleeping,
because you are filled with thoughts.
Thoughts come from the soul
and are processed by the brain becoming our own particular mind.(and
turn, the mind modifies
the soul that is us individually),
our individual expression of soul. In this we are creators,
for good or for evil, each individual's choice:.Matthew
12:35; Deuteronomy 4:7-9;
It is when the brain processes
information from the soul which is connected with the spirit.(connected
to the degree
one's mind allows {which means, to
the degree you want it to be so}).that
we are on the road to enlightenment.
The mind as influenced by
the ego level is like a runaway coach pulled by horses whipped by the driver,
but a still small voice from beyond whispers
during each day what we mostly pass over due to the noise of life.
Too often our hasty approach to getting things done, too many things to
do and places to go, too many phones calls, too much interest in the modern
distractions that consume so much time, drain our systems, cloud our perceptions,
squelch our intuition and drown out all gentle promptings from the spirit.
That's why we need to take time for meditation.
Getting into nature massively helps.
The doubter of a thought
is that of the doubter; if you doubt, then, that's you. Where do you comprehend
what you see and hear if not in the mind?
Mind and body are one at
the quantum level, all energy,
all waves of light, all varying frequencies of constant movement providing
different functions we use to experience life here. There really is only
underneath it all.
Different textures, hot and
cold sensations as when you hold a cup of coffee or a cool drink, are thanks
to the myriad
of switching stations we interpret as varying solidity, temperatures, etc.
Mind experiences things subjectively.
All experiences are as a result of contrasts.
The truth of existence is
masked by the physical, by our life's conditioning of what is called our
Mind exists outside of physical
brain and in the invisible soul. Mind is like an electron in a computer
where you create, forming energy by clicking on a key on your keyboard
to produce by using the computer's processor powered by invisible electricity
what you wanted to see. The keyboard exists outside the processor and tells
the processor what to produce on the screen; same in your daily life. In
computers some don't know how to use its power to make it do what they
want it to do; same in daily life. Learning is required. Where
to start?
As Deepak
Chopra has explained."Mechanical
energy doesn't convey
meaning. For example, when you think of the meaning your career means to
you and think of those you love, the output is different for each of us
depending on what words are used to describe the picture, the image that
comes to mind".
There is no didactic
proof the mind exists apart from the above. An example of the brain artificially
stimulated to move an arm of a patient; he can use the other arm to keep
his opposite arm from moving. So where is this commander controlling this
functioning? Not inside the body. It's like listening to Beethoven. If
you tore the radio apart you wouldn't find him in it. The body is like
the radio. It's a space/time event. Like the radio, the body takes a non
local event and captures it as a space/time experience. The body gives
the mind a space/time experience.
Memory, desire and action
come from the software of the
or soul. We are all connected to the mind of the universe. Although
actually everything is one, we have different names as we see different
functions within the oneness of everything. Like
an ocean, it's all one, but each wave is a completely different 'expression'
of it. Baba explains it.
Snowflakes are all different,
but they are all snow. All bodies have same patterns, sexual organs, immune
systems, cell reproduction, repair system, etc. We couldn't speak or walk
without the oneness of the mind, the Soul, the Spirit in us and this intelligence
is beyond the physical, in the realm
of the soul.
The multiverse had no beginning
and has no end: Ephesians 3:21.
It is unfolding as
The mind is in you and is you.
The 'I', the you, is the
of the spirit:.Romans
There's the
inner knower and the mind which sifts everything through the filters
we have allowed to develop as us as we grew up living our lives as best
we learned how to. These filters, our egos, referred to in the Bible
as 'the flesh' are the source
of all our problems. At the 'knower'
level there is no sifting.
So, to get ahead in all ways, get to
know yourself.
As we go along in life we
learn to weigh how much love to display or hold back from showing, depending
upon situation(s).and
front of us, not realizing that love is perfect
for everyone and every situation and never needs to be withheld. The
knower accepts reality directly.
soul is the knower.
your ego shouts that the reality is really through models and ideas, concepts
you have allowed to be the you that you are today, the you that looks at
people with often a disdain
toward them. The love that could flow freely has been judged against, because
we have, at the heart of it all judged ourselves, without even really knowing
ourselves, instead of just 'being', just being in the present. We are human
Well, does
that mean it's not wise to judge?
The number in the Bible
for humanity is 6. Six stands for the 5
senses plus the mind and its opened 'eye' that is one's connection
to God, called the pineal
gland. Of course Satan
doesn't want this third eye active so the satanists add poisonous fluoride
to water and food to shut it down by calcifying
it. And if that weren't enough, the satanically influenced ones want to
further sever
any connection to the true God by using the bioweapon erroneously called
a covid-19 vaccine. It alters one's DNA, which is the
aerial to receive into your mind the things from God, as well as doing
much more harm.
The entire body was a complete
system and had to be so from the start. The senses are entry points to
the human system.."Senses
are codes of intelligence."....Deepak
Everything is infinitely
related. The whole universe is the mind of the Creator and us as individual
expressions within it, but completely at one with it, whether or not we
it and therein lies the problem. By not realizing this we remain in the
level of problems, the
level of the
ego and at this level we experience those things we believe to be true,
whether or not they actually are true. The ego is in the realm.of
To realize the truth of existence,
one has to go beyond
the lower consciousness ego level which is good at restricting information
to only what arrives by the 5 senses from the material world you
are experiencing. You'll never find anything invisible believing the senses.
Senses are important for immediate information but trusting them leads
into errors in perception.
100 years ago peoples' senses
told them that a hunk of metal was heavy and therefore could never be lifted
into the air. 100 years ago it was a thing of fantasy that you could see
the world and people doing things in it through a glass in your living
and so on.
The senses are designed to
provide a sense of continuity to the Earthly environment we perceive
as real. In our memories
this information
is stored as events in space and time. For example we are an event
occupying space and noting
and memory, desire,
faith, response to humor, attention,
intention and the impetus
for action are some
things beyond the 5 senses. The senses we use depend upon memory.
The senses are only for the
physical life and are left behind upon death.
After death the you that you are in
contemplation and prayer, the you where your memory and imagination
and all the other important things that are under the category
of spiritual, are able to express in the next stage of existence in full
memory of all that is. This is a resurrection from physical death for those
in higher consciousness. Some on the Earth are more and some are less into
higher consciousness:.Philippians
3:14 "I press toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Emmanuel."
Without your memory what
would the color yellow look like? Close your eyes and imagine a yellow
car parked over green grass under green swaying palm tree branches, beside
the blue ocean on a sunny blue sky afternoon with a chair close to the
car for taking in the view of the sailboats with white sails passing by.
Where do the colors come from? Where does the movement of the branches
and sailboats passing by come from? You put it together from memory; so
it existed as potential. All frequencies exist as potential. If it existed
then it is real at the level of memory; not only real, but eternal, that
is, you can bring the memory back any time you decide to. It always exists
as potential. Another
An exercise from Deepak Chopra
that you can use to sharpen your sensitivities to things of the invisible
such as mentioned above under imagination and memory: Go through every
room in your house using your imagination.
The 5 senses being designed
for limitation to physical existence allow us to perceive
a solid world out of a multiverse of frequencies.
We remember this world as of substance,
that is, as solid. Waves of energy and information in the
non local field, the field of transformation,
where things transform from frequencies into matter,
the domain of
soul, are bypassed by the 5 senses and accessible only by those things
of the spirit of you, things such as imagination and memory.
Physical 5 senses existence
upon labels to function in sanity,
that is, to function with 'anchors' tying us to the world we know so we
have our bearings, our awareness of position or situation relative to surroundings.
In this we find comfort. The unknown seems uncomfortable until it is understood.
It is in becoming
with the unknown that we expand in life and find purpose beyond the
understand what the nature
of anything physical might be, that's it's all empty space, space occupied
by frequencies that are slowed down, frequencies we label as subatomic
particles. They understand what occurs below
the atom. Our senses can convert.(transduce).energy,
the frequencies that make up all things, into what we understand as solid
matter. This occurs in our minds.
The mind knows what the 5
senses tell it. Memory doesn't come from mind:.1Corinthians
Some don't think the multiverse
is conscious. You are conscious and I am conscious and we are both expressions
of what has to be a conscious multiverse? Your consciousness brought a
memory in from a field which is also consciousness or you would not have
been able to access it. The multiverse has to be conscious of itself in
order to sustain all we see and know and all we don't see and know and
that which yet is awaiting discovery or rediscovery as by memory.
Those who try to understand
and want to locate a path of spirituality, can end up in a cult.and/or
be easily manipulated
by those out to take advantage:.Proverbs
3:5. In all things seek the
guidance of the Creator.
Once you align
your mind with total mind you can create all that total mind can.."The
process of creation therefor is self-interaction. Desires get fulfilled
at the
of having them."....Deepak
Body and mind are just means
of communication for the spirit, the soul, the presence. What we really
our memories).is
beyond the physical.
The interpretation of what
we see occurs at the level of the mind. The mind makes the mistake that
its true nature depends upon things outside itself, such as the fear based
football of fate, which is, allowing opinions of others to affect your
attitude negatively. A negative is something that creates unhappiness in
All experiences come to us
as a result of the information received from these 5 senses. From here
comes our feelings, our thoughts and actions and our sense of being. And
such is what is life.
The invisible spirit component
of humans.(Job
32:8; 1Corinthians 2:11).enables
an innerstanding
of such things of the ego and the soul.
Transforming the activity
of millions of brain cells into coherent
thoughts we can use to function from, the mind is created by use of the
invisible energy that surrounds the physical brain.
We do not understand how
it can compute as it most certainly does so well. It clearly is light years
beyond the most advanced computer available today. But we have
discovered some of the secrets.
The brain has 100 billion
cells and is formed by 22 bones fused together to form a natural crash
helmet. Such amazing design of development, that all came from one
We would have great difficulty
wiring something with 60 trillion junctions. And, unlike an advanced computer
today, the brain, amazingly, appears to store
right within the processing circuits, whereas, data in a computer is stored
apart from the CPU.(central
processing unit or chip {meaning 'integrated circuit'}).on
its hard drive.
The question evolutionists
still wrestle with, Which came first, consciousness
or emotions?
Antonio Domasio in his book
The Feeling Of What Happens, 1999,.Harcourt,
Brace, New York, N.Y., says that they can't be separated. Like so many
things in God's wonderful creation, they interact, such
as does the atom with the electromagnetic field, they compliment,
they have always existed side by side.
A body's
operating system anchored in the invisible, controls growth of its
parts. Hands get larger. Ears grow, etc., all pretty much in proportion
to each other to produce a unique
adult. The body has a built in clock, a
timed biological system. We get baby teeth and then another set of
teeth. We go through puberty,
where an adolescent
boy's voice begins to change
and the girl's body begins to turn into a beautiful woman. And then after
child bearing time is over, along comes menopause
for the woman.
Things we seldom or never
think about include why can we see our hand, our foot, etc.? Look at your
hand with the question in mind, How
do I see this?
first cell replication is in the womb of the mother and all done without
her conscience involvement.
Like a computer with its
built in operating system. the body's
clock regulates such things as growth, puberty, a woman's voice
change, periods, menopause and aging. Things turn on and off as they
were programmed to, all with no bother to us so that we could be free to
experience this thing called life.
Do evolutionists see these
and other changes as proof
we're evolving?
"Today is the oldest you've
ever been, yet the youngest you'll ever be, so enjoy this day while it
Aging comes not from genes,
but from natural consequences,
like a car does not need a gene to tell it to rust. But there is a
way to reverse it:.Psalms
103:5. And what
is it that really causes aging? Molecules do not age and we
are made up of them, so why do we age? It's the memory of
time that does it. But aging can be reversed with the 'med
beds' too.
In meditation
we can move backward in time, even removing
past hurts. Can we call this time
travel? As quantum physicist Dr.
Fred Alan Wolf has said, meditation allows us a respite
from the normal everyday concerns in the space time continuum.(everything
you do in this physical world involves space and time {you walk through
space on the way to get some organic coffee at the store and it takes you
a few minutes or so}), allows us to
move backward in time.(how?).
"While engaged in this type
of travel you can slow your body's aging process, simply because the mind
has relaxed its concern with creating an objective world arising from the
curves of habitual behavior that you've indulged yourself in."
...Dr. Fred Alan Wolf. In other words, the way you have been, presents
the high probability, which is the way you will continue on going, unless
you do something to change. And, the best way known of to start on that
road is to meditate. It's
after meditation time, perhaps a few days or weeks later, that new possibilities
arise causing a real and permanent shift from one's predictable old behavior
patterns. In meditation you actually are freeing yourself from the prison
of the space time bound patterns of your existence, because you are reachng
beyond them.
is not on the level of matter. If your soul is weary,
that's reflected soon throughout your physical appearance. It's in
mind and the belief system. And from this, your body makes the 'stuff'
out of its invisible 'stuff' that becomes visible, to make you old or young
looking. It works! Try it for your good. Or, just continue on allowing
your mind to default to what the common opinion is in the collective
mind, that of aging as we have all been conditioned to expect.
If you want to remain young,
if you want others to see you as young, you must see yourself as
young and you cannot feel young doing the things
of the ego which age you. Replace the concept you have of yourself
aging with feelings and images of youthfulness. Become creative!
"Creative people are able
to enjoy periods of silence and solitude. They are easily able to just
be with themselves. Creative people connect with and enjoy nature. They
are happy in natural surroundings. Creative people trust their feelings
more than their intellect. Creative people can enjoy themselves and function
in the midst of chaos and confusion. They are not so much goal oriented
and generally not very organized. This is because they are process oriented
due to them having an inner stability which enables them to work well in
the midst of chaos and confusion. Creative people are childlike, not childish,
just that they enjoy fantasy and play. They are self-referral.
They are not rigidly attached to the defense of their point of view."....Deepak
Remember yourself as the
young person you were. Take time daily to see yourself when you were at
your best. Don't just passively imagine yourself back then. Have strong
interest in your state
of being back then and have strong intention you be now as you were then.
the chakras. Know that your thoughts shape physical reality, even your
body and that its behavior.(health).is
shaped by them also.
Your belief reflects your
existence. Nothing outside you can affect you unless you accept it and
we all have been conditioned.(see
accept things from others, from society and its oh so many ego influences
and mostly by default.
From a cell
so small the human eye cannot see it, comes all these incredible synchronized
systems. The ability to make another cell just like a present one is a
built part of the design.
From where did the intelligence
in the minute
cell originate in order to so magnificently unfold this incredibly
complex system of the human body?.Ecclesiastes
is it that causes
a flower to
bloom and when it should?
Think about: The nervous
systems controlling the feel when we touch something; the sense of
whether something is too hot; the sexual systems of man and woman; the
eliminative systems which can hold waste for awhile; the development from
one cell of multiple tissue kinds; the many particular membranes the body
has, each organ possessing one. Check an encyclopedia and look up 'membrane'.
For example: The Peritoneum
is a bilayer.(2
in the abdominal area, consisting of a parietal.(relating
to or forming the wall of a body part, organ or cavity).layer
that lines the walls of the abdominal area and folds inward to enclose
the viscera
holding the majority of the abdominal organs and mooring them firmly in