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-What causes some children to turn into killers? Was that their destiny?

More attention to the high chair will put cobwebs on the electric one.

"Around 1980 in North America ethics and morality were removed from being taught in the school system."....Dr. Pete Peterson. .(projectcamelot.org)

Since ethics and morality require intelligence, the dumbing down of people began.

The cruelest thing a parent can do is to neglect loving, caring, warm affection and being involved with their children. Leaving them to the TV and violent video arcade style games, is allowing children to be trained to kill. The article is here, by a professional of 25 years experience training soldiers to kill; getting the kill ratio up for the United States Army. And, in more detail, a 2 hour movie on mind control. Type 'mind control' into Brighteon.com or into a non-compromised search engine, unlike Google, YouTube, Facebook and some others. See the series on mind control in the Situation Updates, these ones.

Some think unruly males are born with an extra Y chromosome, the one that determines maleness. Others think not:."The idea that a particular gene causes any common behavioral phenotype seems quite unlikely."....Steven Hyman, director of the National Institute of Mental Health near Washington D.C., in New Scientist.(newscientist.com), May 20, 2000.

Saying we are 'slaves to our genes' is ludicrous! as Bruce Lipton has proved with his information on epigenetic control. But if one is predisposed because of genetic programming, etc..(look up mkUltra on the Net), then he or she might be a slave and not see a way out, because of what's been done to their mind. Or, it could be their gene base is different.

An inclination to be criminal does not come from a gene that was not manipulated. You can sit DNA protected in a lab atmosphere and wait forever for it to replicate and it will not. It just will not come alive!.Many.other factors are involved.

Genes are a production of and are supplied nutrition by the blood. Change the blood by altering nutrition and it can affect everything in the body. I say 'can', because of what follows on the part attitude and environment plays in it.

Scientists are looking down an 'endless hole' in gene research as they continue to hunt for genes that make individuals susceptible to one disease or another. This consumes hundreds of millions of dollars needlessly; needlessly that is, once one comprehends how genes are made and maintained. But that would be too easy.

Instead they leave out factors, obviously some unknown, some known, but not well understood or factors perhaps only hinted or guessed at. Left out is the fact how all is energy, including mind, and how mind affects all thinking within in.

Some are born with the Holy Spirit right from birth as was Emmanuel.(as to Emmanuel, this was confirmed later to Him:.Matthew 3:16,17).and John The Baptist and others.

Others turn to evil shortly after being born unless there is strong parental influence and guidance. Kids will bring out the strengths in parents if parents have strength to bring out the best in their kids:.Proverbs 27:17.

At any rate, some children become unruly, troublesome, or overly aggressive and seem likely to become criminals, starting out as bullies. Early training and exposure to love is important in counteracting these tendencies. 

We are autonomous beings. Our actions and even health is determined by decisions, not that which tells us what we are, the genes, which, by the way, can easily be changed. The mind is above the gene and can indeed influence it.

Care less parents who neglect their children's upbringing, leaving them to the glorified violence that is presented as 'fun' both on TV and in video games, can amplify such a child's negative.disposition

Studies have shown that some artificial colors and flavorings and other chemicals, suc as in vaccines, when present in the blood stream can excite the nervous system beyond normality and so we have what is called ADD/ADHD.

These excitaions are especially exacerbated by fluorescent lights, under which a child might site dailt under in school. The subject is impressively covered by the pioneer, Dr. John Ott.(type into an Internet seach engine).who originally did the beautiful time lapse photography of flowers as they 'awakened'. 

When love.(with all that means for the ultimate welfare of the child).and right affection is withheld from a child or severed through a separation of mom and dad, a fertile breeding ground for evil influences that bombard us all, leading to all kinds of overt.selfish expressions is produced:.Proverbs 18:2. The child's heart can be effectively left to itself.(or rather, left to the devil's {deeds of evil} influences coming from the mass mind when thoughts of curiosity open the door):.Proverbs 17:19; 22:15

The Creator is love:.1John 4:8,16. Anything not of love is headed eventually to destruction, of self and others. It's a law of the universe; do good, good follows, do evil, evil follows. But when does it come? 

One choice after another becomes easier to make for the evil until one is seared in character.(as if with a branding iron by having a perpetual consciousness of something harmful, such as people who have contributed to the evil in the world in large ways).and eventually finds himself in serious trouble. 

All positive involvement reaps strong character in kids. Spend time talking with your kids. Spend time hugging and holding them. Spend time teaching them what you sense they need to hear. Spend time having fun with them. Be sure to thank them and show that you respect and honor them. Let them spend time with you and other adults you are with, such as say, Sunday dinner, so they can see how adults should properly interact with one another. 

Tuck them into bed almost every night from about the age of three to thirteen or fourteen. It helps them to never be afraid to go to bed. Never send them away from you to go to bed. Take them to bed when it's time to wind down the day for everyone and you go to bed then too, even if it's early for you. Your kids are worth it.

The time before sleep is a most important time for children. The thoughts they have before dozing off set with them throughout the sleep period.

Lie across the bottom of the bed, scratch their legs, back, massage their feet, scratch their heads. They love it! This brings forth good emotions in them which stay with them all their lives. Get your kids thinking back on some good times they had with you all together.

What do you mean good? Build good memories in them of their times with you. The best thing to leave others with is good memories

Talk with them and let them ask questions or just talk to you. Be careful not to use the time as interrogation time which could put them on the defensive. 

All these things build a great bond between you and your children. Do ask them though, what was the favorite part of their day and why that it was so?

So, playing with them is important. Frisbee, catch the ball, a soft ball, using a ball glove sometimes so they learn how, using a bat and soft ball, throw the ball on the roof to catch it when it bounces back; learning basic cooking and selecting fresh vegetables and fruits are also good for them to learn. Teach them to think about what they are doing and how, while they are doing it. Reading, pronouncing and knowing what words mean is important. Enunciation is important. On rainy days, play inside with them; card games are good. Old Maid and similar children's card games are fun, checkers is fun; chess if they are older. Keep involved with them.

Take them on your anniversaries to have dinner with them. Take them out with friends when it's your invite and invite your friends' kids along too. Take them on most or all of your vacations. Seldom, if ever, get a baby sitter, especially one you may have qualms about. Use Ask Suby if you can't be in calmness over what you may be considering.

Nobody cares like you do for your kids. If you do need a baby sitter, watch if any negatives occur. These are warnings. Learn to listen to the little warnings in life. Few problems will ever then come along, just those for an easy learning, that is, if you do learn when it's easier. And if you don't?

"If you hold the thought, it begins to form.
If you speak the word, it draws ever near."
...more from Mike Dooley.(www.tut.com).a star in the movie.The Secret:
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