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All the world is a stage:.Hebrews 4:3. Most of us are desperately unrehearsed for the play!
Proverbs 16:4 "God has made.all things.for himself; yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." Ephesians 1:11 "... him who works all things after the counsel of his own will." Isaiah 14:24,27 "God has determined, saying, Surely as I have thought, so it comes to pass and as I have purposed, so it stands. God as purposed and who can disannul it? And when his hand is stretched out who is able to turn it back?"

This is.not.the devil's world,.any longer.(Matthew 4:8-10; 28:18), but it's still being cleaned up. It was given into the hand of the wicked:.Job 9:24 "The Earth is given into the hand of the wicked... .".1John 5:19; Revelation 12:9; 13:7. Why was it given into the hand of the wicked? To see if We the People would care enough to stop it. Who is recording what we do or don't do?

The bad god, that we often call the devil, no longer.(Luke 10:18).has access to the spiritual environs of the good God and the use of the Good Intelligent Energy.(Revelation 4:9,10).out of which the bad god came.

It is all the Creator's. And the Great Infinite One, the Creator, we commonly refer to as God the Father, uses the devil and the dark side ones for His purposes to bring us individually to where He may want us:.Colossians 3:10 "And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge.(are you getting that which will renew you?).after the image of him that created him."

In it all the Creator is always in charge and is protecting you, keeping you safe and secure right where you are:.Jeremiah 27:1,5-18. And if not, you've got to figure out what's bad in your life that has led you elsewhere. These will help.

The Creator has a plan for all humanity to live in peace and prosperity, not destroyed and, as in the past with Jonah.(Jonah 1:1-10; 3:1-5,9,10; 4:1).and later Paul.(*), who both were on roads far away from the high consciousness road of love, the Creator darn well uses whom and what He chooses to bring humanity to a higher consciousness. Jonah, his story.

It's our collective mind, the consciousness, the thinking of the majority of mankind which determines what happens on the Earth. Ceator-Father responds to us, to the basis for our thoughts and subsequent actions. But the cabal doesn't want you to awaken to how powerful you really are when using your mind properly. They want you to just go along with their programming of minds, so it's their and not your thoughts which manifest. Most people don't even know about such manifesting. Learn from The Grand Self movie, costs about ten dollars and from Dr. John Hagelin

The Great Infinite One controls everything.except someone's mind; even the day of one's death:.Ecclesiastes 3:1,2 "To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven; a time to be born and a time to die..." Matthew 10:28 "...him which is able to destroy both soul and body...." Ecclesiastes 9:12 "For man also knows not his time..." Ecclesiastes 8:8; Matthew 10:30.

God has ways of using both the devil and the good angels to 'reach' an individual, working out His overall plan:.2Chronicles 21:16 "Moreover the God stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines..."

And God did the same in Job's life.

And whether you realize it or not He is working things in your life right now and actually always has. But, some are too far and away in mind to be immediately effectively influenced, too unquiet to hear the prompts that daily come to one's mind.

He has His ways to influence a mind. The Creator wants minds freely able to choose. Although all the world is a stage, it is not a game to the Creator. He is serious about what He is doing. His focus is humanity and individually, each of us. Absolutely no one's life goes as they may want or expect it to. Problem is, most people just let life occur to them and react accordingly. Design your life. God will show you early enough if that's the way for you to go to have a fulfilling life. Things will go well and completion will come. If completion doesn't come or comes all botched up, you've learnerd skills along the way which will be used later in your life.

Be thankful for what governments you have or things could be worse:.Proverbs 21:1. Mind you, not much worse than it is today.

Better to design what you want in your life and if it is good for you and others, the Creator will open doors for you, so you will have more power to do even more good. But for those of low consciousness the road is a rocky one. 

Why is the Infinite One so interested in your life?

The Creator-Father-God is in absolute control of all.(is He powerful enough?). All occurs with His knowledge and sanction, otherwise God's not all powerful, right?

God is aware of all:.Matthew 10:29-31; 2Chronicles 16:9.

The Creator looks after the creation:.Matthew 6:25-34.

God is in total control of all:.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Why fret over distresses?.1, 2.

John 8:50 ".....there is.one.that seeks and judges.".And no, its not what and who we would think; well, what then?

Within the framework of the invisible set up, He allows much to occur:.Ecclesiastes 9:11,12; Matthew 6:34. He is aware of all going on in our lives here on Earth and as you'll see as you read through; even engineers it.

You can blame the Creator for you being here, for the issues you've had in life, for the heartaches you've endured, for the dark side influence you often may have succumbed to, for the deaths you've been so hurt over and so much more. 

God even determines who will be killed by violence and who will be going into captivity and who will suffer famine:.Jeremiah 15:2,14. And guess who causes your possessions to be taken by another?.Jeremiah 15:13 "Your substance and your treasures will I give to the spoil without price and that for all your sins, even in all your borders.".1Samuel 2:1-10.

And the reason is so that, if we use the brain we have, we would eventually come to see the futility of living life out of the consciousness that is so low as to cause God to allow the problems of life in an individual:.Jeremiah 15:19-21; Job 1:10-12.

You can blame Him for all in your life that isn't good, because He's always totally in charge and because things have been set up in such a way, that we should seek something better. That's why evil was brought into the world by one man. That way, it could be taken away permanently by one man and the way was opened to a higher consciousness, now available to all.

The whole story, the history lesson of the Bible is about becoming aligned with God; seek God and be blessed, don't seek God and live from the consciousness most people have lived from since the beginning of humanity:.Genesis 4:7; Jeremiah 11:7,8; 17:5.

The Creator has a specific plan for you and everyone else individually. Does God make any mistakes? Absolutely not! Why do you think you're here? Ask yourself the question.

And so, the Creator can cause grief, but:.Lamentations 3:32 "But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies." Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.".And who is He calling?

Fact is you can't even repent.(Acts 5:31).as it too is a gift of the Creator. So is this thing called righteousness, a being in a state of oneness with the Creator:.Romans 5:17; 9:15,16.

Revelation 17:17 "For God has put in their hearts to fulfil his will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.(fulfilled how? fulfilled in us; the words of the Creator are the words of a higher consciousness far above and beyond the ego level humans normally dwell in).".Proverbs 21:1.

God is the Sustainer of all, including humanity:.Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding.all things.by the word of his power.....".It means in the original that 'God is exactly as you see Him to be by what He has created.(Romans 1:20).and sustains'. How does He sustain the universe? And can you be sustained no matter what?

You can comprehend the good God by what you see in His creation and you can use the same laws of creation He does. Because He wants us to be equal with Him. He is all good. Contrast that attitude with the ego humanity world, where there are those who for profit, wish to control or do away with the influence of others in some way, making a few temporary bucks along the way, as ancient Judas did:.John 12:4-6; 13:18,21-27.

So why doesn't the Creator just stop all this hurtful ego silliness of greed motivated wars and selfishness and control of others, evidenced by such as stepping on others to get ahead and the other negative hurtful things we see daily in the world? And, wasn't God in history cruel? No, but it seems so, as one looks at the history of religion and the cruelty in the Old Testament part of the Bible

Creator doesn't intervene because human affairs are mostly our responsibility.(Ecclesiastes 1:13), but there are some events planned from the beginning to occur:.Jude 1:4; Matthew 18:7; 26:24; Luke 17:1. And there are events which occur specifically because the Creator raised up people to make them happen:.Isaiah 41:4; 45:1. And there are other events, like the crucifixion, that were planned to occur.

The Creator of us causes things to happen through us and others, such as the ancient Jews in the time of Christ on Earth. When we are of higher consciousness, things are good for ourselves and others.

We are an integral part of the oneness that makes everything what it is. Strange as it may sound, we are responsible for the evils, because mostly, in ignorance, we knew not of a way to fix it. One vivid.example of fixing.

If the ignorance of humanity brings us to blowing the whole mess up, it doesn't hurt the invisible world of energy and spirit.(Revelation 4:9,10).underlying everything. This world here on Earth is a world of illusion, a world in which we function mostly from the ego level until we learn love. It's the only reality we have ever known because we have been unaware of the real world hidden from being noticed by any of our senses. There are many worlds of different frequencies. If this one no longer existed, it wouldn't affect the others of other frequency variations, nor would it affect you if you are in what's called spirit consciousness.

The achievements of man are as nothing compared to the Creator:.Daniel 4:32,35 "...until you know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men.(how is this very important for our consideration today?.Jeremiah 27:1,5-18).and gives it to whomsoever he will.(and those are these being in alignment with His nature which is all good and completely loving and supportive of others in all that is done)...And all the inhabitants of the Earth are reputed as nothing and he does according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the Earth and none can stay his hand or say unto him; What are you doing?".Isaiah 40:25; Psalms 115:3.

Romans 9:15-23 "For He says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.(and who will the Infinite One have mercy upon, but those who want to be in alignment with the multiversal laws He has set up, the overall one being the law of love). So then it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy.(Isaiah 44:6,7 "This says the Lord...I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God. And who, as I, call and declare it and set it in order..."). For the scripture says about Pharaoh, even for this same purpose have I raised you up, that I might show My power in you and that My name might be declared throughout all the Earth. Therefore has He mercy on whom He will have mercy and whom He will He hardens.(obstinate.people become more so;."The same fire which melts the wax hardens the clay."....Ryle Gospels. Is your heart of wax? Is compassion the melting agent or, is it of clay as was Pharaoh's?.Exodus 14:4).....For who has resisted His will?.....Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, Why have you made me like this? Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonour?.. ...that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory."

Psalms 105:25 "He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtilly with his servants."

  • The real Father-Creator responsible for all there is, is in control.(Psalms 24:1;.2Corinthians 5:18 "And all things are of God....").and calls whom He has before determined:.Romans 9:11. And, today that is everyone.
  • This Creator will even give the words to speak when necessary:.Mark 13:11. How is this dome?
  • Emmanuel, Lord and Christ.(Acts 2:36).came out of the will and intent of this Invisible Intelligent Energy, also called the power of the Holy Spirit behind all things:.Revelation 4:9,10.
  • The bad God and the good God guided those who crucified Emmanuel, who was later resurrected:.Acts 1:16; Romans 8:32. It's all part of the developed eternal plan for humanity:.Revelation 13:8 "...the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." 2Timothy 1:9 "Who saved us and called us with an holy calling...according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Emmanuel before the world began.".It was all planned that the activity of the Holy Spirit of this Infinite Intelligent Energy, would be in Christ. This Supreme Being gave His only Son so we could inherit all we are on Earth for toward that purpose. It wasn't the Jews who killed Emmanuel. And Emmanuelwas in on it all:.John 10:18.
  • All belongs to the Creator, that is, the real Father behind all. This great Invisible Intelligent Energy was Father to the Elohim, the Creators, one of light and good things and one darkness and bad things:.2Corinthians 5:18; Psalms 24:1.

    The bad God.(2Corinthians 4:4).was allowed to make people wicked.(*), but all for the overall purpose of humanity:.Romans 8:28; Proverbs 16:4.

    And the Creator does what He wants. What's going on with Him today?

    The creator kills, this creator being the bad God, but that's his purpose:.Isaiah 54:16; 1Samuel 2:6; 25:37,38; Deuteronomy 32:39.

    It is Creator-God who places men and women into positions of power, but if they are evil, then they have allowed themselves to be tools of the satanic side and would not have been placed there by God, though God may allow it for his overall purpose.

    God places them into positions for His own ultimate loving purposes. And just what kind of men does He place into power?.1Kings 8:16 "...I chose David to be over my people....".And before David became king, it was Saul:.1Samuel 9:17 "...This is the man of whom I gave you word! He it is who is to have authority over my people.".1Timothy 2:1-3; Romans 13:1-8. But alas, we all have free choice at all times and Saul later in life allowed himself to walk away from God:

    And for God's overall good purpose He doesn't want you to be against what He is responsible for. For one example, consider ancient Nebuchadnezzar, where God said to stay under the yoke of this mighty world leader, as it would be in the best interest of all:.Jeremiah 27:1,5-18. An important principle is revealed there.

    The Creator says that those in power are His ministers, whether they are in government or judges and are placed there by Him to be in authority on this Earth and that we should be praying for them and be subject to them, as they administer those things which are are beneficial for humanity. And if not, remove them. That's why we have a constitution as a guide. If they don't follow it, then goodbye.

    God tells us to love our enemies; how? God doesn't want us to become subject to those of evil who would draw us into evil and away from God.

    The Creator works all things for the good and wants peace overall:.Romans 8:28; Romans 13:1,6..John 19:11 "Emmanuel answered, You could have no power at all against me, except it were given you from above..." Colossians 1:16; Proverbs 21:1; 2Chronicles 10:15; Psalms 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered.(or 'established').by the Lord.....". Know that the whole world is a stage.

    An example of Creator's control is the angels that left the high consciousness of the Invisible Intelligent Energy:.Revelation 4:9,10.

    When the Creator is prominent in one's heart, things go better! How to make it that way so you have your Partner behind the scenes working things out on your behalf:.Exodus 3:21 "And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians and it shall come to pass that when you go.(when ancient physical Israel left their Egyptian captors).you shall not go empty." Exodus 11:3 "And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people." Genesis 39:21 "But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison."

    He is the Creator! He created us to comprehend good and evil through experiencing both in life.(Hebrews 5:14), for in comprehension of these we see the contrast and decide to persuade our hearts one way or another; our choice.

    Evil is the absence of God in one's life, just as darkness occurs in the absence of light. One chooses one way or the other:.Jeremiah 44:16,17.

    Evil occurs when bad things are allowed to hang around, such as thoughts and repeated actions:.1Timothy 4:2.

    In the Old Testament it was also the choice people had, but look what they chose.

    Although our Creator is responsible for evil.(for His good ultimate purposes; I mean, He's God! He's over all His multiverse and knows every detail every second of what's going on; nothing passes Him by {Matthew 6:20-34; 10:29-31} and there's never anything to worry about because God is in absolute complete control; God watches over his children, which we are), He does not participate in or contemplate deeds of evil, which are all based on selfishness, as the low consciousness human mind does:.Job 34:10. But God does 'look' into things:.Genesis 18:20-22.

    If the Creator has not given you favor in another's heart, then there's a reason.
