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...praise not prayer and why?
...singing and dancing
Prayer and/or praise:
...praise not prayer and why?
...3 is the key
...Hannah's prayer answered
...the Lord's Prayer
...about the dead
...asking "in Emmanuel's name"
...children's prayers
-consideration of others is prayer
...effective prayer takes how long?
...for your friends
...Gene's prayer to remove negatives of whatever may be affecting you and which provides protection; another one, this shorter 
...heard instantly (all prayers are heard instantly and answered when?)
...how often?
...intercessory prayer?
...no answer from God?
...without ceasing?.(does it really mean no time for other thoughts?)
...vain repetitions
...three times necessary to get an answer to prayer, 1, 2
...what else besides prayer to get what you want
...what is prayer?
Precrime.(measures taken to ensure peace for all)
Pre flood times
Precious.(precious to God, know that you are)
Pregnancy.(forming the child's invisible and physical environment)
Present.(importance of being in the present, as opposed to the past and future)
Present time ending
Pressure cooker.(this life and living it)
Pressure to depression
Presumptuous.(not being that way)
Pretty.(or want to be more so?)
Priscilla and Aquila.(two dedicated people back then in Paul's time)
...kinds of pride
...pride and the subconscious mind
...ancient priesthood
...bad ones
...of God
...of Old Testament now gone
...priesthood of Christ different than that of Old Testament
Prime of life.(when?)
Prime meridian
Prince Edward Island
Principles.(spiritual principles irrespective of time)
Principalities and powers.(of the invisible realm)
Print out your rights
Prison.(keeping your children on the right pathway and out of prison later)
Prison.(people live in their own ego prison)
Prisoners treatment
Privacy Protection.(employment related)
Prize.(what prize for you?)
Proactive.(being that way)
Probability theory
Problems:.(attitude toward them; serious problems,.what if your son or daughter was into serious problems?)
Proctor, Bob.(inspiring info to take you into a new life)
Producing either a boy or a girl
Producing wealth
Profit sharing.(not for a greedco)
Programmed.(self is)
Progressing in truth
Promise.(by the Father of Christ)
Promise keeping
Promise.(of children being protected)
Promised land.(the land promised to the ancient Israelites who came out of 430 years of captivity in Egypt)
Promises.(before time began)
Promises.(getting what you need now)
Promises.(yes and amen for you)
Prompts us.(many times daily, but do we listen?)
Proof God exists
Proof Bible true
...about Emmanuel
...the word means
Prophets/Prophetesses, prophesying:
...ancient Israel split, became Israel & Judah & each had its own prophets
...Elijah and the false prophets of Baal
...false prophets
...first prophet was Abraham
...prophets today?
...prophesying over others
...schools of the prophets
...true prophets are accurate
...what is a prophet
...prophetesses (women)
...a plan for
...examples of prosperity; more examples in a free book 
...for you
...handling it
...why do the wicked prosper? about their end
Prostitute.(prostitutes, prostitution)
...Rahab the harlot
Protection.(and your part in it)
...prayers for protection you can use
...see also 'Military', 'Sherriffs', 'Troops' 'police sergeant protected'
...about proteins
...Bernd-olaf Küppers.(protein molecule's amazing complexity)
...George Swenson Jr. (complexity in multiverse limited to Earth)
Proverbs.(book of)
Proving (Bible to be true, Christ is real, true God exists, Creation)
Prude.(God's no)
Psalms.(book of; and, the famous 23rd Psalm expanded)
Psalms of protection:.91, 46, 27
...of doing
...of Gideon
...of Paul
Ptolemy.(ancient astronomer who developed a system of astronomy)
Ptolemies/Ptolemy.(Macedonian kings ruling Egypt)
PTSD.(Post Traumatic Stress Disoder; getting rid of it)
Public speaking
Puffer fish
Punctuated equilibria
Punishment.(does God really punish?)
Puppets.(of the world controllers promulgating death pathways for humanity)
Purchased.(we have all been purchased by God)
Pure being.(the base of the physical us)
Pure heart
Purify self.(how?)
Purpose of life
Putin, Vladimir.(president of Russia; quotes 1, 2, 3 & 4)
...example of respect to fallen soldiers
...grants for organic farming and set up
...the original Putin & now
...incredible intelligence these ancients had
...who built the three large pyramids in Egypt?