continued from previous page or go to previous main page highlights

Make your plans to help others of humanity, as Jack Kidd of Scotland has done and there'll be enormous sums of money to carry out plans you've made. Whether small ones or massively large ones, the world needs rebuilding, most everywhere and especially in the lives of the needy. Application information is available here and now. Know the caveats, which are, money cannot be used to harm others in any way. The demons no longer can fund their evils, such as poisoning humanity, human trafficking, organ harvesting, horrible experimentation on people, a la.Nazi style, murdering and even eating babies and harvesting their organs while still alive to sell their body parts.(and worse), drug and gun running; NO funding of any kind of destruction or harm:.Isaiah 11:9 "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Plan to do something for the world. Jack Kidd has for Scotland.(to redo the entire people want.{because some may still want to keep their 200+ year old houses and buildings}). Click on Jack's pic to go to the explanation of GESARA.(Global Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act).

How about just starting small? Have an initiative for a project to write and produce books good for little children. Ask God what your particular humanitarian initiative should be and it'll come to your mind. Sheila Holm.( Restoration).historical writer has done this and is on her eighth book revealing truth about how we got to the mess we're in, what we've learned and how we're getting out of it.

Single parent families need help? Homeless people? Seniors? Most homes over 5 years old need tearing down because of mold in the incredibly stupid idea of sandwiched wall construction. Build a new home? Get rid of the toxic one by having it torn down. 

Most homes today are 3 bedroom and lack beautiful and versatile.verandas. Your newly built home should at least double that, as once the massive prosperity opens up, people will need 5 or 6 bedrooms and at least three washrooms with baths and showers, because they'll be having more kids. No doubt they will also need at least one guest bedroom, a computer/library/reading room, a music room with a piano, etc, much larger kitchens and eating areas, finished basement rooms with one large enough for both a six-pocket billiards table to play pool on and a ping pong table, a large garage, a heated outside shop for making, fixing things, storage and somewhere to play inside hockey, as kids love to do. 

Much larger parcels of land so your home becomes the center of you and your family's life, like about minimum of half an acre probably needed. That way there's room inside for a solarium and outside for a tennis court, etc. Perhaps also a guest house. Perhaps also a maid's quarters. You get the idea! Maybe an indoor or outdoor swimming pool.

Use toxic free construction. Use Vastu architectural principles. Use Moon Wood and/or Compressed Earth Bricks and metal roofs. Make it a home to last, one that the whole family will love. Make it your heritage home to be appreciated by many generations of your future families.

Consider the amazing, natural moonwood or perhaps bamboo, which is strong but remains flexible, unlike rebar. Consider using Compressed Earth Bricks in construction. Consider fixing all the dangerous roads you know of, soon no longer needed thanks to Nikola Tesla's anti-gravity technologies. The change of the corrupt educational system is now being handled at the highest levels, so you can leave that out as being one of your projects. Get help with.your.own humanitarian plan with.your family and friends.of good heart. 

Decide on a few plans or even one plan. Just have the idea(s) in mind. There will be others probably having similar ideas. You'll need only 2 or 3 very short paragraphs.(an example template).for each idea you have and an approximate amount needed for each project you may have. No business plan necessary for approval. An 800 number or Email to make an appointment will be released when things are set for those living in specific regions. Details as it stands today. It's all to add to people, taking nothing away they may already have. Relax! Good has finally come to the world. Learn about the QFS/XRP/NESARA/GESARA and BRICS. Learn about the Humanitarian Fund and how to participate in it.

6000 devices of help to humanity, were suppressed by the pharmaceutical/chemical/agricultural/banking/judicial/technological, etc, part of the overriding controlling evil political cabal. 

The US military in Trump's time released these devices, which devices included 'med beds' and free energy devices. Many more suppressed devices ready for soon release.

And, for those who were Trump dissidents, as well as all of us, Trump's accomplishments
The medical/pharmaceutical/political corruption on poisonous vaccines, which is all of them
Moderna et al are also.finished! Pfizer and Moderna (modeRNA or mRNA) execs selling out their shares. They know what's coming!

David E. Martin explains. Get ready to be shocked! Long video, 
but great education. Learn!

And Hillsdale College has a good say too! See the first introduced speaker
and also see about lockdowns at 14 minutes in from the video's start.
Adam Andrzejewski of (, advising Trump on waste, fraud, corruption & abuse. The Depth of the Swamp is at this moment,
in process of being completely cleaned up by teams of good people,
with the good people in the militaries of the world right there.
Articles on the pandemic.(plandemic/scamdemic, the covid con).
Never mind the covid con, what about abortion where 42 million+ children
were murdered by satanists/atheists worldwide and over a million kids
and 7-8 million others are stolen annually by this evil worldwide pedophile cabal, stuff the complicit satanic mainstream media hides from you.

And set the covid scam aside for just a moment, to consider the 2004 report authored by multiple medical doctors, entitled.Death by Medicine
where the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is
an astounding 783,936 per year in the U.S. 
In other words, more people die there EACH YEAR
from iatrogenic causes than died during the ENTIRE Civil War!
See the new movie Sound of Freedom, about the worldwide
pedophile ring, now released and in theaters worldwide.

And from the movie's star; what he says about this true movie about the man it is based on, Tim Ballard, who is saving children from corrupt politicians, judges, corporate heads and lackeys, et al, criminals who are engaged in human trafficking and doing terrible things to children, young adults and animals. And here, the movie's star, Jim Caviezel says more, a lot more info in this short video.

See the letter from the 'other side' written to his mom still on Earth, from a boy who died.


The overall lesson of our forefathers was about this: Time and time again, God allowed evils to awaken them and it was usually severe. And then they were ok, for awhile. But we have an advantage when we change from lower consciousness to higher consciousness that wasn't available to them. it?.Philippians 4:7. So, in a nutshell.why we are here? And in a nutshell, what can we do about it?


From the creator of.What If? The Movie.comes the new movie
The Grand a full length feature movie for those caring of better conditions for humanity and self. If you know someone who just can't seem to rise above, himself or herself, someone living a limited lifestyle, someone held back by limitations, someone who may be unwell, frustrated with self and life, bored of the same old and so withdraws, please get them to see this movie by mentioning to them some things in the movie that you know may help. Get ready for high consciousness! If you're ready to move beyond limitations, take notes on what comes to mind when viewing this movie.
Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that brings good tidings, publishes peace and salvation and turns others to God."
Bob Proctor's 'rags to riches' story devolves 58 years of helpful experience to us. See him in the movie.The Grand Self.and more from him here.
With an estimated 60 years of farmable soil left on Earth, The Need To GROW offers an intimate look into the hearts of those deeply concerned over what is happening to our food. You'll see an 8 year old girl challenging the ethics of a beloved organization, who just 'put her off', brushing her aside. You'll see an innovative renegade farmer revolutionize resource agriculture and you'll see an inventor's catastrophe when his amazing life's work game changing technology building is sabotaged.

Narrated by Rosario Dawson.(Marvel's The Defenders, The Lego Batman Movie), TNTG delivers alarming evidence on the importance of healthy soil, revealing not only the unheard of proven potential of localized food production working with nature, such as, being able to naturally, no chemicals or sprays, no genetically modified methods, no harmful practices, but by using nature itself, do in 5 days what would normally take nature 400 years and do it even in the coldest climates. Just astounding! Bye bye genetically modified and poisoned 'food'.(crap).and the horrible 'cides' used on them to further poison humanity, which are increasingly killing more humans and animals! It really is a great opportunity as individuals to help regenerate our planet's dying soils and participate in the restoration of the Earth. Learn about it!

An informative, interesting, enlightening and entertaining new movie about new proven discoveries in physics that humanity.needs to know! It changed the world of science forever also
Machines created complete in the invisible using your mind, light and sound, then materialized for use. Now being done! Wake up! There's a whole new world of higher consciousness living, but it has.a lock on it.
Poems from the great poet Rumi
The phenomenon.Bruno Gröning and others.heal from beyond. The power that worked through Bruno Gröning at that time can and is still being experienced today. Aside from healings of illnesses, many people also report healings of addictions or helps regarding diverse crises in life or following blows of fate. How magnificent that just by watching the film, healings take place! God's power is not limited to Bruno either, as Bruno stated. Doctors confirm these successes. Bruno states for.everyone."There is no incurable". There is only help and no charge for it. See the movies on him at the website about Bruno.(a link to it is here).or check YouTube.

Thousands.of healings by God.through Bruno Gröning occur daily today all over the world. Why do you need Bruno when you can go directly to God? Well, how has that worked for you so far. Are you sure the God-Creator-Father even exists. Bruno, like other healers you may know about, passed on in 1959. Those alive today, are simply steps leading one to God, placing them on the road as it were and walking with them for awhile, until they see the rest of the way themselves.

You will be astounded when you see this

This beautiful video ( shows
that below the atom everything is connected!
And, these songs sung by two 9 year old girls, Angelica Hale and Celine Tam, 
will knock your socks off and drop your jaw! Click on a pic or a link.

Angelica Hale, in red, almost died from kidney failure due to double pneumonia.when she was three.
Her mother gave one of her kidneys to her and she slowly recovered.
You'll have a hard time believing that voice.
 And here's more you'll love of it.
And, many girls end up with wounded hearts, as Stasi did
A  h e l p f u l  m o v i e !
What If? The Movie.leads you into the power bestowing, idea creating energy of the invisible intelligent multiverse.and most importantly,.how to fix negative personal programming.which limits us by severing us from our mind's connection to all the good, the Soul of all!.A full length feature film. Winner Best Feature Documentary 2009.
Combining stunning international cinematography, filmed in five countries, over two years in the making,.What If? The Movie.delves into topics that humanity has thought to be erroneous and unachievable throughout the ages, such as the documented curing of cancer with simply one's mind.

For the first time in cinematic history, the film delivers individuals who have manifested realities extending far beyond what social consciousness has heretofore thought possible!

Focusing on individuals living without food, regrowing hair and teeth, healing themselves of 'death door' diseases outside of traditional medicine, like Brandon Bays who got rid of a basketball size tumor, after being told by doctors at Cedars Sinai Hospital she had only weeks to live. She was better in 6 weeks, by going over her life and forgiving everyone who had caused her problems and in her mind asking forgiveness.of anyone she felt she had caused any problems to. The movie inspires and awakens our long lost connection with the Soul and will forever change your view of reality.

Featuring.(and see their individual YouTube videos).Bob Proctor, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Brandon Bays, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Joe Dispenza and many more. Part way through the 3 minutes of scrolling credits at the end of the movie, just when you think the music theme is finishing, it changes to become even more enthralling!

                Theme is worth it on its own.

What If? The Movie.clips and interviews
...Koro island, Fiji
...pic of James A Sinclair creator of What If? The Movie and the new movie.The Grand Self, one of those who does their best to turn the world from evil to good.

Comments on What If? The Movie
"...You can truly feel new neural pathways being created ..."....M. Grant (and what accelerates this process?)

"Very professional, thought provoking, inspiring, enlightening and mind expanding ..."....Aurora, Los Angeles, California (former executive, Sony Studios)

"I was so excited the first time I think I missed some of it! ..."....J. Manion

"...the videography, editing & music are beautiful ..sensual and enlightening."....Alexandria, Iowa, USA

Grow plants 4x faster and at 3-4x the size, just by structuring the water with a special crystal.
Also structures the water in your body as you wear it, for better health.
More on structured water and also at
More on reversing aging, restoring health and vitality
Did you come here by way of evolution or Creator-God? Both sides of it
A most amazing thing!
Whyit's important to be good while on Earth and the great reason why.belief alone just opens the door, but how we need to walk through it, is the question.
Dr. Greger's info on How Not To Die
Dr. Sherry Rogers on The 7 Causes of Disease
As long as you carry on spiritual growth, love, concern and
helpfulness to others, you can live as long as you wish and do phenomenal.things such as create an energy field around you for protection and resurrect those passed on. Those there all want to come back. These 'gone ones' are now coming back in increasing numbers from what we call death. Why do they want to come back? You too have the ability to bring back loved ones passed on;learn about it
Generation Zapped. Wireless technologies extreme dangers. Is sticking your head in a microwave oven and turning it on safer than using the deadly (deadly over time) current cellular technologies, such as cell phones, cell towers and 'smart' meters? Technological tyranny is that which harms, not helps, the health of living things). 4000 pages of scientific research shows up the negative health effects of wireless technologies that can be used unsafely by purposely upping the frequency to a harmful level.
The truth about the dumb new 'smart' electrical meters
What you can learn from the chi masters to keep you safe, sincere and honest.

Why are some people living in areas of peace and others have no peace where they live?
How to handle a kitchen grease fire that could save you serious injury, even perhaps your life.
If your body is always renewing itself, what takes you to death or like hello, why do you think you die, when it was only life God created?
How to know when and if it's time to move on if you're a believer in death.
Famous Tom Bearden on what's been found on matter creation, matter unhappening
and the vacuum of space.
Tom Bearden, now reaching for 90 years, has selflessly placed so much of his heart and soul and life's work into his Website (5,000 plus files), books and DVDs simply to get the word out that energy from the vacuum is freely available to cure our planet's power supply issues. "There is enough energy inside the space in this empty cup to boil all the oceans of the world." This is a fact well known to the scientific community and was, for example, a favorite quote of Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman.( Two Nobel prizes were awarded in 1957 to Lee and Yang for substantiating the extraction process for this energy.....from Tom Bearden's website
Learning to listen to life can keep you safe. This young man from British Columbia didn't listen.
Computer storage in the invisible; secure and safe.
Image created in consciousness functions as a physical conductor.
Turn off the TV; learn about consciousnes, about your protection using the body's electromagnetism and learn about memory.
Cancer cured in under 3 minutes. See it as it happens.
What to do about curiosities children begin to have over sexual interests.
What went on before humanity emerged on the Earth and how is it affecting us today?
Making sense of new amazing discoveries in physics. Just how connected are we anyway? 
How to know if someone is mentally ill.
How to know if someone cares.
One thing men, women & children are seldom taught to get that would help them greatly in life.
A short chapter in a book that'll turn your heart.
Want to produce either a boy or a girl easily, by changing what you eat? There's no need for the transgenderism nonsense.
How to get sure guidance from your Creator.
More is available, so ask for it!
How to know when to give, to anything?
How to create with your mind; so easy, you may not accept it.
What are we really here for? The song will tell your heart!
Severe Earthquakes becoming.a thing of the past?
Why.(see number 1).is this this proven technology to bring peace, safety and protection, health, abundance and goodness to the world in all areas of life not on every newscast and in every newspaper?
The amazing Gregorian Chant.The Sound of Silence.

How.the Earth recently survived twice that you never heard about!
Kindness is key (really beautiful)
"We all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question that 
divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct."....Niels Bohr

The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit.
Free newsletters with videos one can subscribe to; keeping you informed
of real news that mainstream media mostly and increasingly avoids.
A 21 trillion mile cloud or 'elephant conducts orchestra'.
*** and all gardeners can have healthy, inexpensive, safe and very productive soils.
Zero Limits in the healing of humanity!
Too many suicides.
Got a 'bad' kid at home?
Stressed out? Almost everything going against you?
It can't be as bad as what this guy experienced!
Learn from the life of Joseph in the Old Testament.
But, isn't that 'just an invented story'?
If you think so, read this first,.Proof of the Bible.
Are you less than a lobster or jellyfish, turtle or crocodile?
They live forever as do other animals. They regenerate lost limbs.
Did the Creator make you less than they?
What has held you back? See the movie and find out, What If? The Movie
Robert Miles composition of Children
The miracle.of Iceland
36 countries ban GMO's.( Government to Burn All GMO Crops
A report prepared by the Security Council (SCRF) circulating in the Kremlin states that President Putin has issued orders that his people must be protected from GMO 'food' and Western pharmaceuticals "at all costs". The report says that President Putin believes the next stage of human evolution is currently in "grave risk" and that Western and global powers are "intentionally decelerating the process for their personal gain".
"We as a species have the choice to continue to develop our bodies and brains in a healthy upward trajectory or we can follow the Western example of recent decades and intentionally poison our population with genetically altered food, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations and fast food that should be classified as a dangerous, addictive drug. The state must not claim the right to take human life away, which belongs only to the Almighty."....Vladimir Putin. "We must fight this. A physically and intellectually disabled population is not in our interests.".the report states.

Describing the average government-controlled Westerner as an."intensively vaccinated borderline autistic fat man slumped in front of a screen, battling a high-fructose corn syrup comedown".the report states that such tactics used by governments to subjugate their citizens are not only."dark/evil".but."counter-productive in the medium to long term".

Russia under President Putin has been giving away land and grants.(you don't pay back a grant).to people willing to farm organic and sustainable food. Grants are to equip, farm and market the production. The goal is to become the world's "leading exporter" of non-GMO foods that are based on "ecologically clean" production.

The Security Council report comes just months after the Kremlin announced a stop to the production of all GMO-containing foods, which was seen by the international community as a major step in the fight against multinationals like Monsanto. Monsanto is not even a food company, they're a chemical company whose interest is in selling chemicals; now owned by Bayer. Russia continues to lead the way in the realm of natural, organic farming.....from

Germany lined up to be next. Largest Native American tribe in California bans GMO's.


Do you know? During the Beatles height of fame,
who.sold more records in one year than them? Think Winnipeg, Manitoba.
M o v i e s  a n d  q u o t e s
M o v i e s :

The Pyramid Code. Carmen Boulter Ph.D. University of Calgary walks us through the evidence about incredible intelligence ancients possessed and how and why this is avoided being taught in schools. Each of the five episodes in this groundbreaking series are major eye openers. Filmed in Egypt. On Netflix. And what they found out about what mercury.(in vaccines or anywhere).does to your brain.

Rolling Stones Olé, Olé, Olé..Their South American Tour. Wow! Spectacular! Will really start you up! Netflix.

Raja Rasor Aur Anya Kanayan / Kings, Kitchens and Their Stories. If you love Indian food, you'll really like these episodes. Covers, the history of and present day cooking of Indian foods. You'll learn how to do it; have a pen and paper ready. Top Indian chefs interviewed, including Pushposh Pant, Indian food historian. Find out how they do it; what spices and methods used and wait till you see the preparations and results! Yummy! Foods from many famous cities in India including Delhi, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta {why don't they leave names alone?}), the northern Kashmir region, etc. What they show will make your mouth water, especially if you already know how some of the food's wonderful tastes and health benefits. You'll also see the cities, their beautiful buildings, grounds and surrounding areas. Netflix.

Only the Brave. True story of firefighters and their dedication to save you and your property amongst the sometimes strange changes in paths of fires, even at risk of their own lives. The fires are real. The stories of the firefighters, some of whom gave their lives, are also true. Netflix.

What The FUQ? Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government..(use an Internet search engine to find it. The incredible true story today of two national governments in Australia and how corrupt one is. Looks to be a 'fifth column' takeover? Surreptitiously happened to mostcountries over past decades by the cabal and now being stopped by Putin, Trump and patriots. Interesting and entertainingly presented.
Released September, 2021. Free view! The Tomorrow War ( strikes parallels to what's goings on today in the cleanup of the DUMBs and tunnels, some thousands of years old, the cabal having used them hiding their extremely evil agenda as they continue giving their lives to satanic ways. Some of these creatures can be seen here. The movie is interesting and grippingly so, but it's too harsh for children. Not recommended for children. Use discretion. See it first. You don't want to give them a future of nightmares. It's a free view, with a few short commercials during the beginning minutes.

The Pharmacist. The gripping true story of how one man stopped an epidemic of deaths from prescription drugs. Netflix.

Sustainable. Great new information on farming sustainably that will be encouragement to anyone wanting to go towards better farming practices than the poisonous conventional methods used as agricultural solutions, n.b. glyphosate, commercial name Roundup. Netflix. Also check here on soil health.

What the Health?.Along with.The Game Changer, What the Health?.has surprising information anyone concerned about health must have. Not just information, but takes you on a most interesting and enlightening journey to find it in this captivating exposé movie. Netflix.

The Game Changer. What does the strongest man on Earth eat and how strong is he? What about top martial arts people? What about football players, marathon runners and jumpers, etc., all who are far and away masters, medalists and champions? And what about firemen? And what does Arnold Schwartzennegger say about it all? Prepare yourself to be shocked! Netflix. 

If you eat meat, be sure it's organic and was not sprayed and was grass fed, not genetically modified cattle & chicken feed containing genetically modified soybeans and/or genetically modified corn and with many other false food ingredients. What you eat you become, sick or well.

Still Game. The hilarious adventures of two Scottish seniors. A funny bunch of episodes that grow on you the more you watch. Great laughs! Very worth a second watch if you like to laugh. Netflix.

Dancing With the Birds.You may have thought you've seen all birds can do. Well, see this one and you'll be more than amazed; they can copy multiple voices and give them back all at once, like children in a playground laughing and talking as they do. And much more, as also the movie.Beak and Brain.shows. And what does it show? The astounding cleverness of these birds to make and use tools. Both on Netflix.

Peru: The Surprising Riches of Peru. Wow! Netflix.

Ghost of the Mountains. From DisneyNature comes this so interesting documentary, with camera footage never seen before of a family of highly elusive Snow Leopards. It took months upon months to gain the footage in these mountain areas of China. So much work was involved, it's amazing what they were able to do at all at 16,000 feet, but because of the locals and the very helpful monks who reside there, the film was able to get done. The kids will love it. Netflix.

Night On Earth. Special cameras reveal what really goes on at night. Many animals you may have thought sleep, don't. What are they doing? Netflix.

Drive. Another great heist movie; this one from India and with bedazzling cars. Has amazing twists right through to the end. Starts off surprisingly! Netflix.

Victoria & Abdul. Abdul sells carpets in India. English Royalty bought one. Abdul's invited to meet Queen Victoria. Filmed in England, India & Scotland. Stars Judi Dench (James Bond movies) and Ali Fazal.

Rabindranath Tagore. The great love poems of Sir Rabindranath Tagore are acted out in these episodes. Different from what one would expect, having been used to themes in most movies.

The great love poems of Rumi.

M o r e  m o v i e s  a n d  T V  s e r i e s

M u s i c  t o  k n o c k  y o u r  s o c k s  o f f

Q u o t e s :
"One day you will ask me which is more important, my life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life."....Kahil Gibran.

"Vaccination is the voluntary choice of every individual."....Vladimir Putin, Russia.

"The evil has been defeated!.(*).Trust and believe this. More is happening than you can imagine. The havoc only disappears when the human being binds himself again to God."....Bruno Gröning.

"There is no question that our health has improved spectacularly in the past century. One thing seems certain; it did not happen because of medicine or medical science or even the presence of doctors. Much of the credit should go to the.plumbers and engineers of the western world. The contamination of drinking water by human feces was at one time the greatest cause of human disease and death for us...but when the plumbers and sanitary engineers had done their work in the construction of our cities, these diseases began to vanish."....Lewis Thomas, medical researcher and essayist. But then when these diseases had been almost eradicated, along came vaccinations, patented viruses and a bought off and lying government, medical system and media financed by the same deep state satanic criminal mafia to continue the poisonings, increasing death by bamboozling the public about dangers. That's what the dark side does:.Revelation 12:9. It's out to take over the world and eliminate all humanity, because humanity, though now below, will be above these evil angels behind and of the cabal.
