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M a t i n g
p a g e  8

Commitment is a responsible decision to be loving to the one.(your beloved).with whom you wish to be intimate, the one to whom you have decided to maintain special affection, tenderness and caring.

Commitment involves a sense of presence of each other's heart, that knowing you can trust the other enough to fully commit yourself. 

Once one decides to be committed to another, they have decided to look for sexual affection only from this special person because this is the all you give to the other.

Try to keep emotions in balance with an overstanding of who this person, who is the object of your attention and affection, really is. Do your best to avoid being unequally yoked:.2Corinthians 6:14. Similar overall direction in outlook is important! 

Treat a dog with kindness, pet him often, feed him well and he will never leave you. The same system works well with your mate!

Some people spend more time loving their dog after a day away, than they do with each other. Apart from perhaps a quick peck on the cheek or worse yet. Sometimes you may get greeted by orders to wipe your feet when attention and affection are lacking.

If your partner is rushing from you to other things, give a little more direction. Perhaps a marked route to a different city! Always be helpful! If they want to go, get 'em outta there! Help them get going to where they think life may be better for them.

A good woman will in action and effect be saying 'here's my life'. Men should be aware of that! If you don't have the one you like, he or she is not for you:.Psalms 34:10 ".....they that seek the Lord do not lack any good thing."

One's gut feeling.(Psalms 7:9).is an emotion being the result of feelings and feelings denote individuality of thought; that is, each thought is particular to each individual at whatever moment he or she may have a thought and produces corresponding feelings.

For example, the word 'health' will produce feelings in line with the thoughts an individual has about health. They could be positive or negative. Winning a larger amount in a lottery or getting a sizeable increase in salary will produce feelings of excitement.."Feelings are connected with the events. Why do your affairs go in such a way but not another? The World is single and it is various in its singularity. God's simplicity is trusting and He is as simple and transparent as you have imagined, as you thought about Him before and He is as kind and constructive as you knew it before. He is your Creator and He gives you the way. Go along His way since His way is your way.(the Creator wants the best for you, just as you also want the best for yourself)."....Grigori Grabovoi. We all have somewhat different feelings at different times in our lives, as we have reacted to events and conditions attending events in individual ways. Some of us just don't feel close to God sometimes. Why?

It's important to be presently minded.(what does that mean?), aware of what your moods.(a mood is a continuing dominant feeling fed by one's thoughts, which are the words he thinks that bring forth meaning {he was in a happy mood}).and feelings are because of the connection between them and the invisible energy that brings things into manifestation for life, for living. Keep your happy mood up. Don't allow your moods to be messy, that is, to screw your life up. Keep up your happy mood with music and meditation.

Feelings are comprised of thoughts which have been generated due to sensations experienced and agreed with.(accepted and adopted, thus created in a person's experience). Feelings produce potential for expression.(manifestation).and mood states that are important to the individual, whether positive or negative, contribute to the life a person experiences. Again, once accepted, feelings comprise one's dominant mood, their daily state. Take a little time to analyze why it is that you feel a certain way and perhaps not another way that you may know of that could be a better way.

Many thoughts that we have daily just evaporate because they lack importance. We see many vehicles. They have grabbed our immediate attention for one reason or the other, but a few minutes later the impressions are gone. You can't recall the vehicles you saw at what intersection ten minutes ago. They weren't important to remember beyond the moment.

Feeling adds the power needed to make things matter. Thoughts are things in the mind, but it takes feeling to give thoughts you may have the power in order for them to come into physicality

Impressions.(a thought that is important enough to have lasting meaning).last with feelings attached. Feeling makes it personal. We all feel somewhat different about things that may make impressions upon us. Why?

Some are still so steeped in ego concerns that they are asleep and past feeling for anything that is not of selfish concern. They are awaiting an awakening, while being stuck on the road of dark side influence:.Ephesians 4:18,19 "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart. Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness.(well, they had to do something with their lives since they weren't awakened yet), to work all uncleanness with greediness." 1Thessalonians 5:6 "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober."

It is what is important to each of us individually that will manifest in life. We make certain things important to us by what we think and do and have feelings about. If we think and do, leaving high consciousness things out of the picture.(because we didn't really know any other way of living), we are relegating ourselves to the only thing left, the rocky road of ego level living.

Here we remain stuck.(John 8:24).in a morass of confusion and negativity and life reflects that back into our daily experience:.Romans 7:24.

If we think health is important, we may research to find out what is best for us so that we can follow those things. Those things that we take effort on have feeling to us, because we have decided for whatever reason or reasons that they are important.

What is important to most is what they lack and so their life produces what is shown to be important to them by the feelings they have over things. To them it is important if they don't have enough money, if they don't have the health they want, if they don't have the life they want and so they get more of what is important to them. They feel frustrated, hopeless, helpless, angry.(a person's angry feelings are very important.to them, just try and get them to see differently when they are in the heat of anger and you'll find that out), inadequate, depressed and sad. These negative feelings dispose them to circumstances aligned with those feelings; the law of attraction at work. People cannot see the way out because they are in darkness and their ego keeps the door closed and thus, the light out. What's the solution?.Romans 7:25. The solution is always a spiritual solution. The solution will never be found at the same level that created the problems.

When good things are important enough to remember with feeling, they will come into one's life. Feelings based on love are outgoing, thereby creating a conduit for expressions of benefit, benefit to you, benefit to others and thus, a being aligned with the universal energy which is.only love

Emotions are thoughts that have moved you mentally into greater thought, into greater information. The motions of love are to give, help and share.

Once in harmony with universal purpose of love, manifestation of desire occurs. Feelings based on selfishness stifle the person creating stuck energy.

One's thoughts become real when they are important to each individual. We are always choosing what is important to us. We are always reaping what has been sown, but because we are asleep spiritually when at the ego level, we wonder why all these things are happening to us that we don't like.

Expressions of importance are initiated by word, movement, impression, voice inflection, overall attitude, circumstance, etc., the many and varied exchanges with others we have during the course of our daily lives.."We feel the emotion because the word.became flesh."....Deepak Chopra. We are always feeling, even when our conscious minds are asleep.

Feeling is aliveness. Feeling is a thing of being alive. People on the pathway of death have little feeling, lack light and sparkle, lack vibrancy, lack interest, lack hope, have dulled senses and lack the things that the pathway of light and life would illuminate for them. They are stuck on a negative pathway as a result of listening to their ego.(what choice did they have?,.none:.1Corinthians 15:21).and allowing it to shut the door on light.

How you feel creates your life. That's why positive minded persons have better and healthier lives. Become sensitive to the invisible laws and they will protect you and keep you healthy.(how it works), because by following them, they will ensure that the connection between the soul and the body are not slipping away.

Emotion follows thought.

Are your emotions mature or childish? Mature ones are those that you take responsibility for. Immature emotions are those you feel others have caused in you, the way of the victim, the way of those feeling abandoned, the way of the angry, the way of the blamer, the way of the loser. When you can't talk about your feelings, when you break down in tears for no reason you can put your finger on, when you don't like a person for really no particular reason, all these are irrational.reasonings and show they come from your dark side, from your shadows. Dissipate them. How?

Emotions are not usually created when distanced from people and situations. It's the exposure to information derived from interaction with others that produces either good or bad emotions.

Check what emotion is arising within you from time to time, to see if things are true. If you were called an idiot, you know that's not true. If you were called or treated as if you were stupid, you know that isn't true either. Ask youself in these situations what's true of you. Don't allow others to make your personality. Be on the qui vive regarding allowing any thoughts to become emotionalized.

On the incoming side, the impressions we receive and accept become part of our emotional makeup. Joy is an exciting emotion expressing happiness. Anger is an emotion which express and excites displeasure.

One should be alert to their feelings as he or she goes through life, for from these come what one's future months and years on Earth will be like. Wrong emotions.(those which do you and others no good).take you on a long circuitous route through life. Anger is one of the wrong emotions. Resentment is another. Resentment is anger over a past happening.

We are here to learn and learn we will. The Infinite who loves each of us, will make sure our life ends up with good attitudes, that is, if we are not obstinate.

"Our feelings require an outlet; they are oxygenated in speech. The price of retention is expression. We must give them out if we would keep them in. We must lose them if we would find them. Apply the policy of silence to the acquisition of a truth and a truth that is never proclaimed is never really known. Truth reserves her rarest beauties for the moment when she is being shared. If we retain her we only see her partially; if we give her away we see her 'in new lights'. In the moment of communication she reveals an unsuspected wealth. The teacher gains more knowledge while he is giving away what he knows."....Jowett

Matthew 10:39 "He that finds his life shall lose it and he that loses his life for my sake finds it.".All life speaks the message to us to 'get out there and do something good'.

Following your feelings may involve getting information on that which you are contemplating doing. Do not haphazardly just 'jump into the fire'.

Once the excitement of dating is attached to the day to day reality of living together, the maturity or lack of it comes forth. Both must possess the maturity to stick with the value in the relationship and be determined to be committed to the relationship in order for it to progress. This requires patience, dedication and givingness.

You've heard it before: A 9 year old boy or girl can be more mature than a 40-60 year old.

How can you tell? Can the person remain happy when he or she doesn't get their way? Or does this trigger a mood change?

Mature individuals look to be loving in all they do, as compared to immature people who are always on the alert for personal advantage due to ego pumping and its subsequent expression. They have no idea why it is they are the way they are. To become mature one needs to listen to the light. An immature person takes actions in life without much concern, if any, for consequences of those actions. They have not learned the 'reap what you sow' invisible law of the universe.

Maturity occurs when a person stops doing things just to be noticed and to become great, mostly thinking of impressing some other and just wants to be as real as possible, just wants to 'be'. Maturity is being sincere and not playing games, not being something that you are not. Avoiding phoniness is one way. Another is being transparent and this is virtually impossible if one must keep something hidden that reflects upon him.

Young girls often miss looking for a guy whose main quality is kindness, because they don't yet have the knowledge of what they should be looking for. Young guys want a popular girl who is equal to their level of intelligence. It's an ego thing and that's where they may be in their life at the moment.

We all need more vision, wisdom, dedication and so on. From this comes maturity. 

Maturity is still being happy when you do not get your way. Mature emotions are you admitting you got angry. Maturing is looking at one's darker side.

Spirituality is the road to maturity. Maturity is being grounded.(something that serves as a foundation or means of attachment for something). Grounded is knowing where you are going in life and that includes comprehending the truth about death. Discuss death with someone or learn about it.

And should you live together first before a total commitment? Psychology Today Magazine, March/April 2000 said in effect, that it makes absolutely no difference as to making a better relationship than if you had not.

Many however, lack desire enough to gain and implement capabilities that are necessary to ensure long standing love. Because of this, relationships often remain subject to the vicissitudes of living. They often become 'go nowhere' scenes.

Consequently, many give up on one and seek another. They think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. And where is that going to leave you?.Proverbs 6:24-29; Proverbs 26:12;.Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish....."

If you find a man who is willing and able to continually provide a home and relationship for you, you should 'move heaven and Earth' to keep him. If a man finds a lady who is willing to be a lifetime partner, he should likewise move heaven and Earth to provide, love her faithfully and 'go the distance' with her.

      The pleasures of sex wear thin,
      When the heart is weary within. 
      When the pleasures of sex wear thin,
      And the heart is weary within,
      The sex we have for pleasure, 
      We'll find unable to keep us together.

At the cocktail party one woman said to another "Aren't you wearing
your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" The other replied "Yes, I
am, I married the wrong man."