But, do not become
for another; that is, responsible for him or his affairs:.Proverbs
11:15 "He that is surety for a stranger shall smart
for it, and he that hates suretyship is sure" Proverbs
6:1-3 "My son, if you be surety for thy friend or if you have stricken
your hand with a stranger.(made
an agreement), you are snared with
the words of your mouth, you are taken with the words of your mouth. Do
this now, my son and deliver thyself, when you are come into the hand of
your friend; go, humble yourself and make sure.(solve
the issue before you get hurt by it).your
Proverbs 17:18 "A man
void of understanding strikes hands and becomes surety in the presence
of his friend." Proverbs 20:16
"Take his garment that is surety for a stranger....."
And did you know the reason
why not much ever changes with a change in government? Because it's the
same basic programming
in humanity, all of us, that doesn't change, until of course more and more
of us move to a higher consciousness. That's why it has been said for yeard
that 'we get the government we deserve'. Man's base programming is such
that his selfishness spills over into all he does. So, we are still moving
from people in nations being taxed into slavery.
Corporations owned by shareholders
exist to make profit by following policies shareholders have approved.
And it's the shareholders who often want control who do it by shares in
the corporation. Who are the shareholders of your city, your police department,
the utility corporation, etc. And so it carries on up the ladder of corporate
control to the corporation laying down the overall corporate rules. There
was a time when corporations must dissolve after, I think it was,
38 years. Little by little the little guy is held captive in various ways
to what seems his lot
in life.
Some corporations are honest,
fair and helpful and then there's the others.
The negative mass
mind of humanity which always leads by sinister
means, always a hidden greed/control agenda
and usually, not always, part of that is, to use undue advantage
in attaining an end result at the expense of something and/or someone;
not out to really benefit those not of the corporation. See the docuseries.Dirty
subscribe to Emails from naturalnews.com and
others here which can inform you. And this same nature is an outcrop
of the mass mind which every one of us has contributed into. Don't blame
others. Blame yourself. We all have caused the negatives and we are the
ones who need to fix our
attitudes of greed, selfishness and control, which have caused it by contribution
into the mass mind.
If you would be happy, stop
putting negatives into the pot of life.
Once we practice the golden
realize the principle that for every selfish up, there can
be a much greater in intensity
down, we have begun on the road to better tomorrows.
Selfishness tries to get
as much for as least as possible, for example, make it taste as good as
it can while it may do harm; not intending to do harm of course, just deceived
by the dark side
into doing it.
The whole system of greed
is a product of the darker side,
started by the invisible beings on the dark side based on selfish advantage
leanings in those minions
they control by bribery, brainwashing and blackmail.
Selfish advantage that is,
to hook you. The dark side cares not about any selfish advantage for them;
it's destruction of humans
where their efforts are centered.
The curse of humanity is
to gain control for selfish reasons. It hurts the ones wanting control
for those reasons and hurts the ones brought under control who need not
be. It's a trick of the dark side.
Rather than intelligently
deal with issues toward benefiting others.(part
of what love is),
men and women addicted to artificial prosperity remain headlong on the
road to a destructive future and by their efforts, are even contributing
to it, because they are deceived, getting their 'instructions' from the
mass mind.
Individuals grow up exposed
to it and therefore, become like it too. Humanity as a whole needs to work
on cleansing its heart:.James
4:8. And, the best way to do this is to get quiet and explore your
own personal dark side. The fact that you look at it instead of shoving
it away, dissipates
it, just by being aware of it.
We all have been steered
down the greed
river of no return,
being unable to clearly discern how to reverse the direction in which we
were going because of being deceived by the dark side. So, most people
are out for as much as they can get without giving, because they are uncaring,
eaten inside by the greed demon. It's our egos taking us on a journey to
provide cheaper, poorer quality things to increase profits for self. Such
are they that have not yet learned a higher consciousness, that of service
to others which activates the invisible law of abundance, the law of reaping
and sowing.
These low quality in consciousness
or no quality in consciousness people should be avoided, because they will
bring you also to negation;
negation in years wasted; negation in attitude, as one tends to become
like the atmosphere within which one consistently spends a great portion
of time. Every company, every family, is a combination of its attitudes.
Consumers buying products
get the attitude of the persons producing the product, that they with their
own consciousness found attraction toward. A person wanting higher consciousness
will aspire
to be as pure as that within him he senses.
Attitudes are the precursors
to formation of policies
and so we have corporate greed, deceit, cover ups, etc. because corporate
people are like the attitudes of the majority of ordinary people. We get
what we deserve
and we deserve based on what we are.
Attitudes are energy and
like any form of power can be used two ways.."Competence
and charisma
are important but executives
without character are disasters and scandals waiting to happen."
...Michael Josephson.
Companies even compete with
their employees, trying to get the sharpest deal for themselves and
It's a syndrome
of evil. This shows that those who run such companies have no idea of how
to bring it to great successfulness by utilizing
laws of the multiverse. Fact is, most of them are so steeped in antiquated
management principles, they do not have a clue about what these universal
love based principles even might be.
It's sad that employees are
often in slavery status earning poverty level wages, where the employees
have 'just enough' to feed themselves, cloth themselves, with a little
help from the Salvation Army and Interfaith Clothing stores.(thank
God for Christian type people), feed
themselves and get back to work. Seldom is there enough earned if you work
for them, to provide hockey equipment for the kids, vacations, family get
togethers, a necessary reliable vehicle, etc. And what must the employees
think of themselves to continue within an environment where billions that
never reached employees' hands are paid in taxes. A morally honest company
would allow the employees to have it and use it, where it would eventually
be taxed back anyhow at a rate approved by those being taxed that is fair
to all. But morality for many companies is sadly lacking, because companies
are simply a reflection of all our individual attitudes. Fixing things
to be better starts with each of us.
"Everyone's life is under
someone's control. It might as well be under your own so that you can direct
your destiny."....Harry
Tucker, Senior Enterprise Strategy Adviser, Microsoft.
Crap corporations.(worthless
to do good because they are greedy; so I call them 'greedco's).sacrifice
their employees welfare in order to present a better financial bottom line.
This is often the criterion,
but again, it's an outcrop
of all of us, our attitudes.
Remember the saying 'I looked to fix the problems out there and discovered
it was me':.Isaiah
56:11 "..greedy dogs which can never have enough...shepherds that cannot
understand...all look to their own way, every one for his gain,
from his quarter."
We are all 'tied to the
same dark side stick' as those running such embarrassing
corporations. Governments at all levels are corporations. And witin these
are some empty heads still allowing management practices based on principles
of the 1800's, where employee/employer interaction was segregated to the
point that employees were effectively left out of decision making. We all
have caused this by our attitudes affecting negatively the overall consciousness
of humanity.
An educational
system that is also of the
mass mind, where the
higher spiritual principles of living are not being taught, cannot
give us effective hope for better tomorrows.
I have seen it often. Cuts
made, the execs look good, they get amply
rewarded for their 'efforts' which caused reduced wages to those workers
on lower ends, lesser quality products for the consumer and these execs
hang in for a few years and then they are dumped when it is finally realized
just how dumb their decisions have been and where those decisions have
brought the company. Then another dude is brought in by the same 'bored'
of directors and low and behold, a few years later, bingo, same thing.
Greed prevents wisdom toward effective guidance.
So how does one determine
if a company head is going to be any better than the last?
If the corporation is not
guided by a head who has enough smarts to ensure that greater service is
inspired to be provided by those working for the corporation, the corporation's
interaction with those they deal with will dwindle
until the corporate head is gone.
The only way to ensure sustenance
is to provide greater and consistent service to the public. Once higher
consciousness directions are set and pursued, it is wonderful what new
vistas become available for consideration. Life becomes interesting and
exciting for all within these purposes.
4:22 "For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish.(stupified
by the mass mind).children
and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil but to do good
they have no knowledge."
Lack of vision leads to negativity:.Proverbs
29:18; Ecclesiastes 5:13;
Ecclesiastes 9:3.
The Inner Ring: This comprises
the 5-10 percent of people in upper management who are looked upon as leaders.
They are the anointed, the chosen few. They are the ex-athletes, the good
looking guys and gals, the kids from wealthy families.
Fringe Ring: This is the
10-15 percent who are looked upon favorably by upper management, but aren't
quite 'sharp' enough to be among the top echelon.
They are the middle managers, some of them bullies,
who aspire to break through and become accepted by the 'Inner Ring' Gods.
Nondescript Ring: This is
the rank and file, the roughly 70 percent who do the grunt
work and are often forgotten by the Inner and Fringe Rings. They play the
game dutifully, but, for the most part, realize that achieving Inner Ring
or Fringe Ring status is beyond their reach. Most are servile,
nameless blurs who kowtow
to members of the superior rings. They have been imprisoned by their own
Outcast Ring: This is the
bottom 10 percent, which includes some very intelligent people who are
seen as a threat to the superior rings. Those in this group are usually
task oriented and not as slick as those in the superior
rings, so they are used and discarded when they are no longer valuable.
No camaraderie
Those at the top of the corporate
ladder hopefully are learning to think 'outside the box' of ancient structural
control mechanisms.
For ages kings and rulers
have drenched the world in blood as they conquered more and more, not so
that they would be able to help people, not so other people would have
better opportunity to become all they could, but rather to get all they
could for themselves, because they were greedy and selfish and knew nothing
of the spirit in all men that they
came with, the spirit that goes on forever, the oneness
of spirit that enables them to think and be a member of humanity, a
member of one another by means of the sea of energy we all are in. Such
kings and rulers had no idea how they were affecting their spirit, themselves,
their families and others, as far as their continuous living into eternity,
but Creator-God is merciful:.1Timothy
2:4 "Who will have all men to be saved
and to come.(Acts
the knowledge of the truth." Psalms
103:10,11 "He has not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us
according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the Earth,
so great is his mercy toward them that fear
The outcrop of this is an
insane greedy scramble to acquire increased power for control and like
the dictators and the cruel and selfish kings of old, they too will go
into a forgotten past of uselessness; uselessness because they believed
they are engaged in a limited life, for a limited resource amount and saw
greed and control as the mechanisms to bring them fulfillment of their
selfish desires. They, having similar attitudes of those of old, will also
pass on:.Psalms
136:15-17 "But overthrew
Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea, for his mercy endures for ever.
To him which led his people through the wilderness, for his mercy endures
for ever. To him which smote great kings, for his mercy endures for ever."
The reason Creator-God has
mercy is because He is all powerful:.Isaiah
40:17 "All nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to
him less than nothing and vanity.".Talking
here about Creator's power as compared to man; not talking here about Creator's
concern for man.
Be like those bright enough
to have learned lessons of history. The spirit of greed displaces creativity,
effectively removing one from the laws of the multiverse that ensure what
one wants for himself, he wishes for everyone and works to that end.
Wisdom has bypassed greed
people because of their motivations. The bottom line often takes
in many companies over employees producing it:.Proverbs
the original)."He
that oppresses the poor to gain selfish advantage of the rich, puts himself
into lack." Ecclesiastes 3:19.(from
the original)."For
that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts, even one thing befalls
them; as the one dies, so dies the other; yea, they have all one breath.
Man has no preeminence
above a beast; this is vanity.".From
the original,.Solomon
who wrote this verse knew that the difference between a man and a beast
is beyond the physical. It is in the mind and by what ideas people allow
themselves to be governed by.
The only way to hire the
proper people is to be sure that the one(s) doing the hiring is/are
motivated, so that the people served come first, so that the employees
serving the public are dedicated, loyal
employees who do their utmost in service. To get this type of employee,
corporations need to learn from
a corporation that believes that its people individually can accomplish
anything and together, accomplish more.
A corporation is like a family
and should progress toward an ideal family where everyone is helped, everyone
is taught on how they can contribute more efficiently and effectively and
'dad' shares equally with all those in it whom he knows are providing efforts
to the best of their ability, as compared to 'using' his children for his
own greater gain, which by and large is the norm amongst those still basing
corporate philosophy on 18th century management principles.
Many universities have moved
away or are moving away from the old management techniques.
It is so important to take
the time to find out what employees really feel about their jobs and the
company. When employees feel that what is being done doesn't make sense,
it renders enthusiasm ineffective.
Seldom are employees trusted
most management is out of touch with their pool of people or just aloof).to
use their brains.
To increase the passion in
people, which is the only thing that will solidly advance any company and
hold it in a growth pattern, is to run it like Semco and even improve upon
Out of control governments
of which most in the western world are corporations, fall into the same
These are administrations with no oversight by the populace; unlike the
the way, Communism
was not a government that represented, nor cared for people. It was a
demonic trick to acquire and maintain control in the hands of fewer
people for their selfish advantage. With fewer people at the top,
there can be tighter control.
How can you know who these
greed motivated corporations and governments to avoid are? Matthew
7:16. Ask yourself, Is working where you are now, making you feel like
you are increasing in all areas of your life, mentally.(do
you have the time to gain
more knowledge, not just of work, but of improving as a person),
working there excite you or depress you?)
and spiritually.(do
you feel you are becoming a person of higher standards by working there?)?
A recent study on the minimum
wage found that it was virtually impossible for those working at that level
of remuneration to live even reasonably well. What is the minimum wage
in your area? Are people able to live well on it?
If a corporation is paying
income tax instead of letting the money flow back to the government out
of the hands of their employees, well then, you have a 'greedco' or 'greedgov'.(greedy
corp, greedy government:.Proverbs
I like to call 'em; no doubt headed by selfish corrupt and uncaring people
at the top, who concern themselves not with the long term viability of
the corporation/country and its employees/citizens, but with the infamous
'6 month bottom' line mentality, make it look good at each reporting period
over a few years, get your bonuses for cutting costs, etc, as we have discussed
above and again, all on the backs of employees through cutting their wages
and/or reducing benefits. You are then a hero to the shareholders and other
execs in 'manglement'.
Instead of dividing it all
to the employees, apart from some retained earnings, shareholders' portion,
etc., which would increase their lifestyle and benefits; doing all possible
to be sure you have the happiest and best trained and best paid work force,
such misdirected companies pay it up front to the fed.
If the employees would have
first received these shared profits, they would spend a lot of it into
society and all society would have benefited. From here it could be eventually
taxed back anyway, if necessary for overheated economic areas in order
to bring things back into balance. But instead, you have the 'educated
ignorant' choosing other ignoramuses
who are selected by the board of destructors to 'lead' corporations for
their own mutual selfish gain interests on the way down the road to mounting
corporate problems toward eventual crippling or destruction.
Employees are a 'dime a dozen'
to these sloppy
companies who just run 'em through and dump 'em later. Directors of such
corporations are murderers in that they have placed themselves out and
away from the blessings of the Creator. Contrast Toyota. Once hired as
an employe and after proving oneself, one is assured of a lifetime job
with the company, a company that even subsidizes house purchases for employees.
Comment from an employee
working at a 'crap' corporation:."I'm
working for one of those greedy 'crap' corporations that cares for only
their bottom line and I'm at the point of holding myself back from just
quitting. I signed on with them before I researched what they were really
like. I'm in two minds about leaving. Some days things are better but they
are increasingly fewer and far between. I'm not sure what to do at this
Evil corporations have placed
themselves into a dark path that will severely hurt them, but into a path
where the execs may be bought out of position later for millions of dollars,
just to get rid of them so they won't continue to soak up average pay 300
times more than workers.(search
for the video at consumerwarningnetwork.com 'ceos make 300 times average
workers salary'). So we have poor quailty
executives moving on to other corporations and carrying on with hurting
others in some way, until they too are paid off just to get rid of them.
Now you see why it's imperative
that employees control the company they work for. It is here than true
transformational leadership can occur. Transformational leadership being
defined as leadership that arouses emotion, leadership that taps into the
emotional and spiritual resources of an organization, leadership that realized
it's part and parcel with those needing kind, generous and helpful leadership,
leadership that seeks for all others to raise to the level of prosperity,
health and intelligence that is comprehended.
"Transformational leadership
empowers people to greatly exceed their previous levels of accomplishment."....Brian
When the corp you work for
talks of teamwork do they mean that they are the team that controls you
and the employee doing the work?
All a corporation does should
ensure that lives affected become better. There is no other way
to have any kind of a lasting successful endeavor.
Nature's way is to rid the
environment of those things out of balance. A corp out of balance will
eventually be gone, either sold, closed or dwindled down to nothing, perhaps
by a competitor.
Semco Inc. of Brazil
is one of the world's most continuously successful corporations. Semco
is owned by Ricardo Semler
who is also a good educator, believing in teaching employes to use commonsense.
says:."The purpose
of work is not to make money. The purpose of work is to make the workers,
whether working stiffs or top executives, feel good about life."
"I don't want to know where
Semco is headed. It doesn't unnerve me to see nothing on the company's
horizon. I want Semco and its employees to ramble through their days, to
use instinct, opportunity and ingenuity to choose projects and ventures."
"I believe in responsibility
but not in pyramidal hierarchy. I think that strategic planning and vision
are often barriers to success. I dispute the value of growth. I don't think
a company's success can be measured in numbers, since the numbers ignore
what the end user really thinks of the product and what the people who
produce it really think of the company. I question the supremacy of talent,
too much of which is as bad as too little. I'm not sure I believe that
control is either expedient
or desirable. I did try to reconstruct the company so that Semco could
govern itself on the basis of three values: employee participation, profit
sharing and open information systems. Participation gives people control
of their work, profit sharing gives them a reason to do it better, information
tells them what's working and what isn't."
Semco SA, has let its employes
set the terms of their employment: hours, wages, even their office technology.
Semco's distinguishing
feature is the utter liberation of its employes from the control of hierarchies
and the rigidity of uniform rules.
There is no contest between
the company that buys the grudging compliance of its work force and the
company that enjoys the enterprising participation of its employes.
Traditional pyramidal
18th century management practices have brought American, Canadian and many
other countries companies to where they are today, with their 'every six
month bottom line' concerns; money first and employees last is their creed.
Such principles of hierarchy
generate disgruntled
employes and selfish management practices. Many companies just do not produce
the best that is possible for them to produce and for many reasons, one
being greed as showed by planned obsolescence,
highly inferior products such as GMO
'food', etc.
One of the
cabal, John D. Rockefeller, industrialist did say at one time."The
ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee
and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun."
Unfortunately, often those
in topmost corporate positions are devoid of insight
necessary to be able to recognize such qualities. Not being humble, strong
and confident themselves, when good qualities are noticed in someone, they
may become jealous, avoiding the one exhibiting such admirable traits even
more, viewing him or her as a possible threat or preferring to keep them
as the working poor, slaves to the cabal's world controlling policies.
As a result, good people
under them move on because they see what idiots such corporate individuals
really are, example.
That is why there are so many people of talent leaving corporations today.
The corporation does not
listen to them with an ear to changing things = the corporation does
not care = it's a crap corporation or government.
Many of those in various
positions of corporate responsibility are out of fragmented families with
ass parents. They therefore see ideas like Semco's as anathema.
But such is the way of those
in corporations lacking ability of insight; instead relying upon psychological
tests, some of course which are good, but only when interpreted by someone
of magnanimous
character. Unfortunately in many corporations today, 'cover your ass' is
becoming the criterion
of prime concern. To them, hiding evils being done is better than foresight
ensuring they don't occur.
It is obviously time for
serious change! Toyota listened!
Most, not all, American companies are not humble
enough to 'listen'!.Proverbs
2:12-15; 3:33; 12:12;
8:5-7. Such are they who are too stubborn, too out of touch with reality,
too out of touch with employees, too arrogant
and too selfish at the top.
Selfishness blindfolds the
one possessing it, even though he or she thinks they possess great vision.
Continued 18th century traditional
hierarchial management practices.(and,
can you believe it, they are still being taught in universities today!!!).will
bring any nation to the breaking point. It is that serious. The
is a book to correct attitudes, a book for the reason
we are here, learning how to feed the good, however little one may
presently know, so it can grow.
The multiverse
is spirit. We are only half that way, depending on which half our attention
is on. There are two sides to all of us, such as the bad, which is the
road toward evil, where the lower consciousness things of
ego are activated: .Deuteronomy
30:15,19. Then there is the good side.(*),
which is living by higher
consciousness things of the spirit.
The difference between bad
people and good people is the bad are allowing themselves to be drawn onto
road to no good, no good for self and no good for others. They have
been enticed,
but don't in heart like the direction they are lured
into and quickly want to get back onto the good road. They have a
But what about
those that don't?
So, why do we have a dark
side? According to gene Decode.(*).in
a Question and Answer session, God created us all with a dark side so
we can recognize when something encountered
is trying to take us sideways, that is, take us off of and apart from the
spiritual road we hold as true and the health we have.(*).
Without that, we tend
to willy-nilly
accept things.(what
harm to us, which we have all done by stupidly.trusting
authorities which we assumed
were trustable.
Also we find out which side
we truly want at the time to be on by what we are attracted to. Is it the
of God or is it the pleasures of what seems good at the time:.Proverbs
14:12; Hebrews 11:27.
One's pure thoughts would
be good thoughts toward others without any alternate ones allowed to creep
in. This takes being alert
to what thoughts come to mind at all times and this shows where one might
be in his or her spiritual life:.John
When we have doubts about
something, it's an alert. Sideway pulls are a satanic trick, similar to
others; 'hey, c'mon over here and win a prize for the lady'. It's got
to look good to get you hooked or we would not even care about such enticements.
Just as an invisible
transfers energy from the pulsar to the nebula, so it is with thoughts
we may have. They produce according to their kind. A law of the multiverse
is that we reap what we sow.
It's also called the law
of compensation. Being on Earth is
a school for us where learning requires discipline.
The story of the 2 dogs;
one a gentle kind intelligent protective Collie,
the other a raging, ravenous Pit
one is you depends upon which one you feed. You make stronger the one
your attention is on and stronger yet, the side you take action on. One
takes you forward and the other backward:.Jeremiah
7:23-28 "But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice and
I will be your God and you shall be my people and walk you in all the ways
that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. But they.(speaking
of those way back when:.Exodus
44:16,17), nor inclined
their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil
heart and went backward and not forward...This is a nation that obeys not
the voice of the Lord their God, nor receives correction..."
30:19 "I call heaven and Earth to record this day against you, that
I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose
life, that both you and your seed may live."
It's the dark side of us
that shows us how far we've come away from it, unless one is still steeped
in it.
"Always attempt to be a
'higher animal'. The lower animal in you wants to wallow
in grandiosity,
and vengefulness.
Turn the tables on your low consciousness
motivated brain's attempt to hijack your higher reasoning by focusing on
the higher qualities.
'Mitfreude' is a German term that means being happy when others discover
happiness. The opposite word 'schadenfreude' is the German word for finding
pleasure in the plight
of others. When others are happy it benefits us all in the long run. This
is because we are social creatures living in complex social systems. The
more people who are happy for each other, the less likely people will become
violent toward each other."....Gary
Z McGee, Staff Writer wakingtimes.com
Gary 'Z' McGee is a former
Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher and is the author of.Birthday
Suit of God.and.The
Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers
of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.
Choosing towards being a
'higher animal' shows one wants to change, so necessary for having something
beyond the physical life. This is equivalent to seeking and when you seek
for the better, you find it:.Matthew
7:7 "Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you find. Knock and it's
opened unto you."
"Learn to creatively live
or be violently devoured by life. We decide our own destiny. Choose wisely.
"These are traumatized
people, otherwise they couldn't do it, they wouldn't be that split. And
these are the people that our society rewards with power. Well that's a
sign of a traumatized society."....Gabor
"Wholeness is not achieved
by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration
of the contraries."....Carl
the side of the coin which shows, the side which gets amplified
at any particular
1:6; 2Timothy 1:14. In this,
one's character
is known by him or her and we get to know ourselves:.Galatians
4:18 "But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing..."
"Thoughts are spiritual
forces that come to us.(from
where?). There are positive and
negative thoughts. It's up to us to focus on the
good thoughts and separate permanently from the negative ones. The
better we are on Earth, the better it will be for us after we leave."....the
great healer Bruno Gröning.
So, if you have a negative
thought, oppose it immediately with a positive one, for example, if you've
reacted to a comment about your dress, making you upset, feeling inferior,
mad or any other negatives that the comment opened the door to, this is
the opportunity to replace the negative with the positive; 'They didn't
like the dress but at least they know I'm here'.
The Bible's messages
can be applied individually and corporately:.Revelation
chapter 18.
Visit Lou Pritchett's site.(loupritchett.com).
Lou Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer
Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years, made
corporate history as an 'Agent of Change' at P&G. He stood at the vanguard
of corporate futurists to challenge a hidebound
corporate giant to face the future by creating the future, thus ensuring
its continuing role as one of America's great corporate success stories.
But, most American and Canadian,
etc., corporations probably will not change.as
long as the present system works for them. Why fix it is often the
sound from management. They have long since left off correctly sensing
the pulse of the future, because they have lost their imagination for doing
best they can for others and show their lack of intuition by how they
treat employes and others. Look at the reputation of many companies. Consider
what their employes
think of them. Check them out before considering employment with them or
purchasing what they produce.
has been replaced by greed. Greed cuts off intuition and other higher consciousness
concepts. Greed is selfish demonic doctrine.(1Timothy
take a person and all he touches, down the
river of no return. Greed
is done by those not seeing this
law of the multiverse.
"How can you determine what
your values really are? Simple. Just observe your behaviors, especially
the things you do when you are under pressure. Your values are always expressed
in your actions. It is not what you say or wish or hope or intend, that
expresses your true values. It is only what you do. If you want to know
what your values are at this moment, you can examine your recent past and
notice the choices you made when you could have gone one way or another.
Your choices and your subsequent actions, demonstrated to yourself and
others what was of greatest value and importance to you."....Brian
Many large American companies
have visited Semco to learn of their
incredible employee loyalty
and success strategies.
At Semco the employees virtually
run the company, even determining what the bosses of various departments
get paid, including Ricardo, the boss.
Unusual corporate techniques
are revealed in the book about them, entitled
Maverick, by Ricardo
Semco's unique approach is
well worth reading for individuals concerned with their company's growth.
The book is available at local libraries.
A key to creativity and thus
success, is to begin in understanding how God thinks, which is shown in
God's mathematical
design throughout His creation.
Another key to creativity
is to not be afraid of being wrong. The pathetically
sterile modern corporate environment precludes
the openness necessary for creativity. Creativity flourishes
in an atmosphere where many things can be tried without fear of being wrong
and/or costing 'too much money'.
What is it with money anyhow,
that enough is always available for all that is related to evil,
wars and greed of those creating
wars and so many other evils, but not enough for peacetime purposes and
help for those with some great ideas? that is, until
now! The controllers of anything that in any way causes negatives upon
others have much to change from:.Habakkuk
2:8-10. And if they don't, they'll be taken out by the Alliance militaries,
which is happening now.
"A whole generation adopted
false principles and went to their graves in the belief they were enriching
the country they were impoverishing."....Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
I mean, money is man's
creation. I guess that's why, even though it is created out of thin air.(use
an Internet search engine to search for 'money as debt'),
it always comes with
a load factor.
How can you owe something to someone who makes it up? Speaking here on
the illegal 4x the purchase price you were conned into when you blithely
signed a mortgage document. Wake up!
The world, don't you think,
would be better off without the system of exchange which has been abused
to hurt so many and help so few. Why is it the idea of using money became
instead of the idea of love and helpfulness? Who was behind this con?.Revelation
12:9. We can see what use of it has produced by those grasping for
all of it:.Matthew
Now that their works of evil
are being eliminated, we can let their system, so easily used and manipulated,
move on out with them, choosing instead a
system that works for the majority, a system not available for those
of mind to negative control of humanity.
Search also for the video
'money masters'. Get educated because this stuff, like cancer and
health cures is out and away from broad public knowledge because people
in control don't want to change to a better way for the good of all if
they have a financial and other interest in the status
The principal of profit
sharing is good. We are to share freely in all the Creator has.(Psalms
8;4-6; Revelation 2:26; 3:21;
are even offered equality
with Him. Should we do less on Earth for others than has been done
for us? No! But less is done increasingly
by individuals and corporations that exist not for service, but who evidence
excuses for greed, a form of usury.,
backed up and used by the present corrupt justice/court/legal system.
The Creator gave us the waters
which produce hydroelectic power, but the common people are not served
by it unless at cost and this by the government people stupidly
Enthusiasm in the workplace
is exhibited by those liking their work. A great example
from Brazil. Is there anything wrong with eradicating the
system maintained today by self-serving managers who presuppose
that employees are more capable under 'management' than effective through
A boss who promotes and
thus places such a wisdomless individual over others is severely hurting
his company. I have known such managers who rejoiced when the company gained
an unfair advantage over a client. Rather than correct it to ensure the
companies long term continuance, they broke one of the major laws of business,
that of: Every time a gain is made at the disadvantage of another, one
has placed himself in position for greater loss. There is never
a 'gain' without equal benefit to another.
Motivation fired by inspiration.toward
common goal cooperative effort, produces
loyalty, innovation.(innovation
comes from enthusiasm),
and excellence in production. High
tech comes from examining the details of how nature functions.
The effective leader today
is one who functions with contagious
enthusiastic involvement and care toward all.
Concern for others gives
one power to be effective with them. Emmanuel cared so much for those on
this Earth, He came to save them to a way they would
found if He had not come.
The key to success is people
and being in line with the
Infinite Intelligence of the universe. An old German gentleman once illustrated
this to me in my younger years:."If
you removed all the people off the Earth, nothing would have value.".Without
people, there is no value to anything; so engage your efforts into getting
good at appreciating and caring for and investing in the most important
asset around which is others.
The proven less effective
1000+ year old 'force fed from the top' esoteric
religious style
management system based upon erroneous.assumptions
of men then that thought they understood Biblical principles, belongs in
a 'musileum'.(a
place to bury such ancient
Anyone using it today displays ineptitude,
soon showing on a company's bottom line.
If one is 'locked in' for
various reasons with a company that follows such horrendous management
principles, one should be honest and content
with his wages while seeking alternative avenues for work. Get out
quick. You will never go anywhere that is good for your life with a corporation
such as that.
A wise man generally gives
other people's opinions about as much weight as he does his own! Counsel
with others before making a decision.and.Ask
Wally Buono, CFL record
of 110 wins, former Head Coach of the Calgary Stampeders Football Team.(stampeders.com).knows
about a relationship with God:."If
you asked me today if I'm a religious person, I'd say no, because religion
a lot of times is tradition. It's repetition, it's do's
and don'ts. But the word of God doesn't talk about that; it talks about
a relationship, a personal intimate relationship, just like you would have
with your children or your wife or someone you care for. I have spiritual
beliefs. Whether you believe or not isn't important; it is whether I believe.
It's important to be complete and I can't be complete if all I do is work,
if all I think about is gaining possessions, if I think about myself only.
Does that mean I'm perfect? No. Am I going to make mistakes? Definitely.
It is a process. Fine gold does not become fine unless it is refined. But
I know today that I can face my challenges knowing I have an inner spirit
that's there and
real. Christ doesn't say the Alouettes.(competing
team in the CFL).are
going to win tonight and the Stamps aren't. There may be as many guys on
that team praying to God as on this one. God doesn't step on the field
and say 'Hey, I'm going to tip it this way for the Alouettes'. He gives
you the ability. What you do with it is up to you. You can lose and still
win in God's eyes.".From.The
Calgary Sun.(calgarysun.com),
Sunday, September 6, 1998.