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-After death, then what happens to our spirit?

Goes to God who contemplates what each of us has done.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."

Christians.(includes all those of love:.Romans 8:14).die in the physical, because they believe they do, so they 'go to sleep'.(1Corinthians 15:51; Psalms 13:3; Hebrews 12:22,23), but do live again in the physical, yet with greater qualities of being:.1Corinthians 15:53-55. This includes a likeness of their Creator, the true reality of them, their Soul:.Psalms 17:15. As long as they avoided the cabal's soul traps when they leave their physical bodies, they'll go to the throne of the true God of all love. God wants to be with His children and give them something, what?:.1Corinthians 2:9.

Some who have lived here on Earth and gone on, are in a state not of sleep, but of activity and appear here on Earth:.Luke 9:28-31.

Ancient patriarchs such as Abraham died and were buried, but they have appeared long after physical demise. We too can be as they are.

The Creator takes good care of everybody where they go.(Psalms 68:20; 116:15; 31:15; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Revelation 1:18; Ecclesiastes 3:21 with Acts 7:59; Zechariah 1:5).until and of course after they are resurrected. But in the meantime the spirits of us are looked after.

Thanks to what Emmanuel did, we can have confidence in that:.Ephesians 3:11,12 "According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Emmanuel our Lord. In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him." Ephesians 3:15 "Of whom the whole family in heaven and Earth is named.".So there is a family in heaven and Earth. 
   Job 14:14 "If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.(and he was not a stubborn cheapo in a restaurant)." John 5:28

The fear of death is not in the dying, nor is it in living thereafter. But the fear is really unfounded when one understands that all is frequency including us. Who of humanity has escaped this type of bondage? Until now we all die physically. The question is, what then? Will your particular frequency 'signature' again be you? Well, it depends:.Matthew 13:41 "The Son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity.".So, it's important to be growing spiritually and improving yourself so that you have some fruits of spiritual growth:.Matthew 7:16. And what would be the fruits of the spirit

The Creator is a deliverer. Anything you need deliverance from? Ask your Creator:.John 14:14; John 5:24; James 5:20; 1John 3:14

-Do we go to heaven after we die?

People, mostly religious ones, often are concerned when on their death bed, if they were good enough during life to get to this better place called heaven.

None of us on our own are ever good enough.(Matthew 19:17).and pure enough to be close with the Creator who is everywhere present if one is holy, righteous and perfect. None of us are of course and that's why the plan of God involved Christ. In Him you are just as perfect, just as holy, just as righteous.as is He. That's why we have an intermediary, Christ.

We are then not on our own and because the whole plan of God was as good as all done and finished for us.(2Timothy 1:9).right from the beginning, our puny and mostly ego filled works and even our sins, never did matter in the eternal scheme. They only mattered to us being hurt by them. But now:.1Corinthians 6:19 "...you are not your own.".But still left with all character faults that are necessary so you would have something to work against to develop the character needed for what's to come.(2Corinthians 2:9).and for gaining a reward as we work through the times of our lives.

The heaven religion has flogged is more of an eternal assisted living home, a place where further transformation ceases; such a boring existence to look forward to. It's just not true! Hell and heaven are made right here on this Earth.

The only life that escapes death.1) 2), is the life connected to the source, the Soul of all by means of the spirit that is in man. A living in higher consciousness today guarantees continued living in the physical, not growing old.(Isaiah 40:28,31), still looking young and why not, one's cells are completely renewed every year or so. They are renewed with the same pattern a person believes about himself.(I'm old, I'm wrinkled, I'm not well, I'm poor, I'm sick, no one cares for me, etc.; no wonder the person is on the death highway!), so one has the same scars, the same wrinkles, all because one continues believing about himself what he has believed about himself. He's in a prison of low consciousness and sees no way out.

Heaven really is this world plus love.(?); a loving existence, found by entering the realm of higher consciousness:.1Corinthians 15:47.

When you die who goes? The you when you were 10, 30, 80 or what? The real you is your timeless spirit. If you are 30, you have 'died' 15 times as your body is completely renewed every approximately 2 years; a new set of skin every 6 weeks, a new liver every 3 months, a new stomach lining every 4 days, same nose, hair color, etc., but all the cells are renewed.

The reason you are remade every 1-2 years with the same scars, etc. is because of the memory in the invisible record of your being, but this can be changed once understood that all is frequencies, all is dynamic and subject to change, all is in various invisible shapes subject to change by what is one's predominant outlook on things that attention is on.

We live in a universe of invisible knowledge, which is built upon and which manifests in the 'slowed down' frequencies of that knowledge.(all is energy and it's all intelligent).which is the world we know by the five senses, a realm of knowledge potential within the invisible:.Ephesians 3:10 "To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heaven.(the invisible).might be known by the church.(those having intuition and clairvoyance thanks to the Creator flowing within them {a.k.a..higher consciousness, the consciousness of love}:.Luke 17:21).the manifold.wisdom of the Creator.".Example

The physical body leaves, drops out of the Soul at death if an individual has chosen to leave existence on the Earth. The Soul is always there holding the knowledge of the person and even objects that may have disappeared. All knowledge about anything and everything that ever has been is in this knowledge field, often called the Akashic Record.

Once a person deems the body as no longer usable it will then soon be gone. But, it didn't have to be so. People choose to go, mostly because they have been living mentally with the ways of death.

So, it's important to be both positive minded and helpful to others, otherwise you may be taking yourself down and eventually out. However, knowledge in the grid, the invisible grid, also known as the Soul, connecting all we know and all that exists that we are not consciously aware of, is always there. That's why materialization of objects and people, resurrection of them, can happen."Any object always has its reflection in the area of information.(word information is more properly called 'knowledge'). Be interested in the object your attention is on.(otherwise it's a cursory or meaningless attention). This way you contact the object and are able to get access to all spheres of control. To receive information on an object, find a necessary point of concentration and tune up yourself.(by being always alert and by remote viewing). Then you will be able to contact any object."....Grigori Grabovoi.."The field is all around us.(because it's a connected universe), which when in resonance with its power becomes ours."....Gregg Braden.

If I ask you who was your first friend or who, apart from your parents and siblings, did you first kiss when you were a kid, you bring this information into your mind from the invisible field of information, called the Akashic record.

Here this storage structure is non material, non physical.(for example, memory is not even considered in the crackpot.theory of evolution). In this non physical storage structure information is maintained on what is the real you, your spirit connected with the Soul
Before I asked about the first individual you kissed, where was this memory? It was only available in your spirit.(the invisible frequencies that make up you).as potential, but available in the structure which is connected to all other invisible structures, connected invisibly to everything and this from where matter comes into existence and how mind, meditation and sound can produce matter. Learn from Dr Steven Greer's videos.

What about not being able to remember any life before being born? 

Spirit cannot grow old or get ill. The body's cells are like spirit. As long as nothing interferes with them they can reproduce forever, even reverse aging. If fact, the body is spirit energy of a different configuration, sort of a 'slowed down' form of it, for lack of a more accurate explanation.

Results show up on the physical plane because of what a person allows to program his or her mind and henceforth belief. That's why the Bible teaches about guarding one's mind.

Your soul is likened to the space that the building occupied. The space is still there after the building is gone. But how did we come here with no memory of our existence as spirit since the beginning of us? There was no beginning of us, just as there was no beginning with the Creator. All in that realm exists without interruption and we are an expression of that realm.

One's memory of the past is allowed to be wiped out by the invisible cabal, the dark side spirits. It was all part of Satan's control over Earth.

When one comes into the physical, the past is unimportant to us, at that time, but it's all still there in the Akashic record. You'll be able to access those memories once the vail is lifted from you, like a heavy blanket one can't see through at the present time:.2Corinthians 3:16. You'll then recall your previous lifetimes. There are hints

Life is for progressing in the things of the soul, that is, your soul connected to the Soul.(small 's', us, connected to large 'S', God). Only what an individual becomes from living in the present is important for now. The score is being kept. How?.Daniel 7:10; Revelation 20:12. The score will be tallied, but the tally will be good once one becomes spiritual and all will, except....John 17:12.

From where does appreciation of beauty, inspiration, memory, will and intention come from?

When you die the physical body that was in your spirit.(your spirit is that which animates you {the part of the Soul you actually are because of your connection with it by your spirit} and without which the physical body is what we call 'dead', even though the spirit can't die, living on in a more interesting, exciting and creative world, a world of frequencies human beings can't see):.Luke 16:26 "And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed.(who fixed it to be this way?), so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot, neither can they pass to us, that would come from there." Ecclesiastes 12:7 "Then the dust returns to the Earth as it was and the spirit returns unto God who gave it."

Once people 'pass on', the Creator eventually keeps all our spirits somewhere under His care, in His world, a world of different frequencies of existence from those on Earth, a world from which we came, a world of incredible powers possessed by both good and evil angels.

Were we the angels that turned against God? God in His great plan of redeeming all things, created the Earth for an experience for us to be willingly brought back. Angels are created beings, as are all things including us:.2Corinthians 5:18; Ephesians 3:9; 1Peter 1:12

This world of God is a world that will eventually comprise Earth, to which the Creator will again fully come, in a body, that body being a group of high consciousness individuals; but for some others...

The Creator was here before:.Genesis 1:26. Adam and Eve didn't want Him around and neither did most of the people back then:.Jeremiah 44:16,17. And, neither do some of the people today want God around. Why were they like this? So, God then went into hiding; 'you don't want me at your party so I'll leave'. 

So, who then can be saved?.Matthew 19:25,26.

Life for us is like a fish, that is, the fisherman, God, has us all in the pond and is waiting with his line and hook to see is a fish will bite. The fish do bite because they want what may be on the hook, food or what looks like food. They want this because they want to keep living. So, the fish gets hooked and now realizes he's being reeled in to somewhere and that's toward the boat where the fisherman is. Likewise, God is reeling us into His family, one by one. But, the fish wants to stay in the water, so he thrashes and pulls to get away from it all. The fisherman reels in a bit, then allows the line to slack a bit for a short time, then reels in a bit more, until finally he is able to catch the fish. We often move toward God in the same way. That's why we have the Earth experience.

The Creator takes good care of our spirits after death until He is ready to have them animated through a new body, a body this time composed not of flesh and blood, but of spirit and love; for nothing will be in His kingdom (government) that is not of love. So our spirits after death stay in Creator's good hands, until the resurrection or until it's decided to have him come back to Earth again where one progresses faster spiritually.

Acts 2:34 "For David is not ascended into the heavens....."

Acts 13:36. And David was a man greatly endeared to God:.1Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22. One would think that David would be where Enoch, Elija

Only the Creator.(and those in His family and, the Creator is a family).have eternal life:.1Timothy 6:16.

John 1:18 "No man has seen God at any time.(why? because God is the intelligent unformed substance behind everything, so none who are physical can see this Creator-Father called.the Silence; but God has been seen and this because God is a family and there are others of the God rank in it); the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him." 1John 4:12 "No man has seen God at any time....."
1Timothy 6:16 "Who only.(of men, because God the Father is there too).has eternality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man has seen, nor can see....." 
John 3:13 "And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." And even He was 'asleep'.(died).for three days and three nights:.Mark 8:31.

BUT, some have seen Him. How does this figure? None have seen the Father:.John 1:18 "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.".Why, where is the Father?

Hebrews 12:22,23 "But you are come unto mount Sion and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels...To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect.".Maybe the Great Infinite One keeps our spirits by His throne somewhere, who knows? But they are very precious to Him:.Psalms 116:15.

Psalms 115:17; 146:4, but, for those who are spiritually minded, those having the attitude of love, which is the attitude that shows evidence of God's nature in them.(called in the Holy Bible in the New Testament.era, as those having received His Holy Spirit).Emmanuel says:.John 17:24; Luke 23:43. And for some in Old Testament times as well:.Mark 9:2-8

The Great Infinite One will make a new heaven and Earth: Revelation 21:1 "And I saw a new heaven and a new Earth, for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea."

Whether we actually ever get to visit any physical place called heaven is doubtful, as to visit a physical place one has to be of physicality, having the five senses and Creator-God is spirit, so that fixes that idea.

If you want to meet the Creator-God?.John 4:24 "God is a Spirit and they that worship.(what is worship?).him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

God is in high consciousness knowledge and is that knowledge. If you have knowledge of high consciousness, God is right there:.Romans 1:28 "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge..." Romans 7:25 "...with the mind I myself serve the law of God..."

No physical place could even begin to contain the Creator. Why

This place called heaven that we think is some physical or spiritually constructed place, is not what we think it may be. Is heaven where God now is?.Revelation 21:3 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God."

But you can today 'see', that is, sense, that the Infinite One is with you. Some few can even see into the invisible world of the family of the Creator.

And you can get God's help into your life:.2Chronicles 15:2.

As Dr. Wayne Dyer has said."power comes from taking responsibility".

From.The Door of Everything.by Ruby Nelson, Part One, The Vision, Chapter 1:."If you would become conscious of my presence, look squarely in my face; stretch your mind and heart and take a long, thorough, independent look, I will be everywhere staring boldly back at you. If you look at the sky you will know that I am blue, if you look at the night you will know that I am black, if you look at a leaf you will know that I am green. If you look at the midday sun I will dazzle you with my brightness. If you look into the eyes of your husband or wife, you will see me twinkle. If you look at the ground on which you stand, you will know that it is holy. Every particle of dirt under your feet is a manifestation of my consciousness expressing in matter and in the microcosmic structure of this dirt exists the unchallenged pattern of my universal perfection. If you could behold these particles of dirt with extended vision you would see that they are vibrant with my eternal Light.

"This radiant Light of my presence is in all things, from the lowly week to the stately trees to the most opulent galaxies, far-flung in space. The kitten curled up in your lap is as much a part of me as the baby on your knee... All the while, I am so close to you I have been overlooked, you have taken me for granted until you no longer recognize me. As you reach outward hoping to find me, I hide in your mind, your heart, your soul, I hide in the consciousness within you... learn to draw from my resources... My presence as your inner consciousness is just as infinite as my unending presence in the cosmos all around you... Like an iceberg on the sea, nine-tenths of which is out of sight, I live within you in the form of mind with nine-tenths of me being submerged beneath your awareness.

"When you have learned to elevate this submerged mind and integrate it with your surface consciousness, your entire being will take on its holy nature and you will come to find that, as Emmanuel taught, it is indeed not robbery to be equal with God... Your submerged mind extends into the central area of feeling, the heart. I live also in your heart as a reservoir of love that is immeasurable. Your hopes and dreams and high aspirations rise up from this reservoir of feeling; they are the echoes of my still small voice, bursting through to your surface mind like notes of music springing out of the silence, forever urging you onward toward more prolific expression of your hidden skills and talents... mind and heart have always worked together to form a powerful force. When thought combines with feeling.(*), activity is set in motion, things are brought about. The more intense the feeling, the greater is its active force."

Is this what God thinks of the world?."It is because of this misuse of thought and feeling that my planet Earth has been perverted.(the universe was created good, man too:.Ecclesiastes 7:29; the underlying energy that becomes and sustains all we see and know, 'percolates' up into us from this underlying unified field; however, it is our preconceived ideas that alter these frequencies of good into a warped experience containing things we call evil in our lives and in society, the things we do not want because they are not good.{*}). In actuality, it is a perfect world which I prepared with tender care and filled abundantly with my presence. However, since thoughts and feelings are living forces and my children have let their thinking sink to imperfect levels.(we started off ok, slipped into bad and got worse, unsane.as it were:.Romans 6:20-22; Psalms 37:37), imperfect conditions are in operation, abounding and rebounding, superimposed, as it were, over my beautiful planet like a sinister spiderweb.

"Divine omniscience.(all knowing).is a living part of every soul on Earth. He.(Emmanuel).called this center the Father consciousness and taught that He who is within you is stronger than any power without:.1John 4:4. The creative power of thought and feeling originating in the submerged mind is ten thousand times.(according physicist Dr. John Hagelin, it's actually millions of times more fundamental and more powerful than the nuclear force).as great as the creative power of thought and feeling originating in the surface mind... destructive.(ego generated).forces... can be overcome by anyone who learns the truth of how to integrate the surface mind with the Father consciousness. When I created you in my image and likeness, I made you perfect and placed you in a perfect world. I gave you a mind which is Whole.(but you don't know your soul, or even that you have one) and One with me. Within that one mind, however, are many rates of vibration, resulting in many levels of consciousness."....from.The Door of Everything.by Ruby Nelson, Part One, The Vision, Chapter 1. More.

The Infinite One says He is a God of the living:.Matthew 8:11; 22:32. This is referring to the resurrection of the dead:.Mark 12:26.

The Creator looks after those that are His. Our spirits are precious to Him:.Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36. Apparently.(John 1:18 just above).they are not actually with God at His throne, but it does say 'man' and once resurrected, you no longer have the physical body. So, whatever. 

Most of us, like those in the past, will await a resurrection, asleep, awaiting our reward. Forty years after the event Peter distinctly makes mention of it:.2Peter 1:16-18. We are now progressing toward and will one day also, shine with that glory, that brightness:.2Corinthians 3:18 "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 

What about Moses and Elijah.(Elias).talking with Christ in the transfiguration? Doesn't this prove we go to be with Him right after death?

And what about Emmanuel saying that in His house are many mansions?.John 14:2.

And what about.1Peter 3:19 where it says that through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ went and talked to the spirits in prison?

And what about what Emmanuel said in His prayer in John 17:24

And what about the last book in the Bible talking about 'man' in heaven?

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.
It's the life in your years."....Abraham Lincoln
