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2:1 If there be therefore any consolation
in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if
any bowels and mercies,
Philippians 2:2 Fulfil you my joy, that you be
likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
2:2 Fulfil you my joy, that you be likeminded, having the
same love, being of one accord.(original
Greek for word 'accord' is to be 'together with the feelings of others',
'be having empathy';
in unity with
them as the triune God is with
us; involved with others, seeing how you may be able to help and be
in service to others in some way), of one mind.
One mind meaning
all having the same love, like all living with
and made to breath in this thing called air and drink this thing called
water. One can choose not to love and one can choose not to breathe, etc.
but why would you?
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife
or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind.let
each esteem others as able to become better than themselves.
2:3 Let nothing be done through strife.(original
is 'partisanship').or
wants to be worshipped, to secure increasing attention from others; instead,
consider circumstances of others to see how you yourself would feel if
you were in their shoes and help if you can and if you can't, learn
how to become able to) but in lowliness of mind.(lowliness
of mind is humility).let
each esteem others
as able to become better than themselves.(what
does this mean? and don't turn others away & more:.Matthew
In the original:.'...in
lowliness of mind let each esteem others.(in
order to be).to
be close to another'; also means.'in
humility be a shining example'. a shining
example of what? A shining example of kindness, helpfulness and respect
for others. Why? Because you know that we are
all one and highly regarding another is highly regarding yourself (what
you think of others is what you think of yourself), therefore esteeming
others as better means to want everyone (including you) to be better in
all ways (what you are like, what you do to and for others, is what also
affects you and your life; esteem is an attitude of love and cooperation
as opposed to selfishness and competition:.Matthew
22:39 "...love your neighbour as yourself."
10:24 "Let no man seek his own, but every man another's welfare."
Where is says.'better'.it
actually means in the original, 'to regard others in joy', that is, you
are happy about being able to help.
If everyone
followed in their heart and actions what this scripture means, we would
not have the 'lord it over others' type of individual who subjugates
(the bullies) the kind, considerate
and meek of the Earth.
2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also
on the things of others.
about what others are concerned about enough to pray for what's on their
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was
also in Christ Emmanuel.
2:5 Let.(original
for 'let' is 'to be likeminded'; in other words, it's what one think's
about; if thoughts are about religious
legalism, that is, about do's & don'ts one should do to get himself
or herself righteous, they can't be based upon rightousness
by faith and he or she then is keeping themselves
in sin,
it were:.Romans
14:23 "...whatsoever is not of faith is sin."Galatians
"this mind".(original
for word 'mind' is 'comprehending',
so, let this mind or this thinking).be
in you, which was also in Christ.Emmanuel.
mind was that?
And was this
the mind in Christ that Paul here is saying that
we also should have? If not the
higher consciousness thinking of Christ and God-Father-Creator, then
what other mind? Certainly not the satanic influenced low
consciousness one.
Note that it's
the same mind,
a oneness. If it's the
same mind, then
are we equal
at least in
The same mind within Christ is an attribute
which comprises.the
mind of grace, an aspect
of love.
To let the
same mind be in you means to just elevate it by your conscious mind knowing
that it is so.(*),
that is, the spiritual things show forth the mind of God in you. Here the
stillness is important and so is taking one scripture in your mind
for the day. And
does one bring his conscious mind to this point?
Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought
it not robbery to be equal with God.
2:6 Who, being in the form of God.(and
just what is God's
form?), thought it
not robbery.(or,
a crime, as something that one should not think or do).to
be equal
with God.
Or you could
say that 'being formed of the Creator, He understood equality with the
2:7 But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of
a servant and was made in the likeness of men.
2:8 And being found in fashion as a man.(Hebrews
2:17), he.(Emmanuel),
he humbled himself.(because
of what man came here with, regular ego
man is averse
to humility).and
became obedient unto death.(He
death so all humanity would be out of sin and its eventual penalty,
but He could have chosen for His own life to carry on, but where then would
that have left us?.Matthew
26:53; Emmanuel willingly did what he did.{Isaiah
He loved the Father {John 10:30;
26:53; Hebrews 7:27} and knew
what his death would mean for all humanity:.John
3:17), even the death on the cross..(?)
2:9 Wherefore God.(who
is above all).also
has highly exalted him and given him a
name which is above.(Ephesians
1:21).every name.
name really means all that He is about.
2:10 That at the name of Emmanuel
every knee should.(word
'should' is not in the original).bow.(what
He did was of such importance to help humanity), of things
in heaven.(the
non terrestrial special forces that are here helping the Alliance of 16
Earth nations and are the ones dealing with the worst of the demon creatures
before the Alliance moves in, completing the cleanup).and
things in Earth.(that
is, terrestrials,
but in the DUMBs and tunnels, as described on the opening page of this
site).and things under the Earth.(DUMBs
{Deep Underground Military Bases}, huge tunnels and subterranean
cities, some that go down as much as 800 miles);
with Barnes
Notes: The words 'things' in this verse are inserted words by the
translators. Considering the phrase 'every knee', the words 'things' should
have been translated 'beings' referring to the heavenly angels and those
having chosen the dark side of living, called demons,
who manage over those they have stolen from the Earth's surface for the
underground places and what they do to them there.
More about
these beings under the Earth? Listen to gene
Decode's videos on this and see
some of the underground creatures.
2:11 And that every tongue should confess.(original
for 'should confess' is 'agree'; word 'should' not there in original).that
the Christ is God, to His glory.
Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as you
have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my
absence,.work out your own salvationwith
fear and trembling.
2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed.(original
is 'open-minded
willingness to learn), not as in my presence only, but now much
more in my absence,.work out your own.(be
smart enough to see that spiritual
disiplines keep you growing spiritually and when you are not getting
what is possible from life, you need to drill down {1,
to find out why the problems and where you seem to be going against life
{2Corinthians 13:5}, because
the multiverse is all out to give you your heart's desires {John
10:10} and the so much more so when you have a heart to help others
less fortunate {Proverbs 31:8,9}).salvation.(salvation
is something you have that saves you from anything against you
{1Peter 3:13} and in working out youir
own salvation, your spiritual growth, requires you to live your own guidance
from God, that is, determining beforehand that any actions will always
in line with the love that is in you:.1John
4:4).with fear and trembling.(or,
carefully {we need to be careful what we come to believe before acting
on it because we live our lives out of our beliefs, be sure they are in
alignment with God}; and why
'fear and trembling'?..(?)
Are you working
out your own salvation or waiting for the money
to continue working out your physical life? Or, maybe it's some of both?
Try to see it as God does. God sees your character of love being expressed
as most important. The last thing God wants is to let you drown yourself,
lost in a lifestyle of opulence:.1Peter
Philippians 2:13 For it is God which
works in your life both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
2:13 For it is God which works in you both to will.(original
for 'to will' is 'will', 'would', 'have in mind').and
to do of his.(word 'his'
not in original).good pleasure.('good
pleasure' means to work on the things that are good for yourself.and
the original:."For
it is God (the Great Infinite Intelligent
Creative Energy), this energy on and thorough
you that is both desires of your mind and the energy to perform them for
your satisfaction and the help and healing of all humanity."
So, you work
out your own salvation, but it is the Creator doing it, it is the Creator
that brings you to Him this way,
once you take one step, God takes another. Therefore you too are a creator
when in alignment with God.
Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings
and disputings.
2:14 Do all things without.(original
can also mean 'apart from').murmurings.(grudging,
10:10).and disputings,
is to bring up all kinds of reasons why it should be done differently or
not done at all, which really just puts off getting on with doing anything;
doubting, arguing and being aversive
Philippians 2:15 That you may be blameless and harmless
the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation
among whom you shine as lights in the world.
2:15 That you may be blameless and harmless.(original
is 'pure', 'unmixed'; unmixed, that is, with the
low consciousness ego level we all should be moving away from,.how?)
the sons of God without rebuke.(blameless)
in the midst of a crooked
and perverse nation among whom you shine
as lights in the world.(unless
your shine is that of greed as their's is, a more for me, me, me type of
Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that
I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither
laboured in vain.
2:16 Holding forth.(keep
spiritual things going in your life by giving time for them).the
word.(or 'words' as
the original has it).of life; that
I may rejoice
in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured
in vain.
2:17 Yea and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your
faith, I joy and rejoice with you all.
2:18 For the same cause also do you joy and rejoice with me.
2:19 But I trust in the Lord Emmanuel to send Timotheus shortly unto
you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state.
2:20 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your
Christians of various degrees of spirituality were with Paul,
but few cared for others as Timothy
did, who appears to have the same genuine concern for others as the
disciple John who was endeared
by Christ.
2:21 For all seek their own, not
the things which are Emmanuel
the Christ's.
2:22-24 But you know the proof of him, that as a son with the father
he has served with me in the gospel. Him therefore I hope to send presently,
so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. But I trust in the Lord
that I also myself shall come shortly.
Philippians 2:25,26 Yet I supposed it necessary
to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and companion in labour and fellowsoldier,
but your messenger and he that ministered to my wants. For he longed after
you all and was full of heaviness, because that you had heard that he had
been sick.
2:25,26 Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus.(a
resident of the city of Philippi
and member of the church
raised up there; Paul was going to send this Epaphroditus right away and
Timothy and perhaps even himself, sometime later), my brother and
companion in labour and fellowsoldier, but your messenger.(he
was to take Paul's letter {Philippians} that Paul wrote in Rome, to those
in the recently raised up church in the city of Philippi).and
he that ministered to my wants. For he longed after you all and was full
of heaviness, because that you had heard that he had been sick.
2:27 For indeed he was sick nigh unto death. But God had mercy on him
and not on him only but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
2:28-30 I sent him therefore the more carefully, that, when you see
him again, you may rejoice and that I may be the less sorrowful. Receive
him therefore in the Lord with all gladness and hold such in reputation,
because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his
life, to supply your lack of service toward me.