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displace, displaced, displacing, displaces.transitive verbs
to move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave a homeland (millions of refugees who are displaced by war); to take the place of; supplant

the act of displacing; the condition of having been displaced
Physics:.the weight or volume of a fluid displaced by a floating body, used especially as a measurement of the weight or bulk of ships; a vector or the magnitude of a vector from the initial position to a subsequent position assumed by a body
Chemistry:.a reaction in which an atom, a radical or a molecule replaces another in a compound
Geology:.the relative movement between the two sides of a fault; the distance between the two sides of a fault; dislocation Psychiatry:.a defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute

disclaim, disclaimed, disclaiming, disclaims.verbs
transitive verb use.to deny or renounce any claim to or connection with; disown; to deny the validity of; repudiate
Law:.to renounce one's right or claim to

the art or act of foretelling future events or revealing.occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged.supernatural.agency; an inspired guess or presentiment; something that has been divined

divine, diviner, divinest.adjectives
refers to the everliving ageless God; having the nature of or being a deity; of, relating to, emanating from or being the expression of a deity (sought guidance from the divine in meditation)
divine, divined, divining, divines.verbs
transitive verb use.to foretell through or as if through the art of divination (used a divining rod to locate the underground water); foretell; to know by inspiration, intuition or reflection and contemplation; to locate (underground water or minerals) with a divining rod; douse
intransitive verb use.to practice divination
divineness, diviner, diviners.nouns

the state or quality of being divine; the God realm;, refers to God's Divinity; Godhead (angels are in the realm of God, but God is the head of that realm); God; a deity, such as a God or Goddess

depend, depended, depending, depends.intransitive verbs
to rely.(children must depend on their parents); to place trust or confidence (you can depend on honesty as producing better results than deceitfulness); if you say that one thing depends on another, you mean that the first thing will be affected or determined by the second (the cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato; how much it costs depends upon how much you buy); if you depend on someone or something, you need them in order to be able to survive physically, financially or emotionally (he depended on his writing for his income; choosing the right bank account depends on working out your likely average balance); if you can depend on a person organization or law, you know that they will support you or help you when you need them (you can depend on me)

contingent on another; subordinate; relying on or requiring the aid of another for support (dependent children)
welcome to English, also spelt.dependant (go figure)
one who relies on another

dependence.noun.welcome to English, also spelt dependance
the state of being dependent, as for support; subordination to someone or something needed or greatly desired
welcome to English, also spelt dependancy
something dependent or subordinate; dependence; a territory under the jurisdiction of a state of which it does not form an integral part

trustworthy; reliable

to take great pleasure in something; if someone takes delight or takes a delight in something, they get a lot of pleasure from it; you can refer to someone or something that gives you great pleasure or enjoyment as a delight (sampling the local cuisine is one of the delights of a holiday abroad); joy; something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment (the cakes and cookies were wonderful delights on the table)
delight, delighted, delighting, delights.verbs
intransitive verb use.to take great pleasure or joy (delights in taking long walks with his enchantress; an old movie that still delights)
transitive verb use.to please greatly
greatly pleasing

a confederacy in northeast Palestine of ten Roman controlled cities settled by Greeks, formed after 63 B.C. and dominated by Damascus the capital and largest city of Syria, in the southwest part

having a defect; faulty (a defective appliance doesn't function as it was manufactured to do)
defective, defectiveness.nouns

the lack of something necessary or desirable for completion or perfection; deficiency; imperfection that causes inadequacy or failure.(a defect was seen by the tire's bulge); blemish; a shortcoming

defect, defected, defecting, defects.intransitive verbs
to disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in another (the soldier defected); to abandon a position or an association
defection, defector.nouns

if you describe anyone as a duffer, you mean that they are not apt at doing something (the little duffer is just learning to ride a bike); an incompetent or dull-witted person; a casual or mediocre player of a sport, especially golf

a plan, sketch, drawing or outline designed to demonstrate or explain how something works or to clarify the relationship between the parts of a whole
Mathematics:.a graphic representation of an algebraic or geometric relationship; a chart or graph
diagram, diagramed, diagraming, diagrams.transitive verbs
to indicate or represent by or as if by a diagram
diagrammable, diagrammatic.or.diagrammatical.adjectives

out of proportion, as in size, shape or amount

to allow the mind to become still to the point the soul can well up to the conscious mind those things from the spiritual realm that are about one and his concerns; a dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake
daydream, daydreamed or daydreamt, daydreaming, daydreams.intransitive verbs
to have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake

disgruntle, disgruntled, disgruntling, disgruntles.transitive verbs
to make discontented

distribute, distributed, distributing, distributes.verbs
transitive verb use.to divide and dispense in portions; to supply goods to retailers; to deliver or pass out (distributing handbills on the street); to spread or diffuse over an area; scatter (distribute grass seed over the lawn)

the act of distributing or the condition of being distributed; apportionment; something distributed; an allotment; the act of dispersing or the condition of being dispersed; diffusion; the process of marketing and supplying goods, especially to retailers

Descartes, René 1596-1650. French mathematician and philosopher. Considered the father of analytic geometry, he formulated the Cartesian.system of coordinates. His philosophy is based on the rationalistic.premise 'I think, therefore I am'.

the expression written below the line in a common fraction that indicates the number of parts into which one whole is divided; a common trait or characteristic; an average level or standard (the success of the film demonstrates the denominator of public taste)

detest, detested, detesting, detests.transitive verbs
to dislike intensely; abhor
inspiring or deserving abhorrence or scorn; aversive; hateful
strong dislike or hatred; abhorrence; something that is detested

disapprove, disapproved,disapproving, disapproves.verbs
transitive verb use.to have an unfavorable opinion of; condemn; to refuse to approve; reject
intransitive verb use.to have an unfavorable opinion (disapproves of excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages)

the act of disapproving; condemnation or censure

desolate.adjective.pronounced 'des o lit'
devoid of inhabitants; deserted (the desert is mostly desolate); barren; lifeless (the rocky, desolate surface of the moon; the desolate minds of the selfish ones); rendered.unfit for habitation or use (the desolate cities of war-torn Europe; desolate lives the cabal had produced); dreary; dismal; bereft of friends or hope; sad and forlorn
desolate, desolated, desolating, desolates.transitive verbs.pronounced 'des o late'
to rid or deprive of inhabitants; to lay waste; devastate; to forsake; abandon (the heartless soldiers left the villagers in desolation; to make lonely, forlorn or wretched
desolater or desolator.noun,.plural.desolaters or desolators

the act or an instance of desolating; the state of being desolate; devastation; ruin (wars always bring desolation to a region); the state of being abandoned or forsaken; loneliness; wretchedness; misery

disprove, disproved, disproving, disproves.transitive verbs
to prove to be false, invalid or in error; refute (many men and women have scientifically refuted the theory of evolution); when you disprove something you prove that it is not true