be born again?.John
3:6,7. What does this 'born again' stuff mean?.Colossians
3:3 "For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God." Romans
6:4 "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism.(what
death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of
the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."
5:1 "Whosoever believes that Emmanuel is the Christ is born of God
and every one that loves him that begat, loves him also that is begotten
of him."
"Since all were in Christ
at the cross.(but
also there at the beginning with God the Father;.2Timothy
1:9), all were born from the dead
at his resurrection."....Michael
talked about being born again:.Matthew
2:8 "And being found in fashion as a man.(Hebrews
2:17), he.(Emmanuel).humbled
himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.".Humanity
after Emmanuel's death on the cross, was reborn in Christ. This is shown
by righteousness
being imputed unto all. Problem is, all are not
yet awakened to this, yet, as first we need to be alerted
to it.
was a Pharisee
and a member of the Sanhedrin.
He came to Emmanuel to learn more of what Emmanuel had earlier said:.John
3:3-8 "Emmanuel answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto
you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus
said unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second
time into his mother's womb and be born? Emmanuel answered, Verily,
verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh
is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that
I said unto you, You must be born again. The wind blows where it lists
and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell from where it comes and
where it is going, so is every one that is born of the Spirit."
People feel as they do because
they have never seen why they are here
in the first place.
Inside you is your spirit's
connection with the
Soul which keeps all things in the entire multiverse working as they
should. You can test it and prove it to
be so.
The virgin birth of Emmanuel
brought forth both the opportunity to have God in the flesh on Earth as
well as God in the spirit of man.
It has been our
egos, which were needed
for the journey to where we presently are in life. But without a known
option for us, a new better highway to switch onto, we just were able to
continue on as best we could with the 'passenger' we started life's journey
with, the passenger that kept us submerged from awakening to higher consciousness
desires, by occupying our attention with all the things of this life. And
so it was supposed to be:.Galatians
4:1-3 "Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differs
nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all, But is under tutors
and governors until the time appointed of the father. Even so we, when
we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world.".In
this ego frame of mind, we all are subject to the tricks
of the dark side as perpetrated
by humanity's selfish egos which open the door for more of the kind of
stuff we don't really want, but seem so subject to:.Romans
7:19 "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would
not, that I do.".Because
of this we are subject to being conned.
The ego responds to the things
concerning the self which are in the
mass mind..Something
had to carry you along in life until
5:18 "In every thing give thanks..."
Learn ways to act from your
true self, which is your soul
When you do this, your ego is bypassed and you leave your
for the real you.
Considering the spiritual/physical
of the Bible, this being born again, a spiritual birth, equates
to a virgin birth.
Being born again is a process
of virgin birth as is comes from inside you alone, where there is first
an initial definite
response from the brain being affected by the light of the Soul, a light
which increases as we apply more 'electricity' to it. How?
Being born again means to
be born
from 'above', that is from
beyond the physicality of life.
To 'die' in one world brings
life in another. One can die in this world and still live in it:.Colossians
3:3. Find the part of you that is unborn, which would be the connection
of your spirit with the Soul and you will be free
of birth and death because the freeness here is forever. Then you are
born again, this time of the spirit through its connection with the Soul
and this is
a forever thing:.Romans
8:2; Hebrews 10:14.
It's a process of moving
into a higher consciousness and it may take several reincarnations
to learn any particular lessons each of us comes again to this school of
Earth to learn. In this opportunity everyone
is equal, because in reality we are all one and equally have opportunity
for moving into and eventually staying withn the higher consciousness realm.
We have been conditioned
by the use of our names to think that we are separate from others, but
we are all in the same Soul once connected to it. We have allowed by default,
things to affect us as if we are separate beings, things like being defined
by external influences.
What is really happening
in this oneness is not seen by those
living their lives from the ego. What is really happening is the
multiversal intelligence is experiencing itself through individual
forms all formed from the oneness
underneath it all. We are all of the Creator and all of us exist within
the intelligent energy of His creation.(*).
Being born again is a process
that requires learning things.
12:2 "And be not conformed
to this world.(conformed);
but be you transformed.(original
for 'transformed' implicates
'maturity' and can also mean 'another form', another form of what? what
else but your existence; form
refers to habits of a person where it talks of being transformed; transformed
what and to
the renewing of your mind, that you may prove.(original
for 'prove' is 'test out, examine', 'to see if it's genuine and produces
what it promises', 'to test in order to approve':.Acts
17:11; Hebrews 5:14).what
is that good and acceptable and perfect, will of God.".And
do you do this?
This great work on the mind
is supernatural. It is not an operation which a man performs for himself
by his own works. Instead, a new principle impregnates the heart and gives
birth to a new connection through one's
spirit to the Soul. One begins to understand differently and becomes
a new man or woman:.2Corinthians
5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old
things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new." Isaiah
43:15-22 "I am the Lord, your Holy One, the creator...Behold, I will
do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will
even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...I give waters
in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.(the
Creator can refresh one's life), to
give drink to my people, my chosen. This people have I formed for myself.
They shall show forth my praise. But you have not called upon me."
This new nature is so far
away from the regular ego nature of humanity, the nature of control over
others to their hurt, the greed, excessive desires for that which is harmful,
manipulation and constant calculating for selfish advantage:.Psalms
10:2,3 "The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor. Let them be taken
in the devices that they have imagined.(reap
what we sow). For the wicked boasts
of his heart's desire and blesses the covetous,
whom the Lord abhors."
Unless the Creator calls
us, drawing us to Him,
we would never find the true God:.Ecclesiastes
3:11 "...he has set the world in their heart so that no man can find
out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end.".People
are the way they are because of having allowed conditioning of their lives.
This is our human nature
in its reacting to circumstances.
Human nature reacts from the focal
point of self. Because this is the normality
of man, it clouds out spiritual things like clouds hide the Sun.
The reincarnationists,
various forms of Buddhism,
and dozens of other
eastern religions,
many New Agers,
al, believe in coming back for another physical life here and some
believe that one comes back in some other form.
Although angels
can take any shape and even be in animals, it can't be expected that a
human with such a higher consciousness than animals, would come back as
something lower; not generally
anyhow, although it did happen once:.Daniel
Some believe you come back
as a flea, a moth, a giraffe or, you name it! Personally I believe we all
come back as
grebes, just kidding!
So what is being 'born again'?
that Emmanuel is the Christ.(what
born of God.....".That
simple! That effective! If you believe that, you are born of the Creator
and the
spiritual progression
along the road of higher consciousness will continue. And, once born, you
cannot be unborn:.Ephesians
But what should we expect
from being born again? Let's use this principle:.Romans
1:20. So we can expect to now understand spiritual things:.John
3:3; 1Corinthians 2:12.
And let us first consider
that, as intelligent energy was formed into our individual spirit.(*),
making us that which it is that we are, we too have
always existed and were planned by God. We are of the same intelligent
universal energy out of which all came:.Revelation
All things, including us,
are in this Invisible Intelligent Energy, which is the Creator-Father,
the one we simply call God, the One way 'beyond' it all, beyond
the atom.
The word God is from the
original word Elohim,
a plural word.
The Word, a
function of the Infinite Intelligent Energy, created the multiverse.(Ephesians
3:9; Colossians 1:16; 1Corinthians
2:7; Revelation 4:11).and
all things in it seen and unseen, including all
our souls, that is, the invisible energies that come from the Word
are programmed to carry out what the Word itself created, such as
the automatic things of our physical bodies.
We do not recall what it
was then, because of the memory wipes done to erase traumatic memories
of lives we may have had priorly.
In some cases, the erasing of memories was done by the cabal to keep you
bound to Earth - see the video there about Charlie interviewing gene Decode
and at about 35 minutes in. https://www.blessedforservice.org/info/interviews-videos
We were created back then,
we became physical, but those
resurrected are able to recall a few of their past lives, at least
enough to see a trend of what he or she was like during those times. Was
it like a tape recorder, where the Creator, the Word, takes the
tape out of one recorder.(us
before we were physical).and
puts it in a different recorder.(us
in the physical)? You cannot rewind
the tape to play back what spirit life was like for you before. That is
the way the Creator had originally wanted it, but now it's a different
story. Why?."Today
the memory allows to hold concurrently
the fact of one's life as well as the fact on non-dying that is, virtually,
the fact of parallel
life, which was possible due to the space-time
shift. And this is fundamentally new knowledge, which states that the knowledge
of any number of lives may be available all at the same time."....Grigori
Grabovoi. This knowledge and more for each of us, comes from progressing
in the Silence. How
does one
in the Silence?
The Creator gives us a glimpse:.1Corinthians
2:9. So then, why are we here?
When you came in the physical
you could not remember the past. When you are 'born again', this time of
higher consciousness, the
higher consciousness of the Creator, perhaps you should forget your
physical past, at least the
part that thinking about does no good; the guilt, the bad things we
have all done.
I mean, the
Creator says He does not see them, so why on Earth should we rehash
them. Pass on from the negative.
Allow old negatives to die. Lift up and away from the ordinary consciousness
ego level that has brought life to where it is now for you. Approach life
brand new:.Philippians
3:13,14 ".....this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are
behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward
mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Emmanuel.".Note
that God is in Christ. Understand what
Christ is. Understand you are equal
with God when of the same high consciousness that He is.
6:4 ".....walk in newness of life."
7:6 ".....serve in a newness of the spirit."
6:6 tells us to stop serving sin.(original
is to stop 'missing the mark' of not hitting on the kind of life really
desired). You are now brand new. Believing
it, is the cause for its occurrence in your life. Believe it so new life
occurs for you too, as it did for this
5:17 "Therefore if any
man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
Old things are passed away. Behold,
things are become new."
4:24 advises us to."put
on the new man". Saturate yourself with these
truths. Turn off the TV a lot more often:.Ephesians
5:14. Your life will take on meaning that has substance for eternal
life. Learn about the technologies
of consciousness and memory, so you
too can create. You will notice a remarkable change, proof personally
to you that in your heart you now
know for sure.the
secrets of forever.
10:20 "By a new and living way, which he has consecrated for us....."
Emmanuel in John
3:3 said that if you are born again, you can see the Kingdom of God.
The word 'see' means 'to fully comprehend
so as it becomes a part of you', 'to discern', 'to comprehend to the extent
that it is a mechanical.(habit).part
of you', 'to know as reality'.
And why
can one not 'see' it, until born again?
And in
3:5 Emmanuel talks of being born of water
and the spirit.