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polyhedron.noun,.plural.polyhedrons or polyhedra
a solid bounded by polygons
dodecahedron.noun,.plural.dodecahedrons or dodecahedra
a polyhedron with 12 faces
icosahedron.noun,.plural.icosahedrons or icosahedra
a polyhedron having 20 faces

an overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock, such as a crag or the face of a cliff

resembling a precipice; extremely steep; precipitate

any of various enzymes, including the proteinases and peptides, that catalyze the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins

a protease that begins the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins usually by splitting them into polypeptide chains

a complex of proteinases involved in the degradation of the majority of intracellular.proteins

the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins into simpler, soluble substances, as occurs in digestion; a process in which a protein is broken down partially into peptides or completely into amino acids, by proteolytic enzymes, present in bacteria and in plants but most abundant in animals; how it works is, proteins in food are attacked in the stomach by pepsin and in the small intestine mainly by trypsin and chymotrypsin from the pancreas; proteolytic enzymes are secreted as zymogens, which are themselves converted by proteolysis to their active forms; many other zymogens or precursors undergo proteolysis to form active enzymes or proteins, such as fibrinogen to fibrin; in cells, proteolytic degradation of old proteins is part of the body's regular cellular maintenance; this normal cleaning of such matter is wrongly classified as a virus; what really is a virus and where did the name come from?
relating to, characterized by or promoting proteolysis

any of various water soluble-compounds that are produced during digestion by the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins

par excellence.adjective
being the best or truest of a kind; quintessential

pose, posed, posing, poses.verbs
transitive verb use.to puzzle, confuse or baffle; to place (a model, for example) in a specific position; to set forth in words; propound (pose a question); to put forward; present (pose a threat)
intransitive verb use.to assume or hold a particular position or posture, as in sitting for a portrait; to affect a particular mental attitude; to represent oneself falsely; pretend to be other than what one is
a bodily attitude or position, especially one assumed for an artist or a photographer

having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear sighted

petrification also petrifaction.noun
a process of fossilization in which dissolved minerals replace organic.matter; the state of strong fear
petrify, petrified, petrifying, petrifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to convert wood or other organic matter into a stony replica by petrification; to cause to become stiff or stonelike; deaden; harden; to stun with terror; daze
intransitive verb use.to become stony, especially by petrifaction

of first importance; original; being first in time; primeval; primary
belonging to the first or earliest age or ages; original or ancient (a primeval forest)

the state of being first or foremost; the office, rank or province of primate; from Middle English 'primacie' from Old French and from Medieval Latin 'primatia', meaning office of church primate, from Latin 'primas' from 'primat-' meaning 'of first rank'

first in excellence, quality or value; first in degree or rank; chief; first or early in time order or sequence; original; of the highest U.S.A. government grade of meat (prime rib roast)
the age of ideal physical perfection and intellectual vigor (he was in his prime of life); the period or phase of ideal or peak condition; the earliest hours of the day; dawn; the first season of the year; spring
prime, primed, priming, primes.verbs
transitive verb use.to make ready; prepare: guard dogs primed for attack; to prepare (a gun or mine) for firing by inserting a charge of gunpowder or a primer; prime a pump (add a bit of water before pumping), to prepare for operation, as by pouring water into a pump or gasoline into a carburetor; to prepare (a surface) for painting by covering with size, primer or an undercoat; to inform or instruct beforehand; to coach
intransitive use-to become prepared for future action or operation
prime the pump.idiom
to encourage the growth or action of something

prime number.noun,.plural.prime numbers
Mathematics: a prime number is a whole number not divisible, without a remainder (something left over), by any whole number other than itself and one
    An.even number.is any number divisible by 2.
    An.odd number.is any number not divisible by 2. 
    "A prime number is any integer greater than 1, that is divisible only by itself and 1. Examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, etc.
    The only even prime number is 2.
    Every integer greater than 1 that is not a prime number is the product of one and only one set of prime numbers. This theorem was first proved rigorously by the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Given a number such as 14, the theorem states that it may be written uniquely as the product of primes, in this case, 14 = 2  7's. By factoring numbers into their prime components, both their least common multiple and their greatest common divisor can be found." ...All rights reserved....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.

pacify, pacified, pacifying, pacifies.transitive verbs
to settle and be in calm; to ease the anger, agitation and or frustrations of; establish peace in; be at one with another
synonyms.mollify, conciliate, appease, placate
the belief that disputes between nations should and can be settled peacefully; being opposed to war or violence as a means of resolving disputes while being in the satanic plan advocating the killing of many people, which is the main unseen purpose of  wars:.1Peter 5:8; opposition demonstrated by refusal to participate in military action instigated by being an aggressor (Ukraine the aggressor in the current conflict with Russia)
the act of pacifying or the condition.of being pacified; appeasement

a particular.church providing teachings it believes parishioners should have as a supporting.religious.community.
a member of a parish

narrowly restricted in scope or outlook; related to, supported by or located in a parish

pathetic also pathetical.adjective
arousing or capable of arousing scornful.pity; arousing or capable of arousing sympathetic sadness and compassion
synonyms.pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable

psychosomatic.adjective.('psycho' means 'mind' 'mental' things)
of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes; somatic; relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body

personify, personified, personifying, personifies.transitive verbs
if you say that someone personifies a particular thing or quality, you mean that they seem to be a perfect example of that thing or to have that quality to a very large degree (she seemed to personify goodness and nobility; on occasion she can be charm personified; Bruno Gröning personified the healing power of God; the quality of wisdom is most helpfully personified in Proverbs chapter 8); to think of or represent an inanimate.object or abstraction, such as the Creator-God, as having qualities, thoughts or movements of a living human or extraterrestrial being; to represent (an object or abstraction) by a human figure; to represent (an abstract quality or idea) (his character personifies goodness); to be the embodiment or perfect example of

the act of personifying; a person or thing typifying a certain quality or idea (he was enthralled with the guru so much that he began to personify him); a figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form, as in 'flowers danced about the lawn'; artistic representation of an abstract quality or idea as a person

pilfer, pilfered, pilfering, pilfers.verbs
transitive verb use.to steal (a small amount or item); steal
intransitive verb use.to steal or filch

persist, persisted, persisting, persists.intransitive verbs
to be obstinately.repetitious, insistent or tenacious; to hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, a state or an undertaking despite obstacles, warnings or setbacks; to continue in existence; last
refusing to give up or let go; persevering obstinately; insistently repetitive or continuous (a persistent dripping of the bathroom water tap); existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time; enduring (persistent quality was a hallmark of that production company); a persistent infection
the act of persisting; the state or quality of being persistent; persistency; perseverance

the act of permitting; consent
permitted; allowable (permissible social.mores; permissible behavior while learning with others)
(she was permissibly gracious in allowing them to use her yard for their gathering)
granting or inclined to grant permission; tolerant or lenient;  Permitting discretion; optional

permit, permitted, permitting, permits.verbs
transitive verb use.to allow the doing of something; consent to (permit the sale of fireworks); to grant.consent; authorize; to afford opportunity or possibility for (weather that permits sailing)
intransitive verb use.to afford opportunity; allow (if circumstances permit)
permission, such as in written form; a license or warrant (a building permit)

when you are thankful to the one and only true God of all creation, you shine forth from your heart with the Creator's light inside you; praise is an thankful expressing of approval, commendation or admiration; if you praise someone or something, you express approval for their achievements or qualities; praise is what you say or write about someone when you like them a lot
praise, praised, praising, praises.transitive verbs
to express warm approbation of, commendation for or admiration for.(*); to extol or exalt; worship
praiseworthy, praiseworthier, praiseworthiest.adjectives
meriting praise; highly commendable

a small piece of material affixed to another larger piece to conceal, reinforce or repair a worn area, hole or tear (my mom used to patch by clothes so well no one could notice the patches); a small piece of cloth used for patchwork (a patchwork quilt); a small cloth badge affixed to a garment as a decoration or an insignia, as of a military unit; a dressing or covering applied to protect a wound or sore; a pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye; a small piece, part or section, especially that which differs from or contrasts with the whole (a patch of thin ice; patches of sunlight); a small plot or piece of land, especially one that produces or is used for growing specific vegetation (a bean patch; a briar patch); a temporary, removable electronic connection, as one between two components in a communications system
patch, patched, patching, patches.verbs
transitive verb use.to put a patch or patches on; to make by sewing scraps of material together (patch a quilt); to mend, repair or put together, especially hastily, clumsily or poorly (patched together the broken statues with glue and plaster); the delegates will be forced to patch up their differences; to connect temporarily (electronic components), as with a patch cord
intransitive verb use.to be connected temporarily

a flat plate, slab or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information (he made a plaque of flying birds out of a plastic mold and covered it with brass; he received a gold plaque commemorating his years of service); a small disk-shaped formation or growth; a patch; a deposit of fatty material on the inner lining of an arterial wall, characteristic.of atherosclerosis; a scaly patch formed on the skin by psoriasis; a film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface

a moment or period in time.perceptible as intermediate between past and future; now; in law, the document or instrument in question (be it known by these presents)
existing or happening now; current (the present weather; present trends); being at hand or in attendance (all the students were present for storytelling time); existing in something specified (oxygen is present in the bloodstream as well as the air); now being considered; actually here or involved (the present subject)

at this time or period; now (she is presently staying with us); in a short time; soon (she will arrive presently)

present, presented, presenting, presents.transitive verbs
after once being introduced, the following times the person is presented; to bring before the public (presenting a play again in the same location, but to a new audience would be introducing it to them); to make a gift to someone; to offer for observation, examination or consideration; to show or display; to salute with a weapon, such as a rifle or saber, where a commanding officer says 'present arms'); in law, to offer to a legislature or court for consideration

something presented; a gift

the state or fact of being present; an individual who is present; God who is omnipresent; an individual's bearing, especially when it commands respectful attention; the quality of self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport with the audience (stage presence); a supernatural.influence felt to be nearby as Alexander Graham Bell thought about it

able to be presented; fit for introduction to others (presentable relatives); that can be given, displayed or offered (presentable gifts; presentable attire)
(she is presentably able to handle all questions)

the act of presenting; the state of being presented (his presentation to the audience.elicited the laughter he planned for); something, such as an award or a gift, that is offered or given; something, such as a lecture or speech, that is set forth for an audience (gave a presentation on laughter); the process of offering for consideration or display; in medicine, the position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus

having the capacity or function of bringing an idea or image to mind; perceived or capable of being perceived directly rather than through association; clairvoyant