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-Which is the one true church today?

Matthew 7:24,25 "Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock."

The true church is comprised of beings of love, of which, on Earth they are generally human beings.(sometimes angels).becoming stable by believing and doing the sayings of He who came to rescue man from himself.(Ephesians 4:8), that is, the church is a spiritual body comprised of those willing to express the love of the Infinite One by living from a higher consciousness than the egos we all have developed and instead following the example:.1Corinthians 10:4 "And did all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ." John 6:68 "Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

John 8:12 "Then spoke Emmanuel again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world. The one that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life."

The 'church' is a group of people gathered to do some service and is an embodiment of those who are in Christ, meaning those willing to express the love of the Infinite One, whether they 'go to a church' in a building or not. God dwells in His church, the people who want to be aligned with God: Acts 17:24,25. The church is the people, not a building somewhere. It's good to be with others who also believe somewhat as you do:.Hebrews 10:24,25. See the word 'church'.

Today many people get together by being of the same mind.(Romans 12:16; 1Corinthians 1:10). It depends not on whether there is two of them or more:.Matthew 18:19,20. If there is just you, know that there is never just you. Many you love may have passed on, but they are still there. You can simply talk with them and be with them in spirit, that is in your heart, in your quiet times. They are there and here! They are real. You need none other to connect you. Just you.

The church is also used in a negative sense when it refers to a satanically influenced one:.Revelation 17:4,18.

And what are human beings who have become believers? They are a collective body of love, a body of believers and doers, not a body of doctrines absorbed from tombs of isolation.

A human being is a process, a process of being what one is, which is a process made up of systems, cell regeneration, immune system, nervous systems, sexual system, digestive system, elimination system, temperature system, etc., all contributing to what makes us the oneness that is a human. All these together make us what we call human.

The true church today is comprised of believers.(lively stones).who are writing Christ's nature of love upon their hearts and expressing that nature in loving works toward others by prayer, study, meditation and by reaching others, so they too can become stable in hope:.Hebrews 6:18.

What is the process of becoming stable?.Ryle Gospels:."When a substance is brought into contact with some chemical compound, which has greater affinity for one of its elements than the other element has, the old combination is dissolved and a new and more stable one is formed."

Christ's glory was in manifesting the Father-Creator to others, as He was sent to reveal the Father.

Emmanuel, the Great Shepherd.(John 10:11,14,15,17).likened believers to a little flock of sheep He carefully watches over.(Luke 12:32).and will reward:.1Peter 5:4. Some so-called 'spiritual' persons are goats.

What did Paul call those in the church?.Hebrews 12:23,24

Original Greek for word 'church' is 'those called out to' or 'assembled ones'. And when did this happen? And, what is the church anyhow?.Matthew 18:20.

Those called by God, those awakened to Him.(born again:.Hebrews 12:23), "the general assembly.(Hebrews 10:25; {on Matthew 18:20}).church of the firstborn" and "spirits of just men made perfect" assembled before God, the angels and Emmanuel

Called out from what? Called out from the world. What's that? The world is the collective consciousness of society that has made the age we live in what it is today, some good, but mostly negative and selfish, often hateful, menacingly hurtful and harassing. The world today, in varying.degrees, depending on location, holds people in a state of constant threat. And, that is because of the egos of all of us being subject to the general attitude of the time nad place; the taste and outlook characteristic of a period or generation. But it can be changed to a higher consciousness so easily most miss it. Just ask God to lead you into a better existence here and from now on and you'll come into the state of being where you've moved from antagonizing others with anger and frustrations:.Romans 13:10.

Always apologize to anyone you may have acted in a non loving manner to.

The church is something you're part of when in Christ, that is, of the same mind as He which is also the mind of the Father:.John 14:9. It's the realm of high consciousness. 

The church is not something you go to. 'Church' is fellowship with others who believe similarly in what is good. The church is something you may go to, BUT spiritually speaking, Who you belong to is not the church. You may go to a church, a building or somewhere else where others thinking similarly you meet. But you belong to God first and foremost:.2Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us." Matthew 22:37 "Emmanuel said unto him Thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.".And why wouldn't you want to when God has made possible everything for us? We just have to learn how to receive it!

It is better to attend church ofttimes.(frequently, repeatedly).and at least fellowship with, hopefully, a few others there who may be 'truth seekers' and to approach all that is said by the minister or anyone for that matter, as the Bereans did:.Acts 17:10,11. At least here you have an opportunity to add to your reward:.Hebrews 10:24,25 "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching.(today, what is this?).".They were sure back then that Christ's return was imminent and if you have heard of the 'lost 100 years', you will know why some are still expecting His return today..(*)

The word "forsaking" in Hebrews 10:25 in the original denotes "a fixed position in place or time" and implies to "utterly forsake" and to "totally abandon" and to "completely leave behind".

One who loves others, prays for them, loves the truth of what Creator-God is all about, loves God with all that means and reads and studies his Bible, is not forsaking the assembling together with others, even though it may appear so to those not realizing that perhaps the person just prefers to be around those more mature in spiritual love, as opposed to any present company who may be somewhat.hypocritical, position climbing and generally Pharisaically minded. Both Emmanuel and Paul went to be alone:.Mark 1:11-13; Galatians 1:15-18.

We are called to believe.(John 6:29).and belong to others and to be a good example:.1Timothy 4:12; 1Peter 2:21.

The Creator looks on the heart.(1Samuel 16:7; Acts 1:24); Psalms 7:9), not the superficial affiliation, nor the ego generated motivations that alter how we present ourselves with each person we encounter.."If you come to the next community hour, please don't come unprepared. Come prepared. Prepare for everything, do it, not outwardly; the clothes don't matter. If you come in work clothes or from working in the coal celler, it doesn't matter. I don't pay attention to outer appearances, but rather I look at the heart and I also look into it. I don't look at the outside, no, I look into every human being; whether and to what extent he still has a good core. This is what I look at."....Bruno Gröning..And what if one's core is rotten?

Psychologists have said that we have about six different personas, each side having variations. Depending on whom we may be interacting with at the moment, they may be seeing one of those sides or perhaps a composite of a few of them. One has difficulty being what his or her real self is when at the ordinary consciousness level.

We have our work persona, our 'buddy' persona when sitting in a bar with friends, our parent persona, our respect persona in the doctor's office or at meet the teacher time and so on. And we think this confused set of emotions is all there is to us. Where is the real self from which our personas emanate from and where does the real self come from? What does this invisible life consist of?

The heart goes deep:.Ephesians 3:10,18,19. Emmanuel taught about the heart.

We probably never will completely see eye to eye on all things, even related to love, till we are in the Kingdom of God within us and maybe not even then, because we are always learning and growing in love, knowledge and expression.

The mental state of love without ego impulses exemplifies God, but the important thing here is that love for one another is far above differences of doctrines and church affiliations.(Ephesians 4:13), but not for some.

We are the Creator's temple:.1Corinthians 3:17 "If any man defile the temple.(how?).of God, he's on the road to destruction where God destroys.(how?), for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are." Ephesians 2:22 "In whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit."

And the temple is growing in size the more persons select love as their raison d'être..(*)

Righteousness.(righteousness is not you working your rear end off to be as religious and holy as you possibly can, it's simply a gift one can accept and like any gift, can also be refused).plays a large part in being awakened to the spiritual life Emmanuel was a living exampole of, thus being in the true church:.1Corinthians 15:34.

-Are those who have killed in war guilty of murder and go to hell?

The Old Testament command 'thou shalt not kill'.(Exodus 20:13).meant to commit no murder, to not kill out of malice, greed or hate toward a particular person and to not assassinate.(premeditated 1st degree murder).others in any way. People are to live free of hindrances and in peace.

"Every human being has an attendant spirit and wise are
they who obey its signals. If it does not always tell us what
to do, it always cautions us what not to do.(Matthew 22:37-40)."....Lydia M. Child, abolitionist.(against all forms of slavery), activist, 1802-1880.