Today, in New Testament times, generally
the term 'Gentile'
those descendents
of physical nations not of the original
twelve tribes, whereas
in the Old Testament
the term 'Gentile' applied to every nation except
The 12 tribes of Israel included
the tribes of Judah,
Benjamin and Simeon, which three tribes split off from the original
twelve tribes collectively
called Israel.
Today also, the Gentiles,
spiritually speaking, would be those not in Christ, that is, those who
don't believe in God and not on the pathway of spiritual things.
In the New
Testament the focus now is on the spiritual:.Galatians
3:28. And why?.Ephesians
And all humanity
came from one blood:.Acts
The Gentiles in Old Testament
times were also known as 'the uncircumcised' to ancient
Israel. There is a times
of the Gentiles. The Gentiles, those not of the original twelve tribes
are also very precious to the true God of all creation. Paul was the one
who was to reach the
Gentiles with the message from God that would bring them into the same
status with God as those decendants of the original twelve tribes:.Romans
Ancient Israel had 12 tribes.
Two of them, the tribes of Judah
and Benjamin
became known as the 'Jews'. The 10 tribes resided in the northern part
of the country and the 2 tribes, Judah and Benjamin, along with Simeon,
resided in the southern part.
- the Great Infinite Intelligence, the
Creative Power.(what
is this power?).called
God, the One,
the Oneness.(oneness
of the trinity), the Creator, called
the Father-Creator, the
Spirit that is personified
as an individual human being.
The true God is all the good
in the multiverse.
Without God there just would not be either the multiverse or the good in
it. The good in it is love:.1John
4:8-16. Be sure you are in it.
People didn't want the true
God of all love, safety, protection, health and prosperity around. Go
figure! The people were just nuts!.Jeremiah
44:16,17. People have been satanically influenced since their beginning.
the great copier
of the true God, got upset with God and wanted nothing more to do with
the true God.
There is only one true God
of all life.(*),
4:8-16), compassion
and creation. Ephesians
4:6 "One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and
you all."
God's purpose is to lift
you up:.John
10:10; Hebrews 13:5.
A true executive is one
who wants others up to his level
in all ways that are good, that is, to give them all he has, so they have
the tools to rise thereafter and even further.
Proper spelling format
for the true God, is 'God', not 'GOD' which is an acronym,
nor 'god', spelled with small type case 'god' and used for the so-called
'gods' the people were so stupid to
make and then wordhip them.
God has always worked
human beings and some such as Uri Geller
have used amazing power for good; Tom Bearden
And some very special people
such as one who goes by the name of gene
Decode possesses unusual comprehension of exactly how Creator-Father-God
creates, in this video The Golden Proportion of God.https://www.bitchute.com/video/BP2K1tMWKXA2/
So, God
exists. God is unaffected by frequencies of negativity. God remains
outside of negative frequencies. They don't affect God. God wishes others
to be in the same existence as he is. There are no good frequencies beyond
what God is. This means, God interpolates
with his creation, but the intelligent frequencies which are God remain
unaffected by any negativity in that creation, such as would have been
put there by dark side ones.
God is many layers:.John
14:2. God is many layers of frequencies of sound and of light, such
as is emotion, intelligence, knowledge and truth. God's overall presence
love. God's nature
is love:.1John
4:8-16. Of love, there are many
So, why
are we here? And where did we come from?.Genesis
This name of God, called
'Yah Vah' was a modification.deemed.necessary
by whoever wrote down in the Bible the ancient Sumerian
stories that were before repeated verbally, knowing that there were two
sides in the creation of the multiverse, the good Gods and the
bad gods. The bad gods were all the angels created by the real
Father of everything. They were created
good but then turned. And so we have
humanity with his two natures
because of having the knowledge of good and evil and the
choice to select either:.Genesis
2:16,17; Joshua 24:15.
More gene Decode.
Decode mentioned movies.
God is a frequency.(all
is frequencies).that
causes a feeling of love in living things, a man
woman or animal; a feeling of love with many attributes.
are they? God is intelligent mind unfolding through us as we live our
lives, learning what we came here to learn as we go along and this according
to a contract made with
God, a contract we don't remember yet, because of the satanic ones ability
to mind wipe new borns. The 'med beds' will fix this and then we'll remember
past lives as gene Decode does now.
Christ by using the Holy Spirit of love,
this vail over us since birth is eradicated and we awaken:.2Corinthians
3:16. We then see things from a new perspective:.1Peter
2:9. The med beds
will fix this vail immediately so the majority of humans will clearly see
the way for them to have lives enriched with good and what they were like
in previous lives.
But some people have never
cared enough to first find out if God is even
real and/or if the Bible is true.
It's not all true. It's been changed and books removed, which books have
been found. You can see which ones of the 711
other books are now available. See https://www.blessedforservice.org,
under 'Documents'. The Holy Spirit will always guide you so you can know
which part of the Bible we have today rings
the Redemption Centers, besides the new phone and computer they'll
give you and if it's ready, you'll get a copy of the complete Bible
with all its 777 books and probably a replicator.
17:24,25 "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that
he is Lord of heaven and Earth, dwells not in temples made with hands.
Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing,
seeing he gives to all life and breath and all things.".God
has given each one of us all things, but how does one get it and use it
to get benefit? God gave you gifts, but if you're unaware of what they
may be and don't know how to use them, it's as if they are not there:.Ephesians
4:8. Learning
use of the subconscious mind God has given us, is the key.
There are many
original words translated 'God' which describe God's character. One
main word God, 'Elohim',
is a plural word, meaning more than one. The Elohim are the angelic
beings. First was the Infinite Intelligent Energy, whom we properly
call God and also the family of spirit beings.
Before there was man, there
was and still is, only one being of supreme
power. This is the One referred to as 'I Am'.(*).or
'He Is'. He was and is the Infinite Intelligent Energy by whose intelligent
energy all exists, absolutely everything, everything we know of and all
we don't yet know of. The angels
also came out of this intelligent energy. What
is this power? This is God and designated by the word 'God' having a capital
'G'. What's God like?
But there is another 'god',
not a good one, this one designated with a small 'g', but also written
as GOD, in all capitals. Proper form for God's name is written 'God'. Same
thing with word Lord. When spelt
with all capitals, LORD, it doesn't refer to the real true God, the
Like all that comes out of
this intelligent energy, it is created good and
we were too. So, what happened that there came to be a bad one? More
on this here.
There was the creation of
high ranking angels for attending to things regarding God's plan for
creation of humanity. Humanity now resides on what is called Earth and
on some other planets.
One of these three angels,
named Lucifer.was
also good, for
But, like Lucifer and Adam,
we today.(even
as those who came before us:.Jeremiah
freedom of choice.(Genesis
2:16,17; Deuteronomy 30:19).and
chose the wrong way, the way of selfishness, the way of the lower
consciousness, because we knew of no other way that seemed right to
Humanity quickly formed beliefs
based on what was seen around him. Humanity had the choice to look within
and ask questions about that, but the outside world took his attention
and kept it there by all the things he felt he had to deal with in it.
It was the time for humanity to experience results of his choosing the
outside world. When Christ came, there
was another way to choose.
The 'wrong way' became known
as evil. The right way to be seen widely as affecting society, was emerging.
The angels have certain creative
abilities, such as in these
examples. They came to know evil by thinking opposites to what they
knew and observed. Their minds function as human minds also do. They had
choice as humans also do. We see some good out there, but often reject
it from affecting us because we believe that we are living the right way
14:12), even
though we're not.(*).
Life's experiences were needed to show us where we were wrong:.2Corinthians
Other gods.(small
'g'), often called angels,
were created to assist humanity in his journey to
be equal with the Father,
the One who became the Christ
6:20. These angels who turned the corner on what they already had,
had in effect, became antiGod, meaning, against the good Creator-Father's
wonderful purpose for all humanity, much like the nature of many people
today. Why would that be and from where
did we come from?
Thus these bad gods became
what we call
the dark
side or demons. And, so there are those who
are influenced to one degree or the other by them, depending upon the quality
of upbringing by their parents and what training was received from them.
the Children subject.
We are all to come out of
the evil in our living:.2Corinthians
6:17. We're here to fix
things in each of our lives. We were already saved.(2Timothy
1:9), that
is, already one with the true God, but didn't know it and were kept in
that ignorance.(Romans
10:3; Ephesians 4:18).by
all that was in the 'world' out there:.2Corinthians
Those that became dark also
had a purpose set by God. What was
The dark side ones were conned
by the master duper of Earth,
all part of the incredible plan of God for humanity, in bringing us all
up to God's standard.
were the bad gods of what we call the dark side, the Devil or Satan
Hebrews 2:7;.1Corinthians
6:3; 2Peter 2:4; Jude
There also are other dark
side ones over other worlds out there but may have little or nothing to
do with Earth. They too are part of God's overall plan of good for all.
people would not choose the good way if they are happy with the evil. Until
they deeply comprehend how really evil, evil can be, they wouldn't select
the better way of good.
14:12-15 "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you
have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne
above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
I will be like the most High. Yet you shall be brought down to hell.(where's
hell?), to the sides of the pit."
12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven. Michael
and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his
angels and prevailed
not, neither was their place found any more in heaven.(Luke
10:18; and just where is heaven?).
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and
Satan, which.deceives
world. He was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out
with him." Revelation 12:4 "And
his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to
the Earth..."
Today we are learning from
the contrasts
in life. We came here with the capacity to know good and evil:.Genesis
We see in the creation that
there is good and there is evil, the evil coming from choices out of our
obviously limited knowledge of right and wrong. Our choices come from our
programming, begun in the
early stages of life and information coming to us from what's called
the Akashic Record.
The good God responds to
our dedication
of love toward ourselves and others. Why? Because
we are expressions of God when in high consciousness, otherwise,
God is there, but submerged by one's ego,
which is then and because of that, subject to the influence of another
so-called god:.2Corinthians
4:4; Galatians 1:4; Ephesians
2:2; James 1:27.
It's the old track thing;
get off it and the tide turns against you, hindering
you getting back on it. The ancients just couldn't do it on their own:.Deuteronomy
5:29. And so they were constantly
on and off the track. They were like many people today who need someone
over them to help them stay on track:.Judges
Bible has much
in it about choices with urgings to make the one that's best for yourself
and others:.Deuteronomy
11:26-28; 30:19; Jeremiah
The good God never forces
anyone to awaken to His presence.
But, God can and does allow the 'reap
what you have sown' law of the multiverse to have effect in one's life,
so that he or she will question as
to why these things are going on, so that they will eventually come
see God as real and go from there towards spiritual growth, the reason
we are here.
The good great being is referred
to in Old
Testament times in some places in the Bible as 'Yah Vah', meaning
'the existing one'. In these places, it's always in a good way.
The bad God is often referred
to as Satan in the Old and in the New Testament and also in the New Testament,
as the Devil. The word Satan in the original means 'adversary' and the
word Devil means 'accuse', 'throw over', finding something that can be
used against you to get and keep you off track.
Ancient stories were written
down much later after the Sumerians
were gone. They were written down by
once Hebrew became a written language. And this was about a thousand years
later in B.C.E. the 6th century,
that the Hebrews called the good God 'Yah Vah' in a few places in the Old
Testament where the word 'Lord', beginning with a capital letter, is used
in the Bible.
This, 'Lord' refers to the
real true good God. See 'Lord'
When the word 'LORD' is in
all capital letters, it refers to the underworld and means 'the existing
light of everyone's salvation', a
name Satan appropriated,
as he originally was the light bringer Lucifer,
before he turned evil.
The spelling with one capital
letter, as this, 'Lord' is completely correct when referring to the one
true God of all life and creation and His Son Emmanuel
Christ. In places in the Bible where 'Lord God' is together, it
means this...
The corrupt beings of fallen
angels and those influenced by them, use.all.capital
letters to designate that those believing in satanic ways were encompassed
within influences taking them from
bad to evil, the realm of the satanic god. That's why satanic governments,
which up to now have been the majority of them, always address you using
all capitals. Look at the correspondence you receive from them.(check
your driver's license for one example):.1John
So, this was a separation,
a separation which was done away in
Christ for people choosing the way of the true only God of all love,
light and creation:.Hebrews
10:20. Up to the time of Christ on Earth, this separation caused increasing
corruptness by means of ways to divide one from another:.Matthew
The Hebrews at the time did
'Lord' spelling in
order to.distinguish
the good God from the
bad one and to show that by giving God
different names, it would reveal more of what the true God was like.
One can also see by reading the context
of verses which is what. The distinction
between things can easily be discerned
by reading the context.
Other words
translated 'God' in the Old Testament are spin offs of the main word
'Elohim', not 'Yah Vah'. These mostly referred to what the ancients regarded
as good gods, such as those being the sun god, the moon god, etc.
This main original word,
'Elohim', means 'more than one', as it is a plural
word, meaning 'powerful ones' on the good side and the evil side. Hence
we have the family
of good God beings and .
In Sumeria there was no word
for 'God' as has been so far deciphered
from the tablets. The Sumerians simply called these 'powerful ones', meaning
'sky people' or 'sky beings', because they saw from where they came out
of, the sky.
Before this time of writing
down, stories were written by the Sumerians
in cuneiform.hieroglyphics,
which was this ancient language of the Sumerians. And that language was
written on tablets using hieroglyphics
like these.
Apart from Sumerians, no
one back then understood what the tablets were saying long after the Sumerians
were gone, so stories of what they knew were handed down verbally from
generation to generation, until the Hebrew/Aramaic language was able to
be written. And so, these verbally handed down stories were written in
the Bible that we still have today.
The key to knowing the meaning
of the Sumerian tablets was not discovered until the 1800's A.D.
about 220 years ago and then it took a while to correctly figure out what
the tablets were saying. See the YouTube video.Why
Are We Here.by
Paul Wallis, an in depth researcher on the subject. Or, go to his website.the5thkind.com
It took till 1930 to get
a handle on what it was these tablets were saying. Today, they are still
sifting through the meanings on all the tablets found in Mesopotamia,
of which there are over 230,000 of them.
The Bible was written
in order to distinguish the God of great power and all we see and know
of and who appeared to humanity after its creation, as coming 'from the
sky' in visiting Earth. Though God is everywhere and everything, angels
are often designated to deal with man as
if they were God, the Intelligent Invisible Energy out of which man,
the entire creations and the angels came out of. There have been manyy
creations during our 1 1/2 trillion stint as humanity, out of the 18 trillion
year plan for humanity. much still to come.
The Gods are mentioned in.Genesis
1:26 and in Revelation 4:10.
The intelligent energy is spirit:.Genesis
It was all written so that
later, interested people when reading the.Bible
could better relate
to this great invisible good being, this seemingly.elusive
and invisible good being that is able to unfold
as us the more we get into and remain in the
of this intelligence we call God, the God of love:.1John
There is no contest
between the good God and the bad one, the one of the dark side, named Satan,
since Emmanuel came and died in what is known as the Crucifixion
and was then resurrected becoming the Christ,
supreme over all. Question: If man was already saved, why did Emmanuel
come and die?.2Timothy
What the
good God became after having the physical/spiritual experience through
this physical human called Emmanuel,
was more than what this good God was before that experience, because God
learns too. This scripture shows what God was before the experience
of Emmanuel:.Deuteronomy
10:17 "For the Lord your God is God of Gods and Lord of lords, a great,
mighty and a terrible.(original
implies, 'awesome in strength and power', 'fearful', 'causing great astonishment').God,
which regards not persons,
nor takes rewards.(bribes)."
What we call God, is the
Infinite Intelligent Energy 'beyond all things':.Hebrews
4:14; 7:26; 8:1;
113:4. God has many names
which describe what He is like.
This good God relates to
us in this New
as a man:.1Timothy
2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the
man Christ Emmanuel.(*)."
2:10 "For it became him, for whom are all things and by whom are all
things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their
salvation perfect through sufferings."
The evil
has been defeated. The golden age of peace is impending
where goodness for all awaits:.Romans
8:22. What's it waiting
There is the good God and
there is a dark side God. Keep in mind when
you read a scripture about God, is it the good one or the bad one being
talked about?
The intelligence we call
Silence, is the Silence that is high
'Before God' is not a phrase
from which a question can be formed that could be answered accurately
and with truth. An answer would
involve information in accordance
with physics,
showing the laws of the multiverse with meaning
and this cannot be done. There is no such thing as 'before God', meaning
Invisible Intelligent Energy from which all comes. It just always was.
This is something that for us who see beginnings and endings, is impossible
How could something exist that had no beginning?.Hebrews
So, in truth, all
begins with God, this God who never began and who never ends, this
God who has always been and always will be. God is life and there couldn't
be just nothing before life, for from life comes living things of consciousness
and everything has consciousness. For there to be nothing, there would
have been something and the something that is God is eternal, so there
was never this thing called nothing. What
about the so-called Big Bang starting the multiverse?
God just is and that's both
the beginning and end of any attempt to question it:.Revelation
1:8 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord,
which is and which was and which is to come, the Almighty." Romans
1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead..."
When we describe the good
God we define Him as being invisible.(Colossians
1:15; 1Timothy 1:17; 2Corinthians
4:18), eternal and love:.Deuteronomy
33:27 "The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting
arms..." John 17:3 "And this is life
eternal, that they might know you the only true God and Emmanuel Christ,
whom you have sent." Romans 6:23
"...the gift of God is eternal life through Emmanuel Christ our Lord.".To
give eternal life one has to first have it.
Probably, for most back then
and even today.(1Corinthians
2:14), this would have been beyond
one's ability to relate to, that is, until one begins on the
spiritual road.
From this invisible realm
where resides the
family of the Creator, there is care coming to us.(John
this world, however,
the care is through others who are also of the same higher consciousness
as those in the invisible good God family. Because the Creator works spiritually
and works physically when and where needed to.through
human beings.(*),
God can express
no greater care for the world than He does through us individually transmitting
His high consciousness mind by actions motivated
by love; example.
3:16 says that."...He
gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him...".Why
did He give us this One who became the
One reason was
so that we would have an example of a higher consciousness individual among
10:11; 2Corinthians 1:4.
10:10 "But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God and an everlasting
God or the Creator is the
invisible of everything.(*).you
may be looking at and the Creator of the
frequencies behind it all, even making possible what we know as thought,
which is frequencies generated when an individual contemplates:.1Kings
8:27 "But will God indeed dwell on the Earth? behold, the heaven and
heaven of heavens cannot contain God. How much less this house that I have
God did dwell on the Earth.
In the Old Testament His sanctuary
was in the tabernacle.
And now dwells in those of high
consciousness. And will again dwell on the Earth:.Revelation
The Creator is the formulator
of the intelligent energy which we know as the One called Emmanuel.
This comprised
Him while in the physical and after He was gone back into the invisible:.John
20:17 "Emmanuel said unto her, Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended
to my Father, but go to my brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto my
Father and your Father and to my God and your God." John
17:5 "And now, O Father, glorify me with your own self, with the glory
which I had with you before the world was."
Into the invisible He went
until He physically shows up again:.Isaiah
26:19 "Your dead
men shall live, together with my dead body shall
they arise. Awake and sing, you that dwell in dust, for your dew is
as the dew of herbs and the Earth shall cast out the dead."
Apart from that being in
the realm of the
Creator, we are simply on a
dying road as we age toward the end of our time here. But, we are offered
much more:.1Corinthians
2:9 "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither
have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for
them that love him.".If
you love your Creator, you'll come to know those things. Love opens the
two way street with Him. And, as you become more like God in all your ways.(2Peter
too will be able to do the things Christ, who still being in the physical
form of the One we call Emmanuel and His disciples were able to do:.Matthew
God the Creator, is all;
all we see and all we know of. This Intelligent Energy is everything visible
and invisible. But what
comprises Him? What's
He look like? Who
is with Him in the invisible?
The Creator is everything.
He is the geometry of the universe, being the breadth, length, depth and
height, all we see and know of:.Ephesians
Using the name God hardly
differentiates the many
Gods ignorantly worshipped down through history:.Acts
17:22-33 "Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill and said, You
men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are too superstitious.
For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this
inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN God. Whom therefore you ignorantly worship,
him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein,
seeing that he is Lord of heaven and Earth, dwells not in temples made
with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed
any thing, seeing he gives to all life and breath and all things; And has
made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the
Earth and has determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their
habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after
him and find him, though he
be not far from every one of us. For in
him we live and move and have our being as certain also of your own
poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Forasmuch then as we are
the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto
gold or silver or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times
of this ignorance God winked at, but now commands all men every where to
21:32), Because he has appointed
day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that
man whom he has ordained, whereof
he has given assurance unto all men, in that he has raised him from the
dead. And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked
and others said, We will hear you again of this matter. So Paul
departed from among them."
We use many
names to describe God, but we never seem to use the name of what God
is; God is love.."Are
you looking for me? I am closer than hands or feet. Are you looking for
me? I am the instant beyond time.(*).
Have you found me? If you really search for me, I am the searcher. Are
you thinking? I am the thinker. Are you watching the flowers on a sunny
afternoon? I am the watcher and I am the flowers. Are you quiet in meditation?
I am the silent presence.(*)."....Anonymous..Psalms
Why don't we call this infinite
one, this self-supporting energy that is intelligent, this essence and
sustaining power of all that is, of all that has been and of all that ever
will be, why don't we use the name love for it, for God is love? The name
love has many
fine attributes.
God or the Creator, is 'where'.(the
Creator is everything and everywhere).all
energy is stored before
coming into the physical.
The Creator is energy, intelligent
energy, love energy, eternal and has a shape:.Genesis
1:26; Revelation 1:8. Today
this is easier to comprehend,
but early on in humanity's time on Earth it would have been difficult to
this idea to others.
The way they talked back
then and how they recorded the truths they believed were correct, was the
best way they knew to get them across to others. They talked as if when
you do something, God then does something and this is true, but what they
missed or found hard to describe or think, would be hard to comprehend
for others. This was what really the Creator is.
It probably would have been
hard to grasp then that the
Creator is intelligent energy and that the universe wouldn't exist
if the Creator didn't and that the Creator then, is really the entire thing.
It would have made no sense
to most way back when. Today in the age of energy and quantum mechanics
comprehension, it's a different story, as people have at least some familiarity
with those terms and can delve deeper into such understanding.
The Creator is the whole universe, a very
intelligent universe, where all is varying forms of frequency under the
all encompassing label of love. The whole universe is the Creator's
mind. There is nowhere to go to be away from God, except by one's own mind
construct. If we have the idea that we are separate, then we will live
our lives as so.
Man's ego
construct keeps him from his truth of being. You always have a path
to the soul through your spirit, but until you realize this, what good
is it to you? Emmanuel saw the same error in the religious people of His
day. He reminded them of who they were, but it didn't do any good, because
their minds were far away from the truth of what they actually were:.John
In the
original, the word God is the plural
word 'Elohim' and means 'strong ones, divine ones', those having the power
pf creation. Where did they come from? How did they get the power to do
Elohim is a plural word,
so the first verse of Genesis should
have been translated to reflect this:."In
the beginning Gods.(or
the heaven and the Earth..." Genesis 1:26."And
We'll make man in our image, after our likeness..."
The word 'God' meaning the
realm of power those in this realm possess, those who are the 'Elohim',
the original word used for God, which means 'more than one' and means 'powers',
that is, 'powerful beings'.
The word 'God' designates
family, a family of higher
consciousness beings, for the Infinite Intelligence is a
family of love and to be in this family one needs to learn love,
needs to move beyond the ego level
of existence into higher consciousness so that power
from the invisible will flow through his soul revitalizing
his life. No matter who you are or what you may have done, this power of
love revitalizes you. It's love that makes one equal
in the family.
The contest is, in this family
there is also a not so good God, a God who doesn't take pleasure in growing
this family of love:.Psalms
149:4. This bad
God was also involved shortly after man's creation.
Those on the good side are
growing in love and their numbers are increasing as more
and more people are being resurrected. Throughout all times on Earth
those of higher consciousness are dwelling, as they grow in spirituality,
in this good family called God:.Psalms
90:1 "Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations."
And, of course, on the other
side, the side of evil has also been growing. It provides the
pressure cooker of life. Like the energy of a battery, it won't work
unless it has both a negative and a positive terminal:.1Peter
1:7; Revelation 3:18. The
greater the negatives, the more determined positive thoughts must be. How
does this work?
3:14,15 "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord
Emmanuel the Christ, of whom the
whole family in heaven and Earth is named.".John
14:23 ".....If a man loves me he will keep.(original
Greek is 'guard from escape or loss').my
are important to him, just like you take seriously the words of one
who may be dear to you).and
my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode.(original
means also 'mansion'; meaning the Creator's nature will be in you).with
14:2 "In my Father's house.(Hebrews
many mansions.(original
means also 'abode' and 'dwelling', again meaning the Creator's nature will
be in you if you have decided to be a person of love, as the Great Infinite
One is a family, a family of loving beings).
If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you."
29:11,12 "Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory
and the victory and the majesty. For all that is in the heaven and in the
Earth is yours. Thine is the kingdom, O Lord and you are exalted as head
above all. Both riches and honour come of you and you reign over all and
in thine hand is power and might. In your hand it is to make great and
to give strength unto all.".So
then is missing, as so many of us lack riches and honor, are not great
and have little strength?
17:11 "And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world
and I come to you. Holy Father, keep through your own name those whom you
have given me, that they may be one.(not
but one in the nature of love that is the Creator's main attribute),
as we are."
And just how
are we brought into this family?
The Creator is energy, conscious
are also conscious, aware of what is going on, able to make decisions and
the Creator, our energy flows in forming what is our decisions).energy.
energy from which the multiverse and all is constantly forming, is
always in motion, moving into and out of form; stars become physical and
eventually 'go back' into the invisible energy. This energy's overall guiding
principle is love, for the Creator is just that:.1John
4:16. Daily we are seeing the amazing invisible things of our Creator
more clearly, that is, if we are on the lookout for them.
The Creator is a family
of divine ones.(note
again that it is plural),
meaning those in a relationship within this
realm; the family having at this time, Creator the Father and Creator
the Son and those born again as well as angelic
beings and the newly resurrected ones:.Ephesians
2:19 "Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow
citizens with the saints and of the
household of God." 1Corinthians
12:12 "For as the body is one and has many members and all the members
of that one body being many are one body, so also is Christ.(1Corinthians
12:27; Ephesians 1:22,23;
3:14,15 "For this cause.(verse
bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Emmanuel the Christ...Of whom
whole family in heaven and Earth is named."
6:16 ".....you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, I
will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall
be my people."
3:16 "Know you not that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit
of God dwells in you?"
2:18-22 "For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the
Father. Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens
with the saints and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation
of the apostles and prophets, Emmanuel the Christ himself being the chief
corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together grows unto
an holy temple in the Lord; In whom you also are builded together for an
habitation of God through the Spirit.(just
is the soul, consciousness and the spirit)."
So today in the era
ofthe New Testament, Christ is or, Christ
is composed of, the many members of the
church; a realmof
consciousness, a body.(Hebrews
different parts.(1Corinthians
12:11-22), united so as to constitute
one whole. And there is more of what
'Christ' is.
Some people believe a third
member exists; that of the Holy Spirit. Others
believe this is the essence of all of God's power and character abilities
that are good, emanating.throughout
and sustaining the multiverse
and flowing into those who become spiritual
individuals of love and then out of them in good works in blessing
In the Old
Testament, the Hebrew
word 'Jehovah',
is translated 'Jehovah' only in.Exodus
6:3; Psalms 83:18; Isaiah
12:2; 26:4.
also 'gospels',
below a bit).The
gospel is about the
grace of God:.Acts
20:24; 20:32. The word 'gospel'
means 'good news'. The good news of what?.Colossians
1:27 "...Christ in you, the hope of glory.".Why
was it 'the hope of glory'?.2Corinthians
There are 6
names for the gospel, all correct.
in you is the power of what's called the gospel:.Romans
1:16,17 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.(the
gospel of Christ, the gospel of the kingdom and the four other names various
speakers used, all described the same gospel, but from different angles;
click on verse 16,17 at the link),
for it is the power of God into salvation to every one that believes.(Acts
is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith..."
"The true power of the gospel
is manifested not by what it adds to one's life but rather what it removes
from one's soul which is guilt and judgment.(and
this is the good news of the lower consciousness limiting things many of
us have carried on our backs all our lives is now over; why
did we end up carrying all that crap?; see the movie.The
Grand Self.about
getting free of limiting concepts
that keep humanity at a lower level than what they could be at and why?).
The removal of guilt and judgment, by the power of the gospel, gives way
to viewing others and ourselves the way the Almighty sees
us all.(it's
a swing around in attitude from the normal low consciousness to the higher
consciousness of God). The gospel removes
Christ from the realm of fantasy, religion and myth as a biblical character
to one of reality, truth, knowing and a daily awareness of his completed
19:30). The power of the gospel
is not intended to give one an accurate view and opinion of God. It is
intended to reveal God's accurate view and opinion of us. The Gospel has
no power to redeem. It is by definition, information, news—good news—about
the redemption.(*).that
is fully completed for all with no need of participation by human beings.(2Timothy
1:9). The word 'salvation'.(*).is
used in many applications, however, Paul.(who
was Paul?).used
it mostly to describe the effect the gospel, the good news, the power of
God, has on the mind or soul."....Michael
Williams gospelrevolution.com
The gospel, which is the
news of the
way of the Great Infinite One, a way He wants us to know because it
is the key to getting
more of the power of this invisible
energy into our lives. This good news is all through this website:.example.
The power.(Ephesians
the Gospel raises a man above himself.(1Corinthians
1:27), away from self-righteousness
that the Pharisees of Emmanuel's time typified
and provides man strength and wisdom in the presence of the most
difficulties. The Gospel leaves off dealing with unrighteousness, because
all unrighteousness for all time for
all people was looked after by Emmanuel's life, death, burial and resurrection.
The gospel of Emmanuel the
Christ, began in about 63 A.D.
as Mark records:.Mark
1:1,8. The gospel is what makes
one real, that is, takes him out of the affectedness.evidenced
by low consciousness in such a way as one appears or is intuitively.sensed
by others as being a phony.jerk:.Jeremiah
said that his ministry was to reach others with the true gospel; the message
that was built on grace. This was
the message of the Kingdom of God:.Acts
The gospel is the message
God loves
us. It is a gospel or the good news that we
are at peace with God, a message of good things:.Romans
Ephesians 6:15; a message
from and about
a good God.
The gospel.(means
'good news').has
always been about God blessing us:.Galatians
3:6-9. Life is never easy,
just always possible.
The gospel is a message about
1:13,14 "In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the word of
truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also after that you believed,
you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest.(first
small part).of
inheritance until the redemption of the
purchased possession, unto
praise of his glory."
The gospel is being righteous
by faith:.Romans
1:17;3:22,25; 4:5,9,11,13;
5:5; Philippians 3:9; Hebrews
11:7,33; 2Peter 1:1. The gospel
was a mystery.
The gospel is not 'do good
and go to heaven', which is you do good to just get something for you.
It's about others too!
The word 'gospel' means a
message of 'good news' about how
Christ made it possible for humanity to have a relationship with the Father,
Head of the God
family. It is about believing in a righteousness
that is God's gift to you, independent
of any law or good works keeping on your part.
The realization of what this
gift of His righteousness can mean in your life is astounding!
The gospel was offered first
to the Jews and then to all.
The message
of the gospel involves everything about Christ including the truth regarding
of God, etc..(etc.
being what the rest of the web site
is about). It is important
to get the message out to others:.Mark
also 'gospel').The
gospels are together the books of Matthew,
Luke and John. From.Easton's
Bible Dictionary:."There
are four historical accounts of the person and work of Christ: "the first
by Matthew, announcing the Redeemer as the promised King of the kingdom
of God; the second by Mark, declaring him 'a prophet, mighty in deed and
word'; the third by Luke, of whom it might be said that he represents Christ
in the special character of the Saviour of sinners.(Luke
7:36); the fourth by John, who
represents Christ as the Son of God, in whom deity and humanity become
"The ancient Church gave
to Matthew the symbol of the lion, to Mark that of a man, to Luke that
of the ox and to John that of the eagle. These were the four faces of the
preparation of the Notes on the four books called the gospels, free use
has been made of all the helps within the reach of the author. The works
from which most assistance has been derived are Waltons Polyglott;
the Critici Sacri, particularly the Notes of Grotius; Lightfoot's
Works; Macknight and Newcome's Harmony of the Gospels; Jahn's
Archaeology; Horne's Introduction; Doddridge's Family Expositor;
Dictionary; Campbell on the Gospels; the Commentaries of
Kuinoel, Rosenmuller Clarke, and Henry; Tittman's Meletamata Sacra
on John; the Sacred Geography of Wells and that prepared for
the American Sunday School Union, by Mcssrs J. & J. W. Alexander.
The object has been to express, in as few words as possible, the real meaning
of the Gospels, the results of their critical study, rather than the process
by which these results were reached."
Did the
copy from one another? The opinion is well founded that the Gospels were
published by the apostles orally before they were committed to writing
and that
each had
an independent origin.
The state of one's being in God, in touch with one's
soul. Grace grows through belief in what is true about you, and that
is your soul, an individual expression of the Infinite One.
Whether it's realized or
not, grace from God.('grace'
means 'the things from God that make you happy').for
us is there, but the ego realm
most of us live from has
covered up the God connection as the clouds cover the Sun. The Sun
is still there. The higher
consciousness things from God are still there, but remain unable to
affect us for good until we clear away the clouds:.Ephesians
Grace is God's attention,
favor and approval and builds us up.(Acts
more we rely
upon Him for all things and appreciate what Christ
has done for us.
be fallen from through inattention.