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-James 4:15 How can I be sure the Lord is with me?

1Samuel 3:19,20 "And Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord."

If you have the same loving nature in you that Christ himself has, then you can be sure that He is more than just with you. You'll know that your body is a device the Creator-God made for you to use and you'll know also that you are part of a body of others: Ephesians 3:14,15.

-1Peter 3:19 Does this mean that after death some or maybe all persons go into a sort of prison?

The word 'prison' means 'a place of guarding'; 'watched over'. The Greek.(original language of the New Testament).word.(phulake).used for 'prison,' denotes a place of custody, not a place of punishment for those not knowing the Creator, for they can't know Him unless He calls them

These spirits, the souls of those physical humans back then.(1Peter 3:20, just below).were disobedient. Because God makes up His plan for humanity as things go along, He decided that He had enough of humanity's drifting into increased wickedness:.Genesis 6:5-8, 11-13.

It's like us today. We are out of the standard of high consciousness that Creator-God is in when we are daily existing using our egos. The ego is a prison which wants to retain its inmates. There is a way out:.Romans 7:24,25.

1Peter 3:20 states why they were held in 'prison'. The time of their disobedience is stated. It was while the ark was being prepared for the great flood.

There were only a few good non corrupt people around back then, called "preachers of righteousness".(2Peter 2:5,7,8), not enough of them to reach everybody with a message of why the flood was to occur to the unGodly. After their physical termination, what we call death, those having died in the flood were preached to by the One who later became Emmanuel. Creator-God wanted them to know why they were gotten rid of, so they could learn something which when applied would improve them for their next go-around, so that they would be aware of a better way of living than the ego level which led to their demise. Being aware is one thing, but applying to their lives the higher principles of God, is quite another. Will they do it this time around.

It was not God's time for the world then to descend into such depravity. The evil spirits working behind the scenes back then, as today, wrongly influenced humanity, as they always do, people, with their wickedness brought God to the point of destroying the world. And that's the purpose of wickedness, to destroy humanity. Why?.Hebrews 2:7

Have you ever started a project and later scrapped it, only to begin it again in a different manner? This was God's 'first crack' at humanity. God makes up His plan as things go along.

The depravity was perhaps too quick, too widespread:.Genesis 6:5,7,11,13. Yet, conversely, God always wants man to be aware that He.(God).will never coexist with anything unlike His nature, which is love and in God's unbending resoluteness to purity, we find such great love, such as we humans have never heretofore comprehended.

And all this happened after man's creation long before. God decided to destroy the world then by water.(Genesis 6:17).but was patient for some time before it happened:.1Peter 3:20 "Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water."

Just as He destroyed the world back then by water and saved a few back then by water, so today, He uses spiritual water to both destroy the selfishness in man and saves those who are wiling to be, by the continual flow of His spiritual water, the Holy Spirit.

The same thing would have happened much sooner again, however many of these spirits that worked their evil back then in people, have been under constant guard, slowing down the depravity, discontentment and tribulation that is to be here.(unless things change).just before Christ's return:.Matthew 24:37 "But as the days of Noe.(Noah).were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Isaiah 13:5-22

A type of the end time swelling of problems in society and the world occurred back then just before the fall of Jerusalem. His disciples asked Him about the signs just before the end:.Matthew 24:3 "And as He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world?"

His answer for then and for now.(as verses 37-39 show):.Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

-2Peter 2:13 Re: those that riot in the day time.

Those that do obviously have no time for spiritual concerns. They are into things that control them and concerns that bind them to the physical.

-1John 2:27 What does it mean."you have no need that any man teach you"?

As the verse before.(1John 2:26).shows, John wrote this regarding them that were seducing others through deceit or wrong teachings. John refers to this as antichrist. What was antichrist?

-1John 2:29 Just how are we to."do".righteousness if righteousness is a gift.(Romans 5:17)?

The word here 'doeth', in the original, can also be rendered into English as 'bring forth', 'cause', 'bear, etc. One brings forth righteousness through belief.

-John 14:27.and Matthew 10:34-36 What does it mean here."as the world gives peace"?

How does the world give peace? Peace to the world, the world being those still in the mass mind of humanity, comes with acquisition, that is, when wants are continually satisfied, no matter how selfish they may be and/or how much they may inconvenience or be injurious to another in some way. Peace to those with the love of the Great Infinite One in them comes from service to others, service from a heart that puts another in importance, not deprecating them in any way:.Philippians 2:3.

When there are enough of us to affect the others in the collective consciousness of humanity, peace will roll on in. All that's needed is a critical mass, a tipping point, tipping toward the way of love.

Comprised with.Barnes Notes: These verses in John 14:27 and in Matthew 10:34-36 are taken from Micah 7:6. Christ did not here mean to say that the object of his coming was to produce discord and contention, for he was the Prince of peace:.Isaiah 9:6; 11:6-9; Luke 2:14. He means to say that such would be one of the effects of His coming, especially so, as people move into a higher consciousness than what their family and friends may possess at the same time.

Christ came as an example to follow, not as an enforcer of peace, for God's principle is never to override anyone and that's because it's character development, not control of, that is most important to God.

In Matthew 10:34 it talks about Christ coming with a sword. How's this work? And in Luke 12:49 it speaks of Christ sending fire on the Earth.

One part of a family that was opposed to him, would set themselves against those who believed in him, as strikingly happened during the inquisition, where relatives of a family butchered those who didn't agree with their religion. Religion is often a reason for satanists to divide We the People.

The wickedness of men is the cause of this hostility. It is unnecessary to say that no prophecy has been more strikingly fulfilled and it will continue to be fulfilled, till all unite in peace.

-Psalms 34:19.Why would the righteous have many afflictions as it says here?

The word."afflictions".means 'evils' in the original. So, why would the righteous have many evils?

The more light that is in you.(Matthew 4:16; 6:22,23), the deeper and sharper the shadow becomes, so you can clearly see your dark side. You've got to know who you are and not play games with yourself. How to know your real self and how to get rid of the dark side in you and or bothering you with negativities.

Just by witnessing your dark side and how it can be influenced by demonic broadcasting, just by being aware of it and not hiding from it as Adam did.(Genesis 3:8-10), you dissipate it. Awareness of it is the key. You shine light on the dark side when your attention is on it.(Daniel 2:22; John 1:5), not that you get into such dark things as though they were an addiction to you, just that you are aware of what your dark side overall is like and what's going on in your life; what have your life patterns been up to now? It's an awareness of, not a fetish toward.
