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codify.transitive verb
to arrange systematically, as the Periodic Table

a numerical measure of a physical or chemical property that is constant for a system under specified.conditions

a coelacanth is any of various.mostly.extinct fishes of the order Coelacanthiformes, known only in fossil.form until a single living species, Latimeria chalumnae of African marine waters, was identified in 1938; the word comes from the Greek 'akantha', meaning spine
coelacanthine, coelacanthous.adjectives

any of various invertebrate animals of the phylum Coelenterata, characterized by a radially.symmetrical body with a sac like internal cavity and including the jellyfishes, hydras, sea anemones and corals
of, relating to or belonging to the phylum Coelenterata (jellyfish, sea anenomes, etc.)

coerce, coerced, coercing, coerces.transitive verbs
to attempt to force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats or intimidation; compel
coercion is the act or process of persuading someone forcefully to do something that they do not want to do (it is vital that teaching institutions be free of coercion or intimidation); the act or practice of coercing is domestic.terrorism, such as was used in marketing the covid vaccine; power or ability to coerce
the act or practice of coercing; power or ability to coerce

characterized by or inclined to coercion

a term developed by Paul R. Erlich and Peter H. Raven, director of the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, to decribe the influence they believe that mutually dependent species such as butterflies and plants can exert on each other. The term is often at odds with what other evolutionists think

coexist, coexisted, coexisting, coexists.intransitive verbs
to exist together, at the same time or in the same place; to live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy

the mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning and judgment; that which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning or intuition.knowledge; to know; the process of knowing or perceiving

of, characterized by, involving or relating to cognition

fully informed; conscious; aware; knowing
conscious knowledge or recognition; awareness; the range of what one can know or comprehend; observance; noticing (we will take cognizance of the deeper meaning)

cognitive dissonance.noun,.plural.cognitive dissonances
cognitive dissonance is mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information, where one often thinks, 'Well, I don't believe that' and goes away happy with his or her ignorance.

The concept was introduced by the psychologist Leon Festinger (1919–1989) in the late 1950s. He and later researchers showed that, when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current comprehension of the world by rejecting, explaining away or avoiding the new information or by convincing themselves that no conflict really exists. 

Psychology:.in psychology, the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or attitudes, for example when reality contradicts beliefs and when fear is a pressure to act and doing so could cause you loss, as in the fact of creation by the Creator.vis-a-vis.evolutionary.tenets, where evolution is purported as a surety, yet abides by information which precludes.validity

cohabit.or.cohabitate, cohabited, cohabiting, cohabits.intransitive verbs
to live together in a sexual relationship

cohere, cohered, cohering, coheres.intransitive verbs
to have internal elements or parts logically connected so that esthetic consistency results; to stick or hold together in a mass that resists separation
the quality or state of cohering, especially a logical orderly and esthetically consistent relationship of parts; in physics, the property of being coherent, as of waves
sticking together; having cohesion; intelligible due to logical.integration; congruity

tendency to stick together; the act, process or condition of cohering.(exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit); to cling together
Physics:.the force (intermolecular attraction) by which the molecules of a substance are held together (distinguished from adhesion)

any group or band of people, honest or dishonest; an associate, colleague, supporter or fellow liar

coincide, coincided, coinciding, coincides.intransitive verbs
to occupy the same relative position or the same area in space; to happen at the same time or during the same period; to correspond exactly; be identical; to agree exactly, as in opinion; concur

a sequence of events that appear as if accidental but in reality have been planned or arranged; an event that was arranged to appear to others as if it was an accidental coincidence; synchronous experiences are 2 or more events occurring at the same time (meaningful happenings transpiring.simultaneously); the fact or condition of coinciding; a seemingly accidental and remarkable occurrence of events or ideas at the same time 
characterized by coincidence 
coinciding; occurring at the same time; in exact agreement; synchronous

a gelatinous substance found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage

a fellow worker in the same profession

a college student or recent college graduate

an institution of higher learning that grants the bachelor's degree in liberal arts or science or both; an undergraduate division or school of a university offering courses and granting degrees in a particular field; a school, sometimes but not always a university, offering special instruction in professional or technical subjects; the students, faculty and administration of such a school or institution; the building or buildings occupied by such a school or institution; a body of persons having a common purpose or shared duties (a college of surgeons); an electoral college

a dependency; a region.politically controlled by a distant country; a territory thus settled; a group of emigrants or their descendents who settle in a distant territory but remain.subject to or closely associated with the parent country (Britain's 13 colonies); a group of people with the same interests or ethnic origin concentrated in a particular area (the American colony in Paris); the area occupied by such a group; a group of people who have been institutionalized in a relatively remote area (an island penal colony)
Ecology:.a group of the same kind of animals, plants or one celled organisms such as polyps living or growing together
Microbiology:.a visible growth of microorganisms, usually in a solid or semisolid nutrient medium

of, relating to, possessing or inhabiting a colony or colonies; often Colonial; of or relating to the 13 British colonies that became the original United States of America; of or relating to the colonial period in the United States; of, relating.to.or.being a style of architecture and furniture prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution; living in, consisting of or forming a colony
an inhabitant of a colony; a house designed in an architectural style reminiscent of the one prevalent in the colonies just before and during American Revolution

colonize, colonized, colonizing, colonizes.verbs
transitive use-to form or establish a colony or colonies in; to establish in a new settlement; form a colony of; to set up a body of people living in a new territory but retaining ties with the parent state; to migrate to and settle in; occupy as a colony
intransitive verb use-to form or establish a colony; to settle in a colony or colonies
the act or process of establishing a colony or colonies

an original.settler or founder of a colony; an inhabitant of a colony

commend, commended, commending, commends.transitive verbs
to represent as worthy, qualified or desirable; recommend; to express approval of; praise; to commit to the care of another; entrust
actions worthy of commendation
serving to commend

the act of commending; something, especially an official award or citation, that commends

contort, contorted, contorting, contorts.verbs
transitive verb use-to twist, wrench or bend severely out of shape (tasted a sour lemon  that contorted the face)
intransitive verb use-to become twisted into a strained shape or expression; distort
contortion, contortedness.nouns
contorted, contortive.adjectives
twisted or strained out of shape

a longtime close friend or companion

favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office

the buying and selling of goods; doing business

of or relating to commerce (a commercial enterprise); involved in work that is intended for the mass.market (a commercial artist); having profit as a chief aim
an advertisement on television or radio

a commodity is something that is sold for money (the government increases prices on basic commodities like bread and meat as they have a vested interest in such things and this ensures higher returns on their investments; what's government doing investing in things and stealing the money earned, while you suffer?); something hoped to be useful enough that can be turned into commercial or other advantage; an article of trade or commerce, especially an agricultural or mining product, that can be transported

a small compartment, as for work or study; a small sleeping compartment, especially within a dormitory

cleanse, cleansed, cleansing, cleanses.transitive verbs
to free from dirt, defilement or guilt; purge or clean
cleanly, cleanlier, cleanliest.adjectives
habitually and carefully neat and clean
in a clean manner
a safe natural detergent, powder or other agent such as a chemical detergent, that removes dirt, grease or stains; a safe natural skin lotion or cream or a chemical one, that is used to clean the face
clean, cleaner, cleanest.adjectives
to free from dirt, stain or impurities; unsoiled; free from foreign.matter or pollution; unadulterated (clean air; clean drinking water); not infected (a clean wound); morally.pure; virtuous (led a clean life)
clean, cleaner, cleanest.adverbs
so as to be unsoiled (wash the dishes clean); in a fair manner (played the game clean)
clean, cleaned, cleaning, cleans.verbs
transitive verb use.to rid of dirt, rubbish or impurities (clean a room; clean clothes); remove (cleaned up the trash; cleaned off the stains); to prepare fowl or other food for cooking, as by removing the entrails or fat; to remove the contents from; empty (cleaned my plate)
intransitive verb use.to undergo or perform an act of cleaning
clean out.phrasal verb
to rid of dirt, rubbish or impurities; to empty of contents or occupants
clean up.phrasal verb
to make clean or orderly; to make oneself clean, neat or presentable; to dispose of; settle (cleaned up the unpaid bills)
clean house.idiom
to eliminate or discard what is undesirable
