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It is through knowledge that the light shines in us:.2Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has.shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Emmanuel the Christ.".2Timothy 1:10 "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Emmanuel Christ, who has.abolished death.(sin too, because death is the result of sin:.Romans 6:23).and has brought eternal life to light.(to our awakening).through the gospel."

Death is proof the one who dies lacked knowledge of the true.gospel: John 3:16,36 "...whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life...He that believes on the Son has everlasting life..." John 5:24 "...he that hears my word and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." John 6:29 "Emmanuel answered and said unto them, This is the work of God.(doing the work of God involves getting that happy message to others so that they too awaken), that you believe on him whom he has sent." 1Timothy 6:16 "Who.(speaking of God).only has eternality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man has seen, nor can see, to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen."

Immortality or the better word for it.(2Timothy 1:10), meaning 'eternal' life, comes with the consciousness of the Creator.."Higher consciousness individuals realize these are normal states of a spiritual universe created by a Creator who is eternal and by that nature, all created by Him is also eternal:.Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:27; Luke 20:38. If eternal, then indestructible, if in the same consciousness as He that is eternal."....Grigori Grabovoi.

Satan and the evil beings lost attaining eternal life, but are still immortal and will live throughout the ages devoid of what those who have eternal life have:.1Timothy 6:16.

John 1:9 "...the true Light which lights every man...".How?

Light is what leads one to see truth:.Psalms 42:3.(here light is defined as truth {the  word 'and', between 'light' and 'thy' is not in the original Hebrew});.Daniel 2:22; Isaiah 60:1; Psalms 119:105; Proverbs 4:18

Light is eternal life now. Eternal life is in Christ and in us when in Him:.John 10:28; 1John 3:14.

1John 1:5 "This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness.(1John 2:11).at all."

Light enables better seeing:.John 1:4,9; 3:21; 12:36,46; 8:12. In Ephesians 4:18 it talks about our comprehension being darkened. Re, walking in the light:.1John 2:10; Psalms 118:27

Christ is the light of the world through spiritual persons of love.(called Christians in the Holy Bible:.Acts 11:26):.John 9:5; 5:14. How to be a light. 

"Light is the intelligence of God in us."....Pastor Jim Richards.

From.David' Guzik's Commentary:."The first step from chaos to order is the bringing of light. This is the same way God operates in our lives. God did not have to fashion light with His hands. It was enough for Him to merely speak the words 'light be' and there was light."

Revelation 21:3,4 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.(Isaiah 25:8).and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.".Revelation 21:1,2.

Psalms 46:4; 87:3.

Mourning is an emotional experience. Ancient David and Bathsheba had a son who was near to death. David put himself into a period of mourning knowing the child was close to dying. 

Light is more than a physical substance. It also has a supernatural aspect. In fact, in the new heavens and the new Earth and the new city therein, there won't be any Sun or Moon. The Creator will be the light.(a spiritual light will be the illuminating factor):.Isaiah 60:19,20 "The sun shall be no more your light by day.(so, it's a whole different world, a whole new existence, a whole new experience of living, a new creation humanity is brought into because of what transpired within him {*}:.1Corinthians 2:9); neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto you. But the Lord shall be unto you an everlasting light and your God your glory. Your sun shall no more go down.(verse is speaking metaphorically; the Creator created the Earth and the Sun, he isn't about to destroy what He created; verse means an awakening, a new vision, a new heart in humans, what the Infinite One always has wanted), neither shall your moon withdraw itself. For the Lord shall be your everlasting light and the days of your mourning shall be ended." Revelation 21:23 "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof." Revelation 22:5,14,19 "And there shall be no night there and they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light and they shall reign for ever and ever...Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city...And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book.".(more on the city of God:.Revelation 21:10-27)

The darkness that the Creator sent upon the Egyptians.(Exodus 10:21).had a tangible.quality to it, far beyond what we usually think of as being associated with darkness, as it could be felt. This demonstrates a certain supernatural element that can be related to light and darkness.

Time is the inclusion of circumstances.in memory.or can be explained as the distance between circumstances in memory and is created by thoughts people have; circumstances being results of thoughts. Time is only a mathematical geometric construct we use to place circumstances of our lives within, that is, has a position in memory according to other events we thought it worthy of being remembered.

Time is really what we regard it to be. We may think of our first day at school. There was a time for that and as you think back, you see it back then from the time that now is:.Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

But, there is no time in the invisible realm. It's not like on Earth where things within this realm move. All that has ever been is present now and always. But the negatives can be erased if you want them to be. 

The Akashic Record of all that has been done or even imagined, is in this record. It's static, not dynamic. It's there irrespective of time. The time part only comes onto the scene when you think of it, that is, in this case, you think of your first day of school or the first love of your life. It's the observer that affects all that is observed.

A time construct involves a sequence of modifications of the ego mind. In other words, we have collectively made the world we are in, which is a space.(the circumstances encountered throughout our lives).time.(the distance in our minds between the circumstances we may at any one moment be thinking of or experiencing).construct comprising the consciousness of humanity.

Unfortunately what's in the mind is mostly of the ordinary consciousness we are all used to, which is also known as the ego level.

"What is time? From the point of view of higher consciousness time is a certain space transformer and may be considered as spatial lines of force along which transformation and movement take place. Space and time are constructs of consciousness.(the formative intelligent frequencies having potential), according to where you are in it, such as 3D to 5D). Time always moves towards life and live people. A person who has a higher state of consciousness.(of which there are many levels:.John 14:2).is free from the limitations of a three-dimensional space and time model. It is known that within human consciousness, man is organized with the physical, ethereal, astral.(means 'relating to the stars', specifically here meaning 'our invisible real selves', that is, the invisible us that supports us physically), mental, etc. bodies, each having its own space. Each one has specific functions or they wouldn't be there. Physical space which we observe is to ordinary consciousness three-dimensional, having length, width and height. Paul in the book of Ephesians talked about four dimensions:.Ephesians 3:18. Ethereal space can be seven dimensional, astral space nine dimensional, mental space is two fold, that is, it exists as six dimensional and as four dimensional versions. Dimensions change; that is, they may be true today, but may be quite different tomorrow. Main thing is that the concept of dimension of different spaces is not that important as the spiritual structure is changeable.(*).and it is the spiritual structure that determines all the rest."....page 81,82 Grigori Grabovoi's book.

We have been conditioned to think time is real as it has to do with things in space, say, in the space around where you are now, like, when did we get that TV; was it four or five years ago?. Where in the garage did we put that box of decorations?; what's in its space? What did she say at that party last year that made the host come alive? How did that come to pass so close to the Earth? When and where to go for supper tonight? These are things of our space time.

We also talk of things being in two dimensions, but this is not so..Nothing.is two-dimensional. It just appears to be that way because we do not see the micro structures of objects that appear to be flat to us. All things have three-dimensional structure.

"...we can see that there has always been an understanding of the fact that the perception of the world through the prism of three-dimensional space and time appears to be narrow and that this narrow world perception is related to the level of man's state of consciousness at this stage of his evolution..(Matthew 7:14 "Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leads unto life and few there be that find it.").This situation can be changed. The quoted statements taken from the canonical texts speak of the feasibility of going beyond the bounds of ordinary perception. In actual fact the laws of Nature based on the concepts of three-dimensional space and time are but a superficial description of this world. In reality there is a deeper more fundamental interconnection of the world structures, in virtue of which the changes in this world can be caused simply by a specific act of volition.(making a conscious choice, a decision). In order to be able to make such changes one has to possess a higher state of consciousness or at least, to be in such a state at the moment of performing a volitional act, necessary to achieve the result wanted. Everybody is well familiar with the Gospels. But let's ask ourselves, which word, which term is the key one in them? If we read the Gospels carefully, it will become clear that the key word in them is the term 'the Kingdom of God', 'the Kingdom of Heaven'."....from Introduction of Grigori Grabovoi's book.

Space cannot exist without structure, for then what would its purpose be? It's a purposeful multiverse. Things in it don't exist without purpose. Therefore it's important to have structure in your life and avoid the haphazard life so many people have.."Information is the designation of the form of space."....Arcady Petrov. Space is designated by its structure, an invisible structure we know exists. We know space is expanding and so the Earth also, as needed. Many believe this to be because of the same reason the Earth can expand and that is, more room is needed for people and more room in space is needed for information. Why?

The lower level of awareness or consciousness, is for those whose attention is on the things in the world of space/time, but for those who see time differently, from the spiritual perspective, it is non existent.

Revelation 10:6 "And sware by him that lives for ever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are and the Earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer.".(time no longer is when ordinary consciousness is gone and only high consciousness is eternal)

Time, being relative.(Einstein), has been defined as the distance between circumstances.(the observance of events held within the container we call time and retrieved from memory).and also defined as the frequency of interaction and also, the counting of repetitions. At the speed of light, time, factoring.(figuring it in).in gravity, is equal to it.

But."No experiment has ever been done that proves the existence of time. Time is a concept we use to explain our experiences of change. Time is an internal dialog. Physicists no longer use the word time. They use the term space/time continuum. Time is a relative phenomenon, it's not an absolute."....Deepak Chopra.

Eternity is beyond time and is not linear, that is, one thing occurs and other follows as is common to the physical world and necessary in it to provide for meaningful events occurring within a framework of living space, which is about say, 70-100 years for the average lifetime. Eternity is not linear as Earth events are.

Einstein noted that if nothing passed away there would be no past time and if nothing were forthcoming there would be no future time. And if there were nothing at all there would be no present time.

Time and space without the appearance of material, that being matter and energy, would not exist. Time is the distance between circumstances that we call life. The matter of the universe could not be matter without time and space. Matter exists within the space structure according to its presence. Time could not be physical without matter and space. Space could not be physical without time and matter. Each are not independent of the other two. Time and space are for the physical realm. In the invisible they are not necessary.

For light there is no such thing as time or even speed for this invisible light we are here talking of. Proven by physicist Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, here in this audio clip from his CD.Do It Yourself Time Travel. And you'll see how the so-called speed of light is relative.

The light of God can only be known by those looking for it. It's invisible to the physical eye, but is 'seen' by the heart.

In higher levels of consciousness time does not exist, that's why physical aging can be changed.

On Earth there are certain times to do things:.Ecclesiastes 3:1-13,17.."Being in harmony with one's biological rhythms is important. This is called chronobiology in science and has to do with waves of nature passing through us, like a surfer who catches the wave."....Deepak Chopra.

In eternity all is 'digitally' available, that is, occurs instantly according to what the observer wants. Then it has its 'gestation' period before coming fully into the physical, but it was instantly created in the invisible realm.

Digital refers to switches. A computer is a machine that works on switches, electrical switches. All that happens in a computer occurs because a programmer set down when the switch would go on and then off. These computer switches are 1's and 0's. All that happens with a computer is because of 1's and 0's. And from this we get the wonderful device we use every day with its many capabilities.

So, in eternity all is instantly available. Just as in a computer depending upon what you want to do, it's all available, awaiting only your decision to see the potential it has.

When the multiverse is in the on position it's the material world in the universe we see. In the off position, it's the cosmic invisible energy with its invisible created patterns sustaining the world we see and know. We create in the off position. Meditation time is the key to manifesting, when we are turned off, as it were, from the physical world

So it flickers off and on and faster than a millionth of a second which is about the fastest we can see. We see lightning and it occurs in about a millionth of a second. It takes longer as it goes on its pathway often from Earth to sky or cloud to cloud, but the first flash at its source is about a millionth of a second.

We create in the off position which is why we meditate so that we can reach that off state. Before anything takes place regarding your life and living it, it is first in your imagination. Imagination is thought created in mind. Thoughts come from memory. You think of something. With the thought in mind, other thoughts can be added. Imagination takes place when images formed in your mind from thoughts have emotion with them.

Imagination is all powerful in bringing good into your life, because it is one of the higher consciousness things. Everything you can imagine is real. Imagination is the mold for spirit power to manifest. Here is where thoughts become things. Dr. Joe Murphy makes it clear. See his videos on it:.Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..."

But many people think that have separate parts when they are actually whole. The Holy Spirit is wholeness, but people think they have a subconscious mind that they have to program to be successful. It's already done for them and us. Ok., but where is what I want and need, if God has given it all to humanity?.Hebrews 4:3.

1John 5:14,15 "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we desired of him."

The belief that we are all separate from each other and even from the parts of us, that is, say, the subconscious mind being something we must work at programming.(Hebrews 4:10).to achieve prosperity, keeps us from comprehending the incredible power that comes from the soul level once we have knowledge on the oneness of all things.

In eternity, which is the realm of the spiritual.(Luke 17:21), what you want you get. Spirit energy is unlimited potential. The power is mind boggling.

Some computers reach further into potential than others. Some people tap more spirit potential than others, but all of it is available to be used by all. It's all a matter of a supply, ability to use individually what we can to affect the whole of us.

The Creator made, by His invisible process, the heaven and Earth it tells us in Genesis 1:1. It most certainly was created as He saw it, as He wanted it to be, but maybe, like an artist who creates a painting and then for some reason scrubs the screen to make it over again, maybe God did the same thing:.Genesis 1:2. Perhaps God wanted to see the effect of darkness on what He had created:.Psalms 139:12. And then God wanted to see what light would do:.Genesis 1:3. And so, on He went with the rest of creation as described there.

Once our bodies are of wholly spirit composition.(pure light/power), eternity equals no time and circumstances become immediately resolvable because of being in the power to do so. Time is what keeps everything from happening at once! Ha ha!."Time is a psychological event invented to explain the experience of change."....Deepak Chopra.

Time, one of the nets of the ego to hold us back, is the internal reference point using the ego as the base. Time is a result of our internal dialog. Time is a subjective experience and you can't measure subjective experiences. Ever experienced time passing so quickly that you wonder where it went and how it all passed so fast? And, on other occasions time just drags, like watching a boring movie or going to a church picnic without your friends being there or an opera with your parents. All experience is subjective.(subjective is how we personally see things). Differences like this depend entirely upon one's personal perception of time.

Time is a container of memory containing images inside the soul. It's the us that is outside of us, that is, outside the physical us. It's our life's rigid conditioning by our egos that restrict us from seeing the true reality that quantum physics and higher consciousness spirituality is revealing.

If the universe is young and it takes millions of years for light to get to us from many stars, how can we see them? Did God create light in transit and was the speed of light faster in the past?

Physicists suspect that current notions of space and time are primitive and that they probably conceal secret dimensions of space and time. Does time change with the months and centuries? Have you ever looked at 'a rise and set time chart' of the Sun and noticed that in the summer the earliest sunrise and latest sunset do not occur on the longest day of the year? Wonder why?

Changing our bodies then into a slower form of light, would necessitate the need for measurable circumstances, as occurred with Christ after His resurrection. Measurable circumstances become unnecessary once one is of pure character or pure light. 

From.Easton's Bible Dictionary:."Light frequently signifies instruction:.Matthew 5:16; John 5:35. In its highest sense it is applied to Christ as the."Sun of righteousness":.Malachi 4:2; Luke 2:32; John 1:8-9. God is styled."the Father of lights":.James 1:17. Light equals being in the Spirit, which is being in the same nature of love the Great Infinite One has:.1John 1:7. It is used of angels.(2Corinthians 11:14).and of John the Baptist who was a."burning and a shining light".(John 5:35).and of all true disciples who are styled the light of the world"

Other scriptures on light:.Psalms 18:28; 36:9; 97:11.
