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aggrandize, aggrandized, aggrandizing, aggrandizes.transitive verbs
to increase the scope of; extend; to make greater in power, influence, stature or reputation; to make appear greater; exaggerate (aggrandize one argument while belittling another

advocate, advocated, advocating, advocates.transitive verbs
to speak, plead or argue in favor of; an advovate is someone who is all for you, who will support you; a defender of; someone such as a lawyer who speaks in favor of someone or defends them is an advocate; an advocate for a particular group is a person who works for the interests of that group because he is on their side
one that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender (an advocate of civil rights); one that pleads in another's behalf; an intercessor.(advocates for abused children and spouses)
one that argues

away from the correct path or direction; amiss; away from the right or good, as in thought or behavior; straying to or into wrong or evil ways; on the road of error; if you are led astray by someone or something, you behave badly or foolishly because of them (choose your kids' friends carefully, so they won't be led astray); if someone or something leads you astray, they make you believe something which is not true, causing you to make a wrong decision; mislead; if something goes astray, it gets lost while it is being taken or sent somewhere (items of mail being sent to her have gone astray)

abbreviation for 'also known as'

abbreviation for 'as compared to'

accommodate, accommodated, accommodating, accommodates.verbs
transitive verb use.to do a favor or service for someone; oblige; to provide for; supply with; to hold comfortably without crowding; contain; to make suitable; adapt; to allow for; consider (an proposal that accommodates the needs and furthers interests of children); to settle; reconcile
intransitive verb use.to become adjusted, as the eye to focusing on objects at a distance
accommodativeness, accommodator.nouns

the act of accommodating or the state of being accommodated; adjustment; something that meets a need; a convenience; room and board; lodgings; a seat, compartment or room on a public vehicle

agony is physical or mental pain over something of great concern (she hadn't heard from her daughter in ages and now was in agony over the wait); the suffering of intense physical or mental pain; a sudden or intense emotion (an agony of doubt); a violent, intense struggle
agonize, agonized, agonizing, agonizes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to suffer extreme pain or great anguish; to make a great effort; struggle; writhe
transitive verb use.to cause great pain or anguish to; afflict

characterized by a strong desire to gain and possess; tending to acquire and retain ideas or information (an acquisitive mind)

attract, attracted, attracting, attracts.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to draw near or adhere.(magnetic poles are attracted to their opposites, everything seeks balance); to arouse or compel the interest, admiration or attention of (we were attracted by her neat appearance; part of attraction for a mate includes sexual attraction)
intransitive verb use.to possess or use the power of attraction
the act or capability of attracting; the quality of attracting; charm; a feature or characteristic that attracts; a person, place, thing or event that is intended to attract (the main attraction at the theatre was a Charlie Chaplin film)
pleasing to the eye or mind; charming; having the power to attract

assuage, assuaged.(ancient spelling is asswaged), assuaging, assuages.transitive verbs
to ameliorate; to make something burdensome or painful less intense or severe (assuages her grief by showing kindness; relieve; to satisfy or appease hunger or thirst, for example; to pacify or calm (assuage their chronic insecurity)

the power of attracting or of arousing interest (an area with appeal for tourists); an earnest or urgent request, entreaty.or.supplication; a resort or application to a higher authority, as for sanction, corroboration
Law:.the transfer of a case from a lower to a higher court for a new hearing; a case so transferred; a request for a new hearing; appeal, appealed, appealing, appeals.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make an earnest or urgent request, as for help; to have recourse, as for corroboration; resort; to be attractive or interesting (her clothes make her so appealing)
Law:.to make or apply for an appeal to a court of appeals
transitive verb use
Law:.to transfer or apply to transfer (a case) to a higher court for rehearing

adorn, adorned, adorning, adorns.transitive verbs
to lend beauty to; decorate (her hair was adorned with a barrette); to fit out with or as if with ornaments (the countryside was adorned by the laughter of birds); to enhance the distinction, beauty, splendor.or.glory of; add luster to

adore, adored, adoring, adores.verbs
transitive verb use.to regard with deep heartfelt love; revere; to like very much (adores the country)
intransitive verb use.to worship greatly
profound love or regard; the act of worship

the act of adorning; something that beautifies or adorns; an ornament (tree adorned with new fallen snow; flowers adorned with pretty petals; a face adorned by a kind smile)

clothing, especially outer garments; raiment; attire; vesture; a covering or an adornment (trees with their apparel of foliage)
apparel, appareled, appareling, apparels.transitive verbs
to clothe or dress; to adorn or embellish

apprise, apprised, apprising, apprises.transitive verbs
to give notice to; inform (apprised us of our rights); when you are apprised of something, someone tells you about it (have customers been fully apprised of the advantages?)

apprize, apprized, apprizing, apprizes.transitive verbs
to appreciate; value

an elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted

alter, altered, altering, alters.verbs
transitive verb use.to change or make different; modify.(altered the will; altered the concept); to adjust (a garment) for a better fit
intransitive verb use.to change or become different

that can be altered (alterable clothing; alterable holiday plans)  alterably.adverb

the act or procedure of altering; the condition resulting from altering; modification

tending to alter or produce alteration

the choice between two mutually.exclusive possibilities; a situation presenting such a choice
allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things; reflecting values that are different from those of commonality

an individual acting in the place of another; a substitute; an alternative; one after the other; first this one, then that one
alternate, alternated, alternating, alternates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to occur in successive turns (showers alternating with sunshine); to pass back and forth from one state, action or place to another (alternated between players). transitive verb use.to do or execute by turns; to cause to follow in turns; interchange regularly
happening or following in turns; succeeding each other continuously (alternate seasons of the year); designating or relating to every other one of a series (alternate lines).
successive change from one thing or state to another and back again (an alternating current.oscillates from one state to another)

put into practice or a particular use (applied physics); applied geometry)
apply, applied, applying, applies.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring into nearness or contact with something; put on, upon or to (applied glue sparingly to the paper); to put to or adapt for a special use (applies her money to help others who may be less fortunate); to put into action (applied the brakes); to devote (oneself or one's efforts) to something (applied myself to my studies)
intransitive verb use.to request or seek assistance (will ask the Ph.D. in math for his help); to be pertinent or relevant.(that which applies to everyone); employment or admission (will apply to college)
that can be applied; appropriate.(gave applicable examples to support her argument)
one that applies, as for a job
an application is a written request for something; the act of applying; something applied, such as a cosmetic; the application of a rule or piece of knowledge is the use of it in a particular.situation (on a field trip, students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom); the act of putting something to a special use or purpose (an application of a new method); a specific use to which something is put (the application of science to farming); the capacity of being usable; relevance (geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation); close attention; diligence (shows application to her work); effort (he applied himself by studying to gain knowledge); a request, as for assistance, employment or admission to a school (she applied for admission to college); the form.or.document on which such a request is made
Computers:.of or being a computer program designed for a specific task or use; a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task
characterized by actual application; applied; practical; applicatory applicatively.adverb
readily applicable; practical
an instrument for applying something, such as glue or paint

the power to enforce unlawful 'laws' and exact obedience even though contravention of the golden rule causes harm; to command, determine or judge; an authority is also an accepted source of expert information or advice (a noted authority on birds; a reference book often cited as an authority); influence or persuasion resulting from knowledge or experience (political observers who acquire authority with age); confidence derived from experience or practice; one that is invested with this power, especially a government or government officials (land titles issued by those authorized to do so)

authorize, authorized, authorizing, authorizes.transitive verbs
to grant authority or power to; to give permission.for; sanction.(the city agency that authorizes construction projects)

the act of authorizing; something that authorizes; sanction; permission

characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom (an authoritarian regime); of, relating to or expecting unquestioning obedience; dictatorial

having or arising from authority; (an authoritative decree; authoritative sources); of acknowledged accuracy or excellence; reliable (an authoritative account of the revolution which avoids facts revealed by actual participants is simply worthless garbage)

a chemical substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of algae