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R e l a t i o n s h i p  H i g h l i g h t s

Women men should avoid and men women should avoid
Women to emulate
Rate-A-Mate (or, a potential one)
Divorce is shunned by many religious people. Why?
Looking for a mate? And what if there are, say, 4 persons who seem to fit?
How to be as attractive as you possibly can be
'Really Nice Guy' No thanks! Lost keys to the heart discovered
What we seek in each other (what men and women really want)
Conversation techniques
Being a blessing to others helps in all relationships including sales
How would you know if someone really loves you?
A key to loyalty
A way to keep familiarity from eroding relationships
Can someone place an effective curse on you?
Dealing with individuals who may not like you
A humorous, but true, example on we reap what we sow
Concerned about the destitute (children with extremely poor parents) children of India, some with no parents?
Why some people have no sense of feeling toward others
Know anybody who's crazy?
A key to avoiding suicide
What should a person do when the problems may be so great that there is really not much that one can do?
Thinking about abortion?
Why some people choose evil; it's not just the individual, it's the system. A talk by Philip Zimbardo.(type 'philip zimbardo on the psychology of evil' into ted.com) past president of the American Psychological Association and a professor emeritus at Stanford University, after 50 years of teaching his legendary introductory course in psychology
A relationship agreement you can adapt.
A trick of the dark side is, above all other tricks, to get you against yourself
If I don't now like my face and body, in the resurrection, can I change it?
The most important thing you can do to benefit yourself
How it came to be that many 'educated' government policy thinkers use deceit and treat citizens like s*^t - Shadia Drury, University of Calgary political science teacher
What about paying wages?
How are we changed into the image of the Infinite One?
Tell the Creator you hate Him, if you do, and tell Him why
The solution to insomnia
How much to tip?
Joining the military. Go in with your eyes wide open. In an Internet search engine, type 'Army of None, What Military Recruiters Aren't Telling You' and then 'Army of None' for more and, how horribly, wounded troops were being treated, before Trump came on the scene.(type 'wounded troops' into brasschecktv.com). More.
How to bring up an intelligent child (not for 'dumb ass' parents!)
Breeding killers and children born good?
How do you love your different children equally?
How can I circumvent homosexual tendencies from developing in my child? 
Does the Creator have problems? Or, your secret advantage!
God loves you and as Robbie Williams' song says "whether you're right or wrong"
What should a person do when the problems may be so great that there is really not much that one can do?



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