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And herein is wisdom. Our minds must be stayed on.(Deuteronomy 11:18).the qualities the Creator exemplified when He came out of the invisible and appeared in the person we know as Emmanuel. And, He is love:.1John 4:7,8,16.

Never get upset about those who may be talking about you 'behind your back'. At least they are thinking of you! Ha ha! What others may think of you is none of your business and what you may think of others is none of their business. 

Staying away from gossip and criticism helps to keep relationships alive.

Psalms 69:1-4; 109:2-5. What is a way that could be used, if for example you have to be around someone who dislikes or even hates you or is perhaps a particularly obnoxious individual, a bully who may be bothering you, causing you to fret, one you have a hard time liking, an obstreperous coworker, someone who persecutes you, a bully showing forth in some way that they just don't like you, etc. or perhaps you may need grace and favor in the eyes of another or others? Trials are for making us better:.Ezekiel 14:9. God is in charge of the evil as much as He is the good. Learn why evils?

In your quiet time, ask yourself why so-and-so is on the Earth at this time. See what comes to your mind.

Some people are out to turn you into worse than they are:.Matthew 23:15 "...you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves."

Those who are like this are dying inside due to perhaps a lifetime so far, of desperately needing recognition and love. Don't present yourself objectionably as rejecting another. How you show up in the world matters. Keep another on your side by not returning to him or her what they are being like to you:.Matthew 22:36-40.

Pray for those who don't seem to like you and try to turn them into friends. Do not be offensive to othes:.Proverbs 18:19.

Draw them in somehow, perhaps with questions of interest about the negative ways they are saying. Or ask one of those in the invisible realm to help you with what to say.

Pursue peace in all your relationships, but if you don't want to 'see' or sense the soul of those you look at, you are not pursuing peace. Learn what you are like.

For example, one may accost you, being upset with something you said that turned him or her down in some way, something where he or she felt you were putting blame to them. Bruno Groening said that every human being at their core is good and divine, even though at times, because of lacking spiritual strength, they take in bad invective thoughts and give them out in words and/or actions out of their low consciousness thinking, causing dissension. Have an attitude of wanting always to live from the best heart that you can. Is the way you are, good for you and for others?

Have the attitude as exemplified in this little story. Have that same attitude and show it in your manner and in your words as it helps to turn an enemy into a friend. Why would you ever want it to be any different?.Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you."

Agree with something true you can find in whatever negative situation you have ended up in:.Matthew 5:25 "Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him..." Romans 12:18 "If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all people."

Situation: someone cuts in front of you when driving; he stops so you can't drive on; you get out of your vehicle and he does the same; a breeding ground for conflict: You say to him "Are you ok? Do you need help? Did you have the beginning of a heart attack and had to quickly stop trying to get over to the curb?" He says "You're an idiot, I was trying to turn at the next corner and had my turn signal on and you just sped up so I couldn't get into the lane to turn." You say "You know, I sped up so I could make the next light, not to cut you off." "Well your still an idiot and need to learn how to drive." "Well you're right. I've been called an idiot before when I've been wrong and I'm still not a perfect driver all the time. Sorry for upsetting you and causing you to miss your turn." 

Situation: someone asks you for money, maybe some bum and maybe for a couple of bucks. Have a budget for such things:.Deuteronomy 17:17 "...neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold." Matthew 5:42 "Give to him that asks you and from him that would borrow of you turn not you away.".Always, if you can, help. Do only good to others.

It's good to see others' points of view. It's not good to allow those points of view to negatively affect you. Be careful what you accept as true. The dark side has many tricks to keep you off of and away from Christ. Be careful what you choose. If it doesn't seem to be of love, then it isn't, is one way to find out for yourself. Another is:.Matthew 7:15-20.

"What about their point of view? When you become aware seeing things from another point of view, you become aware of the processes of perception and thinking and you'll be able to enter the structure of control and reality."....Grigori Grabovoi.

Never strive with others. Those who you may have inner resistance toward, need your love sent to them. We are all connected as has been proven and they will be affected by what reaches their heart from their soul, sent to them by you through the invisible but very real spiritual waves, unbeknownst to their conscious mind.

Always look at yourself first, as all you encounter in life is a mirror of the real you, your subconscious as it is in its present state. Your relationships are a mirror of what is really you. And you can change the way others are around you by love.(how? and with great effectiveness).and intention in meditation.

Know this first. We project onto others those things that we can't stand in ourselves, such as, if you were at heart approaching others with dislike and anger, holding them in disfavor for no reason or because of small annoyances.(he cut me off in traffic, obviously on purpose). Know also that others can only see you within the context of their estimation of you and to the degree of their level of consciousness. For example some with higher levels of consciousness would have a more favorable opinion of you than those at lower levels. Taking responsibility provides amazing results when we take action on that which we have just taken responsibility for. Take responsibility to love others no matter what:.Matthew 5:44. Try as best you can to see the other person separate from what you may not like about them, that is, focus on the person, not on what you see that you don't like.

One way to correct negatives within us is to do what ancient Esther did:.Esther 4:15-17-5:1-3.

Others have to recognize the best part of them in you; they can only relate to what it is that is in them which they see in you. In this way you are a light:.Acts 13:47; Philippians 2:3 "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.".This is what we are all looking for in another. This is how to be liked and this is why we all need intuition.

You allow another to rob you of any good state of mind you may have by making that peaceful happy state dependent upon someone else. That is, if they are unhappy, it affects you negatively. With this dependency, you'll never be truly happy. Life is for you to manage well your being. Change the way you may have of interpreting another's behavior, realizing it's a reflection of what is in your own subconscious. When you realize this, you can see your mindset being that of negatives you recognize in others and then do something about it. You can contemplate it in your quiet time.

Get to know yourself, including your dark side, in meditation. Stop running away from yourself to somewhere else in your mind. The way to love others is to love yourself. When you love yourself, you need nothing from others, but are open to share in any love they may have for you and vice versa.

When you see in others those things you do not like, they are the things in you that are striking a cord in you. This is because we are all one at the soul level.

Deal with it by quietly saying to yourself "I love you!". Why?

David also had the same things to deal with.(*).as most of us today. David's words in these Psalms:.Psalms 109:3-5 "They compassed me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause. For my love they are my adversaries, but I give myself unto prayer. And they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love."

Psalms 38:10-17 "My heart pants, my strength fails me. As for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me. My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore and my kinsmen stand afar off. They also that seek after my life lay snares for me. And they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things and imagine deceits all the day long. But I, as a deaf man, heard not and I was as a dumb man that opens not his mouth. Thus I was as a man that hears not and in whose mouth are no reproofs. For in you, O Lord, do I hope. You will hear.(original for 'thou wilt hear' is just 'answer'), O Lord my God. For I said, Hear me, lest otherwise they should rejoice over me. When my foot slips, they magnify themselves against me. For I am ready to halt and my sorrow is continually before me."

And in a prophecy about Emmanuel:.Isaiah 53:7 "He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth."

What is real peace for the world?."Real peace is not just the absence of war, but the absence of all suffering, all negativity", "With meditation the black cloud of negativity dissolves."....David Lynch, movie director, Oscar nominations for:.The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet.and.Mullholland Drive, founder of.David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based Education and World Peace...davidlynchfoundation.org
   See the David Lynch video of him being honored.

In all relationships we should endeavor to bring peace to others:.Ephesians 4:3 "Endeavouring.(think about what you could possibly do to better the situation; one thing that works).to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond.(brings and keeps things together).of peace."

As much as you possibly can, living within the principle of balance, do things people like, not what they don't like:.Romans 12:18 "If it be possible, as much as lies in you.(Ephesians 6:6), live peaceably with all men.".One way to do this.

David of the Old Testament, did not let negative things he did bother him for long:.2Samuel 12:16-23. David understood that he meant others no wrong and he prayed for them, that they too would come to know God as he did. In this is harmony.

Those who may be difficult to like, much less love, have become that way due to circumstances and mindsets born of greed, selfishness, confusion, abuse, control of others to their detriment, neglect mentally, spiritually and/or physically, etc., having caused such horrible evils upon others, being the children and adults now being saved from the tunnels all over the world where these evil world controllers kept them, perpetrating.satanic.atrocities upon them. 

No matter how bad an individual may appear, think of it as the best they are able to be at any time you may encounter them. And these satanic evil ones who've done such horrible things to others won't be around for long now as now the military are cleaning it all up. Trump has supported this effort. 

You could think of such people like this: That they were once a little boy or girl, that they must have had some bad things occur to them to make them the way they now are.(presuming, of course, that you have done nothing to cause them to react badly:.Philippians 1:9,10).and that they have emotional ups and downs which further plague their personality.

When others antagonize you undeservedly.(an error you did not mean to have caused), realize that where they are today is a result of the toll life may have taken on them, that they were wholly inept.to deal positively with. This will help you to deal with such attitudes of the ego people hold onto.

Obnoxious people are really saying 'no one loves me and I hate it'. By being that way, obnoxious individuals receive the attention.(part of love).that all of us need and crave

Being very kind and showing care and concern, even as clumsily as you can, may not have an immediate effect. But consider, who else is going to treat them that way? Not many. Probably, not any. Most will repulse from them. 

Consider the wacky world we live in that we must all deal with. We have the sociologists on the one hand telling us that it's important to give and receive hugs daily. And the feminists on the other hand saying "if you touch me, I'll charge you with sexual harassment". All of us have been affected by confusion in society such as this. Life at the ego level is hypocritical and just plain nuts.

Your concern for this obnoxious individual may not make a difference for years. But someday in the future, that individual will look back and say to him/her self, that "there was a person who really cared, a person who saw something in me and liked it and oh how badly I mistreated him/her". 

People do change. Alcoholics change, sex perverts, abusers and crooks do change. Not all of course, but some do. Why not all? There can be no change unless one has unselfish vision for the future:.Proverbs 29:18. Many decide to change and later fall back:.Luke 8:4-15. And each of us is responsible for that. Change can be effortless once we know how.

Emmanuel told someone.."...go and sin.(sin means to 'miss the mark').no more". He just did not say 'sin no more'.(John 8:11).and He was not getting after her to 'just go away from me'.

Maybe more would want to change if we treated them with some love, concern and respect, showing some hopefulness toward them rather than rejection and took a bit of time to urge them to go onward in their lives, rather than shove them away so that we are free to live out our selfish wants:.Galatians 5:22; 2Timothy 2:24.

What a wonderful feeling to know that you have had a part in helping an individual become better. You may never see it. The individual may have long moved on from you. But you will be rewarded for your actions of love and concern and helpfulness:.Daniel 12:3. Pray for others, even if you see no results. When you plant a seed, you may see not results for weeks, then the plant begins to pop its head out of the ground:.Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

The gospel.(means 'good news').is a gospel of peace:.Ephesians 6:15. And we should be at work in our lives ensuring that as much peace as possible occurs:.Romans 12:18

Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Emmanuel."

Lack of peace comes from self. Peace comes from God. Focus on the spiritual. Saturate your mind with the truths of the Bible if you feel so inclined. Don't do anything if you are not inclined to. Listen to your soul and adhere to its quiet prompts that are often overriden in the busyness of the daily mind; that's why meditation.is so important. It's your guidance. No listny, no guidy.

Study, because the way of peace is something we can know:.Romans 3:17; Isaiah 59:8-14. A peaceful or warring nature are things that are learned:.Isaiah 1:17; 2:4.(also same in Micah 4:3); 2Peter 1:2-4. The way of peace is something God can guide us into now:.Luke 1:79. Isaiah 9:7 "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it..."

For others not wanting that guidance...

So just what did Emmanuel mean when He said that about peace and bringing a sword?.Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword."

If peace comes from God, lack of peace has to do with the self's involvement in life.

If the Creator gave selfish people peace in life so that they were completely and constantly.content, what need would there be to continue on the spiritual pathway? They may have no desire to give to benefit others and because of that, drift into negativity and you know what that gets you. In life one is here to learn so he won't lose. To bad ancient king Ahab of Israel hadn't learnt that early in his life.

One must learn contentment.

For this Earthly time, this is what we are here for:.Matthew 22:37-40. Increase spirituality by giving. Giving what? Give and you'll get rewarded:.Luke 6:38 "Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete withal, it shall be measured to you again."

What good is a battery with only one polarity? It is useless for its purpose. So the Great Infinite Intelligence designed things so there would always be contrasts and balance. Our natures are contrasting; we have low consciousness and high consciousness.potential. You choose which predominates at any one time. And so we learn as we go along in life. Be quick as possilble to learn; one reason why.

We think in contrasts. We learn from contrasts. We know we are good and we know we can do bad.(evil and good).and sometimes it takes the experience of ourselves in life or the learning from errors of others.(which is much easier on you).in order to discover deeper things about ourselves:.Ephesians 3:10,18,19; Hebrews 5:14 to 6:2.

The more you know about yourself, the more you are able to master these things of the self. Negatives are there not to run from but to deal with toward a happy outcome, that being a reward.

Here it's important to be in touch with your inner self, the self which fluorishes when one is still, such as in meditation/prayer time. The real self of you fades into the background of living during our busy daily lives. When we meditate, it's there. It's from this real self that balance occurs and we can then move forward in life, as the hindrances of experiences in the world melt away:.Zechariah 1:6 "But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? And they returned and said, Like as the Lord of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our ways and according to our doings, so has he dealt with us."

We have our soul nature which whispers to us hundreds of times a day, but we allow it to be so quickly overridden with what we have become more comfortable with and those things are ego concerns, the things of the self we've always had our minds on.

We humans must learn to respond to God who talks to us through feelings and through thoughts that well up in the mind. Talk to God:.Hebrews 4:7. He's right there! He's always calling you:.Romans 10:21 "...All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.".God always listens:.Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me." Matthew 7:7-11 "Ask and it is given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it is opened unto you. For every one that asks receives and he that seeks finds and to him that knocks it is opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil.(original is 'having a painful life full of labors'), know how to give good gifts unto your children.(even a suffering dad would still do his best to help his children), how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"

How would I know if God is speaking to me by means of these prompts? If you are trusting in God, you'll act on the prompts that come to your mind, trusting the results also to be good. If you discount the prompts, you won't act on them because you don't trust them and you don't trust them because you aren't sure they are from God and therefore you should not act on them. So, it's a growing in trust.

The ego concerns are the things the beings of the dark side watch for. It's a beacon for them to come and influence those not of a higher consciousness:.1Thessalonians 5:5,6 "You are all the children of light and the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober." 1Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant.(*), because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.".1Peter 1:13-16.

Prompts come to one's mind.(how, when).so it can be determined if one is fit to move on in truth, becoming part of the great invisible kingdom of Christ. Prompts are for awakening a person to the reality of his being:.2Timothy 1:9.

This is so because God never overrides anyone's mindset, but waits for him to 'open the gate':.Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me." Matthew 13:18-23 "Hear you therefore the parable of the sower. When any one hears the word of the kingdom and comprehends it not, then comes the wicked one and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that hears the word and anon with joy receives it, yet has he not root in himself.(not really sure God is actually him in expression:.Romans 1:16), but endures for a while, for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word and he becomes unfruitful. But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word and understands it; which also bears fruit and brings forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."

Are we like pharaoh of ancient Egypt in the time of the Israelites ready to leave Egypt, where he constantly discounted what he was hearing, seeing and experiencing?.Exodus 14:4. As is easily noticed, ego actions are just nuts!.Exodus 14:23-28.

Exodus 8:19 "Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God and Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he hearkened not unto them; just as the Lord had said."

This pharaoh was stubborn and had no integrity. First, he...The story and the miracles.(Exodus 7:7-25; 8:1-32; 9:1-35; 10:1-29; 11:1-10; 12:1-51), as well as the amazing pillar of cloud and of fire:.Exodus 13:21.

"The struggle of the spirit for its true place in the world.(and what's that?), as well as the struggle of your soul for personification of the Creator, develop your intellect and mind control."....Grigori Grabovoi. The world is a stage for this.

We are here to fully function as creators and to do this, it's important to become as the Creator is; not overriding our personalities, not being a clone, but functioning with the same high consciousness character, which allows the Creator-God to express an individuality of His presence that you are here to express as you grow in comprehension of higher consciousness. In this way we are the Creator's expressive personality:.Isaiah 57:19.

One needs to be alert to each thought that comes to mind and consider what it is that should be done with each thought. This is making the best of the guidance that comes to you. Difference between thoughts can be noticed when the overall principle of love is considered. Love includes many things. Learn them if you want life to be better for all.

We learn from our dark side when we look at it and acknowledge it. It dissipates then. If we shove it into hiding, it just becomes more of a problem.

We see how horrible something is and decide to want never to be like that and to avoid it, etc. We are here to think and learn from the contrasts we become aware of. We know the good because we can see the difference when comparing the opposite. Some people are away from this comprehension and may need a storm to awaken them:.Psalms 83:13-15 "O my God, make them like the whirling dust, the wind blowing the stubble away. As the fire burns a wood and as the flame sets the mountains on fire, so persecute them with your tempest and make them afraid with your storm."

We appreciate the sunshiny still and gentle breeze days so much more after a long bout of cold cloudy 'angry' weather. Angry people bring angry weather because all in the multiverse is connected. Angry weather is due to collisions in the atmosphere caused by people trapped in a nightmare of not being in charge of themselves and so at war with themselves. Collisions in life are caused.similarly. As Deepak said."The storm we run from never passes."

We have negative and positive.(example), high and low, fast and slow, acid and alkaline, life and death, hunger and fullness, male and female, light and dark, up and down, good and evil, which is basically under the overview of pain and pleasure; we experience joy and sadness, we see the Sun giving light, it's hot, moon receiving and reflecting light, it's cold, fire and water, warm and cold-blooded animals and on and on.

The Creator uses contrasts too. Consider the old and new covenants.being drastically different!

Thank God that He is a Creator of balance. What if He was not? What if He set the weather patterns up so results would be just snow and snow, day after day, say for 10 months of the year? After shoveling for a few weeks and seeing no end in sight to the continually falling snow, you would have to drastically change your life style.

You may move to where there was no snow, but what if also it was just so hot that it was dangerous to go outdoors? 

Thank Him for what he has designed; that life for the most part is relatively comfortable, though we often complain about inconveniences that seem like big negatives. We just will never get any big negatives from God.

The tough part of life often comes from government regimes, regimes which subjugate people in various overt and subtle ways, mostly controlling populaces by controlling money in its various forms. But the Creator is in control of all, has set it all up for his 'human processing factory', to bring all to get to know Him, but each individually in a way which He determines.

Each day has enough evil in it to cause us to move forward:.Matthew 6:34. But for some it's sadder. 

One reason we see the pendulum swinging back and forth in this seemingly endless and often trial filled and frustrating search for what works, what works to get love, what works to acquire wealth, security, stable relationships and the other things we all want, is because we lack all we need to effectively fashion our individual minds so life becomes a joy in all areas.

"The only gracious way to accept an insult is to ignore it. If you can't ignore it, top it.
If you can't top it, laugh at it. If you can't laugh at it, it's probably deserved."
...Joseph Russell Lynes