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conscience .noun,.plural.consciences
your conscience is the part of your mind that
tells you whether what you are doing is right or wrong:.Romans
13:10; one's 'gut
feeling' is tied to conscience; if you have a guilty
conscience, you feel guilty about something
because you knew it was wrong; if you have a clear conscience, you do not
feel guilty because you know you have done nothing wrong or you know any
wrongs done are already looked after by what
Christ did; conscience is a moral
or ethical.aspect
to one's conduct together with
the urge to prefer
that which does no harm to anyone, over that which may do harm to you or
to others (let your conscience
be your guide.{?});
one's sense of ethical direction
that is inside of us which judges the ethical nature of our actions and
thoughts; your conscience is the part of your mind that tells you whether
what you are doing is of benefit to yourself and/or others or not; if you
have a guilty conscience, the awareness of comfort
or discomfort one feels in the body over something of concern; the
of anything (what an individual is aware of at any given moment)
conscienceless .adjective
void of any
conscience for wrongdoing
guided by or in accordance with the dictates of
and assiduous-(a
conscientious worker; a conscientious effort to comply
with the regulations that are in the best interests of self and others)
conscientious objector.noun,.plural.conscientious
one who objects
to the imposition of things
against his conscience; one who on the basis
of religious or moral principles refuses.compliance
with edicts not believed to be
in the best interests of loving people (people avoid vaccinations
once they learn about them); philosophical
or political reasons are acceptable grounds for conscientious objections
consecrate, consecrated,
to the wholeness of something,
such as, on the good side, that of spirituality,
where nothing more is needed, it is finished and perfect as was the work
of Christ:.Colossians
2:10; to be spiritually minded, like the only true God
of all compassion and creation
is and believing in both Him, His son Emmanuel the
Christ and the Holy Spirit and thus,
being set apart from not being spiritually minded:.Revelation
18:4; to make or declare sacred
(made righteous by the gift
of righteousness; she became consecrated to evil (1Timothy
4:2) by her choice influenced by lies of others); to engage in a spiritual
purpose with or as if with
dedication (worship.the
Creator); the devoting
or setting apart of anything to the worship of God (she devoted herself
to what God is as she understood God to be, which to her was aligning
in her mind with the
higher consciousness thinking); to induct.(a
person) into a permanent spiritual office
a sacred purpose such as making whole those who may not be:.Job
5:18; sanctified
the act, process or ceremony of consecrating;
the state
of being consecrated
following one after another without interruption;
successive (was absent on three consecutive days; won five consecutive
games on the road); marked by logical sequence
consent, consented,
to give assent;
involves the will or feelings and indicates willing compliance
with what is requested or desired (consented to their daughter's going
on a short trip); consent is necessary for you to accept the principles
and policies of living under Maritime,
called Admiralty and Civil, law, that's why the police corporations, the
policy enforcers for the these so-called
laws, ask if you understand, meaning do you consent to stand under, but
you think they mean comprehend
(such tricks, tricks, tricks of language, thanks to an equally corrupt
educational system) and so typical of a cabal
setting up controls using non We
the People approved, rules of conduct;
you have to consent by your actions and/or words before their satanic.despotic
law has any validity, unless of
course they then use force, which shows you how
evil they really are and that they are truly driven by the dark satanic
an act
of assenting; acquiescence,
the word subscribe implies
not only consent or assent but hearty
approval and active support (subscribes wholeheartedly
to the idea)
involving the agreement of all or most people
in a group; of or expressing a consensus
(a consensual decision); in law, existing or entered into by mutual
consent without formalization
by document or ceremony
(a consensual agreement); involving the willing participation
of both persons or all parties to the agreement
following as a natural effect, result or conclusion
(tried to prevent an oil spill and the consequent damage to wildlife);
following as a logical conclusion;
logically correct or consistent
as a result;
a result;
to follow after; effect (the effect
of our thoughts is our lives, because we reap
what we have sown; sow.only
good thoughts and good
actions and good life follows)
following as an effect, result or conclusion;
having important consequences; significant
in a right triangle, the ratio of the length of
the side
adjacent to an acute
angle to the length of the hypotenuse; the abscissa
at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle
centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being
of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point (1, 0) if x is
positive or clockwise if x is negative
consist, consisted,
made up of; something that consists of particular
things or people is formed from them (breakfast consisted of porridge served
with butter)
easy to see or perceive; readily.evident;
noticeable; obvious;
attracting attention by being unexpected, unusual or outstanding
conspiracy theorist.noun,.plural.conspiracy
a label branded upon someone by another preferring
avoidance of truthful answers to honest questions, such as questions on
matters of health,
events, economic and societal trends, where such answers would involve
the products of selfish and secret plots for hurtful purposes, so instead,
slap a label on those with information one hasn't looked into but espouses
a firm opinion about, so the information can be dismissed
and their living with delusion
carry on
conspiracy theory.noun,.plural.conspiracy
a conspiracy theory
is a belief that a group of people,
such as the cabal, are secretly
trying to harm someone or all humanity (and
they are) or achieve something
which is their satanic.intention.
Many people dismiss
any facts on such things, as being
and so therefor use the term
conspiracy theory or conspiracy theorist (for those not having researched
it, there still exists a conspiracy theory about why JFK
was assassinated even though
why and the who is now known); a conspiracy theory is a theory seeking
to explain a disputed.case
or matter as a plot
by a secret group rather than
an individual or isolated.act.
a usually hidden and secretive collusive
agreement, connived to perform
an illegal, wrongful or subversive
act always to harm another or others in some way and usually, in the case
where individual rights are concerned, by making
policies and laws enforceable upon, yet inimical
to, individuals' best interest and all usually done in order to eradicate
free will and choice of individuals to the advantage of conspirators, that
of, control by the few over the many (communism,
al.; the conspiracy regarding
inflation); conspirators' concerns involve instituting controls on
a populace by means of policies (they.know
what's 'right' for you; perhaps the biggest conspiracy is
to believe that there is no real conspiracy:.Revelation
12:9); small groups of people like corporate
boards of directors and governments do meet to avoid transparency
in closed rooms hidden from public scrutiny
and plan to how best to maximize profit and goals and if they knowingly
make plans that hurt others, violate laws, undermine ethics
or show favoritism to friends,
they are involved in a conspiracy and if those plans are inimical to best
ways of good for others by government, then they are treasonous.
"A conspiracy is nothing
but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies
which they dare not admit in public."....Mark
42:22 "But this is a people robbed and spoiled. They are all of them
snared in holes and they are hid in prison houses. They are for a prey
and none delivers them, for a spoil and none says restore.".A
conspiracy involving creating lack and a twisting and/or destruction and
hiding of evidence is proof that a conspiracy of harm is working, example
being, the
to today well hidden, overall world
controlling conspiracy.to.hide
parts of the Bible.the.cabal.did
not want you to know about..Why?
And part of their nefarious plan
involves eradication of
humanity. And how?
Another conspiracy is, men
fight for freedom, then cabal controlled 'legal' and court systems under
the BAR, such as be Maritime
/ Admiralty / Civil / Statute 'law', enact 'laws' circumventing God given
Law using cabal entrusted corrupt politicians and legalese
trained puppets called lawyers & judges, all being told what to do
in order to subtly take away anything
good that was to be gained by those men having given their lives, thinking
that it would bring freeness to We
the People. Other localized
ancient conspiracies:.1,
And see Global
Research on conspiracies.
A lack of complete evidence
is proof that a conspiracy is working. Is that why investigative reporters
(1, 2,
and so many other good reporters all over
the world) are now a misnomer?."The
responsibility of the writer as a moral agent is to try to bring the truth
about matters of human significance to an audience that can do something
about them."....Noam
Chomsky Ph.D..Men
fight for freedom and laws are enacted by corrupt politicians et
al to take it away from them. Brothers to conspiracies are disinformation
and lack of transparency,
simply lies in other forms:.John
"One of the saddest lessons
of history is this: If we've been bamboozled
long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle
(why would this be?).
We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has
captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge.(such
as), even to ourselves, that we've been
so credulous."....Carl
"Critical thinking and accurate,
transparent investigative research is needed to counter the emotional fraud
and propaganda
of speculative
ideas, fear mongering and groupthink."....Peter
Phillips, Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University, President
of Media Freedom Foundation, Board member for 911truth.org and recent past
director of Project Censored, his article was presented at the 9/11 Truth
Film Festival Oakland Grand Lake Theater, September 10, 2009.
Law: in law,
a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime
or accomplish a legal, illegal or unlawful purpose through actions, whether
legal, illegal and/or unlawful; a joining or acting together, as if by
design (a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas)
one that engages in a conspiracy
of, relating
to or characteristic
of conspirators or a conspiracy
(a conspiratorial act; a conspiratorial smile)
conspire, conspired,
transitive verb senses-plot,
intransitive verb senses-to
plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish
a legal purpose through illegal and/or unethical
action; to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act
or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement; scheme;
to act in harmony
toward a common end (circumstances conspired to defeat his efforts)
unchanging in nature,
or extent;
in purpose,
you use constant to describe something that happens all the time or is
always there and doesn't change (the Creator's love is constant)
something that is unchanging or invariable; if
an amount or level is constant, it stays the same over a particular period
of time (the average speed of the winds remained constant); a constant
is a thing or value that always stays the same (in the world of fashion
and music it sometimes seems that the only constant is ceaseless
change); a quantity.assumed
to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context; an experimental
or theoretical condition, factor or quantity that does not vary or that
is regarded as invariant in specified circumstances (inflation is a constant
unnecessary threat to progress)
the condition or quality of being constant;
changeless; steadfastness, as in purpose or affection; faithfulness
a constellation
is one of the 88 areas into which the sky is divided for the purpose of
identifying and naming celestial
(of the heavens; of the sky) objects
a constituent of a mixture, substance or system
is one of the things from which it is formed (phosphoric
acid is a constituent of drinks); necessary in the formation
of the whole; component (a constituent
one of the constituent parts in the machine broke); also, constituent is
someone who lives in a particular
constituency, especially someone who is able to vote in an election;
the people have power to elect and designate;
only the people are able to make or amenda
(a constituent assembly); serving
as part of a whole
a constituent part; a component; element; one
that authorizes another to act as a representative; a resident of a district
or member of a group represented by an elected official
the body of voters represented by a person they
elect to carry out the majority will of the people; the district electors
reside in who elected the person the majority wished to be elected
constitute, constituted,
to form of elements, material,
etc.; to be the elements or parts of; compose (correct grammar and sentence
structure do not in themselves constitute good writing); to set up or establish
according to law or provision.(a
body that is duly constituted under the charter);
to set up; establish; form; to amount to; equal (kindness is equal to forgiveness);
to found (an institution, for example); to enact (a law or regulation);
to appoint to an office, dignity, function or task; designate
constituter or constitutor.noun,.plural.constituters
or constitutors
a constitution is the contract
between We the People
and those they wanted in government; it is the system of fundamental laws
and principles that confirms rights already given
to us by God.(*),
that comes with your birth and prescribes the nature, functions and limits
of a government or another institution as determined
by We
the People; the constitution
doesn't give us rights, it simply lists rights under God we already have,
expanding on them; a good booklet to have handy is the.Common
Law Handbook for Jurors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs and Justices.from
a constitution is the document on which such a system is recorded (example,
the Constitution
of the United States of America; compare the invalid
constitution of Canada);
a constitution also is the physical makeup
of the individual comprising.inherited
qualities (born with a strong constitution); the act or process of composing,
setting up or establishing; the composition
or structure of something
of or relating to a constitution (a constitutional
with, sanctioned by or permissible according to a constitution (a law that
was declared constitutional by We the
People; the constitutional right of free
speech); established by or operating under a constitution (a constitutional
of or relating to one's physical makeup
constrained, constraining, constrains.transitive
if something constrains you it is pressing upon
you from all sides keeping you together in wholeness; to constrain
someone or something also means to limit
their development toward a wrong direction, guiding them to behave
in a particular
way (women are often constrained by family commitments);
'holding beside'
in the
Greek; to compel
by physical, moral or circumstantial.force;
to urge (they kept pressing on us
to come on over for dinner); the state
of being restricted or confined
within prescribed.bounds
(soon tired of the constrain of having
to drive the long distance to get to work each day); oblige;
to hold in close bounds; hold together; to force
compel; to
the action or thought of others usually by first creating something to
fear; to get or produce by force or strain;
to compel by physical and/or psychological
force (the stupid doctor kept trying to convince us on the value of
vaccinations but I personally knew proven scientific information to
the contrary); oblige (felt constrained to object);
to keep within close bounds; confine
(a life constrained by ridiculous
rules); to inhibit or restrain;
hold back (constraining people by debt and growth of taxation keeps them
in slavery.status)
the state
of being restricted or confined within prescribed bounds (could not attend
due to time constraints of the job; soon tired of the constraint of military
life); one that restricts, limits or regulates; confinement; restriction;
a chastising; the threat or use
of force to prevent, restrict or dictate the action or thought of others
as in totalitarian
governing; a check (ignored moral constraint in his pursuit of success);
embarrassed reserve or reticence; awkwardness (finally all constraint had
vanished between the two and they began to talk)
constrict, constricted,
transitive verb use-to
make smaller or narrower by binding
or squeezing;
to squeeze or compress;
the scope
or freedom of; cramp
(lives constricted by poverty; persons with constricted personalities are
very selfish)
intransitive verb use-to
become constricted
the act or process of constricting; constrictions
are rules or factors
which limit
what you can do and prevent you from doing what you want to do (I hated
the constrictions of school); the condition or result of being constricted;something
that constricts; a feeling of tightness or pressure (fear can cause a sudden
constriction in the chest); if something is constricted or if it constricts,
something has caused it to become narrower (a constricted or narrow channel
in the river; the road constricts to two lanes at the tunnel entrance)
the word 'cult' is used to describe things that
are very popular or fashionable among a particular
group of people, such as satanists
and mostly for exclusive.advantage
enforcing compliance
of dictatorial policies
to people apart from those contriving
the policies); a health cult is a nonscientific method or regimen
having exclusive power in treating a particular disease (the medical establishment
is a cult when it ostracizes
doctors who reach out for proven established treatments that cure people
without the cut, burn and poison philosophy.conventional
medical treatments provide); a cult is also a religion
or religious sect generally considered
to be extremist
as the ancient Pharisees
and their ilk
were, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under
the guidance of an authoritarian leader; the followers of
a religion or sect
intentional prevention of conception or impregnation through the use
of various devices, agents, drugs, sexual practices or gross
surgical procedures
capable of preventing conception
something that circumvents
or prevents conception such
as taking one's temperture to avoid getting pregnant during a lady's fertile
times of the month, which would mostly have been close to the same days
each month if the cabal hadn't screwed
up the months