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Even in little things, the Creator warns, but the key is, do we listen? No! Examples 1) 2) 3) 4).

How good would it be if we did?.Proverbs 29:16.

Adam and Eve didn't effectively listen as they never took to heart what they were told.

Ever stubbed your foot?

Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto His servants the prophets.".But arrogance can cause skepticism, as is shown next.

An arrogant individual.(1Kings 22:24 and 2Chronicles 18th chapter).has a severe heart problem. Arrogance and anger exist side by side. It seems like negatives go together. One leads into another and they often are contemporaneous.

Similarly is love. Love and arrogance just cannot coexist. An individual of humility seldom, if ever loses control of himself or herself by getting angry. He has a higher consciousness mindset which he has decided it would allow his governing. An individual of humility is on the qui vive to the concerns of others. An individual of humility has a direction in life that provides his best to others. An individual of humility has his or her mind off what financial gain may accrue and would be concerned over any possible disadvantage which could occur to another.

Jeremiah 2:19 "Your own wickedness corrects you.(we reap what we sow ...unless...) and your backslidings reprove you.(*). Know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter that you have forsaken.(Jeremiah 6:19; 17:5).the Lord.(how? and, what is 'the Lord'?).your God and that my fear.(no respect for the laws the Infinite One has set up {such as the 'golden rule'} to guide and help humanity to become better humans and fulfil what it is we are here for; many laws are there and alert us that something needs fixing and/or tuning, but do we listen).is not in you, says the Lord God of hosts." Micah 7:13 "Notwithstanding the land shall be desolate.(attitude affects everything; desolate minds equal a desolate life).because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings."

Here the Creator warns of impending famine.(which He designs):.Genesis 41:25-31; 2Samuel 21:1; 2Samuel 24:10-15.

Another warning first: 
Matthew Henry's Commentary: "Three years after the great battle with Ben-hadad.(1Kings 20:29-34), Ahab proposed to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, that they should go up against Ramoth-Gilead to do battle again with Benhadad. Jehoshaphat agreed, but suggested that inquiry should be first made "at the word of God"

Ahab's prophets approved of the expedition, but Jehoshaphat, still dissatisfied, asked if there was any other prophet besides the four hundred that had appeared. He was informed of Micaiah. That rather humorous story is here:.2Chronicles 18:1-34.

Micaiahwas then brought from prison where he had been confined, probably on account of some prediction disagreeable to Ahab. He condemned the expedition and prophesied that it would end, as it did, in disaster. 

We hear nothing further of this prophet. Some have supposed that he was the unnamed prophet referred to in 1Kings 20:35-42.

The Creator knows all future events, as He causes them or allows them to happen and, being the Creator, He is responsible for everything. He sees the results of what man has contributed into the collective consciousness. Nothing escapes His attention:.Matthew 10:29,30.

He watches as the results of man's ways of 'greed motivated, me first and foremost' culminate in many negative happenings.

In mercy and tenderness for all humanity.(Psalms 103:10), this Infinite One often inspires warnings through humans; but alas, few if any ever listen, choosing instead to carry on arrogantly towards unseen disaster:.Romans 13:1-8.

One example is the Titanic's demise

The 'warning' came over a decade before the disaster, in the form of a novel. Did the engineers not see or hear of it?

In one of his sea stories, novelist Morgan Robertson described how a gigantic transatlantic liner, 880 feet long, driven by three screws.(propellors).and carrying 3,000 passengers, struck an iceberg and sank one April night during her maiden voyage.

In his story: "The ship had been a masterpiece of engineering; because of her revolutionary watertight compartments she was thought to be unsinkable. However, her designers had not envisaged the possibility that a huge gash might be ripped in her hull by an iceberg. To make matters worse, the ship carried insufficient lifeboats for her mass of passengers and she sank and over a thousand people perished."

But it was only a story, published in 1898. The ship he wrote about in his novel was called Titan.

Fourteen years later, on the night of April 14, 1912, the largest and most glamorous state of the art ship embarked on her maiden voyage. You know the rest of the story. If not, see the movie, Titanic.

New information has revealed the ship Titanic was actually the Olympia, sister ship of the Titanic. The name was switched. The whole scenario apparently was a murder plot to get rid of those opposing the implementation of the Federal Reserve. See the book The Creature from Jekyll Island.

For a short overview of Titanic truths on this murder plot, seehttps://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/6572

Another example is the 1970's book Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, warning of the pandemic disease she predicted would occur in the oncoming decades due to use of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and the like; the stuff we use so often to spray crops and employ in and around our homes and gardens.

And we now see neurological diseases increasing in frequency among those the more they have used these products.

Six warnings the young lad had. He was a logger in northern British Columbia, Canada. He made good money. He lived in a sparsely populated area. He'd get paid. He'd blow it all on booze and women. He lost his licence to drive, but drove anyhow. He smashed up 6 pickups; completely totaled them. He'd drink and get drunk and fall asleep on the floor. He'd wake up a while later and still drunk, decide to go for a drive, for some food or for some girl he knew or wanted to get to know. Six times he came out of the total wrecks he was in alone and completely unscathed. He'd sometimes hit a pole. He would sometimes flip the truck. He would sometimes hit the ditch. He always drove recklessly and too fast. But he always came away without a scratch; that is until the seventh time.

Now he cannot drive. He is a quadriplegic. He can talk. I talked to him. He was extremely good looking, slim and about 22, when I saw him outside a hospital in Calgary taking in the Sun, sitting in his electric wheelchair, waiting after this accident during his four month stint of rehabilitation, for his mom and dad to come and take him back to his home in British Columbia. We talked. I asked him what happened. He told me his story.

He said I never listened to life. He wanted to have it all and as fast as He could have it. He said God protected him all the times he lived so carelessly, but I never listened to any of the warnings. I disregarded them. He said now I am in a position all I can do is listen..(*)
