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a wind system that influences large climatic regions and reverses direction seasonally; a wind from the southwest or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer; the rain that accompanies this wind

on the verge of becoming obsolete.(a moribund theory, a moribund way of life); approaching death; about to die

Benito Mussolini.proper noun
known as 'Il Duce', 1883-1945, Italian creep, dunce and fascist.dictator who became prime minister (1922-1943) and conducted an expansionist foreign policy under cabal sponsorship, formalized an alliance with Germany (1939) and brought Italy into World War II (1940) as part of the cabal's plan. Fascist squads, militias inspired by Mussolini but often created by corrupt and cruel local leaders, swept through the countryside of the Po Valley and the Puglian plains, burned down union and party offices and terrorized the local population. Hundreds were humiliated, beaten or killed. Benito dropped tons of gas bombs upon the Ethiopian people he was invading. Mussolini's government passed anti-Semitic laws in Italy that discriminated against Jews in all sectors of public and private life and prepared the way for the deportation of some 20 percent of Italy's people of Judean descent to German death camps during the war, a cabal trick used also by other cabal controlled governments, even today, in hiding themselves under the name of those of the tribe of Judah and other names today, where they developed the anti-semitic name to garner.sympathy and protection. Mussolini agreed to a suggestion by Hitler about establishing a new Fascist government in the north by executing those members of the Grand Council. Meanwhile, Italian Fascists maintained their alliance with the Germans and participated in deportations and the torture of suspected partisans. Fascist squads, dressed in black shirted uniforms and often financed by landowners or industrialists, used systematic violence to destroy these organizations. Thousands of people were beaten, killed or forced to drink castor oil and run out of town. Hundreds of union offices, employment centres and party newspapers were looted or burnt down. Benito was dismissed by Victor Emmanuel III (1943), Benito being a cabal puppet. Benito had led a Nazi government in northern Italy until 1945, when he was assassinated. The egotistical.despot Mussolini took the title Il Duce (The Leader). His clenched fist, jutting jaw, fiery speeches and dramatic poses became his trademarks; a hard core totalitarian cabal puppet, We the People in Italy eliminated him by hanging him upside down in the town square, stripping him naked and beat him with whatever they could until he died. A fitting retribution for this corrupt political cabal tyrant who murdered so many and caused much destruction. comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica and Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

fighting or warring; having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause (militant political activists) militant.noun,.plural.militants
a fighting, warring or aggressive person or party

mentor.noun, plural.mentors
a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
mentor, mentored, mentoring, mentors.verbs
intransitive verb use.to serve as a trusted counselor or teacher
transitive verb use.to serve as a trusted counselor or teacher to others

pensive.reflection or contemplation such as these two songs elicit, which can enrich your soul by (1, 2); melancholy also means a sort of sadness of the spirits; an emotional state characterized by deep reflection
affected with or subject to melancholy; of.or.relating.to melancholia
tending to promote a different and deeper state of mind which, like all things, can be positive or negative (a letter with some melancholy news)
melancholiness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
depression, apathy accompanied with a desire for withdrawal

moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; average

the state or quality of being mediocre; mediocre ability, achievement or performance; one that displays mediocre qualities

effusively or tearfully sentimental-(displayed an almost maudlin concern for seals)
maudlinness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

past participle.of mistake
wrong or incorrect in opinion, comprehension, perception or action; based on error; wrong (a mistaken view of the situation); doing something that turns out opposite to what is expected
an error or a fault.resulting from defective.judgment, deficient knowledge or carelessness
mistake, mistook, mistaken, mistaking, mistakes.verbs
transitive verb use.to comprehend wrongly; misinterpret (mistook the unusually warm weather as a sign of global warming when it was only a chinook wind); to recognize or identify.incorrectly (he mistook her for her sister); something that has been done in the wrong way or an opinion or statement that is incorrect; an error
intransitive verb use.to make a mistake; err

of or relating to work or a job regarded as servile; of, relating to or appropriate for a servant
a servant, especially a domestic servant; a person who has a servile or low nature

made up of a variety of parts or ingredients; having a variety of characteristics, abilities or appearances; concerned with diverse.subjects or aspects
a collection of various items, parts or ingredients, especially one composed of diverse literary works; a publication.containing.various.literary works

the flow of energy and matter that passes through organized beings; the complex of chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms and within a living cell, comprising those by which assimilated food is built up (anabolism) into protoplasm and those by which protoplasm.is used and broken down (catabolism) into simpler substances or waste matter with the release of energy for all vital processes; metabolism is a cold, controlled fire producing the flow of energy and matter that maintains living organisms; in metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized
of, relating.to.or.resulting from metabolism
metabolic rate.noun,.plural.metabolic rates
the rate of metabolism; the amount of energy expended in a given period
a substance produced by metabolism; a substance necessary for or taking part in a particular-metabolic process
metabolize, metabolized, metabolizing, metabolizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to subject a substance to metabolism; to produce a substance by metabolism
intransitive verb use.to undergo change by metabolism

meta- prefix
later in time; at a later stage of development; change; transformation; beyond; transcending

a quantitative.statistical.analysis of several separate but similar.experiments or studies in order to test the pooled.data for statistical significance

an animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed; a cross between different breeds, groups or varieties, especially a mixture that is or appears to be incongruous
of mixed origin or character

mutter, muttered, muttering, mutters.verbs
intransitive verb use.to speak indistinctly in low tones
transitive verb use.to utter or say in low, indistinct tones
a low grumble or indistinct utterance

causing harm, injury or damage (mischievous rumors and falsehoods; mischievous plans to gain advantage); troublesome; irritating.(a mischievous prank); causing mischief; playful in a naughty or teasing way

behavior that causes.discomfiture or annoyance in another's life; evil designed to affect others at their expense; mischief is behavior that is intended to cause trouble for people and refers also to the trouble that is caused; an inclination or a tendency to play pranks or cause embarrassment; one that causes minor trouble or disturbance (the child was a mischief in school); damage, destruction or injury caused by a specific person or thing (the broken window was the mischief of vandals); the state or quality of being mischievous

a movement or procedure involving skill and dexterity; a strategic action undertaken to gain an end
maneuver, maneuvered, maneuvering, maneuvers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make a controlled series of changes in movement or direction toward an objective.(maneuvered to get closer to the stage); to shift ground; change tactics
transitive verb use.to alter the placement of (maneuvered the office desks to accomodate more persons); to manipulate into a desired position or toward a predetermined goal (maneuvered the tiny part back into its proper position and tightened it so it wouldn't come loose again); to direct through a series of movements or changes in course (maneuvered the car through the test course)

meddle, meddled, meddling, meddles.intransitive verbs
to intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere; to handle something idly or ignorantly; intermeddle; tamper

inclined to meddle or interfere; meddlesome stresses an annoying and usually prying.interference in others' affairs (a meddlesome landlord)

muster, mustered, mustering, musters.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to come together; gather (bring all the volunteers you can muster); to call forth; summon up (mustering up her strength for the marathon); call; to call a group all together
intransitive verb use.to assemble or gather (mustering to meet at the construction site shack)
a gathering, especially of troops, for service, inspection, review, or roll call; the individuals assembled for such a gathering; a muster roll; a gathering or collection (a muster of workers at a luncheon); a flock of peacocks

of or relating to recent times or the present (modern history); characteristic or expressive of recent times or the present; contemporary or up-to-date (a modern lifestyle; modern architecture reflected in the design of new buildings; a modern way of thinking; modern synthesis); of or relating to a recently developed or advanced style, technique or technology (modern art; modern electrical principles)
one who lives in modern times (she's a modern); one who has modern ideas, standards or beliefs; a variety of typefaces characterized by strongly contrasted heavy and thin parts used in printing
Word history: The word modern, first recorded in 1585 in the sense 'of present or recent times' has traveled through the centuries designating things that inevitably must become old-fashioned as the word itself goes on to the next modern thing

magnify, magnified, magnifying, magnifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to make greater in size; enlarge; to cause to appear greater and be more important; to increase the apparent size of; to glorify or praise:.Psalms 69:30
intransitive verb use.to increase or have the power to increase the size or volume of an image or a sound
the act of magnifying or the state of being magnified; the process of enlarging the size of something, such as a magnetic field with a larger spinning magnet; something that has been magnified; an enlarged representation, image or model; the ratio of the size of an image to the size of an object; amplification

an optical instrument that uses a lens or a combination of lenses to produce magnified images of small objects, especially of objects too small to be seen by the unaided eye; instruments such as electron microscopes and Scanning Tunneling Microscopes, that use electronic or other processes to magnify objects; they had microscopes in the 1600's, but it wasn't until Royal Raymond Rife in the early 20th century, designed an incredible microscope with unheard of magnification that we could see and record movement of bacteria and pathogens, not just a still picture such as was the limitation of the newly invented electron microscope, but life at levels so great in magnification that infinite levels were brought to vision. His microscope used the color spectrum to elicit.details of life never before seen or imagined. Rife understood that everything is frequencies and designed machines to produce frequencies that would electronically cure even serious diseases while leaving harmless all healthy functioning of the body. See both the 'Royal Rife Documentary' and the 'Rife Suppressed' documentary about this genius, try YouTube, covering also the many and various attempts to keep this information away from the public by those wanting disease perpetuated for their own purposes, profit and control; such is the madness of the lowest consciousness of some people involving medical corruption, using tools such as denial, 'legal' trials, betrayal, bribes, suppression of helpful information. Today, Dr Hulda Clark and so many others do similarly in helping a humanity mostly fallen asleep from reality. The landmark work of Royal Rife, of course, was suppressed by the pharma and medical criminals. Hulda calls the device she developed, the Zapper. Look it up. The truth is out there.

microscopic, microscopical.adjectives
too small to be seen by the unaided eye but large enough to be studied under a microscope; of, relating to or concerned with a microscope; exceedingly small; minute; characterized by or done with extreme.attention to detail (a microscopic research project) microscopically.adverb

the study of microscopes; the use of microscopes; investigation employing a microscope

an organism of microscopic or submicroscopic size, especially a bacterium or protozoan