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O r g a n i z a t i o n s  T h a t  H e l p
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Do the needy of the world find hospitality andThe Hunger Project hope in the sunny rooms of your grace blessed soul? Union with God provides the practical energy which issues in multiplied services for humanity."....Jowett..Isaiah 58:11; John 7:38; Daniel 4:28-37.
-Elimination of wars and terrorism

-Elimination of human trafficking, child prostitution and pornography, children working long hours in 'sweatshop' manufacturing plants, common in third world countries.

-Elimination of the lack of an enthusiastically positive minded intuitive creative imagination. Increasingly, people are living vicariously and as in a stupor, perhaps due to filling time that should have been used for parental involvement. Qualities including learning and thinking are being left of with for excessive video games playing and/or TV watching. Are people becoming duller?.Proverbs 27:17. One thing needed is more intelligence, to avoid becoming one of the 'living dead'.

-Elimination of racism.

-Helping in all ways they can.

Unable to effectively converse and lacking helpful interaction, many people have relegated themselves to an increasingly permanent personal and depressing system of solitude.

Today people increasingly respond in ways that makes one wonder if anything at all is interesting to them; so why bother of further involvement, like 'leave me alone man, I'm livin' my own way':.Proverbs 18:24.

-Elimination of exploitation of others by governments.(meaning they govern you, not truly administering the public's wishes, but rather, ways inimical to best interests of society).and corporation 'greedco's' as they have been called:.Deuteronomy 15:7-18; Proverbs 28:27.

-Elimination of the lack of housing and beds. All coming with the GESARA Act President Donald J. Trump is involved in. If people lived in a not so tightly controlled society, they could afford the time to learn how and to build their own home and all without hurting them financially. But, however, there are advantages for others in maintaining the status quo and those others far behind the scenes are often tied close to those in government and banking. Consider a yurt.(yurts.com).or a home of cob. Type into YouTube for more. Check out 'Tiny Homes' as well, when there. Or just wait. You'll have all the advantages of GESARA.

-Elimination of nutritional disparity

-Elimination of the unemployed and the inadequately paid employed

-Elimination of economies that preclude everyone's basic needs being met

-Elimination of the need for pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and other harmful 'cides' which means 'kill'. Although this need may never be completely eradicated, alternative/organic farming and/or control methods should be pursued in the interests of health as quickly as possible.

-Needed are governments staffed by those who put people first and that won't happen until people effectively monitor whom they elect to represent them. 'Represent' or 're-present' means to 'present again' as people's wishes move up the chain through those they have elected toward implementation of their wishes. If their wishes are not followed, then find out why not. If it's found out that it was because of selfish reasons, then he or she is removed from office immediately.

-For The Love of Children Society Calgary, Alberta, Canada.(fortheloveofchildrensociety.org). With a worldwide reach, they provide children with what normal health care doesn't cover and lots more. Ashid Bahl started this very helpful group some 35 years ago while still working at the Calgary airport from where he just retired as head of Customs there. As he's done for over thirty years, he still personally goes to see children in any country that needs the help they continue providing, taking with him money and medical supplies giving them directly to those using it strictly for the good purposes of children -- schools are being built and childrens' needs are being looked after very well in many countries of the world thanks to him. No middle man means nothing is siphoned off. As Ashid says."It all goes to the children. We take care of the expenses within our own active group.".This is one group I support:.Isaiah 58:10 "And if you draw out your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall your light rise in obscurity and your darkness be as the noonday."

-Ty Hafan, Children's Hospice of Wales.(tyhafan.org/), is a charitable appeal formed to build, equip and run a Children's Hospice.(shelter for lodging the destitute).in Wales to provide care for terminally ill children.

-Real help for Africa.(brasschecktv.com/page/452.html)

-Working to restore natural habitats in the U.S.A., the National Audubon Society.(audubon.org)

-Samaritan's Purse.(samaritanspurse.org).helps by using 100% of donations received; administration costs are looked after by those in the organization

-Another group that helps humanity, metroministries.com

-And on the corrupt side: America's worst charities.

Never has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering!
"I am only one; but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do
something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." ...Helen Keller
"I have an irrepressible desire to live till I can be assured that the world
is a little better for my having lived in it."
...Abraham Lincoln 16th president of U.S.A.,
Was he a cabal communist as it appeared from some of his actions or was he trying to change
the system from within it? He was assassinated. Did the cabal find out his real purpose?.