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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  N o t e s
p a g e  1 0

Once a protein is made, many customizations occur to it so that it is perfectly tailored to the required use dictated by the body's present needs like tissue maintenance, specific fluid replacement, etc., etc. Even the operational infrastructure of human proteins may be as high as 20 times that of the number of genes. 

Proteins range in weight from 10,000 to many millions the weight of carbon at 12. They are made by chemically hooking together blocks of amino acids into a chain.

Protein assembly depends upon molecules called transfer RNA, of which there are 64, each preloaded with a particular amino acid for the relevant.triplet and from here the complexity greatly increases and further explanation would only benefit those with a special interest in genetics. The point is that the horrendous complexity involved is so far above the simplistic.fairy tale of evolution designed by those hijacking Darwin's theory. Darwin himself had concerns over the accuracy of his evolutionary reasonings. And those analyzing his theory realize he 'miissed the boat' on, for example, complexity.

The idea is to present the complexity, the vast.complication, the integration of component parts, etc. and how only a brilliant mind could have put it together to work from the start to today with beautiful pattern consistency.

This is way beyond the ultra simplistic evolutionary view which is appeasing for those few whose present purposes who prefer leaving out He who designed them. Evolutionists often get cross-wired by confusing the order of simple things with complexity, such as in saying that mineral crystals and snowflakes are complex structures that form.spontaneously from disordered parts.and then utilizing this errant reasoning as a substantiating evolutionary tenet

One protein differs from another by the sequence of amino acids. 
   Proteins fold from their DNA.(amino acid).sequence.into shapes that the fastest and largest computers can not yet predict. This is very important, as a protein's shape dictates its function. And when you consider other things, then, in the light of genetic engineering, genetic engineering becomes nothing more than a mournful 'bad joke' that should go away.

Every protein consists of an exact sequence of these amino acids links. They comprise carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and most always sulfur. Proteins are any large group of organic.compounds.found in all living organisms.

To make proteins, a cell creates RNA copies of a gene. These are read by the protein making machinery. Proteins are synthesized in cells and then float freely within the cell touching thousands of others in their quest to align with just the right protein partner. 

In building a chair the same size 6 screw can be used to fasten many of the parts. Not so in the nano world of the cell. In the cell each molecule is specific. Each molecule is designed with a separate latch to ensure it can only bind to its already existent proper target.(partner).somewhere in the cell. Protein divisions are arranged in a triangular lattice, like the geodesic dome design. The probability of a protein evolving by chance.(randomness).is astronomical, so it's impossible because none have been seen to do so after all these years of research.

To learn the functions and effects of complex interdependency, actions and reactions of the tens of thousands of proteins.(such as taste, for one example).produced by our genes, demands radically different approaches, if it is at all possible considering the mathematical probabilities involved in figuring out this immense storehouse of both active and dormant gene states and the variables of their specific effect upon one another from time to different time.

Proteins match by having each of their 'arms' fit into a complimentary grove in another specific protein. Certain L shaped molecules are designed to align on the ribosome in order to build new proteins, like a couple 'lines up' their sexual organs in order to enjoy sex.

Proteins called cyclins build up in the cell setting off a series of events leading to mitosis.(cell division).

Old proteins are handled by the lysosomes, except for cyclins. Cyclins are removed by a special intricate natural system.('machine'), a proteasome, that eats proteins. How cells understand just exactly when to begin disintegrating cyclins is anybody's guess. It.could be.part of the codes in the 97% of DNA we know nothing about and perhaps here is where the non physical component affects them.

-Protein synthesis: The assembly of proteins takes place in the

protein synthesis
cytoplasm of a cell. There are three main steps. In initiation, far left, all of the necessary parts of the process are brought together by a small structure called a ribosome. During elongation, amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are joined to one another in a long chain.

"The sequence in which the amino acids are added is determined by the messenger RNA.(mRNA), which is a transcribed copy of the DNA in every cell's nucleus. Termination, far right, takes place when the mRNA sequence contains one of several "stop" codons. A release factor binds to the mRNA at these sequences and triggers the breakup of the ribosome complex. The released chain is called the primary structure of a protein."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

-Protoplasm:.a semi fluid, viscous, translucent.colloid, the essential matter of all animal and plant cells, consisting largely of water, proteins, lipoids, carbohydrates.and inorganic.(not organic).salts

-Punctuated Equilibria:.A punctuated.equilibrium model arose from evolutionists thinking that evolutionary change does not always occur at a constant rate, having instead, long periods of rest interspersed with periods of rapid change producing quantum leaps from one species to another, but they fail in explaining what initiates such resting periods and what triggers rapid change periods.

Punctuated equilibrium refers to a species not gradually arising by transformation of ancestry, but rather, appears all at once and fully formed; that is, once a species has developed, it remains in a dormant state for millions of years, then 'presto bingo', by some unknown modus operandi, it transforms! The model is often at odds with what other evolutionists think,.1, 2) to say nothing of what the paleontological record evinces.

Genius is the art of taking pains and ignorance the receptacle for nonsense.