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TPA.(Tissue Plasminogn Activator)
TR-3B.('unreal' spaceship, highly secret, but not any more)
Trace minerals.(that the body requires for optimum health)
Tracy, Brian
...ancient Pharisees, et al and their useless religious traditions, still around today
...physical traditions.versus spiritual righteousness
Tragedy and Hope.(book by Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He also taught at Princeton and at Harvard. His 1300 page book Tragedy and Hope is unique among other history books in its exposure of the role of International Banking cabal behind the scenes in world affairs)
Trained To Kill.(article on brainwashing children)
Training.(dumbing down by western education trains to be fixers, not creators & inventors)
Transactions.(with others)
Transcendental Meditation
Transferring time
Transformation key.(transformation is salvation)
Transgression.(and word 'sin', any difference?)
Transhuman.(the invisible evil world's plan to transform you into something you are not)
Transitional fossils
Translated to next life
Translations of the Bible
...of character
...designs of nature
Traps of being too ambitious
Traumatic experiences
Treasures.(of higher consciousness; a special treasure unto God)
Tree amber
Tree of life / book of life
...Central American Sandbox
...sandbox tree
...God always behind them
...Paul's trials
...trials over one we learn love
...why trials
Tribes.(twelve tribes of ancient Israel and later the ten)
Tribulation.(a severe one)
Tricks of the dark side
Tries the heart
Trinity.(everyone seems to have a different idea on what it is; what is it?)
Troops:.(see also 'Military')
...bullies.(trained to be bullies under administrations before Trump (Clintons, Bushes, Obamas; more on bullies)
...lesson on resisting evil orders against goodness
...protection of
Tropics.(Earth is abundant)
...God can keep you from getting into trouble if you're upright & honest
...keeping yourself out of trouble
...take your troubles to God; about getting even
...prodigal son; son or daughter in prison, having big problems or in some kind of deep trouble)
True church.(well, you wouldn't want to fellowship with those of a false one)
True Christians
True minister.(compared to falsies)
True place.(why is each one of us here?)
True self
Trump, Melania:
Trump.(President of the new America; his accomplishments; the famous video)
Trump, trumpet
...the 7 trumpet angels of the book of Revelation with 3 having woes
...an Old Testament festival
Trust.(accessing your recent and past familys' Cestui Que Vie trusts)
'Trust the science'.(a phrase used by cabalists to obfuscate.truth)
Trusting authorities.(history has proved to We the People that trusting earthly authorities has been a huge mistake for them but not for the cabal)
Trusting in God.(the true God will be with you in battle if your trust is in him)
Trusting in man
Trusting others
Truth.(what is? how does the progression in truth work? twisted truths)
Try (testing) the spirits
Tsarion. Michal.(on the United States constitutions)
Tukulti Ninurta-I.(ancient ruler of Assyria)
Tunnels and D.U.M.B.s.(Deep Underground Military Bases and tunnels; where the satanists take people they've stolen to be used, abused and destroyed)
Turmoil.(can wreck your life)
Turn from evil.(to do this one has to know what is evil; don't turn others away & more:.Matthew 5:40-48)
Turnaround.(the great turnaround)
Turning from God
Turning on.(the great turn on)
Turning point of all history
Turning to God
Turns bad into good
TUT.(Mike Dooley of The Secret)
TV.(cabal controlled reporters now; once were journalists)
Twain, Mark
Twelve.(original commandments of the Old testament)
Twelve apostles
Twelve tribes of ancient Israel.(characteristics of each son whose generations eventually grew into a large tribe)
Twice dead
Twisted truths
Two governments.(in most countries, the cabal one out to harm you and the other to help you. It's the two of everything trick)
Two great commandments
Two little girls
Two messages.(the multiiverse is always sending to you)
Two minds?
Two or three.(if two or three agree and ask)
Two sets of books.(creative accounting practices by most levels of corporations and governments everywhere)
Two sides.(the evil and the good)
Two steps back.(when things are at a hectic pace for you)
Two suns
Two times Moses got the tablets.(why two times)
Tyndale, William.(the KJV was based on his work)
Types.(of people)
Tyranny today
Tyrus.(the king of Tyrus)
Tzu, Sun.(wrote the classic book.The Art Of War)