-Why did God allow
little Timmy to die, when I
my brother so much?."We
would not grieve if we did not love."....the
Queen (Elizabeth II). She may have started off good, then went into the
cabal's satanic practices. She has since been executed for Crimes Against
Humanity as has Prince Phillip and many other satanists worldwide, but
she did have a good quote. There was some good in there somewhere. See
others as that way too.
We see death bringing separation
from those we enjoyed so much here on Earth and wonder, just what is God
good for? We may think, God wasn't good to me, taking away the brother
I had so much closeness to. Why wouldn't God heal him? He was a good loving
little guy?
We all know God heals and
has the power to resurrect one from the sick or the death bed. So, why
doesn't this happen in all cases? The strain upon our heart when one is
ill and/or incapacitated
is agonizing.
doesn't God act right away or why didn't God intervene at all? Ask Him?
These are questions we all have at one time or another. If not healed instantly,
God why? Be bold!
we here to become perfect through sufferings? Nope!
Another question people have
is If God could stop all the horrible things, why hasn't he? Babies are
born and then abused and murdered. Same with young adolescents
and adults as well. Wars kill many innocents, God does nothing. Why?
Christ came to
correct misunderstanding of all kinds and in doing so, showed us a
better way, that of resurrection again to the physical and that, now!
You were a
spirit before being born physically. Spirits don't die! Only the physical
body dies and can be 'put together' again by the pattern of the original
which is forever there in the invisible, enabling it to again become physical.
This happens regularly
now. It also happens with the
'med beds' delivered to all countries now and soon to be released.
The Great Infinite One gave
us what we can use to live properly here on Earth and thereafter. We have
to hunt and pick to find the truth needed to live intelligently and safely.
The easy way of accepting what the experts tell you on TV, in magazines
and from hearsay, is often the deadly way.
Check things out. Get information.
The information is there. Compare the differing points. Decide the
best way for you to handle the information and listen
to guidance.
Get guidance from your Creator
through meditation, talking to God, asking questions about things when
you come across them, even silently in your mind:.Matthew
7:7,8 "Ask.(how?).and
it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be
opened unto you. For every one that asks receives and he that seeks finds,
and to him that knocks it is opened.".Guidance
help for those in a hurry is here.
Unfortunately, most males
and females who may be too involved with their selfish present life, prefer
to just simply, sheepily, accept whatever the zeitgeist
may be, thus allowing others to do their thinking for them.
The Great
Infinite One, the creator of all we see and know, is a being of joy.
The Infinite One takes
nothing away, and only adds to us, and ww will see this as we come
to understand the overall scheme of things.
Creator's love for us is
unbounding, greater than we can imagine. So, then, how come we have wars,
illness, little innocent children dying from something or other in this
physical life? In short, why do bad things happen to those who are good?
The Great Infinite One loves
us all with such a depth of love, a depth of love that moved Him to do
what He did in sending the One who became the physical Emmanuel, to Earth.
Because of what Emmanuel
we can have a
relationship with this family
of God. We often refer to the heads of this family as the Creator or
'God'. Those in
this family are impeccably
honest and perfect and because of the holy nature being such, anything
unlike this nature cannot be in the family.
Here's an example of unbounding
of a mother for her daughter to give us a hint of what this Great Good
Being's love is like as the nature of this Great Infinite One is expressed
as us.
This Infinite One we often
refer to as God has only joy for us throughout eternity:.Psalms
the original)."The
Lord magnifies
our gladness." Matthew 25:21 "His
lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast
been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things;
enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Jude
1:24 "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present
you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy."
1:2-5 "For the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness
and show unto you that eternal life, which was with
the Father and was manifested unto us. That which we have seen and
heard declare we unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us and
truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Emmanuel the Christ.
And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then
is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God
is light and in him is no darkness at all."
Anytime you love someone,
just know that it was the Creator who put those emotions within you. He
loves too!:.1John
4:8,16. Within God is no evil. He is.l
o v e. God can be moved greatly when He sees love. His very nature
is love. Love connects us to Him. He can't turn away. Can any of us ever
really turn away in our hearts from real true love? When you love, you
always love. Think of your past loves, those both still living and those
now passed on. They may be gone from us, gone from the physical life, but
their spirit lives on. Love never dies.
Maybe things didn't work
out with a lot of them, but deep in your heart, you still love them, unless
of course they treated you meanly.
When you love someone, you
should pray for them, even if they're long gone from your life and from
the Earth too. God always knows them and where they may be.
I also have seen loved
ones die. It is heart aching.
The Creator will make it
all better:.Ephesians
2:7. God will do away with the tears of death:.Revelation
21:4,5; Revelation 7:17;
60:19,20. One day.(and
it will seem to come quickly).we'll
all be like Emmanuel the
Christ in this way:.Romans
The Creator is know as the
Comforter. If one doesn't feel any comfort
in life, guess what he's missing?
Little Timmy is known by
10:29-31. Timmy is precious to God:.Psalms
116:15. And, God made Timmy
very good.
Our Creator could have held
in life.(Psalms
66:9), but controls
all things in His
overall plan involving
us all. God will raise Timmy up one day in the future and you will again
see him:.1Corinthians
6:14. Isn't that nice!
49:13-16 "Sing, O heavens and be joyful, O Earth. And break forth into
singing, O mountains, for the Lord has comforted his people and will have
mercy upon his afflicted.(original
word means also 'poor', 'lowly', 'wretched', 'feeling down' and 'afflicted').
said, The Lord has forsaken me and my Lord has forgotten me. Can a woman
forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son
of her womb? Yea, they may forget,
yet will
I not forget you. Behold,
I have graven you upon the palms of
My hands. Your walls are continually before me."
Becoming a spiritual individual,
called a Christian in the Holy Bible, changes
one's heart for the better, better for you, better for others around
you. Being this new way guarantees a wonderful future, if
a person takes himself up on this new opportunity.
I had need to get help to
my son traveling in the U.S., who, due to circumstances of his own making,
was in immediate need of money and alone in a little American town, Pendleton,
I couldn't get him money
and the help he needed was right away, both for his physical well being
and his emotional health too. I called the Church of Christ there after
checking the
US Church Directory on the Internet.(it
was the one of the two churches I called there where I got an immediate
response; the other being an answering machine and I could not wait).
I explained the situation
to the lady who answered. She did not know me from Adam! But she saw a
need where they could help. And they did! They immediately picked him up
and took him 75 miles to where he had to be to catch a bus and gave him
enough money to help him until I could get down there to see him where
the bus would arrive in Montana.
Christians and other spiritual
individuals with love in their heart, no matter what the outward label
may be.(Muslim,
Buddhist, Hindu, Protestant, Catholic, Judean, agnostic,
help you, as best they can! Love is all that really counts.
Most nations have directories
of their churches. There are so many good hearted people out there! Just
ask! If you need help, go to someone. Or, ask Creator-God to guide
you in contacting one of them and consider these below.
So speak to God! Speak to
this good Invisible Everliving Being and He will become personal to you
and open to you someone in His family to help you, such as these
and others.
Be sure also to see the award
winning movie.What
If? The Movie.and.the
new movie.The
Grand Self.
You ask in your spirit, for
is connected. There is no need for you to suffer anything alone, ever!
for help when you want to.
Ask any of these below for
what you need and may want. No askey. No getty:.Matthew
7:7 "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock
and it shall be opened unto you.".God's
not going to hand you a new life if
you don't want it!
Ask for protection, so you
never will be in a situation anything like where someone clubs you over
the head for $50. and you die, as happened to a late night clerk in our
city or in a hijacking, bomb blast, plane or car crash, sickness, etc.
pray for others'
too, others you know and care for.
The Great Infinite One knows
of you if you're not
a Christian yet. You may know of Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton or the
Pope, but perhaps not personally, not having ever spoken to any of them.
The Infinite is the same. You may not know God
yet, but God is aware of you and loves you. He created you.
Almost every town throughout
the world has churches of various faiths, where people believe in love,
be they Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or of whatever
faith or maybe they are just people of good heartedness that will help.
Good heartedness is one of the high consciousness traits.
How many other good hearted people can you think of that you have met or
know of? They are