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E a s t e r n  R e l i g i o n s
p a g e  8

But Mohammed was the last and most perfect prophet. The Koran teaches that mans good and bad deeds are being recorded by each man's two recording angels and on the last day, Allah will weigh them in the balances. Some will go to paradise, where they will recline on soft couches with cups of wine, given to them by virgins, of whom each man may marry as many as he pleases. Others will go to Hell where they will be in unmerciful torment. If a man dies in war, defending Islam, he is guaranteed eternal life in paradise. 

The Bible teaches that Creator-God is not divorced from His creatures and loves man dearly. He is a God of love, grace and mercy and does call us children. Emmanuel the Christ was called the Son of God. God desires a relationship with His children.

The Bible reveals that salvation can be certain and sin has been provided for through the death of Emmanuel. In Islam, Allah would never permit the suffering of an innocent on behalf of others let alone one of his prophets who he could easily rescue. God motivates man through grace, not fear, through relationship, not legalism. According to the Bible, Christianity was founded by a risen Christ who said:.John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."

Shintoism:.The indigenous religion of Japan consisting chiefly in the cultic devotion to deities of natural forces and veneration of the Emperor as a descendant of the sun Goddess.

Sikhism:.A monotheistic.(one God).religion of India founded about 1500 by Guru Nanak and marked by rejection of idolatry and caste.(any of four classes, comprising numerous subclasses, constituting Hindu {a native of India} society). A Sikh is an adherent of Sikhism.

Taoism, Taoist(s), Taoistic:.A Chinese mystical philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-tzu in B.C.E. the 6th century that teaches conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity; a religion developed from Taoist philosophy and folk and Buddhist religion and concerned with obtaining long life and good fortune. Taoists for instance, consider 'will' the source of the problems of humanity. They speak of 'non-volitional' living, that is, living one's life as it comes. The word is from Mandarin Chinese 'dào' meaning 'way'.

They do not realize that they can get out of the mass mind of humanity and truly make life as each individual determines..(*)

Zoroastrianism:.A Persian religion founded in B.C.E. 6th century by the prophet Zoroaster, promulgated in the Avesta and characterized by worship of a supreme God Ahura Mazda who requires good deeds for help in his cosmic struggle against the evil spirit Ahriman.


Coincidence is the Creator's way of remaining anonymous.
