books have been written on how to speak. There ought now to be a ready
market for one on how to shut up! But what if one is scared to hell of
speaking, as was ancient Moses?
In the case you have to
give an impromptu.speech,
the subject, you can use:
Problem, cause, solution; Past, present, future; Physical/spiritual,
an analogy.
And if you have a little time before having to bolt up there to the podium,
jot down a few things to fit the speech structure you have chosen.
Moses didn't know when he
should speak or what words to use when he might. And then, his elocution
was not good either:.Exodus
4:10-16. God had to help him out. He will you too if you ask".Deuteronomy
1:17 "...You shall not be afraid of the face of man for the judgment
is God's. The cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me and I will
hear it."
Always keep the talk concise
if you want others to remember it. Use action words wich are verbs. Be
descriptive. Be respectful, no gory scenes. Make it enjoyable by being
friendly. Make them laugh. Make them think. Reach their emotions on serious
items. Make sure your enunciation
is proper.
"If you can't explain
something simply, you really don't know
what you're talking about."....Einstein
Tongue twisters will help
you to form your mind around words. Some are:
Carol cumbersomely carried
carrot crates.
She could put together something
from nothings to make her nothings into something.
Suzy Shale sold seven shellfish
seashells she selected Sunday.
Silly Sally's seashell sipped
soda silently so Sam's seashell should still sleep.
Silly Sharon selfishly sells
seashells so she sat silently soaking Scotland's Sunday's soaring sun selling
several slimy shellfish.
Jolly old oily Olley oiled
Olivia's old oily auto.
Harry Hugh hid his heftiest
hibachi higher.
Peter Piper picked a peck
of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where
is the peck of pickled peppers, Peter Pipe picked?
Theophilus Thistle the thistle
sifter sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles. If Theophilus Thistle the thistle
sifter sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles, where is the sieve of unsifted
thistles Theophilus Thistle the thistle sifter sifted?
We watched Willy's wild wolobee
wobble warily.
Remember to live in your
ideas. That way you can free yourself of agonizingly
trying to memorize words; which everyone who does, screws it up. When you
live in your ideas of what you are interested to share with others, you
feel a great burden lifted off you and are able to speak from your heart,
that is, what it is that is you that you know that's important enough to
share with others who are there listening. When you live in your ideas
and then speak, a natural flow appears with words and presentation that
will surprise you and have great effect upon the hearts and minds of those
To get you up and speaking
in a hurry: Here: first a sample speech, then the planning and assembling.
OPENING IT, the introduction:."Why
do people, perhaps you, if you are from out of town, knowingly ingest a
poison next to arsenic on the toxicity scale?"
purpose in this talk to you is to get you to be concerned about the insidious
dangers in fluoridating our water supply."
ONE:."Why have
cities and countries around the world who have used fluoridation, curtailed
or banned further use of it? Do they not have reputable scientists who
have researched the effects of adding sodium fluoride to drinking water?
Sodium fluoride is a byproduct of producing aluminum; a waste the aluminum
companies must dispose of.
TWO:.Those ingesting
fluoride in areas where it occurs naturally, often appear older than they
actually are. Gradually the internal and external cell structure breaks
down. Wrinkles appear sooner than expected. Skin color changes.
The insidious
effects upon the human body by this cumulative poison are causing health
and appearance concerns among an increasing number of health care professionals.
THREE:.Why then
add it to the water we drink?
me a fanatic!
Because of their extreme devotion and love for what they hold as important,
they usually can be counted on for meticulous
attention to detail. Who would you choose to work on the engine and other
mechanical and electronics functions in the plane you and/or members of
your family were going to fly in? A fanatic for being exact? None of us
would want the guy who thinks 'it's not a major issue right now guys, we'll
fix it on its way back; come on, let's go for a beer'.
Like in all things, extensive
research is best done by 'fanatics'.
Many scientists
lack either the funds or dedication or both, in order to thoroughly research,
so they follow the road of error by adopting opinions of others.
Boston Toxicologist Dr. P.
Mellenix states that fluoride interrupts normal brain development in babies
and children as it affects the hippocampus, the pituitary and other glands,
such as the pineal
gland in the region of the brain. Continued use of fluoride coats the
pineal gland, reducing human capabilities.
Fluoride is added to the
water, they say, mostly for 'the poor kiddies' whose parents cannot afford
proper dental care. Gimmee a break! Does not even common sense tell us
that tooth decay begins from within the body and that proper nutrition
would rectify this? Did God make a mistake with food and lead the scientists
to utilize poison? Propagandizers are liars. How did the teeth of the human
race exist before fluoride? Everyone seemed to have enough teeth to chew
the food needed for living and get us to this point in time.
What happens if you boil
water for coffee (or, better still, tea and preferably Bancha tea) to get
rid of chlorine? Does it not concentrate the fluoride, increasing it beyond
the presently accepted levels? Thorough research reveals fluoridation of
water supply is mass medication, using poison which dumbs
down the people injesting it, while enabling aluminum and fertilizer
companies to get rid of poisons from their manufacturing.
Using fluoride as a 'paint
on' or 'wash up' panacea (a cure all) is a part of the 'take a pill', 'get
a quick fix' and 'deal later with any subsequent problems' philosophy pervasive
within society today. Reports surface occasionally in the papers of fluoride's
harmful effects, like the child who died in the dentists chair after swallowing
some of the 'paint on' application of it by his dentist.
urge you to examine the question of whether or not to allow this town's
water supply to be fluoridated. Those with Internet can check out fluoridation
there or at the local library.
Effects of
fluoride, still deemed safe by many so-called 'health' authorities, will
soon pass by the way, similar to the Dental Associations who for decades
said amalgam
fillings were safe and now have reversed their stance after harming so
Thanks to the
fanatics who pursued questions with vigor, society is stepping forward
and away from misinformation for profit and other selfish reasons, which
has harmed populations. What so-called 'health' authorities failed to alert
the public about was dangerous mercury comprising the amalgam and that
would leech out into one's body affecting health negatively for decades
into the future. And the poisoning continues, the assault on people in
this third world war has many hidden soldiers, such as glyphosate
and hundreds of other '...cides'.
If fluoride
is allowed to be added to our water here, the insidious side of fluoride
is sure to bring us increasing health problems. What are you waiting for?
it but never memorize or read it! Speak from your heart what you
know about it, what you are passionate about! Enunciate
clearly. Work on avoiding an
accent if you have one. Speak clearly at a comfortable loudness. Vary
your rate speaking, slowing down.the
words you are speaking for emphasis of important points. That means slowing
down the rate of words spoken, NOT the volume.
Look at your audience. You are human, if you make an error, correct it.
1) Make
sure your subject is something you feel deeply about, so your feelings
reach their hearts. Be sensitive. Consider your audience. Do not offend.
But do inspire to change or act.
2) Have
purpose, one idea that you wish to leave in the minds of your audience.
Build your speech around it with 3 or 4 points. They will never remember
more than this. 2 is best.
Use only
a 3"x5" card. Write down your main purpose: "My purpose in this talk to
you is to get you to be concerned about the insidious dangers of fluoridating
our water supply."
3) Make it
clear. After they have listened to you, they should understand how you
feel about it, even if they may disagree with you. Never use a long word
when a short precise one will do, especially when emphasizing a point.
Avoid long erudite nonsense words and phrases that are imprecise and show
lazy thinking, such as, human resources, win win situation, walk the talk,
downsizing, optimizing, politically correct, social construction, moribund
(about to die), disenchantment, engaged in current constrained situational
deciphering towards resolvability, prior 'optionizing', inert planning,
etc. If a twelve year old kid is not interested in your speech, you will
fail to fire the youthful enthusiasm in all of us.
speakers of great memory seem to want to be sure the audience is exposed
to the most of it through an unimaginative meandering delivery. When overshadowing
of knowledge begins to relegate simple facts into obscurity, you know the
audience is in for a stale time!
4) Get the
facts to support your points. Back 'em up with authoritative quotes from
books, mags, etc.
5) Add lightheartedness
or humor to balance things out.
6) Memorize
your opening and last statement, as this will keep you focused on where
you are going in your talk.
7) The delivery:.Have
in mind to get their attention! A question perhaps, a shocking fact, a
humourous story related to your subject, a prop, etc. will start things
of well.
After a while, you will just
be able to get up and talk about almost anything if you keep yourself well
informed on what interests you.
"Why do people, perhaps you, knowingly ingest a poison next to arsenic
on the toxicity scale?
PURPOSE On a 3"x5" card jot down your specific purpose at the top "My purpose
in speaking to you tonight is to show the dangers of fluoridating our drinking
BODY and POINT 1: add a few words here to jog your memory in case you need
them, 'reputable scientists', 'aluminum', 'Boston', 'blood/brain barrier'.
and POINT 2: 'developing cell', 'wrinkles', 'poison'
POINT 3: 'scientific professionals', 'poor kiddies', 'nutrition'
"take it further'', 'be concerned for the kiddies''
STATEMENT which should be memorized, so you always know where you are going:
"If fluoride is allowed to be added to our water here, the insidious side
of fluoride is sure to bring upon us increased health problems. Would you
wish this upon our children or anyone?"
-USA Congressman Dennis
Kucinich fired up the crowd in Denver on August 26, 2008, by telling them
to wake up and be carefui of an administration taking over the White House
that lacked putting people first. It was a great short speech.(type
'dennis kucinich denver speech' into YouTube).
He also was concerned
about the cruelty in Israel.