-How can the Holy
Spirit be quenched? 1Thessalonians
We came here with three
strikes against us. This all contributed to our individual programming.
This programming gives us
what to overcome once we become aware of a
higher and better standard. The struggle builds character necessary
for a great reward, but sometimes
our decisions almost kill us. We have our contradictory.natures.(Paul's
7:14-21, them being what we came
here with and along with the calls to good that come from God many
times a day to each person.
Through acceptance of alternate
from God's truth), we can render Christ
ineffective in and through us and grieve.(see
question above).or
do harm to the new attitude that is now being developed within us:.Ephesians
2:10 "For we are his workmanship created in Christ Emmanuel unto good
works which God has before ordained we walk in them."
-Why do at times I feel
more 'anointed' or have more of the Creator's nature of love than at other
times and especially when I fast?
One reason some people feel
more 'anointed'
at some times than others is because of thoughts that spur certain feelings
fasting clears
the mind.
It is not that at one time
you have more of the Holy Spirit. It is just that you express more from
your heart at some times more than others, depending upon what moods your
thoughts create:.Philippians
4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things
are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any
virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.".Thus
the importance of guarding your thoughts. Reading stories
like these.(Tommy
Cram, etc.).will
lift your thoughts.
One of the Creator given
desires we have is to feel good about ourselves,
but our thoughts often preclude
the manifestation
of Creator's nature that we now have. That is why He
took away sin. This is the power of what's called the
gospel. Great is the Creator's
power. And that is also why Paul tells us:.Philippians
2:5,6. In other words, be walking in the spirit.."Know
that each of you have access to use the powers of the Lord...do
not be afraid to take these powers.(Ephesians
3:17-19 "...you, being rooted and grounded in love be strong in taking...the
breadth and length and depth and height.{or,
the great power}...that you might be filled
with all the fulness of God."),
since you are granted them...Know that these powers may change both the
world in which you are located and the life, nature and everything around
Only a fool would do to himself
that which he believes would hurt him. The wrong message about God keeps
people from him.
Many still 'sin against
looking at themselves in the context
of their past experiences in this life.(Philippians
of looking at themselves the way God looks at them.
The Holy Spirit needs
truth to work on. And you need life to live through. That is why thew
Holy Spirit is effective in those honest with themselves, those who see
good in others as Jacob did:.Romans
If you're in a life of faith, then all is good; the
made up humorous story.
Many of us, having been programmed
by life, distrust most everybody and everything. Double minded people receive
nothing of their deepest desires.(James
1:6-8) because:.Romans
Many living lives of self
dishonesty and rationalizing
to the negative what they see, circumvent
good thoughts from affecting them. A father showing affection to his daughter
may be viewed by some who see evil 'everywhere', as a father who
'probably is' a sexual abuser.
Human nature.(Job
5:7; Titus 3:3),
our egos, with
their input into the collective
mass mind of humanity and their receiving out of this collective consciousness,
is one of the strokes against
us. Negative tendencies
and expressions of human nature are from our
egos and therefore are vanity
and selfishness:.Romans
8:7 "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject
to the law of God, neither indeed can be."Matthew
This is inherent
in us all. We all came here with it and with the opportunity of life to
move from it. That' what it's all about.
If not, this effectively keeps us from
higher consciousness things of God until He works His
2:3. The Creator's nature in us tends
to the hopeful and believing. With it one wants to see the best in others.
Without it one is morose,
-If the Holy Spirit was
not given until after Emmanuel
was resurrected.(John
7:39), why does it talk of the
Holy Spirit as being with David.(1Samuel
16:13; Psalms 51:11, 139:7),
2:25), Bezaleel.(Exodus
1:15), Jahaziel.(2Chronicles
20:14), Moses.(Isaiah
those in the
new priesthood back then:.Exodus
28:3; others:.Numbers
14:24; etc..(1Peter
The Holy Spirit has always
been the essence
of the Creator, the intelligent high consciousness energy we refer to as
love, the love we only see
in others when we seek to know their
soul, the real them of them which is the spirit of them connected with
the Soul's energy, which quantum
physics has proven to be the fundamental sustaining force below all
1:1-3; 6:63.
But how is it a sustaining
force, a sustaining energy? And how
can we understand this?
Whatever the Creator decides,
that is carried out by the
power the Creator has which flows immediately as a result of His decisions
and affects what He intends. The Holy Spirit moved those in Old Testament
1:21. But not all
of them.
The Holy Spirit was with
certain people whom the Creator wanted it to be with at the time:.Luke
1:15; 1:41; 1:67;
1:16; Exodus 28:3; 31:3;
11:16,17,25,26; 27:18;
3:10; 6:34;
16:13; 2Samuel 23:2. After
this time it became generally available.(Joel
2:28; John 14:16,26).to
all seeking to be of high consciousness, but even the ones of low consciousness
wanted it:.Acts
One must be throughly fed
up with the results in his life as caused by the ego
level, as this then turns the spiritual key to unlock the door into
higher consciousness, as it did in Derek's
A special decision was implemented.(that
was planned from the beginning: Ephesians
Revelation 1:8; Colossians
Emmanuel rose from His death and again was with God the Father in this
place called heaven: Now we are adopted into the very family of God.(Hebrews
still living and breathing here on Earth, the Holy Spirit being in us now
and forever:.John
Romans 8:15; Galatians
Because the
righteousness that Christ made possible.(which
was necessary to have the intimate Father/Son
relationship we can now have).was
not available under the old
covenant of the Old
hadn't come and died and been resurrected and revealed the Father by His
living on Earth in the individual
we call Emmanuel), they
could only have the Holy Spirit in a way other than sonship.(*).
But now it's a different
story. Galatians 3:26-28;
2:14 "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us,
which was contrary to us and took it out of the way, nailing it to his
Once in Christ all our bads
and evils are gone, forever.
The Creator expressed as
the one who became Emmanuel.
The Creator also expresses
us. Why?.Philippians
3:21 "Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like
unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even
to subdue all things unto himself.".1John
3:26 "For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Emmanuel."
As mentioned above, the Holy
Spirit was with certain of them of old but not as a catalyst
necessary for sonship. Now it's a different story. The power to become
a son of the Creator, is available to all who accept Christ.(what
does this mean?):.John
1:12. To accept something one must understand what it means, otherwise
it's hocus-pocus.
Learn what
Christ means. Learn what the Lord
means. Learn about Emmanuel
and how they all tie in together and what they mean for us.
The sons of God including
Emmanuel, our
brother spiritually, are the end product of the Father. The Creator
is reproducing Himself. Within every father is the potential for sons;
us in the physical realm,
for physical offspiring and, the Infinite One in the spiritual realm for
spiritual offspring. The purpose of humanity is to become pure spirit and
there is only one way that can
come about.
The fruits of the Holy Spirit
in one are:.Galatians