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behaving badly, one in a state of mind that can be difficult to control; following one's own evil, capricious, wanton or depraved-inclinations; ungovernable; following no clear principle or law of God (what law?.Matthew 22:36-40); living apart from a way that would be a better way; unpredictable; opposite to what is desired or expected; untoward; contrary
waywardness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

causing physical or mental fatigue; tedious or tiresome wearisomely.adverb
wearisomeness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

weary, wearier, weariest.adjectives
physically or mentally fatigued; exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor or freshness; pushing oneself to do something when your body is telling you by how it feels, to take a few steps back; expressing or characteristic of weariness; causing fatigue; tiresome a weary wait); having one's patience, tolerance or pleasure exhausted; wearisome
weariness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
weary, wearied, wearying, wearies.transitive and intransitive verbs
to make or become weary; tire
weariness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

wary, warier, wariest.adjectives
marked by keen.caution, cunning and watchful prudence especially in detecting and escaping danger; to be aware of dangers; to be leery of; to beware
wariness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

comparative of bad, ill
more inferior, as in quality, condition or effect; more severe or unfavorable; being.further from a standard; less desirable or satisfactory
worse.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
something that is worse (of the two routes, the eastern one is the worse in the winter; she was accused of cheating on exams, lying and worse); the worse (he lived his life for the worse of it) a worse condition
comparative of badly, ill; in a worse manner; to a worse degree
Grammar usage:
worse is a comparative form (the problem got worse and worse). Do not say 'more worse' or 'worser'. Worst is a superlative form (the worst film (NOT worse film) I have ever seen. Do not say 'most worst' or 'worstest'. Do not say those two movies were the worses. Say those two movies were the worst I've ever seen.

for the worse.idiom
if a situation changes for the worse, it becomes more unpleasant or more difficult
for better or for worse.idiom
whether the situation or consequences be good or ill (for better or worse, we have to head back tomorrow)

inflected form-of 'bad' and superlative of bad, ill
corrupt, bad, ill; evil; most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant or painful; most inferior, as in quality, condition or effect; being.furthest from an ideal or a standard; least desirable or satisfactory; most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive or ill-conceived; least sklllful or efficient; most wanting in quality, value or condition
superlative of badly, ill
in the worst manner or degree
worst, worsted, worsting, worsts.transitive verbs
to gain the advantage over; defeat
something that is worst (it's the worst cold winter we've seen since they've been talking about global warming {aka climate change})
at the worst.idiom
under the most negative circumstances, estimation or interpretation (at worst, the storm will make us postpone the trip)
if worst comes to the worst.idiom
if the very worst thing happens
in the worst way.idiom
very much; a great deal (she wanted that job in the worst way)

the visible track of turbulence left by something moving through water (the wake of a ship); a track, course or condition left behind something that has passed (wars mostly leave destruction and famine in their wake)
in the wake of.idiom
following directly on; in the aftermath of; as a consequence of

wake, woke.or.waked.or.woken, waking, wakes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to cease to sleep; become awake
waken, wakened, wakening, wakens.verbs
transitive verb use.to rouse from sleep; to awaken (the noise wakened me); to rouse from a quiescent or inactive state; stir
intransitive verb use.to become awake; wake up (I plan on waking up at six o'clock tomorrow morning)

a stupid cabal created word for their revised history they want people to swallow, getting them to conform to their lies

a watch; a vigil; to rouse from sleep; awaken; to stir, as from a dormant or inactive condition; rouse (wake old memories); to make aware of; alert (the shocking revelations finally woke me to the facts of the matter); a watch over the body of a deceased person before burial, sometimes accompanied by festivity

to shrink or draw back suddenly 
wince, winced, wincing, winces intransitive verbs
to shrink or start.involuntarily, as in pain or distress; flinch

important or valuable enough to to repay time or effort spent; if something is worthwhile, it is important or useful or you gain something from it; of true value, merit or importance

the quality that renders something desirable, useful or valuable (meeting her mother, one can see the worth that was present in the children; the worth of higher education; her giving attitude was of great worth to those she helped); quality that commands esteem or respect; merit (a person of great worth is a person knowing what to do when necessary; productive capacity of people is measured in money, so why doesn't reputation replace it, as it's of greater value?); if something is worth doing, it is considered to be important enough for that action (I am spending a lot of effort and time on this boat, but it is worth it; this restaurant is well worth a visit; it is worth pausing to consider statements made by the wise)
equal in value to something specified (her intelligent worth exceeded the task at hand; worth its weight in gold); deserving of; meriting (it's worth considering the benefits another family could add by taking up residence in town)
worth, worthed, worthing, worths.intransitive verbs

worthy, worthier, worthiest.adjectives
having worth, merit or value; useful or valuable; honorable; admirable (a worthy fellow {valuable in relationships}); having sufficient.worth; deserving (worthy to be revered; worthy of acclaim)
worthy.noun, plural.worthies
an eminent or distinguished person

lacking.worth; of no use or value

wrest, wrested, wresting, wrests.transitive verbs.pronunciation.'rest'
if you wrest something from someone else, you take it from them, especially when this is difficult or illegal; to obtain by or as if by pulling with violent.twisting movements (wrested the book out of his hands; wrested the islands from the settlers); to usurp forcefully (wrest the meaning from an obscure poem; wrested power from the monarchy); to gain with difficulty by or as if by force, violence or determined labor; to extract by or as if by force, twisting or persistent effort; wring

wring, wrung, wringing, wrings.verbs
transitive verb use.to twist, squeeze or compress, especially so as to extract.liquid; to wrench or twist forcibly or painfully (before modern washers, clothes had to be wrung by hand); if you wring something out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you even though they do not want to (unethical companies use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers); to clasp and twist or squeeze one's hands, as in distress
wringing out
to wring out water from something such as clothes, so water doesn't drip when hung up to dry; to wring out as one would clothes, one's frustrations over some issue that affects you negatively, as ancient Esau:.Genesis 27:41
intransitive verb use.to writhe or squirm, as rock singers often do in their concert presentations
the act or an instance of wringing; a squeeze or twist

weak force.noun
one of the so called.four fundamental forces (so called for two reasons, because although it's called one of the four, gravity is still the 'odd man out', not being perfectly {as we presently comprehend it} mathematically integrated with the others and because overall, there is really only two forces that can be mathematically integrated as shown by the work of Nassim Haramein, those being gravity and electromagnetism and these being necessary for all existence throughout the universe; the others being gravity,-electromagnetism, the strong interaction-(or, the strong force). It's a fundamental physical force that governs interactions between hadrons and leptons-(as in the emission and absorption of neutrinos) and is responsible for particle decay processes (as beta decay) in radioactivity, that is 105 times weaker than the strong force and that acts over distances smaller than those between nucleons in an atomic-nucleus, called also weak interaction, weak nuclear force; compare electromagnetism, gravity, strong force

a prostitute; an individual considered sexually.promiscuous; a person considered as having compromised.principles for personal gain
whore, whored, whoring, whores.intransitive verbs
to associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute; to accept payment in exchange for sexual relations; to compromise one's principles for personal gain
unfaithfulness to God as were the ancients:.Jeremiah 3:9-11; idolatry; also, the practice of accepting payment in exchange for sexual relations; prostitution; promiscuous sex
of or characteristic of whores or a whore; lewd

white dwarf
a tiny remnant star stripped of its outer atmosphere

W Boson
W boson is a massive 81GeV/c2 (c is the speed of light in a vacuum; 2 is for it squared, a number multiplied by itself) charged (either positively or negatively) elementary particle of the Weak Interaction

from what place, source, cause, etc.
out of which place; from or out of which; by reason of which; from which (the dog was coal black from nose to tail, whence the name Shadow) 

a single turn in a spiral shell (a snail's shell, etc.); one of the basic patterns of the human fingerprint, formed by several complete circular ridges one inside another
having or forming whorls or a whorl (whorled flower parts; a whorled textile pattern)

one who is immoral, lewd or licentious; one that is undisciplined or spoiled
immoral or unchaste; lewd; gratuitously.cruel; merciless; marked by unprovoked.gratuitous.maliciousness; capricious and unjust (wanton destruction); unrestrainedly.excessive (wanton extravagance; wanton depletion of resources); luxuriant; overabundant (wanton parties and too many of them)
wanton, wantoned, wantoning, wantons-intransitive and  transitive verbs
intransitive verb use-to act in a wanton manner; be wanton
transitive verb use-to waste or squander.extravagantly

arbitrary thought or impulse.(governed by whim where people have no rights and only privileges); a sudden or capricious idea; a fancy
an odd or fanciful idea; a whim; caprice; a quaint or fanciful quality (stories full of whimsy)

a whimsical person or idea is unusual and unpredictable, rather than serious and practical; determined by, arising from or marked by whim or caprice; arbitrary; erratic in behavior or degree of unpredictability (a whimsical personality)

haphazardly; carelessly; without careful research, thinking, order or plan (trusting what you are told by so-called experts as being.correct often leads to living life in a willy-nilly manner); ambivalent (maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't, but not caring much one way or the other); another example:.Matthew 4:22; if someone does something willy-nilly, they do it carelessly and in a disorganized way, without planning it in advance (he willy-nilly accepted what he carelessly believed to be his lot in life); whether desired or not (after her boss quit, she willy-nilly found herself directing the project)
being or occurring whether desired or not (willy-nilly cooperation); disordered; haphazard (willy-nilly zoning laws; the 800,000 cabal created laws to control people, some good, most not, but all of which, such as for example, Income and Property taxes, etc. put into place without consent of We the People)

you use 'whatever' to say that something is the case in all circumstances (we shall love you whatever happens, Diana...;
people will judge you whatever you do...; she runs about 15 miles a day every day, whatever the weather) everything or anything that (do whatever you please, what amount that); the whole of what (whatever is left over is yours); no matter what (whatever happens, we'll meet here tonight); any
what ever.pronominal
which thing or things; what (what ever is she saying?)
of any number or kind; any (whatever requests you make will be granted; all of; the whole of (she applied whatever strength she could muster)

a usual or habitual.manner or mode of being, living or acting (the way of life of a squirrel); an individual or personal manner of behaving, acting or doing (his way of assembling saves time); a course of conduct or action (assembled the table according to instructions provided); a manner or method of doing (there are several ways of traveling to the west); a course that is or may be used in going from one place to another; a road, path or highway affording passage from one place to another; an opening affording passage (this door is the only way into the attic; had no way to reach her); space to proceed (cleared the way for the parade); opportunity to advance (opened the way to peace); distance (the travelers have come a long way; that village is a good ways off); a specific direction (he glanced my way); a participant (a three-way conversation); an aspect, a particular or a feature (resembles his father in many ways; in no way comparable); category (the movie was not much in the way of a plot); an aptitude or a facility (she certainly does have a way with words); state or condition (why is the country is such a bad way financially?); vicinity (drop in when you're out our way)
by a great distance or to a great degree; far (way off base; way under budget); from this place; away (go way)
by way of.idiom
through; via (flew to the Far East by way of the polar route); as a means of (made no comment by way of apology)
go out of the way or go out of one's way.idiom
to inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required
in a way.idiom
to a certain.extent; with reservations (I like the new styles, in a way); from one point of view (in a way, you're right
in the way.idiom
in a position to obstruct, hinder or interfere
on the way or on one's way.idiom
in the process of coming, going or traveling (she is on her way out the door; summer is on the way)

waylay, waylaid, waylaying, waylays.transitive verbs
to lie in wait for and attack from ambush; ambush; to accost or intercept unexpectedly

Wilde, Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills). 1854-1900. Irish-born writer. Renowned as a wit in London literary circles, he achieved recognition with The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), a novel. He also wrote plays of lively dialogue, such as The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) and poetry, including The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1898). A quote of his."Be yourself. Everybody else is already taken.".Others 1, 2, 3.

marked by unconditional.commitment, unstinting.devotion or unreserved enthusiasm (wholehearted approval); wholehearted suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving (promised our wholehearted support)
her concerns for others showed many acts of wholeheartedness

used in indirect questions to introduce one alternative (we should find out whether the museum is open); used to introduce alternative possibilities (whether she wins or whether she loses, this is her last tournament); either (he passed the test, whether by skill or luck)
which (we knew not whether it was this restaurant or the one beside it, we just didn't know which)
whether or not.idiom
regardless of circumstances

wreak, wreaked, wreaking, wreaks.transitive verbs.pronounced 'reek')
something or someone that wreaks havoc.or destruction causes a great amount of disorder or damage (the strong wind storm wreaked havoc on the old dilapidated barn); to inflict.vengeance or punishment upon a person; to express or gratify.anger, malevolence or resentment; vent; to bring about; cause (wreak havoc)