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Is spanking torturing a child? No! It can save his or her life. It can be a little pain for a lot of gain, when it may be needed and that should be almost never with loving parenting:.Proverbs 22:6,15. How would you know if you're doing it right?

Spanking could be telling your kids you don't want them. Be sure of what you are doing when correcting them. Correcting means getting them back on the right course of life. What's that? The course of love. If the child was being on the road of harming another in some way, he or she was not being loving.

When I was spanked, I didn't know what I did was wrong, only that I must have done something. So, it's important to talk with the child first before spanking. Usually what a child may have done is not really serious, but may have been if he or she wasn't stopped, such as throwing rocks at other kids, pushing them in play where if the other child tripped he could have fallen onto something and been hurt. So, those sort of things. Teach them to respect others. Teach them to not be a doormat to others who are not loving. Teach them to say NO when necessary and to stay away from bullies. If you make a bully your friend, you'll become like him in the end.

Usually spanking is not necessary if the child is willing to listen and straighten out.

Do you know how to connect with your child's soul? No? Then you don't know how to connect to yours. Learn about it. It's all about love.

Love is so much more powerful than anything else. It reaches the soul. Love for children will provide special guidance to you to know how to deal with each of your children.

But sometimes and this is mostly 'because you are pressed for time' and in a situation that you think calls for immediate physical action, because you don't want to take the time to reach a child's soul just then, you resort to a little pain to underscore a lesson told so quickly to the child that he or she just doesn't get it anyhow. Avoid these situations that are confusing to a child.

And, though spanking can be an ordinary.(lower).consciousness way of dealing with children and can be of the ego level, there are those parents even below this.

These are those parents who do not care for their children.(bad moms.and.dads of old), instead being content to just let them grow up.(throw up). They don't bother themselves with teaching, loving and correcting their children when necessary, seeing no future but what 'the world may hand them'. They are in delusion, failing to think that explaining to the child will work wonders in reaching his Soul, choosing instead to just leave him alone, abandoned to programming of the mass mind, which includes bad ass schools, their bad ass teachers and horrible curricula:.Isaiah 55:8. It's no wonder then that many children develop criminal tendencies.

Such are they, both parents and their children, who don't even see themselves as part of the problem. Learn when and where spanking is beneficial. Don't know? Well, how about keeping him or her out of prison? If you, as a parent, don't correct him, the penal.system will, when he or she gets into serious trouble and then they will have a criminal record:.Ecclesiastes 8:11; Proverbs 22:6. Better to take care of small problems when they are small, than try to do it when it's now beyond you.

These are those who are of surface living and mind.."Great minds often discuss ideas. Mediocre minds discuss events making for a lighter conversation. Small discontented minds gossip, carp and gripe.".Surface living and thinking is of the low consciousness, that is, thinking and acting devoid of connection with the deep well of existence.

But dumb ass parents, who perhaps should have never become parents at this stage in their lives, will not see this. Dumb ass parents are those who fail their children, not just by sending them to dumb ass schools, but also by neglecting to envelop them with good thoughts and high quality friends, not realizing the power of good that high consciousness thoughts and environment can provide.
   The 'wonder' of these people is that they are so. . .duh! and never consider to the depth of reaching effectiveness that produces the best adults possible. Do your best always. Why?

Such are they that have no idea of the nature of the real ways of life, perhaps being filled with much misinformation from sources who themselves have been influenced by the dark side of the mass mind, the ways of the vast.majority of humanity.

Those who do not care for their children, often neglect their welfare by failing to alert them to bad behavior by their teaching of situations in life. Take children along with you so they can see how mom and dad deal with other adults in all kinds of situations.

Before a selfish, uncaring and stubborn attitude gets embedded in children is the time to train them up:.Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." 2Chronicles 22:3,4 "...his mother was his counselor to do wickedly...for they were his counselors after the death of his father to his.(the child's).destruction.".That is, when they are young and easily impressed is the time for training them, again, mostly by example.

Some parents are so dumb they easily yield to their laziness, when they think 'the kid will learn later as he goes through life and gets out there'. This is the design for a adult crippled by his background.

Like hello! Anybody in those 'dumb ass' heads? Do they not realize that right training in a loving home atmosphere will save children from so many heartaches and possibly prison or worse?.Ecclesiastes 8:11 "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.".Job 15:35; Psalms 10:4-11; 36:3; 50:19,20; Proverbs 12:1-8; 14:8; 20:17; 26:24-27; Jeremiah 5:23-28; 9:8,9; Hosea 12:7; Mark 7:20-23; Romans 1:29-32.

A laissez faire attitude.(non-interference in the affairs of others).of parents sets up a trend for destruction in their children.

Children in untenable situations at home should look to God who will take them into a better environment:.Psalms 68:6.

Dumb ass parents cause all of us to pay.."We all pay the price when improper or destructive parenting leads to things like drug use, violent rebelliousness.(such as is bullying), murderous rampages in schools, promiscuity or reckless and/or drunken teenage driving. Bad ass parents are a severe killer disease, a sickness as hurtful as any other, when their negligence results in others' deaths."....William Campbell Douglass II, M.D., www.clicks.douglassreport.com

It is criminal to deprive a child of a firm set of guidelines for his actions. Without them, he or she becomes ripe material for disaster and propaganda toward error, prostitution, gangs, drugs, car accidents, fights, danger at every turn and the fast 'me now, you, I don't care', nowhere life. Who can you blame because all children are born good?

Bullying comes out of love being smashed. If your love was smashed, the path is now seen as a way to smash another's love.(*):.Romans 7:14-25. It is parents and the life they stupidly allow their kids to grow up in that creates a pattern of bullying in them; that is, no discipline in the early years.(Proverbs 22:6,15), no training toward a good, helpful and unselfish path of care, concern and compassion. Allowing kids to be overrun.by means of a laissez faire.social.environment, leads to becoming a bully.

"Continuous good overcomes evil."....Bruno Groening.

A child needs to comprehend the two messages that are available through their soul when he or she needs to make a decision regarding something, such as, whether to take this path at the time or to take that one. Many call this 'knowing right from wrong' but it's not exactly that.

'Dumb assers' will never consider.(Psalms 50:16,17).the subtle things that can affect their children, things like Lt. Col. David Grossman discovered from much experience.

Delinquent youths have both immature senses of themselves and delinquent parents. They do not imagine themselves contributing positively to society in their future years, instead being concerned mostly with 'what's fun for the moment, what can add to my status now?'.Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keeps the law.(what law?), happy is he.".Another translation.(JPS).more accurate to the original, has it that."without vision, restraint is cast off.".And here the child must have wisdom.

Parents just must provide a child with direction, which includes enforcement of direction, until a child begins to see benefits accruing toward an ultimate goal. Parents must have enough care to keep their kids out of 'dumb ass' schools. Homeschool them.

Peer relations are important. Make sure your children are only around higher quality children of extensive morality.

A good church.(whatever that is to you at whatever point in life you may be now at).could be a place to consider as one where one may find such intelligent youngsters to fellowship with, but get to know the parents there too, because their children will be like them. Find out this first before committing your child into fellowship with other children. Their minds are too precious to leave unprotected, ready to be carved into whatever shape an evil environment demands; that is, away from your monitoring. Look, you got them for about 20 years or so under your influence to varying degrees at different ages. Do your best and learn to do even better!

Children cannot learn to relate in a loving way without following the example of right and wrong they see their parents living by. If a child is left to 'figure this out for himself', he is deprived of any wisdom a parent himself may have gained living life that could be imparted to him.

A child may think, 'These are my mom and dad; they wanted me, but now they don't treat me as though they ever did'. Have you any idea what that does to a child? Talk about feeling unloved!

If a child does not think it is important to not act like a egomaniac, then he might. That is why proper spanking as deemed necessary by the parent is so important for those who really do love their children.

With a wild child, many sessions of spanking and teaching over the course of his growing years may be necessary. With a milder child, only a few maybe. Every child is so different and so very precious that it is criminal for a parent not to do the best they can for their children's upbringing. So, how can you handle the differing approaches demanded by the individual personalities of each of your children?

Know this, all children require their hearts to be reached and that parents must find each child's path to his or her heart. Being in rapport with each child requires some effort. One thing a parent or parent can do.

A good parent concerned about his or her kid(s) will always act in the best interests of the child and not according to frustrations the parent presently may be experiencing.

Avoid being or becoming a 'dumb ass' parent. If you know of some kids with them, pray for the kids and the childish ignorant parents. Pray what comes to your mind when thinking about them.

Dumb ass parents are selfish parents, gaining time for themselves at the expense of what could instead lead to a quality future for their precious children. They sacrifice their children on the altar of selfishness, so ignorant are they.

Exposure to violence lays the groundwork for angry violent behavior. Add to this exposure, poor nutrition and selfish dumb ass don't care parents who function in a moral vacuum and what chance has the child got?

A major study in Dunedin, New Zealand, has shown that allowed and unpunished misdeeds in the early years predisposes a child to later criminality. A stupid 'to hell with tomorrow dumb ass' parent will simply allow the child to grow up and 'find his own way'. Yeah, right into prison! Non thinking people are so very stupid.

Children learn by observing how their parents and others treat them. Out of fear of punishment children learn control of initial angry impulses and retaliatory actions. Coupled with proper teaching, empathy, the basis of all moral behavior, is developed in them.

How many families talk about plans of doing good for others not of the immediate family and how many children are taught the meaning of the word compassion and what kindness means and honesty, patience, understanding, mercy, forgiveness and what things beauty.comprises, virtue and acts that are commendable?

Kindness cannot be learned in a vacuum. Involvement with parents and others is needed. A child needs to learn that doing what is generous and kind results in rewards of character. A child needs to see his parents and others doing such actions.

Listening to quality music.(different for all of us).with your children, aids them in developing greater intelligence in mathematics, spatial reasoning and problem solving skills. ...Adolescence, Winter, 1999.

Violent TV and movies and video games trains kids how to hate, how to institute revenge, how to threaten others, how to learn to view death as not being at all serious and how to cause harm to and even physically hurt another. These are the traits of bullying.

But others get harmed all the time, just look at the military, one might explain. Such are they who use psychological.generalities.

For those wanting to go deeper, consider that most militaries are there to protect the people from psychopaths and sociopaths who want them purposely harmed. Militaries harm evil ones to protect people who are basically good. Bullies harm others because they just want to. Bullies show signs of insanity by actions and also by actions, militaries show they are out to help and protect:.Matthew 7:16-20.

Bullies are those not respecting anything. They litter both their attitudes and physical garbage interacted with.

So what is 'wrong'? What went wrong? A child shows thoughts by actions. If the child acted in a manner that shows hate, greed, theft, risk of or injury to another, basically, the actions of a selfish brat, then he or she deserves a lesson that could very well keep him or her out of the way, when older, that leads to being a perpetrator and/or victim of some of today's horrible senseless crimes such as kids killing teachers, parents and other kids.

Kids intimidate others, bullying them.(a true sad story), making their lives uncomfortable, kids on the way to adulthood trying all that they please, drugs, wild driving, excessive consumption in areas that may interest them, including late night wild parties filled with the immediate selfish excitement of wild abandon, losing their figure and becoming porkers, making them even more distraught with themselves, acting out what they think the lives of their idols are like, because they are unable to grasp their own importance as an individual, unable to come to grips with this because no one showed them how much ability they could develop and effectively utilize skills of living. Add all these together and you get what a child deprived of proper parenting can cause.

Are you sure you know how your child is being with other children? You can get help with a stubbornly defiant, bullying type of child at bullyingcanada.ca

Teach your children respect, appreciation and thankfulness. How? When you teach them to say Yes, please, if they want what grandma or whoever else they trust, is offering. This shows both respect and appreciation for what it is they are willing to accept from whoever is offering it. And once they accept what was offered, teach them to say Thank you. This shows respect for the one who thought of the child and got something for him or her. It's all part of being courteous.

Proper discipline, includes spanking for behavior that refuses to conform to principles that would guarantee protection and a better life for the child once he or she matures. If you're not watching your children, then what are you watching?

A child's curiosity will lead him to try many things that are dangerous such as a hot stove. Parents need to be around their children. Cords hanging down from the stove can often be grabbed by a child, pulling hot water from the kettle, down on him or her.

Some untrained children carry on in tantrums, maybe then running away from parents onto a dangerous busy road. Some  even bite and/or badly scratch their siblings and do other cruel things to animals and people. They learn behaviors such as these from what they are exposed to. Without guidance from parents, they just won't know how to manage the thoughts coming to them out of the mass mind.

If your child must watch the tel-lie-vision, be sure you first review a few episodes of the programs before you allow him or her to watch.

Today TV and video games are the great programmer of actions. Treat what is on for viewing as if it was as potentially dangerous as are poisons some people have around the house for cleaning. Use vinegar instead.

If opportunities for your child to learn behaviors that are valuable for higher character are left off from from, your child's chances of later actions deemed as leading into criminal behavior have just increased markedly, with the upcoming step of first being a bully.

Tantrums begin around age 2. You've no doubt heard of the terrible two's. Tantrums lead parents to frustration and punishment. It's just that in the child, the ego is beginning to flourish. It shows need for spiritual guidance. Here is where the 'fork in the road' begins'. He or she wants to go the ways they may see, as they believe it to be the best road of happiness. 

Everything the child wants to do is to make him or her happy. Children need guidance here. Children at this juncture must come to see that there is a way apart from selfish ego promptings that will provide happiness without hurt to anyone including him or her. Children do not comprehend what their actions can cause. They are children! Why do you think children have parents anyway?

A smart parent will believe the Great Infinite's words when it comes to advice for child rearing. He made us. 

God constantly is chastening us, getting us fit for the highest position in life hereafter that is possible for us.

"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly."
...Robert Schuller